Converting PDF to TIFF with ImageMagick shows UnableToOpenBlob - batch-file

I am trying to convert a PDF to a TIFF file for OCR with Tesseract. As of now, because I am running on Windows, I am trying to write the conversion as a batch file. This is what I have so far:
#echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
SET IMCONV="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick\convert.exe"
set /p INPUTF=Input file(enter done if done)?
if %INPUTF%==done goto end
set /p OUTPUTF=Output file?
%IMCONV% -density 300 %INPUTF% -depth 8 %OUTPUTF%
goto start
When I run this I get convert.exe:UnableToOpenBlob and that there is no file in directory #error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2695. Any idea what's wrong?
After taking the advice from Mark Setchell the above problem has been fixed however now I receive the error convert.exe: UnableToOpenConfigureFile 'delegates.xml' #warning/configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/706


windows update broke bat file (I think)

I believe a windows update broke my .bat file.
What this .bat file is supposed to do is update files within the folder with a date and time using nircmd.exe.
All file names start with mmddyy for reference.
Here is the .bat file code.
REM #echo on
REM setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
FOR /R C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\optimize %%F in (*.*) DO call :Setfiletime %%F
goto End
echo %FNAME%
nircmd.exe setfiletime %1 "%DD%-%MM%-20%YY% 18:00:00" "%DD%-%MM%-20%YY%18:00:00"
:goto :eof
REM endlocal
The output now shows each line before :Setfiletime, then ends with REM.
Why is this batch file no longer working and what would I need to do to fix it?
EDIT: Fixed - file was in the wrong location. The simplest solution was the best answer.

using output from mediainfo as variable in another command

So I'm trying to setup an easy way of starting videos with a bat file, and having that run Mediainfo first to get the length of the video so it can then stop vlc or whatever else when it's done playing.
Complete name : C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Psych s05e11.mp4
Format : MPEG-4
Format profile : Base Media
Codec ID : isom (isom/iso2/avc1/mp41)
File size : 116 MiB
Duration : 42 min 36 s
Overall bit rate : 382 kb/s
Writing application : Lavf55.13.102
That's the output from mediainfo I got in a txt file, I'm trying to just pull the 42 and the 36 from the duration bit and use it in another command. I should also add that these numbers have to be used separately. Thanks!
Edit: Thanks for replying everyone love the help;
Here's what I'm trying to run now:
mediainfo.lnk --Language=raw --Output=General;%Duration% "C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Psych s05e11.mp4"
and the output is:
Now I need a way to take the first four digits and use them in a another command, somehow make 2556 a variable?
If you need the duration, use e.g. this command:
mediainfo "--Output=General;%Duration%" YourFileName.ext
In a general way, when you think to some automation, prefer to use e.g.:
mediainfo -f --Language=raw YourFileName.ext
and select the lines which better fits your need, avoid fields with "/String" because they are intended only for display (not for automation).
Jérôme, developer of MediaInfo.
Okay here's what I did finally, thanks for all the help!
C:\mediainfo\MediaInfo.exe --Language=raw --Output=General;%%Duration%% "C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Psych_s05e11.mp4" >out.txt
set /p $Duration= <out.txt
set $Duration=%$Duration:~0,4%
echo Result = %$Duration%
del out.txt
and the output is:
C:\mediainfo\MediaInfo.exe --Language=raw --Output=General;%Duration% "C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Psych_s05e11.mp4" >out.txt
set /p $Duration= <out.txt
set $Duration=2556
echo Result = 2556
Result = 2556
del out.txt
Press any key to continue . . .
took #echo off outta there so you could see it all
Using FOR /F
#echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('mediainfo "--Output=General;%%Duration%%" "C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Psych\s05e11.mp4"') do set $Duration=%%a
Echo %$Duration%
Using a temporary file
#echo off
mediainfo.exe --Language=raw --Output=General;%%Duration%% "C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Psych s05e11.mp4" >out.txt
set /p $Duration= <out.txt
set $Duration=%$Duration:~0,4%
echo Result = %$Duration%
del out.txt
Another way using #Jérôme Martinez [raw -output] idea.
Without temporary file, using findstr :
#echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in ('mediainfo -f --Language=raw "C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\Psych s05e11.mp4" ^| findstr /i "duration"') do (
set $Duration=%%a
set $Duration=%$Duration:~1,4%
echo %$Duration%

Batch file data -- writing to file, reading it back?

How do I get a Batch file to store data? I've tried using Text files and Dat files but no luck. Could anyone help me out?
I tried this for storing a name:
echo %name% >name.txt
but I'm finding it hard making it extract the name data and printing it in a batch file.
Another way is to save the data like this :
#echo off
set "name=Jaden"
>name.txt echo name=%name%
And to get the value again. Just evaluate the line(s) in name.txt
like this :
#echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in (name.txt) do set %%a
echo name --^> %name%
First set the value and then if you echo to a file redirect, it will send the content value to a file.
set name=Jaden
echo %name% > name.txt
then it will work.
Just use set /p name=<name.txt

Save text in UTF-8 via Batch

I am still working on a converter for .m3u playlist files that ports them from a Windows Media Player generated format into a format that gets accepted by the Teamspeak 3 plugin "Soundboard".
The main converter is finished now and I encountered a last problem:
When writing the new code with a Batch script it gets saved into an ANSI encoded file using echo a-lot-of-text-and-code >> 3.txt and it seems like the plugin can only open UTF-8 encoded files.
Is there any way to change the encoding of 3.txt from ANSI to UTF-8 with Batch only?
Regards, Joe
It took a bit of experimentation, but I successfully tweaked Simon Sheppard's UCS-2 encode method to encode a file as UTF-8 with batch.
#echo off
:: utf8.bat infile outfile
:: convert infile to utf8 and save as outfile
if not exist "%~1" goto usage
if "%~2"=="" goto usage
set "infile=%~f1"
set "outfile=%~f2"
:: store current console codepage to var
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%I in ('chcp') do set "_codepage=%%I"
:: temporarily change console codepage to UTF-8
>NUL chcp 65001
:: set byte order mark for outfile
>"%outfile%" set /p "=" <NUL
:: dump infile to outfile encoded as UTF-8
>>"%outfile%" type "%infile%"
:: restore console to original codepage
>NUL chcp %_codepage%
goto :EOF
echo Usage: %~nx0 infile outfile
This script itself needs to be saved in ANSI encoding, though.

How to use variables in txt file in my batch file

I have a txt file naemd as (settings.txt )which has content
I have a bat file where I want to use these variables for prepare backup path
But I am not getting prepared path.
I have tried
type settings.txt in the bat file
It is printing content of setting file but not implementing it..showing echo is off..
if I do echo on then some prob also.
Please tell me how to use these variables
Try this:
#echo off&setlocal
:: set CURRENT_HOUR for testing
for /f "delims=" %%i in (settings.txt) do %%i
Output is:
