Why does my first hash value disappear in Perl? - arrays

Why does the hash remove the first value apple:2 when I print the output?
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my #array = ("apple:2", "pie:4", "cake:2");
my %wordcount;
our $curword;
our $curnum;
foreach (#array) {
($curword, $curnum) = split(":",$_);
print Dumper (\%wordcount);

Perl hash can only have unique keys, so
$wordcount{2} = "apple";
is later overwritten by
$wordcount{2} = "cake";

What you probably wanted to do was:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my #array = ("apple:2", "pie:4", "cake:2");
my %wordcount;
for my $entry (#array) {
my ($word, $num) = split /:/, $entry;
push #{$wordcount{$num}}, $word;
print Dumper (\%wordcount);
This way, each entry in %wordcount relates a word count to an array of the words which appear that many times (assuming the :n in the notation indicates the count).
It is OK to be a beginner, but it is not OK to assume other people can read your mind.
Also, don't use global variables (our) when lexically scoped (my) will do.


Extract number from array in Perl

I have a array which have certain elements. Each element have two char "BC" followed by a number
e.g - "BC6"
I want to extract the number which is present and store in a different array.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
my #band = ("BC1", "BC3");
foreach my $elem(#band)
my #chars = split("", $elem);
foreach my $ele (#chars) {
looks_like_number($ele) ? 'push #band_array, $ele' : '';
After execution #band_array should contain (1,3)
Can someone please tell what I'm doing wrong? I am new to perl and still learning
To do this with a regular expression, you need a very simple pattern. /BC(\d)/ should be enough. The BC is literal. The () are a capture group. They save the match inside into a variable. The first group relates to $1 in Perl. The \d is a character group for digits. That's 0-9 (and others, but that's not relevant here).
In your program, it would look like this.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my #band = ('BC1', 'BC2');
my #numbers;
foreach my $elem (#band) {
if ($elem =~ m/BC(\d)/) {
push #numbers, $1;
print Dumper #numbers;
This program prints:
$VAR1 = '1';
$VAR2 = '2';
Note that your code had several syntax errors. The main one is that you were using #band = [ ... ], which gives you an array that contains one array reference. But your program assumed there were strings in that array.
Just incase your naming contains characters other than BC this will exctract all numeric values from your list.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #band = ("AB1", "BC2", "CD3");
foreach my $str(#band) {
$str =~ s/[^0-9]//g;
print $str;
First, your array is an anonymous array reference; use () for a regular array.
Then, i would use grep to filter out the values into a new array
use strict;
use warnings;
my #band = ("BC1", "BC3");
my #band_array = grep {s/BC(\d+)/$1/} #band;
$"=" , "; # make printing of array nicer
print "#band_array\n"; # print array
grep works by passing each element of an array in the code in { } , just like a sub routine. $_ for each value in the array is passed. If the code returns true then the value of $_ after the passing placed in the new array.
In this case the s/// regex returns true if a substitution is made e.g., the regex must match. Here is link for more info on grep

Is there a way to create variable Arrays in Perl?

So, well I am trying around again and now I am stuck.
while (<KOERGEBNIS>){
my $counter = 0;
my $curline = $_;
for (my $run = 0; $run < $arrayvalue; $run++){
if ($curline =~ m/#tidgef[$counter]/){
my $row = substr($curline, 0, 140);
push #array$counter, $row;
print "Row $. was saved in ID: #filtered[$counter]\n";
Background is that I want to save all lines beginning with the same 8 characters in the same array so I can count the lines and start working with those arrays. The only thing I could think of right now is with switch and cases but I thought I'd ask first before throwing this code to garbage.
if theres a line in a .txt like this:
I took the first 8 chars of each line and used uniq to filter duplicates and saved them in the array #tidgef, now I want to save Line1 and Line2 in #array1 or even better #array50004000 and Line4 and Line4 to #array2 or #array60004001.
I hope I explained my problem well enough! thank you guys
You're hovering dangerously close to an idea called "symbolic references" (also known as "use a variable to get a variable's name"). It's a very bad idea, for all sorts of reasons.
It's a much better idea to use this as an excuse to learn about complex data structures in Perl. It's not really clear what you want to do with this data, but this example should get you started:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Data::Dumper;
my %lines;
while (<DATA>) {
my $key = substr($_, 0, 8);
push #{$lines{$key}}, $_;
say Dumper \%lines;
You should think carefully about why you want arrays called #array50004000 #array60004001. Your program could create them, but you have no way of knowing what those names are. While the code is running, unless you are stepping through it with the debugger, they may be called #x and #y for all you know. You can't even dump their contents because you have no idea what to dump
What you're looking for is a hash, specifically a hash of arrays. Unlike the symbol table, there are operators like keys, values and each that will allow you to enquire what values have been stored in a hash
Your code would look something like this. I have used the example data from your question and put it into myfile
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
my %data;
open KOERGEBNIS, '<', 'myfile' or die $!;
while ( <KOERGEBNIS> ) {
my ($key) = split /_/;
push #{ $data{$key} }, $_;
for my $key ( sort keys %data ) {
my $val = $data{$key};
print $key, "\n";
print " $_\n" for #$val;
print "\n";

How do i count the number of specific letters in an array, Perl?

I have an array which only has letters in it, no digits. I want to count the number of times a specific letter shows. I don't want to use a hash, i need to preserve the order of the list.
use strict;
use warnings;
my %counts;
$counts{$_}++ for #array;
print "$counts\n";
The code that you have seems to work find for counting the occurrences. The only problem you have is in displaying the counts. You're using a new scalar variable called $counts which is undeclared and empty.
What you want is this:
use strict;
use warnings;
my %counts;
$counts{$_}++ for #array;
print "$_: $counts{$_}\n" for keys %counts;
Use grep for to do it
my #ar = qw(abc cde fgh 123 abc);
my $count = grep{ /ab/} #ar;
print $count;
Or else use foreach
my #ar = qw(abc cde fgh 123 abc);
my $m;
$m+= /ab/,foreach (#ar);
print $m;
While the match was encountered $m will increment.
You might consider Text::CountString module on CPAN.

Check words and synonyms

I have an array with some words, and another array with words and synonyms. I'd like to create a third array when I find a matchin word between first and second array. I tried with grep but I'm not able to write the code in a proper way in order to get what I want.
The problem is that elements in array 1 can be found in array 2 at the beginning but also at the end or in the middle.
Maybe it's easier with an exemple:
#array1 = qw(chose, abstraction);
#array2 = (
"inspirer respirer",
The result it should be
#array3 = ("abstraction", "cause,chose,objet", "chose,objet");
Is it right to use "grep"?
I'm not able to write a right syntax to solve the problem..
Thank you
You can construct a regular expression from the array1, then filter the array2 using it:
use warnings;
use strict;
my #array1 = qw(chose, abstraction);
my #array2 = (
"inspirer respirer",
my $regex = join '|', map quotemeta $_, #array1; # quotemeta needed for special characters.
$regex = qr/$regex/;
my #array3 = grep /$regex/, #array2;
print "$_\n" for #array3;
I know you have an answer but here is a fun way I thought of.
So, I guess it is like an inverted index.
You take each set of synonyms and make them into an array. Then take each element of that array and put it into a hash as the keys with the value being a reference to the array.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my #array1 = qw(chose abstraction);
my #array2 = ("inspirer respirer",
my #array;
push #array, map { /,|\s/ ? [split(/,|\s/, $_)]:[$_] } #array2;
my %construct;
while(my $array_ref = shift(#array)){
for(#{ $array_ref }){
push #{ $construct{$_} }, $array_ref;
my #array3 = map { s/,//; (#{ $construct{$_} }) } #array1;
print join(', ', #{ $_ }), "\n" for (#array3);
Missed apart of the answer before, this one should be complete.

2d arr explicitpackage

I've looked through several threads on websites including this one to try and understand why I am getting an undeclared variable error for my usage of my $line . Each element of the #lines array is an array of strings.
The error is in line 25 and 27 with the $line[$count] statement
use strict;
use warnings;
my #lines;
my #sizes;
# read input from stdin file into 2d array
push(#lines, my #tokens = split(/\s+/, $_));
# search through each array for largest sizes in
# corresponding elements
for (my $count = 0; $count <= 5; $count++)
push(#sizes, 0);
foreach my $line (#lines)
$sizes[$count] = length($line[$count]);
I can post the full code if it is necessary, but I am pretty sure the error must be in here somewhere.
The problem is here:
push(#lines, my #tokens = split(/\s+/, $_));
Pushing one array into another just adds all elements to the first array. So you are making a really long one dimensional array.
To fix this, use brackets to make an array reference:
push #lines, [ split(/\s+/, $_) ]; #No need for a temp variable.
Also, to access the array reference, you have to de-reference it. Both of these syntaxes are options:
I think the second syntax is more readable.
Update: Also, you could simplify your code if you keep track of the longest lengths while you go through the file:
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw/max/;
my #lines;
my #sizes = (0)x6;
push #lines, [ my #tokens = split ];
#sizes = map { max ( length($tokens[$_]), $sizes[$_] ) } 0..$#tokens;
Note: The Data::Dumper core module is an invaluable tool when working with complex data structures in Perl.
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper #lines;
This will print out the complete structure of whatever variable you give it. That way you can see if you actually created what you thought you did.
