Every so often I receive the following errors in my logs. It appears to be happening during the following actions: commit, lookup, runQuery
This is the start of each error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Google_IO_Exception' with message 'HTTP Error: Unable to connect: 'fopen(https://www.googleapis.com/datastore/v1beta2/datasets/{APPENGINE_ID}/commit): failed to open stream: Unsupported SSL context options are set. The following options are present, but have been ignored: cafile
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Google_IO_Exception' with message 'HTTP Error: Unable to connect: 'fopen(https://www.googleapis.com/datastore/v1beta2/datasets/{APPENGINE_ID}/lookup): failed to open stream: Unsupported SSL context options are set. The following options are present, but have been ignored: cafile
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Google_IO_Exception' with message 'HTTP Error: Unable to connect: 'fopen(https://www.googleapis.com/datastore/v1beta2/datasets/{APPENGINE_ID}/runQuery): failed to open stream: Unsupported SSL context options are set. The following options are present, but have been ignored: cafile
And this is the exact text below each of the above errors:
Fetch error'' in /base/data/home/apps/{APPENGINE_ID}/{NUMBERS}/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Google/IO/Stream.php:141
Stack trace:
#0 /base/data/home/apps/{APPENGINE_ID}/{NUMBERS}/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Google/IO/Abstract.php(136): Google_IO_Stream->executeRequest(Object(Google_Http_Request))
#1 /base/data/home/apps/{APPENGINE_ID}/{NUMBERS}/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Google/Http/REST.php(60): Google_IO_Abstract->makeRequest(Object(Google_Http_Request))
#2 [internal function]: Google_Http_REST::doExecute(Object(Google_Client), Object(Google_Http_Request))
#3 /base/data/home/apps/{APPENGINE_ID}/{NUMBERS}/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Google/Task/Runne in /base/data/home/apps/{APPENGINE_ID}/{NUMBERS}/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Google/IO/Stream.php on line 141
Does anyone know why this might be occurring? This doesn't happen all the time so I seriously doubt it has anything to do my code.
Bug Report Link
Failed to create the job graph for the job: 33a1a9be989845ecaf8c91019c7bd298 (message = 0:0-0:0, Creating the JobGraph for this deployment failed before. Please delete the JobGraph before requesting a new creation. Error message: Failed to translate a SQL Script into a JobGraph. Cause: Unable to execute HTTP request: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target Cause: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target)
logging error like: Unhandled Promise Rejection with Error: Network Error
Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0):
Error: Network Error
Error: Network Error
at createError (blob:http://localhost:8081/3aab7ec1-40be-4c43-864c-6474a71b00c9:79490:17)
at XMLHttpRequest.handleError (blob:http://localhost:8081/3aab7ec1-40be-4c43-864c-6474a71b00c9:79398:16)
at XMLHttpRequest.dispatchEvent (blob:http://localhost:8081/3aab7ec1-40be-4c43-864c-6474a71b00c9:17902:39)
at XMLHttpRequest.setReadyState (blob:http://localhost:8081/3aab7ec1-40be-4c43-864c-6474a71b00c9:17657:20)
at XMLHttpRequest.__didCompleteResponse (blob:http://localhost:8081/3aab7ec1-40be-4c43-864c-6474a71b00c9:17484:16)
at blob:http://localhost:8081/3aab7ec1-40be-4c43-864c-6474a71b00c9:17594:47
at RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit (blob:http://localhost:8081/3aab7ec1-40be-4c43-864c-6474a71b00c9:3480:37)
at MessageQueue.__callFunction (blob:http://localhost:8081/3aab7ec1-40be-4c43-864c-6474a71b00c9:2386:44)
at blob:http://localhost:8081/3aab7ec1-40be-4c43-864c-6474a71b00c9:2156:17
at MessageQueue.__guardSafe (blob:http://localhost:8081/3aab7ec1-40be-4c43-864c-6474a71b00c9:2348:11)
This error comes when your device or emulator is not connected to internet and trying to make XMLHttpRequest with axios or fetch via device or emulator.
Please make sure you are connected on the same network on both your machine and your device. Also reverify that your debugger is running on localhost.
I have set http_proxy and https_proxy, also set system variables, but still get the following error when I tried to get the latest chrome driver and selenium server:
C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm>webdriver-manager update
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: unable to verify the first certificate
at Error (native)
at TLSSocket.<anonymous> (_tls_wrap.js:1092:38)
at emitNone (events.js:86:13)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:185:7)
at TLSSocket._finishInit (_tls_wrap.js:610:8)
at TLSWrap.ssl.onhandshakedone (_tls_wrap.js:440:38)
OS:win7 32bit
When I try to deploy my application, I get this error: ERROR appcfg.py:2149 An error occurred processing file '': HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized. Aborting.
I provide my login and password correctly but I am not able to deploy my application.
Any solution?
When deploying my GAE app I get the following error:
ERROR appcfg.py:2161 An error occurred processing file '': <urlopen error [Errno 65] No route to host>. Aborting.
When I try to rollback the last update I get the same error. What steps can I take to debug this?