Sqlite Database Doesn't "Reset" - database

I have an Rspec file that runs the following method before and after each "describe" test block:
def self.reset
commands = [
"del #{CATS_DB_FILE}", #the "del" was changed from "rm" for windows
"cat #{CATS_SQL_FILE} > sqlite3 #{CATS_DB_FILE}" # | was used before (pipe in linux)
commands.each { |command| `#{command}` }
I'm running all of this in Windows command line. For some reason, the database overpopulates itself repeatedly; it seems that the database doesn't "clear" itself, so when another test block is run, the same attributes are added again. Does the syntax in the commands array above look okay? Kind of new to all this, would appreciate any suggestions!


Write a File from Jenkins Groovy Script-Console

I'm trying to find a way to write some content to a file using Jenkins Groovy Script-Console.
The use-case: Our CI manages some state-machine using a volume shared between all the nodes (which is in turn mapped to EFS). However - following the discovery of a bug in our CI groovy shared libs I found that some state files gone corrupt, and needed to write to them the corrected values, together with fixing the bug.
I could do that using ssh connection, however, as we're in process of abstracting out the workers we're trying to back off from that and manage ourselves only from the script-console and/or ci jobs.
I tried all these forms, all of which failed:
"echo 'the text' > /mnt/efs-ci-state/path/to/the-state-file.txt".execute().text
cat <<<EOF > /mnt/efs-ci-state/path/to/the-state-file.txt
the text
"bash -c 'echo the text > /mnt/efs-ci-state/path/to/the-state-file.txt'".execute().text
"echo 'the text' | tee /mnt/efs-ci-state/path/to/the-state-file.txt"
Can anybody show me the way to do that?
I'd also appreciate an explanation why the forms above won't work and/or a hint on how to execute commands that include piping and/or stdio directing from that script console.
Thanks :)
["bash", "echo the text > /mnt/efs-ci-state/path/to/the-state-file.txt"].execute().text
or use plain groovy:
new File('/mnt/efs-ci-state/path/to/the-state-file.txt').text = "echo the text"
why not working:
options 1, 2, 4 : echo and piping is a feature of shell/bash - it will not work without bash
option 3 you have c echo and c is not a valid command
use array to execute complex commands and to separate bash from main part
i suggest you to use this kind of code if you want to capture and validate stderr
["bash", 'echo my text > /222/12345.txt'].execute().with{proc->
def out=new StringBuilder(), err=new StringBuilder()
proc.waitForProcessOutput(out, err)
assert !err.toString().trim()
return out.toString()

Save commit message strng value in an envionment variable via Jenkins with bat (Windows) and using Pipeline?

I would like to save the value of some string (in this case the commit message from Git) as an environment variable for a multibranch pipeline in Jenkins. This is part of my my pipeline:
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
GIT_MESSAGE = """${bat(
script: 'git log --no-walk --format=format:%s ${%GIT_COMMIT%}',
returnStdout: true
stages {
stage('Environment A'){
bat 'echo %GIT_MESSAGE%'
But after this, the echo %GIT_MESSAGE% is retruning:
echo D:\.jenkins\workspace\folder log --no-walk --format=format:GIT_COMMIT} 1>git
And naturally if I run it with bat '%GIT_MESSAGE%' it fails. I know part of the answer may lay in the way to pass the environment variable to the bat script ${%GIT_COMMIT%} but I do not seem to be able to figure out how.
Any ideas?
I just solved this issue. It had to do with the way groovy performs string interpolation. I left it working with single line strings (i.e. "...") but I am pretty sure it should work with multiline strings ("""...""").
This is the working solution for now:
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
GIT_MESSAGE = "${bat(script: "git log --no-walk --format=format:%%s ${GIT_COMMIT}", returnStdout: true)}".readLines().drop(2).join(" ")
stages {
stage('Environment A'){
bat 'echo %GIT_MESSAGE%'
Notice that readLines(), drop(2) and join(" ") where necessary in order to get the commit message only without the path from which the command was run.
Also it was important to use "..." inside the script parameter of the bat function, otherwise interpolation does not happen and the environment variable GIT_COMMIT would have not been recognized.

shell script "Thread: command not found"

So I am trying to write my first shell script that can automatically run some C codes for me. I read some materials online and here is my short shell script:
# script for grading assignment 3
echo -n "Enter the student's index >"
read index
echo "You entered: $index"
#### Functions
function question_one
gcc -pthread -o $index.1 $index.1.c
taskset -c 1 ./$index.1 5 5
#### Main
As you can see, the shell script is quite simple and what it does is also quite easy to understand. First compile a C source file named like 1.1.c, 2.1.c or 3.1.c and then run the output file with just one single CPU.
When I run this script, looks like it can successfully compile the file but unable to run the output file correctly. The error message is "assignment_three_grading: line 18: Thread: command not found". However, if I type in the commands manually by myself, everything is fine.
Change this to simply:
To invoke a function you just name it as if it were a regular command. Using $(...) captures its output and tries to execute that output as another command name: definitely not what you want here.

Flow Control and Return Values in a BashScript

I'm quite new to bash scripting and i've been working on a small bash file that can do a few things for me. First of all, i'm calling this from a C function using system() and i'd like the script to return a value (1 for error, 0 for OK). Is this possible?
int kinit() {
int err = system("/home/bluemoon/Desktop/GSSExample/kinitScript.sh");
Second, using Zenity, i managed to create a pop up window to insert user/password. Now, according to what the user does, multiple things should happen. If he closes the window or clicks "cancel", nothing should happen. If he clicks "OK", then i should check the input (for empty text boxes or something).
Assuming a correct input, i will use Expect to run a kinit program (it's a promt related with Kerberos) and log in. Now, if the password is correct, the prompt closes and the script should return 0. If it's not, the prompt will show something like "Kinit: user not found". I wanted to, in any case of error (closing window, clicking cancel or wrong credentials) return 1 in my script and return 0 on success.
ENTRY=`zenity --password --username`
case $? in
USER=`echo $ENTRY | cut -d'|' -f1`
PW=`echo $ENTRY | cut -d'|' -f2`
if [ "$USER"!="$noText" -a "$PW"!="$noText" ]
/usr/bin/expect -c 'spawn kinit '`echo $USER`'; expect "Password for '`echo $USER`':" { send "'`echo $PW`'\r" }; interact'
echo "Stop login.";;
echo "An unexpected error has occurred.";;
My if isn't working properly, the expect command is always run. Cancelling or closing the Zenity window also always lead to case "0". I've also tried to return a variable but it says i can only return vars from inside functions?
Well, if anyone could give me some pointers, i'd appreciate it.
i'd like the script to return a value
Sure, just use exit in appropriate places
exit: exit [n]
Exit the shell.
Exits the shell with a status of N. If N is omitted, the exit status
is that of the last command executed.
My if isn't working properly, the expect command is always run.
if [ "$USER" != "$noText" -a "$PW" != "$noText" ]
# ^ ^ ^ ^
# | | | |
# \----- notice spaces ----/

Trouble evoking lua stored procedure using evalsha from redis

I am trying to use lua scripts stored in Redis as stored procedures.
I would like to be able to store these scripts in Redis once, and look them up and evoke them when needed.
I have been able to add these functions to the :function: keyspace, using the redis-cli to add them, as follows,
> SET :function:f1 "redis.call('SELECT', 0);local data=redis.call('HGETALL','key:{'..ARGV[1]..'}'); print('f1'); print(ARGV[1]); return data;"
> SET :function:f2 "redis.call('SELECT', 0); local data=redis.call('HGETALL','key:{'..ARGV[1]..'}'); print('f2'); print(ARGV[1]); return data;"
> SET :function:f3 "redis.call('SELECT', 0);local data=redis.call('HGETALL','key:{'..ARGV[1]..'}'); print('f3'); print(ARGV[1]); return data;"
I have also been able to use the following script load command to build a script that can look up these commands,
SCRIPT LOAD "local f=loadstring(redis.call('get',':function:' .. KEYS[1]));return f()"
This script load command provides me with an SHA key which I can use to call one of these stored functions, which I can run from the command line, like so,
redis-cli SCRIPT LOAD "local f=loadstring(redis.call('get',':function:' .. KEYS[1]));return f()"
Then I can call one of the functions from redis-cli,
> evalsha 31b98f9ad6a416c27e5af91ff4af12235d4da385 1 f3 1234567890
But I keep getting an error,
(error) ERR Error running script (call to f_ae7d0c88e2be3f907cc9a4f5943817bc380bf68e): #user_script:1: user_script:1: bad argument #1 to 'loadstring' (string expected, got boolean)
Any ideas? suggestions?
You'll have to mangle the KEYS or the redis. namespace.
Josiah Carlson just released a python package for this.
See: here and here.
Josiah also added the package to Pypi
Hope this helps, TW
