App initialisation - IDLE Time enormous - angularjs

I'm facing some performance issue.
Indeed, the app itself reacts pretty well when it's loaded but my problem is more like when I perform a F5 ( and app reload again), then I see some strange idle time that are killing my app loading time.
When starting my app :
I do some queries to my webserver : take around 500ms - 700ms
I present the requested datas
I have some translation to every text (that generates a lot of watchers)
I use angular-translate for that. If you have a better solution of internationalisation ;)
When app is started, I have 1200 Watchers. I have tried removed ALL translation and have around 700 watchers but do not see any difference on behaviour.
I have around 25 Modules loaded, 18 are mandatory for app to run
Well, let's dig to the issue, here is a chrome Timeline representing my problem.
I presented 2 different ones.
Any idea why I have those IDLE Times ?
Any Idea on how I can investigate more on the root cause of that issue ?
Edit : Information 09/06/2015
all my JS code is into appcache, therefore, all my code is loaded at
app first init, and then into cache. I have added into appcache all
vendors / lib / js / fonts / img etc...
there is during that time 5 or 6 requests that are mainly done into
the first block. This is a corporation private angularJS app
from those requests, we granted to the user rights and init the app
we have tried to remove all HTML generation from the app, and keep only the JS to see if the blocking point was the rendering, no
we have tried to remove angular-translate, that generates a lot of watchers for "on the go" translation, no effects
Thank for support,

Have you tried using one-time binding for parts you only want to show for reading not editing e.g. dynamically generated Tables / Lists ?
Hello {{::name}}!
more here


Codename One - Reduce the loading time of a web-app

I have a Codename One web-app that, after showing the logo, it remains completely blank and white for a variable time (from few seconds to more that ten seconds). My Internet connection is very fast (optical fiber).
Is there any tip to reduce the loading time of a Codename One web-app? The build size is 663kb and the generated application is 10,5MB (unzipped).
Chrome has some really nice benchmarking tools that help point out the time spent on each stage. You should run these and make sure that the downloaded binaries are gzipped so the download isn't the bottleneck.
Also make sure to run your tests against a deployed app and not on the preview which might exhibit different behavior.
In terms of the app, try to show a form quickly without any server requests or IO. Once you do that defer the code to the actual loading block later. If you trigger a server call this will significantly slow down loading.

What causes this warning on Safari? "This webpage is using significant energy. Closing it may improve the responsiveness of your Mac"

We have a React website running with lots of high-quality images that has been experiencing this warning. How do you begin debugging this warning message on Safari? Is there specific things that cause this?
This message is caused by Safari watchdog process that monitors the Javascript scripts running on a page. It is there to notify the user when a script is utilizing too many resources. Your page when loaded on my computer raises the CPU utilization to 68 percent. Be weary of loops and custom render code.
Notes for improvement:
Make the rendering code as efficient as possible.
Combine the your internal Javascript files into a single file, instead of 7 files. Major improvement.
When possible(due to licensing and update considerations) include the 9 external scripts into the single file stated above. Minor improvement.
Split the main page into different sections either as separate pages or dynamically loaded using AJAX. Major improvement.
Avoid svg files. SVG files require a lot of computing power to rasterize and display. This is the main cause of the 7 second load times. Convert the files to png at the largest expected display resolution and offer an expanded SVG file if more detail is wanted(by click or delayed mouse over). Major improvement.
The number of images is not the issue. It is the number of SVG images(on load) and the scripts causing the issue.
Open the page in Chrome, open the Developer Tools and then switch over to the "Performance tab".
Then use the 2nd icon from the left - the one that looks like a "reload" button. Which says "Start profiling and reload page".
You will have a full rundown on what is taking how much. You can see in the top what is eating up FPS and CPU, and then you can select the timeframes that had especially high load.
In the bottom part then select the "Call Tree" or "Bottom-Up" tabs, to get a rundown of which scripts and function calls cause performance issues.
Usually "normal" websites ( e.g. not games ) would not have a lot of frame redraws. You can then spot for example if loading spinners are animated with javascript, instead of transforms and transitions; and sometimes they're still re-rendering although they are out of reach.
On a React specific note : It might also make sense to inspect it additionally with the React Developer Tools. E.g. you might be able to spot if sub-frames are re-rendering constantly for no reason.

Angular JS app takes 3 minutes to load on Internet Explorer browser

I have built a tool using angularjs. The user is able to view a dynamic page based on the data. The page can be really long with lots of various types of fields within it. There are many and various angularjs components used within the app.
If a user has got lots of data (which is shown within various input fieds/date fields etc; around 500 fields ) then the page takes around 3 minutes to load in IE browser (IE11 is my browser). The same page loads within 20 seconds on chrome and firefox. I have tried now almost a month to find the issue ..but still no luck.
I am very desperate for a solution. I coudn't find any tool that would show me what is causing my page to take so long to load.
Well, first things first, you'll need to profile what is actually taking so long. I suggest you check out
to do this. A good article that goes over it's use is available at -
It's too long to include in this answer, but the general flow of resolving this is probably going to involve streamlining the watchers involved in each of those component fields etc - rendering 500 fields at once seems somewhat unnecessary - pagination would probably be an easy fix. Limit the data to maybe 50 fields per page? You'll need to track if it's the actual queries you're running to get the data that is taking so long, although based on the difference betweeen IE and Chrome, I would guess it's going to be something in the browser. It could also be that IE is being forced to use some polyfills for the functionality that Chrome and FF are supplying natively. Maybe link to your repo for us to have a look at?

Feasibility of using angular js for web app with over 200 medium to complex screens

My team was considering using angular js for web app UI development. But knowing at a high level how single page apps work, I had a question as to, how feasible it is to use angular js framework, for a large web application. this would have at least 200 screens, each screen containing an average of 30 UI controls like text boxes, calendar controls, drop downs etc.
The user will be accessing the web app on desktop or laptop and will be using the application in the browser throughout an 8 hour day, without ever closing the browser.
Given above usage, would angular js, memory usage / performance be issue?
are there web apps with huge and complex UI, built using angular js, that are in production and used everyday?
You can have not just 200 but 1000's of screens - this number does not matter as long as you address the core and fundamental questions below. They all boil down to memory and performance.
At a given point of time how many $watches will be active.
At a given point of time how many listeners are created.
At a given point of time what is the complexity of DOM i.e. the number of DOM elements and thee nesting/depth.
At a given point of time how many Javascript modules (services, controllers etc.) will be loaded in the memory. Even though these things are singletons they consume memory.
For each such screen how much memory will be consumed (if you use jqueryUI etc. your memory increases quite rapidly than pure angular + html components)
This brings to what you can do to control the above factors which if not watched will make your application sink/crash.
1) How do you break the run-time complexities of your "big" application ? You can now think of "Routers" or dialogs. Each of your screen will come-and-go i.e. you will never display 200 screens the same time.
2) Make sure when the screen is gone there is no "leftover". Don't use jQuery - if you do make sure you clean this on $scope.$destroy.
3) Multitudes of directives:- Directives are powerful but don't over use it - try not to deep nest too many of them. templateUrl is "tempting" but sometimes in-lining a template is the best choice. Use build tools that will inline the templates.
4) Load modules on demand using requireJS. This will force you to modularize your application and think hard about concatention strategy (combining JS files). Will force you to write independent modules.
5) Browser caching your assets and a good cache busting mechanism. Grunt based plugins are to your rescue. Minify your assets.
6) Compresss the assets for efficient network utilization and faster transmission.
7) Keep your app encapsulated in Angular. Don't create any global objects. Chances are that they have access to some closure or are referring to some things within angular $scope and $scopes are now still hanging on or are in difficult trajectory to be able to get Garbage Collected.
8) Use one-time-bind or bind-once model binding as much as possible.
9) Splash screen is an excellent weapon - us it. Helps you load some stuff upfront while the user watches smooth/jazzy picture/picture :)
Regarding 8 hours a day constant use
Unless there is a leak of the following kind you should be fine:-
1) Listeners leaking i.e. hanging around.
2) DOM leaks. Detached DOM issue.
3) Size of Javascript objects. Javascript objects coded in a certain way creates repeated instances of function.
(I am developing AngularJS app - with more than 450 screen - MDI like app. The app is not yet in production. The above points are coming from my burnouts in the functionality we have developed so far.)
I've worked on multiple projects that are extremely large single-page applications in Angular and Ember.JS at companies like McKesson an Netflix.
I can tell you for a fact that it's completely "feasible" to build "huge, complex" applications with frameworks such as Angular. In fact, I believe Angular is uniquely well suited to this because of it's modular structure.
One thing to consider when creating your Angular application is whether or not every user will benefit from all "200 pages" of your application. That is to say, is it necessary to have all 200 views be part of the same single page application? Or should you break it into a few single page applications with views that share concerns.
A few tips:
Watch out for name collisions in the IOC container: If you create enough services and controllers, even if you break them into separate modules, it's very easy to create two services with the same name. This may or may not result in an outright error. What happens when you register two "fooService" services? The last one wins.
If you decide to break your app into more than one single page app, you have to be sure you have solid boundaries of functionality between the two. They're not going to be able to share state easily other than with something like cookies or local storage.
If you decide to keep everything in one single page app, you're going to want to keenly watch your initial download time. Always check to see how long it takes to start your app "cold" over a slow-ish connection. If the entire app is in one bundle, depending on how you structure things (are you going to use AMD?) then you might see a long initial load time.
AVOID rendering HTML on your server. I can't stress this enough. Let Angular do that work for you. The only rendering your server should be doing is rendering JSON to be returned from some RESTful service.
Flush out your JS build process early on. Look into Node-based tools like Grunt, Gulp, and Broccoli for linting/concatenating/minifying your JS files. Checkout Karma for running unit tests, and look into Istanbul for code coverage. Protractor is a great tool as well, but I recommend strong unit tests in Karma over integration tests with Protractor just because Web Driver based tests tend to be brittle.
Other than that, I think you'll find a single page app written in any modern framework to be extremely snappy after the initial load is done. In fact, it will make any "old" PHP/ASP.Net style app that renders the entire page at the server seem slow as dirt in comparison. This is because you'll only be loading data and the occasional .html file over HTTP.

Testing RequireJS application with FluentAutomation?

I'm attempting to write some UI tests for a RequireJS-based Backbone application, utilizing FluentAutomation.SeleniumWebDriver and NUnit. The HTML page in question contains a typical data-main attribute for loading the RequireJS module for the application. My struggle is in properly detecting when the application is fully loaded with these tools; the only thing I've gotten to work consistently so far is using an explicit wait in seconds, like so:
This is less than ideal -- my test as written above will always take at least 10 seconds to run, when in reality the app might be "ready" much faster than that. What I'd like to be able to do is something like this:
.WaitUntil(() => I.Assert.Exists("input[name=username]"))
.WaitUntil(() => I.Assert.Exists("#welcome"))
However, this doesn't work -- using WaitUntil here actually seems to prevent the app from loading, for reasons unclear to me, as I simply receive timeout exceptions after the default wait period (30 seconds), stating that it was unable to locate the element in question within that timeframe.
I see that Selenium 2 provides a WebDriverWait for this kind of scenario, and possibly that would work here, but am unsure how I would use this within FluentAutomation (and a quick search of the FluentAutomation code on GitHub doesn't seem to indicate it's in use within the library).
What can I use in FluentAutomation to properly wait for a RequireJS module (or DOM loaded by it) to be ready?
Additional details:
This might not be a RequireJS compatibility problem at all. I've looked further into the app and found that what's happening after the Click("button") is actually a window.location.replace -- not a RequireJS async module load. It's the one place in the app that this is occurring, apparently. So, is a window.location redirect a known scenario that would cause problems with WaitUntil, and is there an alternate approach (aside from a simple Wait(5)) that would properly handle this?
