unable to update controller model value from custom directive with controller as syntax - angularjs

I am facing problem to update my model values from custom directive using controller as syntax. I can clearly see that through console.log that the values are getting changed in the directive however they are not getting updated in the controller. <h4>{{self.tabs}} </h4> always shows same values.
In addition I want to do watch on controller (self --> tabs) model to add 'active class' but when I try to use watch it is throwing me out error. So I have commented that part. The following is the watch related code, which is not working:
$scope.$watch('tabsCtrlself.tabs.index', function() {
if (tabsCtrlself.tabs.index === index) {
Please find my plunker, Can any one direct me to fix this?

you can use 'ng-class' attribute,eg:
<en-tab data-pane="myPaneName1" ng-class="{active:index==1}">Tab #1</en-tab>
<en-tab data-pane="myPaneName2" ng-class="{active:index==2}" >Tab #2</en-tab>
<en-tab data-pane="myPaneName3" ng-class="{active:index==3}">Tab #3</en-tab>
'index' is a object in angular: $scope.index, initializes its value:
The first item is selected by default.
I think the object of 'tabsCtrl.tabs.index' is not a angular object, so can't auto refresh


Angular view not refreshing after the array updates from $http

I've the following code that displays table of data using ng-repeat, initially the model (array) will have no data, but upon request to an api it receives some data that i'm trying to update my model with, but unfortunately my view is not getting refreshed with model updates though I see that my model contains the new data that was received from api call.
Component code:
app.component('fooList', {
bindings: {
foo: '<'
templateUrl: '/app/foo.html',
controllerAs: 'list',
controller: function ($http,$scope) {
let list=this;
$http.get('/ui/foo/'+ list.searchCriteria)
HTML View:
<tr ng-repeat="foo in ::list.foo.searchResults">
I've tried the following so far which didn't help
Setting the list.foo.searchResults to undefined initially, which is working fine for the first time, but if I send a different search criteria then again it is not refreshing.
$scope.$apply(), which I hate to do, but tried which is throwing digest in progress error.
Inside the success of $http i've tried the below code
Created one more child component and replaced my html with the child template and moved the code to populate the array in to that component.
Any help is really appreciated.
You have to remove one time data binding.
<tr ng-repeat="foo in list.foo.searchResults">
Try removing :: or can you give a jsfiddle to work on
:: is used to provide one way databinding , please remove it and then try
::if you are using this, even if your model is getting updated it will not allow to update view.
You may try to update in the view section while you are fetching data from service, use $scope.$apply() in your controller section, where your are taking value from service(means storing in array).
or remove :: from your html part because its give to one way binding in angularjs.

Angular scope variable update not reflected in UI

We are working on an HTML page which makes use of a Bootstrap tooltip on a certain <span> tag. For those who have not heard of tooltip, it is a popup of sorts which appears when hovering over the element to which it is attached. Here is a screenshot showing the <span> in question, and what happens on hover:
The premise behind adding the tooltip was that in the event that we truncate the text, the tooltip would provide an option for viewing the entire text.
However, we would now like to condtionally show the tooltip only when there is no ellipsis in the text. We defined the tooltip-enable property in the <span>:
<span uib-tooltip="{{someName}}" tooltip-placement="right" tooltip-enable="{{showToolTip}}">{{someNameShortened}}</span>
The key thing here is tooltip-enable="{{showToolTip}}", which binds the property to a scoped variable in the controller for this page. And here is the relevant (and abbreviated) controller code:
mainApp.controller('repoListController',['$scope', '$rootScope', ...,
function($scope,$rootScope, ...) {
$scope.showToolTip = false;
var repositoryList= function(){
repositoryService.getRepositoryList(function(data) {
var repoList = data;
repoList.shortenedDisplayName = repositoryService.getShortRepoName(repoList.repoName, DISPLAY_NAME_MAX_LENGTH);
// if the repository's name be sufficiently large (i.e. it has an ellipsis)
// then show the tooltip. Otherwise, the default value is false (see above)
if (repoList.repoName.length > DISPLAY_NAME_MAX_LENGTH) {
$scope.showTooltip = true;
Based on the research I have done, the common solution for why a change to a scoped variable is not reflected in the UI is to run $scope.$apply(), or some variation on this. Running apply(), as I understand it, will tell Angular JS to do a digest cycle, which will propagate changes in the scope to the UI. However, trying to do an apply() from the code which toggles showToolTip resulted in errory. I inspected the value of $scope.$root.$$phase while running the code which updates the showToolTip variable, and the phase was digest.
So now I am at a loss to explain this. If the code is already in a digest, then why would changes not be reflected in the UI? Also, if the code is already in digest, then how could I force Angular to sync the changes to the UI?
Two things need fixing...
Don't use string interpolation for your boolean showToolTip
<span uib-tooltip="{{someName}}" tooltip-placement="right"
JavaScript variables / properties are case sensitive. In your getRepositoryList handler, you have $scope.showTooltip. It should be $scope.showToolTip (two capital "T"s)
Crappy Plunker demo ~ http://plnkr.co/edit/W7tgJmeQAJj0fmfT72PR?p=preview

How to detect change in model for multidimensional array in angular js

I want to fire an event when my multidimensional scope variable get changed i.e. element added, removed etc. I tried to do so using $scope.$watch and $scope.$watchCollection, but its not working.
This is the scenario.
Any help ?
add true as an argument
}, true);
NB: no need for $scope in argument

How to display the value of other controllers in one view dynamically

I am working on an application were index page and inside that I am showing multiple views, In index nav bar I have to show notification count and User name which comes from 2 different controllers,
I am able to display the notification count and User name successfully, but the issue is the values are not changing dynamically.
We need to refresh the page for the new values.
What can I do in this situation can any one please guide me.
I'm guessing you're watching the value directly and not by some object wrapper. In this case javascript isn't actually updating the variable, but assigning a complete new one. Anything out of the function scope that updates the variable will never receive the new value.
The solution is simple; wrap the value in an object and share/inject that object.
.value('myPageState', {
notificationCount: 0
.controller('myController', function($scope, myPageState) {
$scope.myPageState = myPageState;
<div class="my-notification-thingy"> {{ myPageState.notificationCount }} </div>
You can achieve it by:
Maintain those values in rootScope so that you
will have the two way binding.
Making use of emit to notify the parent controller about value changes. This will work only if those two controllers are present in child elements.
In child controllers fire event on value update:
$scope.$emit('valueChanged', {value: val});
In parent controller receive event value:
$scope.$on('valueChanged', function(event, args) {

ng-repeat how to handle a button element separately

I am using ng-repeat to populate data in a table so far so good. What i am trying to accomplish is to use a button and change it's text according to the userId (cust.id). I am trying to understand how to use a $scope inside a repeat method and modify it separately from the other elements.
On the following demo when i click to button with (userid value = 1) then i would like to change the specific button text and NOT every button in my ng-repeat
<button ng-click="perLineText(cust.id)">{{buttonText}}</button>
Live Demo
I am trying to figure out how to handle specific elements in my ng-repeat. Any help much appreciated.
You can do that by just using the this in you controller function instead of $scope.
$scope.perLineText = function(customerId){
if (customerId === 1) {
this.buttonText = 'Stop';
See the updated fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/u5swjwv1/
On a click callback this points to the scope of nested repeat element. If you use $scope you are actually referring to the parent scope object.
Look at this explanation too 'this' vs $scope in AngularJS controllers
A good way to handle this problem is using $index. Just pass it when calling your perLineText($index) function so you know which row you are in. Now you can simply work with the appropriate index object in your array which might my $scope.customers[index]
You can also use the ng-bind="perLineText(cust.id)" instead of the {{buttonText}} so the ng-click will toogle something and the perLineText will return Start or Stop.
