AngularJS : Service for data between controllers - angularjs

I have a page with a main controller and a nested controller for showing details about a product. I want to use a a service in angular to call the server, retrieve a data object and hold that data object. The main controller will call the service to fetch the data and the details controller needs to know it was updated and then access the data. My service looks like this:
.service("productService", function ($http, $q) {
var product = {};
//interface that is returned
return ({
fetchProduct: fetchProduct,
clearProduct: clearProduct,
product: product
function fetchProduct(ID) {
var request = $http({
method: "get",
url: "/online/productdata.ashx?itemID=" + ID,
params: {
action: "get"
return (request.then(handleSuccess, handleError));
function clearProduct() {
product = {};
// Transform the error response, unwrapping the application dta from
// the API response payload.
function handleError(response) {
// The API response from the server should be returned in a
// nomralized format. However, if the request was not handled by the
// server (or what not handles properly - ex. server error), then we
// may have to normalize it on our end, as best we can.
if (
!angular.isObject( ||
) {
return ($q.reject("An unknown error occurred."));
// Otherwise, use expected error message.
return ($q.reject(;
// I attempt to transform the successful response and unwrap the application data
// from the API response payload.
function handleSuccess(response) {
product =;
console.log("Found Data: " + angular.toJson(
return (;
In my main controller I set a scope object to the service like this:
$scope.SelectedProduct = productService;
When the user clicks the button to show the product it is called via the $scope handle:
The details controller has the same assignment for the $scope.SelectedProduct. I am new to using services but what I understood is that angular would bind to the service object and changes to the property product would trigger binding to any updates. That is not happening - in fact I do see the data after the fetch operation. In the service I have a console.log on the returned data and it is showing the correct data. However the product property is not getting updated. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong please? Neither controller has access to the data after it is fetched. I understand that I am getting back a promise but the data is never there even after a timeout check.

Try it with a factory instead of a service.
AngularJS: Factory vs Service vs Provider


How to get a where clause using ngResource in angularJS

I have a simple service given here and I want to get a record(s) using a where clause, i.e. the endpoint would
The service is:
factory('TestUser', ['$resource',
function($resource) {
return $resource('', {id:'#id'},//parameters
update: {
method: 'PUT' // To send the HTTP Put request when calling this custom update method.
And the controller code I have tried is:
self.checkUsersEntryDirection = function(){ //NOT WORKING
self.testuser = TestUser.get({ username: 'anton' }, function() {
}); // get() returns a single entry
The error I get is
Error in resource configuration for action get. Expected response to contain an object but got an array (Request: GET
Notice how it didn't add on the where clause. I thought that any extra properties provided would be assigned as where clause items??

How can I parse this JSON response

I have the following JSON data being received by angularJS. It's being brought in from an ArrayList using a get request.
0: Object
area: "State"
gender: "Both"
highestEd: 3608662
.... etc
1: Object
area: "State"
gender: "Both"
highestEd: 3608662
.... etc
However I can't figure out how to access it using either a controller or the UI. I want to be able to store this data in Angular so I can then create graphs using the information. The only way I know it's definitely there is through looking at the response in firefox.
Any help / advice would be greatly appreciated.
Your JSON data is not in proper format. Use JSON lint to check
Use $http.get('/get_url/') to get the response . One sample example for this.
Once you have response in $scope.yourVariable use ng-repeat to loop over it
Take a look at this fiddler here you might get some ideas.
After calling the API using $http from you factory you will have resolve the data that you are getting. The controller needs to call the API method and then bind the resolved data from your factory to the API.
myApp.factory("Data", function($q, $http) {
return {
getData: function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
/* --Actual API Call
.then(function(response) {
//Dummy Data
var data = m;
return deferred.promise;
function MyCtrl($scope, Data) {
.then(function(items) {
$scope.bobs = items;
Replace the dummy data initialization from factory to the actual API call.

Use of AngularJS Factory for Authentication

New to AngularJS.. I want to build a simple Logon screen using a logon page, utilising a controller (I call it 'AccessCtrl') and service.
I want the controller to make use of a service (I called it 'AuthService'), which will perform the REST call that verifies the username/password, and, will also contain information about the success or failure of that logon attempt.
I want to receive information about the last login attempt (as returned in by the REST call). For now - just a string which I want to show on the logon screen, (eg 'password invalid' or 'account expired', or 'welcome'). I'm making this a property of the AuthService service which I hope to display.
My view, has a form with username, password and a submit button that calls the controller's login() method. I'm not including it here for brevity. I don't think thats where the problem lies.
To start with, I want to capture when the server is down/unavailable, etc, and also report this, using the same service. To start with - all calls will fail,(because I have an invalid url).
The controller is defined like this:
.controller('AccessCtrl', ['$scope','$http','AuthService',
function ($scope,$http,AuthService,Config) {
this.login =function() {
var user={user:this.username,password:this.password,otherCredentials:this.otherCredentials} ;
My factory service is defined as follows:
.factory('AuthService', ['$http', function ($http) {
var authService = {};
var apiRootUrl="";
authService.login = function (credentials) {
$'/login', credentials)
function (response) {
// populate OK message
authService.message="Welcome !";
function (response) {
// Currently - all calls fail, as the URI is invalid
// I want to trap this.
authService.message = "Server unavailable with response status = " + response.status ;
return authService;
function(response) {
// this is the notify callback function.
authService.isAuthenticated = function () {
// rerurn true or false if previously authenticated
return true;
return authService;
The problem is that my invalid message ('Server unavailable with response status...') does not appear in my view.
In stepping through the code, the correct authService function is called, but, this does not seem to be populated into the controller/view.
I have a feeling this is a timing issue, where the controller that is executing
before the call actually comes back from the post - but I'm not sure that is the case or how to fix that.
any help/clues welcome.
Have you tried something like this?
Angular Service Code:
//call the service
AuthService.login(user).then(function(response){//begin call back
//store the response data message object property returned from the service
$scope.message = response.message;
}//end call back

Angular service, $http.get() with a route param?

Typically when asking the API endpoint for JSON, I'd write something like this:
factory('User', function($http) {
return {
get: function() {
return $http.get('/api/users');
However, how can I add a route parameter to get a specific user (RESTful show method)?
i.e. /api/users/1 to get user number one. But I want it to be dynamic based on the logged in user.
You can use the $resource factory instead of using $http. As stated in the documentation $resource is:
A factory which creates a resource object that lets you interact with
RESTful server-side data sources.
To do what you want, you can simply declare it like this:
factory('User', function($resource) {
var UserResource = $resource('/api/users/:id');
return UserResource;
.controller('Ctrl', function($scope, User) {
// Sends GET /api/users/1
User.get({id: '1'}).$promise.then(function(user) {
// expects a single user data object
// Sends GET /api/users
User.query().$promise.then(function(users) {
// expects an array of user data objects

How do I make an AngularJS $resource update after a POST, PUT, or DELETE request?

In my Angular app, I've setup "project" as a $resource. In my controller, I ask the server for the data over a GET request immediately when the page loads. I can edit the information in my browser using Angular's two-way data binding, and then I can save the data back to the server via a POST request, like this:
(edited/simplified for brevity)
function ProjectCtrl($scope, $routeParams, Project) {
$scope.project = Project.get({id: $routeParams.projectId},
function(data) { //Successfully received data },
function(data) { //Failed to receive data },
$scope.saveProject = function() {
My Node server correctly receives the data, processes it and makes some changes, saves it to my database, and then responds with the newly updated "project" object via JSON. Angular does not display the new object until I refresh the page. Is there any way to make it display the new data? I'm assuming there's a more automatic Angular way to do this than to manually call another GET request after $;
It looks like the server response comes back as the first argument to the callback to save, so as long as the server responds with the full object data, you should be able to use it to create a "new" Project object like this:
function ProjectCtrl($scope, $routeParams, Project) {
$scope.project = Project.get({id: $routeParams.projectId},
function(data) { /* Successfully received data */ },
function(data) { /* Failed to receive data */ },
$scope.saveProject = function() {
$ {
$scope.project = new Project(data);
