Polymer with AngularJS using partial view - angularjs

This isn't a problem question, but a theory/possibility question. I have made a polymer portfolio site with a list of image links that points to a html page in my file directory for example /projects/test.html. The problem that I have is that every time I click on the link it loads the new page because I have it as a separate html.
I read AngularJS can provide partial view. So if I can combine angular, I can keep my website header and just load the content of the links into the partial view.
I was wondering if this is doable, and do I have to fully install angular and change the file structure or can I just import AngularJS file and code from there?
Also AngularJS does provide routing which I will love as it make my url cleaner.I am just asking so I don't have to waste time if this attempt will not work.

Yes, all of this is easily achievable with Angular; you will not need to modify Angular. A couple things to get you going. This won't make sense right now but come back once you've dug in a little.
For prettier urls set $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);
You will want your server to serve all 404s for text/html requests to return your Angular application (probably /index.html on your server). This is so that if someone goes to https://mycoolsite.com/projects/neato (which exists in your Angular app, but NOT on the server) your Angular application will load and the router will display the correct route.


ngRoute loads only template on refresh

I have a project using nodejs with express & pug in the backend, and AngularJS with ngroute on the frontend. The way it used to work was:
I enter website, it loads index.html (with angular stuff) and then
/home(with content created with pug) as a view.
When i choose to enter another document, angular requests it from
express, and server fills it with pug (eg. /users), angular loads it
into view leaving menu,etc. untouched
It used to work very well, until i decided to remove the # from address (using this: https://scotch.io/quick-tips/pretty-urls-in-angularjs-removing-the-hashtag). Now when i reload the page somewhere else than home, it loads only raw view, without stuff provided by index.html. I thought about redirecting to home, but it wont be always what i need. How can i solve this problem?

Add an additional page to an Angular SPA

The Scenario
I'm developing the front-end (CSS only) of an Angular SPA.
I'm not especially familiar with Angular routing.
I'd like to add a standalone page containing Bootstrap components just for development purposes (yes, I know this means it won't be a single page application anymore). This way I have one unified view with all the components so I don't have to switch back and forth while working on the CSS. It also acts as documentation for the Bootstrap for the other devs to refer to.
What I've tried
I originally added a bootstrap.html page to the app folder, alongside the app's index.html This worked at first, but has now stopped working. What would be the best/standard way to achieve something like this?
Update: I've managed to fix some of the JS errors, so the page is up and running again. My question remains though: "is there a way of adding a standalone page that is considered standard/best practise, or is it literally just add a separate HTML page at the app root?"
If you use a target='_self' in your linking anchor tag, this should force a full page reload, and that will avoid the angular routing - which is where I expect your request is getting hijacked (by design).
Answering your updated question
Not to my knowledge, since (as you correctly pointed out) this mixes the SPA design pattern.

How to reload angular single page subpages and don't lose content

I'm using Spring Boot 1.4.0.M2, Angular 1.5.8, Angular UI Router 0.3.1, and Thymeleaf templating.
What I want to do is to remove hash # from my url I want to something like this:
look like this
What I did:
added to my angular configuration.js file something like this:
added to my userIndex.html head
base href="/userIndex.html"/>
This userIndex.html contains all js libraries, this is my single page index page it contains imports like this:
<script type="text/javascript" th:src="#{/js/lib/jquery.min.js}" />
and UI router:
<div ui-view="" class="ui-container"></div>
After this hash # disappear from URL, but!
I open my web page http://localhost:8080/ than click link to for example "/contact" and go to sub page URL look perfect http://localhost:8080/contact no hash and page look like this.
And that when I press F5 to reload web page http://localhost:8080/contact and than content look like this:
Starting from http://localhost:8080/ and clicking link to /contact make everything ok, trying to enter URL http://localhost:8080/contact present raw html without css, js etc. userIndex.html is not loaded is it possible to load it to sub page like /contact?
This is how my project and template config looks like
Is any body here who could help me to fix this reload thing? Maybe it is something wrong with my spring boot template config?
The difference between the two ways is that in the first case you download the userIndex.html file and afterwards angular is intercepting your location change on client side to render the contact state.
In the second case, you are requesting the contact path from the server directly. This is where your viewController configuration comes into play and returns the probably not wanted html instead of the index page which would be required to run your angular app.
For node.js there is a concept called historyApiFallback that registers a 404 error handler to return the index.html page (e.g. this express module: https://github.com/bripkens/connect-history-api-fallback). In your case you need to avoid the clash between your registered viewControllers and the routing names used in the angular app. See this question for a similar case: How can I use Angular2 PathLocationStrategy in a Spring Boot application?
All in all it's not that convenient to use the PathLocationStrategy / html5Mode even if it is essential if you later want to have the possibility to also do server side rendering.
You need to configure server side routing. So when you removed the hash and you could go to the contact and it worked, but when you refreshed it lost the content because after refreshing the page your server tried to find contact.html and if it find in your case it served only that without the css and other stuff. Depend's on your server you can configure your server to fallback to index.html all the time so when it can not find the requested page. and set base to / otherwise server will go to the root of directory and find the contact.html and serve it to you and it will be raw without css. I hope i could explain it to you. You can search for the url-re-writer for your server.

what is the difference between hashbang and HTML5 pushState? [duplicate]

I'm asking this because a couple of times now, I've tried to play around with the $locationProvider.html5Mode(true) command along with <base href="/"> and ran into a lot of errors calling the scripts/styles/images for my project. I guess there must be something I am doing wrong, but is there a certain folder structure you should follow so you don't run into these errors? Or is there a specific way that the base href works that I'm not quite understanding?
Recently, I thought I'd try it on a very, very small app. It's effectively a static website, but I want to take advantage of Angular's routing to make sure all of the pages can load instantly. So my structure would be something like this:
So I know that this folder structure isn't great, but I'll only be using Angular in this project for routing, nothing more, so it fits my needs.
I put into the head <base href="/">, put in body ng-app and ng-controller, and inside the body put a <div ng-view> somewhere too.
I added in the $locationProvider.html5Mode(true) and tried the app out. All of my scripts are then being loaded as http://localhost:8888/script.js which is incorrect. The project is located in a folder so that index.html is located in http://localhost:8888/my-project/index.html. So, it should be loading the scripts from http://localhost:8888/my-project/js/angular/app.js for example.
Is there something that I'm not understanding about the base href? Eventually I may host this app somewhere online, so I want the URLs to scripts etc to all be relevant to the file really. Anyone have any ideas?
Alright, so above the base href tag I would have my CSS styles which would be linked as css/style.css and at the bottom of my body tag I would have my scripts loaded as js/init.js or js/angular/app.js for example. This would try to load it as if the js folder is located directly at localhost:8888/js.
The Angular framework is a Single Page Application (SPA) that is able to run in a browser by essentially tricking the browser into running code snippets rather than make server calls, by making use of the "hash" (#) page anchor. Normally, a URL with a # would jump to a specific anchor point in the page; in the case of Angular or other similar SPA frameworks, the # is redirected to a code segment instead.
Ideally, you would like to not have to reference this # in your page URLs. This is where Html5Mode comes into play. Html5Mode is able to hide the #, by using the HTML5 Push State (aka history API).
When Html5Mode is enabled, the normal links on the page are silently replaced by Angular with event listeners. When these events are triggered, the current page is pushed into the browser history, and the new page is loaded. This gives the illusion that you are navigating to a new page, and even allows for the back button to operate.
This is all fine when you are dealing with links which are clicked from within the running application, but relying on event listeners can't work if you navigate to the page from an external source, where Angular isn't loaded into memory yet. To deal with this, you must be loading your pages from a web server which supports URL rewrites. When the server receives a request for a URL that there isn't a physical page for, it rewrites the URL to load the base HTML page, where Angular can be loaded and take over.
When Angular receives a request for a route which has been rewritten in this manner, it must first determine what the intended route was. This is where the Base HTML Tag comes into play. Angular uses the Base reference to help it to determine which part of the URL is on the server, and which part is a client route. Essentially, where the # in the URL would be if Html5Mode was not enabled.
Unfortunately, Base is an HTML Tag that is used by the browser for more than just Angular. The browser also uses this tag to determine the correct location to load scripts and resources using relative paths from, regardless of the path in the location bar. In general, this isn't a problem if all of the scripts and resources are relative to the location of the Index.html file. When Base is omitted, the browser will load scripts from the apparent base path determined by the current URI. However, once you provide it, the browser will use whatever value you have supplied.
In general, unless you are hosting angular on a sub-page of your site and you want your users to expect something specific in the URL string, you should always control the base on your server, and use Base="/" on the client side.

Laravel and AngularJS views structure

I recently started to digg in to angularjs, and would help me a lot with my new project, but im stucked with the view structure part.
So what i dont really understand is, how to build it up.
Is it okay if i create html angular partials and not creating laravel views, so laravel would only handle the database instert fecth edit delete, and the angular partial views would handle the result show, and forms.
So my buold up would look like this.
My assets folder
And creating restful controllers for them what handlets listed above
Or if someone could show my a basic exaple about this, just the controller and view part, how to build up a singple page with showing result, and one with grabing by id i would really be grateful.
Thank you
When starting a Laravel & AngularJS project you are in charge of the backend and frontend. Basically you have 3 options.
Keep the entire app in the same folder, and the angularjs stuff in the public folder.
Keep the entire app in the same folder and AngularJS views in the laravel view folder.
Separate your backend and frontend completely.
The first & second option are the simplest, and its OK if you have a small/medium sized application. In this case just keep all the AngularJS files in the public folder, or if you choose to mix them with laravel views just drop the .blade extension (or change the laravel blade/angularjs template syntax)
I see its best to keep the backend as restful as possible when doing a SPA app, the point is to push the logic to the browser, this means your app can become a mess if you mix php with js too much.
The folder structure is totally up to you, and it does not matter what option you choose. But a good start is separating you app into a logical parts.
You can also check this for a good angularjs styleguide.
The above is a basic folder structure, just customize it as you see best. If you have a small app, you could drop the folders and just have a controllers.js directives.js and services.js (etc)and keep all your javascript in the same file. This is totally up to you. Separate when the application grows, and always refactor.
If you choose the third option you will have to customize the backend a bit. This might be the hardest option, but it also gives you great flexibility. Basically you could drop laravel all together, and build the backend in node.js, or use laravel as a backend for another SPA app written in Ember.js without making any changes in the code. Note if you are choosing this option you cannot make use of some laravel stuff, like the blade templating. You will also have to setup your laravel app for CORS, and note, there can be some more coding when it comes to security, like CSRF tokens and such.
When going to production with you app you can use a build tool to min & concat you frontend app into one file. Checkout ng-min for minification.
This is one of the project I am working on. You can see the way how I have partial views in angular js. As suggested above, there is no need putting your view files in public folder.
