What is meaning of gettext('Some text are written')?. I am using openstack, there they have use gettext(), please see the following link openstack on github
I want to know meaning of it, if they are assigning the text to the variable why they didn't use just assignment opearator
$scope.label = {
title: gettext('Instance Details'),
instanceName: gettext('Instance Name'),
availabilityZone: gettext('Availability Zone'),
instance_count: gettext('Count'),
It's probably related to localization. Function gettext is looking for translation of provided arguments and display them in selected locale.
As an example of translation service in angular, check https://angular-translate.github.io/
Some of the popular software libraries can help to generate forms (for data input) to some degree.
The form fields (or form types) can be constructed based on information which is provided also by an object-relational mapping.
I am looking for ways to achieve translated data displays for field labels and descriptions according to such a software combination.
I would appreciate your advices.
I don't know if you took a look into FormType Field Reference.
You can use that cofiguration:
// instead of 'label'
$profileFormBuilder->add('address', AddressType::class, [
'label_format' => 'form.address.%name%',
$invoiceFormBuilder->add('invoice', AddressType::class, [
'label_format' => 'form.address.%name%',
And Then, add the following code to your translations file:
address: Your Address # 'address' replaced %name%
invoice: Your Invoice Address # 'invoice' replaced %name%
I have a variable coming from a static JSON file:
`const label = json.myString`
Where json.myString is "Hello, ${ name }". Since this is a variable, I do not know what it would be before hand.
And I want to do some string interpolation in my react component:
<div>{ label }</div>
How can I do this? Bonus points for a backup/default option if xyz is undefined
You should use template engine for this, for example, Mustache.
However, you can use an eval, but you don't want to use it, because it is unsafe in your case (some injections can be performed, if someone will perform a MITM-attack for your server, for example).
var a = "kappa"
console.log(eval("`Hello, ${a}!`"))
The other option that you can use is regular expressions.
There are 2 moments, that you should notice in this case:
Variables must be exist in some context, e.g. this, to allow stringified variables names be passed as key
You should not use special symbols of your template bounds inside template, or you should additionaly handle each special symbol inside regular expression.
var template = "My awesome template says: \"${ say }\""
var data = { say: "Hello!" }
console.log(template.replace(/\$\{([^}]+)\}/g, (match, group) => {
return data[group.trim()]
By the way, this question is not React-specific, I suppose, but JS-specific. React doen't provide any profit features for this kind of logic tasks :)
The purpose of template literals is to avoid the usage of "some string" + "another string", and not much functionally.
In this scenario, it would be best to decouple the name with Hello.
That way, you could call
<div>Hello, ${name} </div>
In case you'd like to create a flexible greeting as well, you could then add the greeting as another string. E.g.:
name: "John Doe",
greeting: "Hello"
And go,
<div>${greeting}, ${name}</div>
I've implemented the angular-advanced-searchbox (with AngularJS 1.5.8, ui-bootstrap, JQuery) like the demo-page:
<nit-advanced-searchbox ng-model="searchParams" parameters="availableSearchParams" placeholder="Search..."></nit-advanced-searchbox>
$scope.availableSearchParams = [
key: "city",
name: "City",
placeholder: "City...",
restrictToSuggestedValues: true,
suggestedValues: ['Berlin', 'London', 'Paris'] },
Here is a Plunker of this implementation too. I'll refer to this example to picture my problem.
If I type 'city' in the searchfield and select it by hitting enter, then I'll see the suggested Value-List (Berlin, London, Paris) for about a second and then the focus 'll lost and the selected key-value (city) is automatically removed. It seems this won't happen, if the mouse pointer is rested over the search-input field (without any action).
With this issue, I can't use this module on my site - but I really want to :) Are any suggestions out there?
OK, this (low-level) fix worked for me - i've just commented line 107 ():
angular-advanced-searchbox-tpls.js [#107]
$scope.searchQueryChanged = function (query) {
// updateModel('change', 'query', 0, query);
This line is used to build 'pre-queries'. If you start typing 'city', the scope of searchParams generate a temporary query on the fly and would be changed to the selected key - g.E.:
This will then lead to a timeout after 'city' is selected. I don't know this 'query' is used for - all things 'll do their job furthermore. But by time I'll looking to a real fix for this problem :)
From my module, I'm looking for a way to change text-fields value during rendering process, but WITHOUT creating a new formatter, and BEFORE the currently affected formatter works.
In other words I want my changes always made on any text-field, as a generic preparatory step, regardless of which formatter will work afterwards.
For this to work:
I first considered using hook_field_formatter_prepare_view().
To get it invoked, I wanted to use hook_field_formatter_info_alter()
to add my module name to each involved formatter found here. But it
appears that the "module" index only accepts a unique module-name,
not an array.
BTW I'm quite surprised by this lack: I seem it should make sense to allow a sequence of formatters, like are allowed a sequence of
Then I considered using hook_field_prepare_view(), which seemed to
be the best candidate since the doc sayd it runs before the
formatters own hook_field_formatter_prepare_view(). But that
doesn't work either: this hook is invoked only for a field created by
the involved module (this issue had been discussed here).
Any idea? Thanks in advance.
I actually found a pretty way to do what I looked for.
The method is quite invasive but works fine and may be re-used for different cases.
1. To be as clear as possible, first I rephrase my question in terms of a
general use case:
In the rendering process, how to permit a module to change value of one or more
fields (given field-id, given field-type...) before the formatter (if any) do its own job?
2. The problem to accomplish this:
We can't make the module define a new formatter, because only one may
be defined at the same time for the same field
3. The strategy which led me to the desired result:
use hook_field_formatter_info_alter() to run through existing formatters and "graft" my module inside of those where I wish to intervene
(see detail under 4 below)
use hook_field_formatter_prepare_view() to:
(a) execute the required changes in field values
(the job my module is intended to: here it may be done or not, upon all fields of a given type or precisely identified fiels and so on, depending on any detailed needs)
(b) again run through formatters list and, when involved, fire their own hook_field_formatter_prepare_view() if it exists
(see detail under 5 below)
do the same job as in (b) above, successively for each of the other possibly involved hooks of any formatter:
4. Detail about how to graft my module in the process:
Whith hook_field_formatter_info_alter(&$info) we face the following $info structure:
$info = array(
['formatter machine name'] = array(
['label'] => 'Human readable formatter description',
['field types'] => array(
[0] => 'a_field_type,
[1] => 'another_field_type',
# ...
['settings'] => array(
['option A'] => 'option A value',
['option B'] => 'option B value',
# ...
['module'] => 'formatter_module_name',
['formatter machine name'] = array(
# ...
# ...
We can easily run through the formatters list and look at "field types" index to select which ones are concerned by our needs.
Then for each involved one, we can:
substitute our own module name to formatter module name in "module" index
add a new sub-index in "settings" index (say "our module graft") to register the original formatter module name
So our hook_field_formatter_info_alter() will be something like:
function mymodule_field_formatter_info_alter(&$info) {
if($info) {
foreach($info as $name=>$formatter) {
!#$formatter['settings']['mymodule graft'] # or already grafted
array_intersect($formatter['field types'],
array('text','text_long','text_with_summary')) # here it is for text fields only
) {
# substitute mymodule to original module:
$info[$name]['settings']['mymodule graft']=$formatter['module'];
Once flushing class registry, now all involved fields have their formatting phase redirected to our own module.
NOTE: installing a new formatter now requires flushing class registry again, in order our module to take it in hand also.
5. Detail about how to make original formatters to work after us:
As stated above, now it is our own module which is notified when a field has to been formatted, rather than the originally affected formatter.
So we must react in our hook_field_formatter_prepare_view(), which should look like:
function mymodule_field_formatter_prepare_view(
) {
# here we do our own job with field values:
if($items) {
foreach($items as $nid=>$node_data) {
# ...
# then we give original formatter a chance to execute its own hook:
foreach($displays as $display) {
$display['settings']['mymodule graft'].'_field_formatter_prepare_view';
if(function_exists($hook)) {
Finally we also must give a chance to other formatters hooks to execute.
For each one, it should look like (replace HOOK and ARGS by the right data for each hook):
function mymodule_field_formatter_HOOK(ARGS) {
$hook=$display['settings']['mymodule graft'].'_field_formatter_HOOK';
if(function_exists($hook)) {
return $hook(ARGS);
Hope this helps...
Is it possible to filter user stories on their name? For example:
filters: [{properrty: 'Name', operator: 'startsWith', value: 'EPIC'}]
I am using the 2.0p5 rally sdk.
Also is there a documentation where I can look at for the App sdk? That explains querying on different attributes?
There isn't a startsWith operator, but you can use contains:
filters: [{property: 'Name', operator: 'contains', value: 'EPIC'}]
All possible values for filter operators can be found here:
You can then use the filterBy method to further narrow down the result set once the store has been loaded from the server:
store.filterBy(function(record) {
return record.get('Name').indexOf('EPIC') === 0;
The full App SDK documentation (including guides and links to the WSAPI documentation) can be found here:
I would also recommend upgrading to the most recent version of the SDK for app development (2.0rc2 as of this writing).