Does scalatest can work with jmockit? - scalatest

Is it possible to get scalatest to work with jmockit ?
I would like to use the #MockClass(realClass = DatabaseManager.class) techniques of jmockit.


Use content of a tuple as variable session

I extracted from a previous response an Object of tuple with the following regex :
.check(regex(""""idSc":(.{1,8}),"pasTemps":."codePasTemps":(.),"""").ofType[(String,String)].findAll.saveAs ("OBJECTS1"))
So I get my object :
OBJECTS1 -> List((1657751,2), (1658105,2), (4557378,2), (1657750,1), (916,1), (917,2), (1658068,1), (1658069,2), (4557379,2), (1658082,1), (4557367,1), (4557368,1), (1660865,2), (1660866,2), (1658122,1), (921,1), (922,2), (923,2), (1660875,1), (1660876,2), (1660877,2), (1658300,1), (1658301,1), (1658302,1), (1658309,1), (1658310,1), (2996562,1), (4638455,1))
After that I did a Foreach and need to extract every couple to add them in next requests So we tried :
.foreach("${OBJECTS1}", "couple") {
But I get the message : named 'couple' does not support index access
I also though that to use 2 regex on the couple to extract both part could work but I haven't found any way to use a regex on a session variable. (Even if its not needed for this case but possible im really interessed to learn how as it could be usefull)
If would be really thankfull if you could provided me help. (Im using Gatling 2 but can,'t use a more recent version as its for work and others scripts have been develloped with Gatling2)
each "couple" is a scala tuple which can't be indexed into like a collection. Fortunately the gatling EL has a function that handles tuples.
so instead of
you can use

Matching elements by property ends with in WebDriverIO

I am used to Selenium WebDriver were I can do something like this:
ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> magicPills = _webDriver.FindElements(By.CssSelector("span[id$='_Blue_Pills']"));
How do I do the same thing in WebDriverIO? I couldn't find anything in the docs that stated StartsWith, EndsWith, or whatever.
My first failed attempt is:
const magicPills = $('span.$_Blue_Pills');
Give a try as like below in wdio:
const magicPills = $$('span[id$='_Blue_Pills']');
$() returns a webElement not elements
and you can use the same cssSelector you tried in selenium_webdriver(because wdio will automatically resolves to cssSelector internally).
Please try the above and see if it works.

How can I use solr handlers internally?

So assume I want to implement custom morelikethis(or autosuggest) experience by merging output of two different morelikethis handler configurations.
Pseudo code could look like
class MyMoreLikeThis extends SearchHanlder {
def process(reqBuilder) {
val mlt1 = reBuilder.getComponent("/mlt1");
val mlt2 = reBuilder.getComponent("/mlt2");
val rb1 = reqBuilder.copy()
val rb2 = reqBuilder.copy()
reqBuilder.results = mlt1.process(rb1).getResults ++ mlt1.process(rb2).getResults
Or probably I can use solrj API to access solr from inside.
How can I do this? Is there better way to do this?
You can refer to the below blog posts that has detailed explanation on how to achieve merging results from different queries similar to the problem that you are talking about,
Custom Search Handler
Custom Search Handler
The blog is authored by a former colleague of mine who has number of years expertise with Search & Information Retrieval.

How to access NHibernate.IQueryOver<T,T> within ActiveRecord?

I use DetachedCriteria primarily, it has a static method For to construct an instance. But it seems IQueryOver is more favourable, I want to use it.
The normal way to get an instance of IQueryOver is Isession.Query, and I want get it with ActiveRecord gracefully, anyone knows the way? Thanks.
First, QueryOver.Of<T> return an instance of QueryOver<T, T>, then you build conditions with QueryOver API.
After that, query.DetachedCriteria return the equivalent DetachedCriteria, which can be used with ActiveRecord gracefully.
var query = QueryOver.Of<PaidProduct>()
.Where(paid =>
paid.Account.OrderNumber == orderNumber
&& paid.ProductDelivery.Product == product)
return ActiveRecordMediator<PaidProduct>.FindAll(query.DetachedCriteria);
As far as I know, there is no direct support for QueryOver. I encourage you to create an item in the issue tracker, then fork the repository and implement it. I'd start by looking at the implementation of ActiveRecordLinqBase, it should be similar. But instead of a separate class, you could just implement this in ActiveRecordBase. Then wrap it in ActiveRecordMediator to that it can also be used in classes that don't inherit ActiveRecordBase.

Using Linq to filter parents by their children

Having some problems with my Silverlight app (with RIA services) filtering my results. The idea is on the client I set up the EntityQuery and its filters and call load. However this isn't working for me.
Heres my code.
public void FireQuery(string filterValue)
EntityQuery<Parent> query = m_ParentDomainContext.GetParentQuery();
query = query.Where(p => p.Children.Any(c => c.Name.Contains(filterValue)));
m_ParentDomainContext.Load(query, Query_Completed, null);
Compiles just fine, however, runtime I get "Query operator 'Any' is not supported." Exception.
Does anyone know of a good way to filter like this? Again, I'm looking for a way to set this up on the client.
EDIT: I should note, I've tried a few other queries as well, with similar results:
query = query.Where(p => p.Children.Where(c => c.Name.Contains(filterValue)).Count() != 0);
query = query.Where(p => p.Children.Where(c => c.Name.Contains(filterValue)).FirstOrDefault != null);
query = query.Where(p => p.Children.Where(c => c.Name.Contains(filterValue)).Any());
Query Operator 'Count/FirstOrDefault/Any' is not supported. I'm clearly missing something here...
As I tried to play around a little with this, I figured out that methods like First, Any and Count can't be used with LINQ to Entities (and, I believe, even NHibernate) over WCF RIA Services because they're not defined on the IQueryable itself, but, instread, are extention methods defined in the System.Linqnamespace. That is precisely why this shows as a run-time exception and not a compile-time error. The only extension methods that can be used here are those found in System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client (such as Where, Skip, Take, OrderBy, etc.).
This has to do with the "EntityQuery" objects, because those need to be composed and sent back to the server, whereas for the collections (such as m_ParentDomainContext.Parents in your case), you can use the System.Linq extension methods freely.
In order to implement this functionality, I suggest, as Thomas Levesque said, to expose it from the server in order to only get the data you want, or, alternatively, you can compose a query using the available constructs (the ones in System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client) and then apply the other filters on the resulting data (where you can use extension methods from the System.Linq namespace).
PS: I tried this with both classic Entity Framework and Entity Framework CodeFirst, and had the same results.
I hope this helps
