angucomplete-alt unable to type in textbox - angularjs

Simple problem here - but cant seem to find answer. I have added the angucomplete-alt to my project - I believe that I have added it all correctly - meaning, registering it and having the js file available when the page loads. But for some reason when I click on the input and start to type - nothing happens. I am unable to type in the textbox/input. below is my code for the control. - im double checking how things are wired up on the back end. - thanks in advance.
and this exact code works in another project - configured differently - but the markup for the control is the same
<angucomplete-alt id="searchGroupsAutoComplete"
minlength="1" />

Remove maxlength="{{maxlength}}" of INPUT tag in $templateCache.put(TEMPLATE_URL,..... (angucomplete-alt.js)
so it worked, but I don't known why.


DHX Spreadsheet - Unable to select from Column A to D

Tried creating DHX spreadsheet into my react application, followed the website guide
However when the spreadsheet is rendered out in my application, i notice that no matter what i do i can't select the Column A to D.
Have anyone faced this issue as i did?
Screenshot of the issue
Found and fix the issue.
Somehow it inherits the main css file and text align everything to middle which causes the columns to have bugs.
Add a inline styling on the component tag in your app.js for example:
<span style={{textAlign:"left"}}>
<SpreadsheetComponent />
Would solve the issue.

Angular DataBinding is not working in xmd-step label

I am facing a peculiar problem! We are using xmd-wizard for the HTML page and in controller we are doing some operations. We are also translating the label field according to the configured language. So the code is -
<xmd-wizard active-step="currentStep" on-change="stepChanged()" on-save="savePath()">
<xmd-step label="{{translateData.GENERAL_INFORMATION}}" xmd-required="true">
But the DataBinding is not working over here! It's working in other place in the same HTML, for example -
<md-input-container flex="50" >
<label class="crudLabel">{{translateData.PATH}} {{translateData.NAME}}</label>
But only within the label element of xmd-step, the DataBinding is not working!!!
Has anyone faced this issue?
It was a known defect with the xmdWizard. I contacted the github owner at github and he has provided me the fix. So we should use the latest build of xmdWizard.
Hence I am closing this issue.

AngularJs multiple select shows unresolved list instead of contents in IE

I am using angularJs to bind a list of employees into a mult-select tag. Below is my code:
<select class="form-control" ng-model="event.attendees"
ng-options="c.Email as c.FullName for c in employees" id="eEmployees" multiple style="height:315px !important; -webkit-appearance:listbox !important;">
The result displayed correctly in Chrome and Firefox, but in IE it shows a list of {{c.FullName}}, instead of the real names. I tried to right-click to view the source in IE (and also IE inspector, F12), but in the source, the employee names display correctly.
Have anyone here ever ran into this issue before? I really have no sense why this happened. I placed my multiple select tag in a modal-dialog, does that matter?
I figured it out by added $scope.$apply() after angular service pulled the list data. It needs a little delay before binding it. But I still don't know why this situation only happened in IE though.

Add input in Angular bootstrap confirm module

I am trying to use Angular Bootstrap Confirm by Matt.
In his demo (click here), it is mentioned that html can be used in the message. His code:
Are you really <b>sure</b> you want to do this?
I changed that to
Are you really <b>sure</b><br> you want to do this?
and it still worked. But if I try to add any complex element like input or button, it does not work.
Enter <b>Yes</b><br> <input type='text'> <br>and click 'Yes'
Is there a way to add input or textarea to the message?
You would have to fork their code, based on the source, it is using a class, so you could not do this through the interface.

Odd issue with ng-show always evaluating to true

I had a bit of code in my view that would only show up when a particular value was true. Lt looked like this:
button type="button" ng-click="attachBarCode('enter')" ng-show="barcodeAllowed.status">Foo</button>
This was working until recently. My controller had some logic where, based on Ajax data, it would set $scope.barcodeAllowed.status to true. All of a sudden though, the button was always showing up. To help debug the issue, I added some additional tests to my view:
first test, <span ng-show="!barcodeAllowed.status">DONT SHOW</span><br/>
second test, <span ng-show="barcodeAllowed.status">DONT SHOW</span><br/>
test -{{barcodeAllowed.status}}-end -{{!barcodeAllowed.status}}- -{{barcodeAllowed | json}}-<br/>
test if <span ng-if="barcodeAllowed.status"> if was true</span><p>
Here is where things got crazy. Both "DONT SHOWS" rendered in my view, even though it seems as if that would be impossible. When I output the values in the third line, I saw false and true, as I expected.
Finally - the ng-if? It worked perfectly! The value did not show up.
I've heard folks mention that ngShow can have scope issues inside a ngif, but my code isn't inside an ngif.
So, you won't believe what it was. I was using a Content Security policy in my app and on a whim, I disabled it. As soon as I did, it began working. I played around a bit and discovered that I needed to add 'unsafe-eval' to the to the script-src area of my CSP in order for Angular to be able to apply the styles.
The Ng-show/Ng-hide directives needs a css-class to show/hide, since it just adds a class to your element when the scope-variable is truthy/falsy.
