SOQL query to get member data of members in a specific case team - salesforce

I want to get the Member information for the members of a Case Team. Is there anyway to do this without making multiple queries? It doesn't look like this data is associated with the record in the table CaseTeamMember.

Turns out you can do this (for some reason)
[select MemberId, Member.Name from CaseTeamMember where ParentId = '<Your Case Team Id`>]
I don't know if I'm missing something but this wasn't apparent from what I read in the documentation. I'm putting this here hoping it will help someone.


Have I resolved my database relationships correctly?

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place for this question. I volunteer for a charity group that has to store sensitive data, as we are a new type of format, there are no systems that fit within our needs or our budget. Someone else started building the database, I wasn't sure he was resolving the relationships correctly, so I presented him with an alternate ER model and now we haven't heard back from him, so I am left to build it by myself.
As we have to store sensitive data, I'm reluctant to put my database design on here in it's entirety, so if there is a way I can privately discuss this with someone, that would be my preference, as I would love to get someone else to check it in full to make sure it's ALL good... but for now, can someone confirm if I have resolved the relationships correctly, or if the original design was better?
The database description is: There are different types of members -
Client, Staff, Professional (Offsite), Supplier, Family, General. There are different types of Staff members: Managers, Volunteer, Professional (Onsite), Admin, Committee, Lecturer. A member can be one or many types eg: Client/Volunteer/Family, Supplier/Volunteer, Manager/Lecturer/Volunteer/Committee/Family.
The original guy resolved this by creating a separate table for each user, each table storing a name and address eg:
Client - ClientName, ClientAddress
Professional - ProfessionalName, ProfessionalAddress
Employee - EmployeeName, EmployeeAddress
Family - FamilyName, FamilyAddress
My only problem with this is that I would ideally like one person to have one MemberID with their name and address, but with the original design each person would have a different ID for each type of person that they were, all storing name, address, phone number, email etc.
I thought that creating a Member table and having a Member Type table with a joining Member Type List table would be a better design. This is how I have resolved the issue:
Member Tables
Have I done this correctly or should I continue with the original design?
Staff Model
It makes sense to store all member related data within one table.
Also for programming, I cannot imagine any use case that would support having different tables for each member type.
That being said, I advise you to look up the concept of "user roles", since this seems very similar.
You have different users (members) and they can have different roles (member type). Based on your roles you might want to show different data / allow different actions / send specific mails (or whatever else you can imagine).
So generally your approach looks good. The only thing I think about is that right now you don't have stored who is a "Staff" member for example. If you just have one list with different names you don't store the structure.
Depending on your use cases you can e.g. make another column in MemberType table "isStaff". Or, if you need to be more flexible and there are likely more different member types in the future, you can make another table (e.g.) MemberTypeParent and set a foreign key on your MemberType table to that table to make the connection.
It all depends on what you want to do with the data in the future.

Join User and LoginHistory in SalesForce?

I am unable to get the user information from LoginHistory object.
I tried using this
SELECT User.FirstName FROM LoginHistory
but not it says
SELECT User.FirstName FROM LoginHistory
ERROR at Row:1:Column:8
Didn't understand relationship 'User' in field path. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.
System.debug(JSON.serializePretty(LoginHistory.UserId.getDescribe())); shows "null" as the "relationshipName". Not all relations allow going "up" this way, you can check my answer for some examples.
You'll need to make-do with two separate queries. There's equally no way to reverse it because the related list doesn't have name either. This won't work:
SELECT FirstName,
(SELECT Id FROM LoginHistories LIMIT 10)
Maybe there's an idea you can upvote? Maybe you'll have more luck with Event Monitoring. Haven't used it personally but my understanding is it can track login, logout, exporting a report... Might be easier to query.

SalesForce SOQL join Leads to Contact

I'm trying to query data out of SalesForce Lead using SOQL and JOIN and obtain contact information where for the Lead Created through the contacts object.
I'm not sure which objects to use how to go about doing it.
Does anyone know of a detail schema of what can be used with SOQL relationship queries.
I've tried some examples from the following links but don't know how to do the same with Leads, contacts:
First of all you didnt mention properly what you want
List<lead> info = [Select * from Lead where Id = 'Id name of that Particular record of lead'];
now you can see all information of that particular lead in logs.

Displaying multi-subquery, dynamic field, dynamic object SOQL query results on a VF page

I want to pass a SOQL query to a page, or have the users enter it on the page themselves, process it, and then display results in a table.
Biggest problem is displaying the results, as VF dynamic binding only seems to be working one level deep, after that it gives null pointer exceptions (seems to be some bug in SF).
I have a dynamic main object with multiple related lists coming from the query, for example: user may be pulling a list of Accounts, with all related Contacts, and all related Opportunities. Here is an example query:
select id, name, BillingState, (select id, name, title from Contacts), (select id, amount from Opportunities) from Account where name like '%Corp%'
Another time, the query might be on a completely different parent object, like:
select id, name, accountId, (select id, Cost from OpportunityLineItems), (select id, name from Attachments) from Opportunitiy limit 20
It's not a problem parsing the field and object names from the query, but using dynamic binding for displaying those results in a table on a VF page is a nightmare, and is not working for me. Any ideas? or maybe you have seen VF code for this specific situation somewhere?
As a side note, below is the error i keep running into on the VF page when trying to use dynamic binding
Error: java.lang.NullPointerException
Error: null
In these situations I always rely on an object relational mapper pattern, or referred to simply as a wrapper class. For the trickier fields, what you wind up displaying are single level, class member abstractions rather than fields directly from the result of a SOQL statement. One benefit of this is that you can simply do a few SOQL calls, prepare the data in any way that will best support your page and then render it smoothly. The additional work of having this abstraction class pays off very well in the end - imo.
Here's a related post that shows exactly how to do this in Apex. In your case, you would extend on this example to add the values of multiple SObjects to one instance of this "ORM-style" class and then populate a list of instances of it from within Apex. This list of custom object instances becomes perfect food for Visualforce to consume.

Salesforce SOQL Queries and Tags

I'm just getting started with the Salesforce Web Services API and I'm surprised that there isn't an obvious way to do a query for all e.g. Account objects that contain certain tags.
What would you say is the best way to find all objects that contain certain tags?
I imagine it involves a join on and or something similar, but despite some real research, I'm not sure how best to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance!
Update: I guess I could do a select from AccountTag and then get the account objects based on ItemId, but the ideal would be to do a query on Account, with Tags being only one part of the criteria.
You can use the SOQL-R style queries to do this, e.g. this will fetch the account Id and account Name for all the accounts with the internet tag.
select, from accountTag where name='internet'
in this case the item relationship is to the account that was tagged, so you can select any field from the account object through the item relationship path.
See the SOQL-R docs for more info
