How to handle problems with RPATH on Mac OS X while installing cmocka? - c

I am trying to install and run cmocka library for unit testing on Mac OSX Yosemite 10.10.3, but I've got some problems with the RPATH settings.
Thanks to #baf, I was able to include cmocka.h in my CMakeLists.txt manually like this:
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-I/usr/local/include/cmocka.h")
However, why is it so that I have to do it manually?
I've already tried many different ways of installing it:
What I've done so far:
Download cmocka from here: here. Version 1.0.
tar xvf cmocka-1.0.1.tar.xz
cd cmocka-1.0.1, mkdir build and cd build
sudo cmake ..
I get a message like this here:
-- Configuring done
CMake Warning (dev):
Policy CMP0042 is not set: MACOSX_RPATH is enabled by default. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0042" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
MACOSX_RPATH is not specified for the following targets:
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
Question #1: How can I set the rpath so that there is no warning like the one above?
sudo make
sudo make install
cmocka should be installed now, right?
Running cmake for my program which is using cmocka library.
So now I run cmake for my program and my main CMakeList.txt file has lines like this:
find_library (CMOCKA cmocka)
message (WARNING "Cmocka library not found.")
endif (NOT CMOCKA)
But the warning doesn't show up during this phase, so I believe that find_libarary(CMOCKA cmocka) has successfully located cmocka on my computer.
Running make for my program.
While running make I get an error like this:
fatal error:<br>
'cmocka.h' file not found<br>
#include <cmocka.h>
1 error generated.
So I guess that cmocka cannot be found...
Question #2: Why cmocka library cannot be found?
Additional notes:
I've tried running
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
but it didn't helped. I guess it is a solution for Linux, not Mac.
I've tried to learn something about RAPTH on Mac in cmake from their official documentation here: However I understood very little and I wasn't able to come up with a solution for my problem.
I've tried installing cmocka using brew but I got the same result.
Moreover, I've read many questions at SO about RPATH, linking and cmocka, but I couldn't find a suitable solution as well. Nevertheless, here is the list of related threads:
How to set the runtime path (-rpath) of an executable with gcc under Mac OSX?
How to configure scons to link using rpath on mac?
mariadb install failure: make (Mac OSX 10.6.8)
I've run otool -L cmocka. Here's what I got:
error: /Applications/ can't open file: cmocka (No such file or directory)

I was able to successfully compile my program (thanks to baf) when I added the -I/usr/local/include flag to my debug flags:
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-std=gnu99 -Wall -pedantic -g -I/usr/local/include/cmocka.h")


CMake compilation failing on MSYS2

I'm trying to set up CMake for a project I'm working on, and I'm first trying to compile a simple Hello World program in C. I'm using Windows 10 with MSYS2. If I invoke the compiler (GCC) directly in Bash, it compiles fine without warnings or errors and gives an executable as output which prints "Hello, world!" exactly as expected. My problem comes in when I try to use CMake to compile my project. When I run cmake -G Ninja .. to compile my project, it throws this error:
CMake Error at C:/msys64/mingw64/share/cmake-3.15/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:60 (message):
The C compiler
is not able to compile a simple test program.
It fails with the following output:
Change Dir: C:/Users/dylanweber/Documents/C-Projects/webapp/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
Run Build Command(s):C:/msys64/usr/bin/ninja.exe cmTC_45340 && [1/2] Building C object CMakeFiles/cmTC_45340.dir/testCCompiler.c.obj
FAILED: CMakeFiles/cmTC_45340.dir/testCCompiler.c.obj
C:\msys64\mingw64\bin\cc.exe -o CMakeFiles/cmTC_45340.dir/testCCompiler.c.obj -c testCCompiler.c
/bin/sh: C:msys64mingw64bincc.exe: command not found
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Notice how it mentions C:msys64mingw64bingcc.exe... there must be some kind of path delineation problem but I've tried setting the CC environmental variable to C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin\\gcc.exe and C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/gcc.exe. I have been clearing the CMake caches between runs.
Here is my CMakeLists.txt file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
file(GLOB SOURCES "main/*.c")
add_executable(webapp ${SOURCES})
My code is in a "main" folder which is currently just one "main.c" file, in addition to a build directory used to keep all the temporary files in. The most frustrating part is that CMake was just working an hour ago, and I didn't change anything. What can I do to fix this problem?
The solution was not only installing the MinGW64 version of CMake, but also the MinGW64 version of Ninja as well. Since they have different pathing schemes compared to MSYS, they didn't play well together until they were both on the same POSIX-like platform.

How to modify CMakeList.txt: library found, but there are linking errors

I am creating a C library which is to be built with cmake, using Mac OS for development. In the CMakeList.txt, I have the following
find_package(htslib REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(projectname ${HTSlib_LIBRARIES})
which outputs upon cmake ..
Found hstlib
However, upon make, I'm getting linker errors:
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) can find the library, and the library is definitely installed with sudo make install, but there are linking errors only with this library.
(1) I'm guessing that find_package(htslib REQUIRED) is finding something else. How do I find out what?
(2) How do I explicitly write in CMakeList.txt to find the library which I know has been installed correctly?
Use VERBOSE=1 make to see the linker output. Search for -lhtslib
Read the documentation for the specific Find<LIB>.cmake.
Your specific questions:
"How do I find what CMake found": Use cmake-gui or ccmake. They both show the same info, but one is a GUI and the other is a Curses interface. In the advanced mode ("t" on ccmake) you will find all the variables for the searched packages. Additionally, you may use MESSAGE(STATUS "Found htslib at: ${htslib_LIBRARIES}").
"How to explicitly write in CMakeLists.txt where the library is?" Please, do not do that! CMake is meant for abstracting exactly this kind of information away. You have two options, first the good one: configure cmake on the command line (or in the GUIs mentioned above) to get a CMAKE_MODULES_PATH or a more specific hint to the library -D htslib_PATH=/usr/local/.../ (pointing to the dir where libhts.dylib resides). The worse solution would be to provide a HINT to find_package. find_package(htslib REQUIRED PATH /usr/local/lib) or find_package(htslib REQUIRED HINT /usr/local/lib /some/second/path/where/it/may/be).
Your linked project has a custom FindHTSlib.cmake link. This one uses pkg_config to configure the library. To replicate your problem, I used brew to install htslib. The pkg-config file can be found (for me, but brew info htslib tells you) under /usr/local/Cellar/htslib/1.8/lib/htslib.pc. So, let's give CMake the required hint.
I couldn't test this, because for me it found the htslib package directly with no further hints.
git clone # I am using version f5f03d0
mkdir -p bamdb/build; cd bamdb/build
brew install ck htslib lmdb
cmake .. # -G Ninja recommended, but needs brew install ninja
make # lot's of missing symbols
I would recommend to change in CMakeLists.txt the minimum required version of CMake from 2.8 to 3.10 (or at least 3.6).
This is the error I get:
[ 62%] Linking C shared library libbamdb.dylib
/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.11.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/libbamdb.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/cc -Wall -g -std=gnu99 -fPIC -dynamiclib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -o libbamdb.dylib -install_name #rpath/libbamdb.dylib CMakeFiles/libbamdb.dir/src/bam_api.c.o CMakeFiles/libbamdb.dir/src/bam_lmdb.c.o CMakeFiles/libbamdb.dir/src/bamdb.c.o
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_bam_destroy1", referenced from:
_get_bam_row in bam_api.c.o
_deserialize_func in bam_lmdb.c.o
This can be fixed by adding the following line in the CMakeLists.txt, after the line add_library(libbamdb ${SOURCES}):
target_link_libraries(libbamdb ${LIBS})
Some further notes: you now have a library with a main function. This is because ${SOURCES} is used to build the executable and the library. That can have unexpected side effects. Unless it's needed, don't do it.

Struggling to get PortAudio to Work with MinGW

I have the MinGW install previously working fine with MSYS. They are installed properly and functioning just well.
I installed the PortAudio library and did the install and got the success message after:
make install
When I try to compile samples:
c:\c>gcc patest_mono.c -o pa.exe
patest_mono.c:50:23: fatal error: portaudio.h: No such file or directory
#include "portaudio.h"
compilation terminated.
I'm new. I have a feeling I might be doing something fundamentally wrong with the way I'm trying to create the exe from compiling. It's been somewhat of a puzzle quest so far, but I've tried to figure it out and think I am close but completely missing something.
PATH variable ?
In the PortAudio MinGW build instructions I noticed
"The above should create a working version though you might want to
provide '–prefix=<path-to-install-dir>' to configure. "
I've tried adding C:\MingW\PortAudio into the user path. Doesn't work.
I've also tried running the commands in Bash and they come back with an error message "No Rule to make target 'paexpink'" either with the make command, and with gcc .c -o .exe I just get the same error message as compiling straight from the cmd prompt.
I found another source on stack overflow thread with no answers, but the user had commented that provided them a solution but I tried installing the 5 cpython binaries and under the assumption I did it right, it didn't work either.
Thanks for your help,
To build and install portaudio, you need to add -prefix=/c/<"path to base of the MinGW directory"> to the ./configure line.
For example: ./configure -prefix=/c/MinGW/
then continue the installation by doing
After that, do the
make install
and that should install the portaudio files into MinGW.
After it has finished installing, you need to add -lportaudio to the compile command whenever you compile any programs that you want to use PortAudio in.
For example: gcc -o test test.c -lportaudio
I just figured out how to do this today, so I may have accidentally forgotten a few steps.

Issue Statically Compiling Thrift 0.9.0 on Centos 6.5

I'm working to compile the Thrift 0.9.0 binary statically in a CentOS VM. I get the issue that the libthrift.a binary is not being created. I am using a vagrant box to run centos:
Once I ssh to the vagrant box I run the following commands:
tar -zxvf thrift-0.9.0.tar.gz
cd thrift-0.9.0
./configure --enable-static
This will run but I ran a find command (sudo find / -name "*.a") on the system to see if there was any ".a" files made and the only file that was made was "libparse.a" which doesn't seem right. From my understanding it should be "libthrift.a".
Searching through the config.log file it says that it does want to build the static libraries:
configure:11944: checking whether to build static libraries
configure:11948: result: yes
Looking at more locations in the log file that has the keyword "static" reveals potential places that may be errors.
configure:9028: checking if gcc static flag -static works
configure:9056: result: no
configure:13915: checking if g++ static flag -static works
configure:13943: result: no
The full log file is here:
Any help is appreciated
I was able to generate the libthrift.a file. After running the command for the extra dependancies mentioned in my comment I forgot to run the make command. So after doing the make command I found the libthrift.a file in "thrift-0.9.0/lib/cpp/.libs/". Interestingly enough, even after fixing the dependencies, config.log still had the same potential problem areas regarding the gcc/g++ static flag and static compiler.
Specifically the dependency command is as follows:
sudo yum install automake libtool flex bison pkgconfig gcc-c++ boost-devel libevent-devel zlib-devel python-devel ruby-devel openssl-devel.x86_64
Edit: After getting advice on the Jira ticket, it turns out the specific vagrant box I was using was causing the errors. Using the VM he linked I was able to successfully build Thrift using the provided instructions. (Jira ticket

Building/Linking libgcrypt for Mingw

I'd like to implement some features of libgcrypt in my program, but it is currently running on Windows, OSX, and Linux (Arch/Xubuntu), so I can only really do so if I can build it for all three platforms. On OSX and Linux I had no problem.
I got the sources from the github page for libgcrypt and libgpg-error, and I've successfully built and run the libraries on both Linux and OSX, so I know that my test code is valid (which I am now having trouble with on Windows w/MinGW).
I did the following on Xubuntu (and similar on Arch but using pacman instead of apt-get):
sudo apt-get install mingw32 mingw32-runtime mingw32-binutils
to get the cross compiling tool chain and
git clone
git clone
cd libgpg-error
autoreconf -vfi
./ --build-w32
sudo make install
cd ../libgcrypt
autoreconf -vfi
./ --build-w32
sudo make install
to build, and it successfully builds these files in home/myuser/w32root/:
I took these files over to windows, and tried compiling the test code (named main.c locally) with
gcc main.c -o main.exe -lgcrypt
but I get undefined reference errors leading me to the conclusion that the library wasn't linked correctly (initially only using libgcrypt.a), so I looked some stuff up, and found that some libraries require a set of files like .a, .def, et al. to work, so I dropped them all in C:\Mingw\lib to see if it made a difference; it didn't. The following was also silent in finding the library file to link, but didn't resolve the undefined references:
gcc main.c -o main.exe -lgcrypt -lgpg-error
So I'm not really sure where to go from here. The readme doesn't get into cross compiling too much, like what files to copy and link once you're on the Windows side. Any pointers (to docs for it I missed maybe?) are appreciated! Thanks a bunch for reading my wall of text.
