Searching missing number - simple example - c

A little task on searching algorithm and complextiy in C. I just want to make sure im right.
I have n natural numbers from 1 to n+1 ordered from small to big, and i need to find the missing one.
For example: 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - ans: 4
The fastest and the simple answer is do one loop and check every number with the number that comes after it. And the complexity of that is O(n) in the worst case.
I thought maybe i missing something and i can find it with using Binary Search. Can anybody think on more efficient algorithm in that simple example?
like O(log(n)) or something ?

There's obviously two answers:
If your problem is a purely theoretical problem, especially for large n, you'd do something like a binary search and check whether the middle between the two last boundaries is actually (upper-lower)/2.
However, if this is a practical question, for modern systems executing programs written in C and compiled by a modern, highly optimizing compiler for n << 10000, I'd assume that the linear search approach is much, much faster, simply because it can be vectorized so easily. In fact, modern CPUs have instructions to take e.g. each
4 integers at once, subtract four other integers,
compare the result to [4 4 4 4]
increment the counter by 4,
load the next 4 integers,
and so on, which very neatly lends itself to the fact that CPUs and memory controllers prefetch linear memory, and thus, jumping around in logarithmically descending step sizes can have an enormous performance impact.
So: For large n, where linear search would be impractical, go for the binary search approach; for n where that is questionable, go for the linear search. If you not only have SIMD capabilities but also multiple cores, you will want to split your problem. If your problem is not actually exactly 1 missing number, you might want to use a completely different approach ... The whole O(n) business is generally more of a benchmark usable purely for theoretical constructs, and unless the difference is immensely large, is rarely the sole reason to pick a specific algorithm in a real-world implementation.

For a comparison-based algorithm, you can't beat Lg(N) comparisons in the worst case. This is simply because the answer is a number between 1 and N and it takes Lg(N) bits of information to represent such a number. (And a comparison gives you a single bit.)
Unless the distribution of the answers is very skewed, you can't do much better than Lg(N) on average.
Now I don't see how a non-comparison-based method could exploit the fact that the sequence is ordered, and do better than O(N).


Is O(cn) at least as fast as O(n) in a non asymptotically way?

So first of all let me talk about the motivation for this question. Let's supose you have to find the minimum and the maximum values in an array. In this case, you wave two ways of doing so.
The first one consists in iterating over the array and finding the maximum value, then doing the same thing to find the minimum value. This solution is O(2n).
The second one consists in iterating over the array just one time and finding both the minimum and maximum value at the same time. This solution is O(n).
Even though the time complexity has been halved, for each iteration of the O(n) solution you now have twice as many instructions (ignoring how the compiler can possibly optmize these instructions) so I believe they should take the same amount of time to execute.
Let me give you a second example. Now you need to reverse an array. Again, you have two ways of doing so.
The first one is to create an empty array, iterate over the data array filling the empty array. This solution is O(n).
The second one is to iterate over the data array, swapping the 0th and n-1th elements, then the 1th and n-2th elements and so on (using this strategy) until you reach the middle of the array. This solution is O((1/2)n).
Again, even though the time complexity has been cutted in half, you have three times more instructions per iteration. You're iterating over (1/2)n elements, but for each iteration you have to perform three XOR instructions. If you were not to use XOR, but an auxiliary variable you would still need 2 more instructions to perform the variable swapping, so now I believe that o((1/2)n) should actually be worse than o(n).
Having said these things, my question is the following:
Ignoring space complexity, garbage collecting and the compiler possible optimizations, can I assume that having O(c1*n) and O(c2*n) algorithms so that c1 > c2, can I be sure that the algorithm that gives me O(c1*n) is as fast or faster than the one that gives me O(c2*n)?
This question is cool because it can make a difference on how I start writing code from here and on. If the "more complex" (c1) way is as fast as the "less complex" (c2) but more readable, i'm sticking with the "more complex" one.
c1 > c2, can I be sure that the algorithm that gives me O(c1n) is as fast or faster than the one that gives me O(c2n)?
The whole issue lies within the words "fast" or "faster". Computational complexity doesn't strictly measure what we intuitively understand as "fast". Without going into mathematical details (although it's a good idea:, it answers the question "how fast it will go slower when my input grows". So if you have O(n^2) complexity you can roughly expect that doubling the size of the input will make your algorithm take 4 times more time. Whereas for linear complexity, 2 times bigger input gives only doubles the time. As you can see, it's relative, so any constants cancel out.
To sum up: from the way you ask your question, it doesn't seem the big-O notation is the correct tool here.
By definition, if c1 and c2 are constants, O(c1*n) === O(c2*c) === O(n). That is, the number of operations per element of your array of length n is completely irrelevant in this kind of complexity analysis.
All that it will tell you is that "it's linear". That is, if you have 1 bazillion operations for an array of length n, then you'll have 2 bazillion operations for an array of length 2*n (plus or minus something that grows slower than linear).
can I assume that having O(c1n) and O(c2n) algorithms so that c1 > c2, can I be sure that the algorithm that gives me O(c1n) is as fast or faster than the one that gives me O(c2n)?
Nope, not at all.
First, because the constants there are meaningless in that analysis. There's no way to put it: it is absolutely irrelevant whatever restrictions you put in c1 and c2 for big-O analysis. The whole idea is that it will discard those restrictions.
Second, because they don't tell you anything that would enable you to compare the two algorithms runtime for a specific value of n.
Such complexity analysis only enables you to compare the asymptotic behavior of algorithms. Real-world problems in general don't care about where the asymptotes are.
Assume that A1(n) is the number of operations Algorithm 1 needs for an input of length n, and A2(n) is the same for Algorithm 2. You could have:
A1(n) = 10n + 900
A2(n) = 100n
The complexity of both is O(A1) = O(A2) = O(n). For small inputs, A2 is faster. For large inputs, A1 is faster. The point where they change is n == 10.
This question is cool because it can make a difference on how I start writing code from here and on. If the "more complex" (c1) way is as fast as the "less complex" (c2) but more readable, i'm sticking with the "more complex" one.
Not only that, but also there's the fact that when you have 2 different algorithms that are really of different complexity classes (e.g., linear vs quadratic), it might still make sense to use the one of higher complexity as it may still be faster.
For example:
A3(n) = n^2
A4(n) = n + 10^20.
E.g., Algorithm 3 is quadratic, while Algorithm 4 is linear but it has a constant huge initialization time.
For inputs of size of up to around n == 10^10, it will be faster to use the quadratic algorithm.
It may very well be the case that all relevant inputs for your specific problem fall within that range, meaning that the quadratic algorithm would be the better, faster choice.
The bottom line is: for analyzing the actual time it will take to run an algorithm on a given input (or a given bounded range of inputs, as nearly all real-world problems are) and compare it with another algorithm, big-O analysis is meaningless.
Another way to put it: you're asking a practical "engineering" question (i.e., which option is better / faster) but trying to answer the question with a tool that's only useful for "theoretical" analysis. That tool is important, yes. But it has no chance of giving you the answer you're looking for, by design.
By definition, time complexity ignores constants. So O((1/2)n) == O(n) == O(2n) == O(cn).
Your example of O((1/2)n) shows why this is the case, because the constants can measure units of anything, so comparing them is meaningless.
You can never tell which algorithm is faster based only on the time complexity. But, you can tell which one would be faster as n approaches infinity. Since constants are removed from the time complexity, they would be considered equal and therefore with O(c1n) and O(c2n) you still would not be able to tell which one is faster even as n approaches infinity.
(my theoretical computer science courses are a couple of decades ago)
O(cn) is O(n).
It's still a linear search over the array.

What is good measure to compare algorithms?

Well I was reading an article about comparing two algorithms by firstly analyzing them.
My teacher taught me that you can analyze algorithm by directly using number of steps for that algorithm.
for ex:
algo printArray(arr[n]){
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
write arr[i];
will have complexity of O(N), where N is size of array. and it repeats the for loop for N times.
algo printMatrix(arr,m,n){
write arr[i][j];
will have complexity of O(MXN) ~ O(N^2) when M=N. statements inside for are executed MXN times.
similarly O(log N). if it divides input into 2 equal parts. and So on.
But according to that article:
The Measures Execution Time, Number of statements aren't good for analyzing the algorithm.
Execution Time will be system Dependent and,
Number of statements will vary with the programming language used.
and It states that
Ideal Solution will be to express running time of algorithm as a function of input size N that is f(n).
That confused me a little, How can you calculate running time if you consider execution time as not good measure?
Can experts here please elaborate this?
Thanks in advance.
When you were saying "complexity of O(N)" that is referred to as "Big-O notation" which is the same as the "Ideal Solution" that you mentioned in your post. It is a way of expressing run time as a function of input size.
I think were you got confused was when it said "express running time" - it didn't mean express it in a numerical value (which is what execution time is), it meant express it in Big-O notation. I think you just got tripped up on the terminology.
Execution time is indeed system-dependent, but it also depends on the number of instructions the algorithm executes.
Also, I do not understand how the number of steps is irrelevant, given that algorithms are analyzed as language-agnostic and without paying any attention to whatever features and syntactic-sugars various languages imply.
The one measure of algorithm analysis I have always encountered since I started analyzing algorithms is the number of executed instructions and I fail to see how this metric may be irrelevant.
At the same time, complexity classes are meant as an "order of magnitude" indication of how fast or slow an algorithm is. They are dependent of the number of executed instructions and independent of the system the algorithm runs on, because by definition an elementary operation (such as addition of two numbers) should take constant time, however large or small this "constant" means in practice, therefore complexity classes do not change. The constants inside the expression for the exact complexity function may indeed vary from system to system, but what is actually relevant for algorithm comparison is the complexity class, as only by comparing those can you find out how an algorithm behaves on increasingly large inputs (asymptotically) compared to another algorithm.
Big-O notation waves away constants (both fixed cost and constant multipliers). So any function that takes kn+c operations to complete is (by definition!) O(n), regardless of k and c. This is why it's often better to take real-world measurements (profiling) of your algorithms in action with real data, to see how fast they effectively are.
But execution time, obviously, varies depending on the data set -- if you're trying to come up with a general measure of performance that's not based on a specific usage scenario, then execution time is less valuable (unless you're comparing all algorithms under the same conditions, and even then it's not necessarily fair unless you model the majority of possible scenarios, and not just one).
Big-O notation becomes more valuable as you move to larger data sets. It gives you a rough idea of the performance of an algorithm, assuming reasonable values for k and c. If you have a million numbers you want to sort, then it's safe to say you want to stay away from any O(n^2) algorithm, and try to find a better O(n lg n) algorithm. If you're sorting three numbers, the theoretical complexity bound doesn't matter anymore, because the constants dominate the resources taken.
Note also that while the number of statements a given algorithm can be expressed in varies wildly between programming languages, the number of constant-time steps that need to be executed (at the machine level for your target architecture, which is typically one where integer arithmetic and memory accesses take a fixed amount of time, or more precisely are bounded by a fixed amount of time). It is this bound on the maximum number of fixed-cost steps required by an algorithm that big-O measures, which has no direct relation to actual running time for a given input, yet still describes roughly how much work must be done for a given data set as the size of the set grows.
In comparing algorithms, execution speed is important as well mentioned by others, but other factors like memory space are crucial too.
Memory space also uses order of complexity notation.
Code could sort an array in place using a bubble sort needing only a handful of extra memory O(1). Other methods, though faster, may need O(ln N) memory.
Other more esoteric measures include code complexity like Cyclomatic complexity and Readability
Traditionally, computer science measures algorithm effectivity (speed) by the number of comparisons or sometimes data accesses, using "Big O notation". This is so, because the number of comparisons (and/or data accesses) is a good mathematical model to describe efficiency of certain algorithms, searching and sorting ones in particular, where O(log n) is considered the fastest possible in theory.
This theoretic model has always had several flaws though. It assumes that comparisons (and/or data accessing) are what takes time, and that the time for performing things like function calls and branching/looping is neglectible. This is of course nonsense in the real world.
In the real world, a recursive binary search algorithm might for example be extremely slow compared to a quick & dirty linear search implemented with a plain for loop, because on the given system, the function call overhead is what takes the most time, not the comparisons.
There are a whole lot of things that affect performance. As CPUs evolve, more such things are invented. Nowadays, you might have to consider things like data alignment, instruction pipe-lining, branch prediction, data cache memory, multiple CPU cores and so on. All these technologies make traditional algorithm theory rather irrelevant.
To write the most effective code possible, you need to have a specific system in mind and you need in-depth knowledge about said system. Fortunately, compilers have evolved a lot too, so a lot of the in-depth system knowledge can be left to the person who implements a compiler port for the specific system.
Generally, I think many programmers today spend far too much time pondering about program speed and coming up with "clever things" to get better performance. Back in the days when CPUs were slow and compilers were terrible, such things were very important. But today, a good, modern programmer focus on making the code bug-free, readable, maintainable, re-useable, secure, portable etc. It doesn't matter how fast your program is, if it is a buggy mess of unreadable crap. So deal with performance when the need arises.

What is the fastest way to calculate e to 2 trillion digits?

I want to calculate e to 2 trillion (2,000,000,000,000) digits. This is about 1,8 TiB of pure e. I just implemented a taylor series expansion algorithm using GMP (code can be found here).
Unfortuanetly it crashes when summing more than 4000 terms on my computer, probably because it runs out of memory.
What is the current state of the art in computing e? Which algorithm is the fastest? Any open source implementations that are worth looking at? Please don't mention y-cruncher, it's closed source.
Since I'm the author of the y-cruncher program that you mention, I'll add my 2 cents.
For such a large task, the two biggest barriers that must be tackled are as follows:
Run-time Complexity
2 trillion digits is extreme - to say the least. That's double the current record set by Shigeru Kondo and myself back in 2010. (It took us more than 9 days to compute 1 trillion digits using y-cruncher.)
In plain text, that's about 1.8 TiB in decimal. In packed binary representation, that's 773 GiB.
If you're going to be doing arithmetic on numbers of this size, you're gonna need 773 GiB for each operand not counting scratch memory.
Feasibly speaking, y-cruncher actually needs 8.76 TiB of memory to do this computation all in ram. So you can expect other implementations to need the same give or take a factor of 2 at most.
That said, I doubt you're gonna have enough ram. And even if you did, it'd be heavily NUMA. So the alternative is to use disk. But this is not trivial, as to be efficient, you need to treat memory as a cache and micromanage all data that is transferred between memory and disk.
Run-time Complexity
Here we have the other problem. For 2 trillion digits, you're gonna need a very fast algorithm. Not just any fast algorithm, but a quasi-linear run-time algorithm.
Your current attempt runs in about O(N^2). So even if you had enough memory, it won't finish in your lifetime.
The standard approach to computing e to high precision runs in O(N log(N)^2) and combines the following algorithms:
Binary Splitting on the Taylor series expansion of e.
FFT-based large multiplication
Fortunately, GMP already uses FFT-based large multiplication. But it lacks two crucial features:
Out-of-core (swap) computation to use disk when there isn't enough memory.
It isn't parallelized.
The second point isn't as important since you can just wait longer. But for all practical purposes, you're probably gonna need to roll out your own. And that's what I did when I wrote y-cruncher.
That said, there are many other loose-ends that also need to be taken care of:
The final division will require a fast algorithm like Newton's Method.
If you're gonna compute in binary, you're gonna need to do a radix conversion.
If the computation is gonna take a lot of time and a lot of resources, you may need to implement fault-tolerance to handle hardware failures.
Since you have a goal how many digits you want (2 trillion) you can estimate how many terms you'll need to calculate e to that number of digits. From this, you can estimate how many extra digits of precision you'll need to keep track of to avoid rounding errors at the 2 trillionth place.
If my calculation from Stirling's approximation is correct, the reciprocal of 10 to the 2 trillion is about the reciprocal of 100 billion factorial. So that's about how many terms you'll need (100 billion). The story's a little better than that, though, because you'll start being able to throw away a lot of the numbers in the calculation of the terms well before that.
Since e is calculated as a sum of inverse factorials, all of your terms are rational, and hence they are expressible as repeating decimals. So the decimal expansion of your terms will be (a) an exponent, (b) a non-repeating part, and (c) a repeating part. There may be some efficiencies you can take advantage of if you look at the terms in this way.
Anyway, good luck!

traversing numbers in an interval wisely

I want to scan the numbers in a big interval wisely until I find the one I need.
But, I don't have any clue where this number might be and I will not have any clue during searching process.
Let me give an example to make it easy to state my question
Assume I am searching a number between 100000000000000 and 999999999999999
Naive approach would be starting from 100000000000000 and counting to 99... one by one.
but this is not wise because number can be on the far end If I am not lucky.
so, what is the best approach to this problem. I am not looking for mathematically best, I need a technique which is easy to implement in C programming Language.
thanks in advance.
There is no solution to your problem, but knowledge. If you don't know anything about the number, any strategy to enumerate them is equally good (or bad).
If you suppose that you are fighting against an adversary that is trying to hide the number for you, a strategy would be to make your next move unguessable. That would be to randomly pick numbers in the range and ask for them. (to avoid repetitions, you'd have to use a random permutation of your numbers.) By that you'd then find your number with an expected number of about half the total number, that is you'd gain a factor of two from the worst case. But as said all of that depends on the assumption that you can make.
Use bisection search. First see if your number is above or below the middle of the range. Depending on the answer, repeat the process for the upper or lower half of the range, respectively.
As you already know there is no strategy to improve search speed. All you can do is to speed up the search itself by using multithreading. So the technically best approach might be to try to implement the algorithm in OpenCL (which is fairly similar to C and which can be used through a C library) and run several hundred tests in parallel, depending on your hardware (GPU).

Which is faster — sorting or multiplying a small array of elements?

Reading through Cactus Kev's Poker Hand Evaluator, I noticed the following statements:
At first, I thought that I could always simply sort the hand first before passing it to the evaluator; but sorting takes time, and I didn't want to waste any CPU cycles sorting hands. I needed a method that didn't care what order the five cards were given as.
After a lot of thought, I had a brainstorm to use prime numbers. I would assign a prime number value to each of the thirteen card ranks... The beauty of this system is that if you multiply the prime values of the rank of each card in your hand, you get a unique product, regardless of the order of the five cards.
Since multiplication is one of the fastest calculations a computer can make, we have shaved hundreds of milliseconds off our time had we been forced to sort each hand before evaluation.
I have a hard time believing this.
Cactus Kev represents each card as a 4-byte integer, and evaluates hands by calling eval_5cards( int c1, int c2, int c3, int c4, int c5 ). We could represent cards as one byte, and a poker hand as a 5-byte array. Sorting this 5-byte array to get a unique hand must be pretty fast. Is it faster than his approach?
What if we keep his representation (cards as 4-byte integers)? Can sorting an array of 5 integers be faster than multiplying them? If not, what sort of low-level optimizations can be done to make sorting a small number of elements faster?
Good answers everyone; I'm working on benchmarking the performance of sorting vs multiplication, to get some hard performance statistics.
Of course it depends a lot on the CPU of your computer, but a typical Intel CPU (e.g. Core 2 Duo) can multiply two 32 Bit numbers within 3 CPU clock cycles. For a sort algorithm to beat that, the algorithm needs to be faster than 3 * 4 = 12 CPU cycles, which is a very tight constraint. None of the standard sorting algorithms can do it in less than 12 cycles for sure. Alone the comparison of two numbers will take one CPU cycle, the conditional branch on the result will also take one CPU cycle and whatever you do then will at least take one CPU cycle (swapping two cards will actually take at least 4 CPU cycles). So multiplying wins.
Of course this is not taking the latency into account to fetch the card value from either 1st or 2nd level cache or maybe even memory; however, this latency applies to either case, multiplying and sorting.
Without testing, I'm sympathetic to his argument. You can do it in 4 multiplications, as compared to sorting, which is n log n. Specifically, the optimal sorting network requires 9 comparisons. The evaluator then has to at least look at every element of the sorted array, which is another 5 operations.
Sorting is not intrinsically harder than multiplying numbers. On paper, they're about the same, and you also need a sophisticated multiplication algorithm to make large multiplication competitive with large sort. Moreover, when the proposed multiplication algorithm is feasible, you can also use bucket sort, which is asymptotically faster.
However, a poker hand is not an asymptotic problem. It's just 5 cards and he only cares about one of the 13 number values of the card. Even if multiplication is complicated in principle, in practice it is implemented in microcode and it's incredibly fast. What he's doing works.
Now, if you're interested in the theoretical question, there is also a solution using addition rather than multiplication. There can only be 4 cards of any one value, so you could just as well assign the values 1,5,25,...,5^12 and add them. It still fits in 32-bit arithmetic. There are also other addition-based solutions with other mathematical properties. But it really doesn't matter, because microcoded arithmetic is so much faster than anything else that the computer is doing.
5 elements can be sorted using an optimized decision tree, which is much faster than using a general-purpose sorting algorithm.
However, the fact remains that sorting means lots of branches (as do the comparisons that are necessary afterwards). Branches are really bad for modern pipelined CPU architectures, especially branches that go either way with similar likelihood (thus defeating branch prediction logic). That, much more than the theoretical cost of multiplication vs. comparisons, makes multiplication faster.
But if you could build custom hardware to do the sorting, it might end up faster.
That shouldn't really be relevant, but he is correct. Sorting takes much longer than multiplying.
The real question is what he did with the resulting prime number, and how that was helpful (since factoring it I would expect to take longer than sorting.
It's hard to think of any sorting operation that could be faster than multiplying the same set of numbers. At the processor level, the multiplication is just load, load, multiply, load, multiply, ..., with maybe some manipulation of the accumulator thrown in. It's linear, easily pipelined, no comparisons with the associated branch mis-prediction costs. It should average about 2 instructions per value to be multiplied. Unless the multiply instruction is painfully slow, it's really hard to imagine a faster sort.
One thing worth mentioning is that even if your CPU's multiply instruction is dead slow (or nonexistent...) you can use a lookup table to speed things even further.
After a lot of thought, I had a brainstorm to use prime numbers. I would assign a prime number value to each of the thirteen card ranks... The beauty of this system is that if you multiply the prime values of the rank of each card in your hand, you get a unique product, regardless of the order of the five cards.
That's a example of a non-positional number system.
I can't find the link to the theory. I studied that as part of applied algebra, somewhere around the Euler's totient and encryption. (I can be wrong with terminology as I have studied all that in my native language.)
What if we keep his representation (cards as 4-byte integers)? Can sorting an array of 5 integers be faster than multiplying them?
RAM is an external resource and is generally slower compared to the CPU. Sorting 5 of ints would always have to go to RAM due to swap operations. Add here the overhead of sorting function itself, and multiplication stops looking all that bad.
I think on modern CPUs integer multiplication would pretty much always faster than sorting, since several multiplications can be executed at the same time on different ALUs, while there is only one bus connecting CPU to RAM.
If not, what sort of low-level optimizations can be done to make sorting a small number of elements faster?
5 integers can be sorted quite quickly using bubble sort: qsort would use more memory (for recursion) while well optimized bubble sort would work completely from d-cache.
As others have pointed out, sorting alone isn't quicker than multiplying for 5 values. This ignores, however, the rest of his solution. After disdaining a 5-element sort, he proceeds to do a binary search over an array of 4888 values - at least 12 comparisons, more than the sort ever required!
Note that I'm not saying there's a better solution that involves sorting - I haven't given it enough thought, personally - just that sorting alone is only part of the problem.
He also didn't have to use primes. If he simply encoded the value of each card in 4 bits, he'd need 20 bits to represent a hand, giving a range of 0 to 2^20 = 1048576, about 1/100th of the range produced using primes, and small enough (though still suffering cache coherency issues) to produce a lookup table over.
Of course, an even more interesting variant is to take 7 cards, such as are found in games like Texas Holdem, and find the best 5 card hand that can be made from them.
The multiplication is faster.
Multiplication of any given array will always be faster than sorting the array, presuming the multiplication results in a meaningful result, and the lookup table is irrelevant because the code is designed to evaluate a poker hand so you'd need to do a lookup on the sorted set anyway.
An example of a ready made Texas Hold'em 7- and 5-card evaluator can be found here with documentation and further explained here. All feedback welcome at the e-mail address found therein.
You don't need to sort, and can typically (~97% of the time) get away with just 6 additions and a couple of bit shifts when evaluating 7-card hands. The algo uses a generated look up table which occupies about 9MB of RAM and is generated in a near-instant. Cheap. All of this is done inside of 32-bits, and "inlining" the 7-card evaluator is good for evaluating about 50m randomly generated hands per second on my laptop.
Oh, and multiplication is faster than sorting.
