Repeating custom directive to attach to array property for input - angularjs

I have created a plunkr. Where I need to get the custom directive repeating . However what I need is when i click the check button then all the inputs should be populated inside the slides array in presentation-controller and then I can work with that array.
The problem is the directive is actually adding inputs. When I click the check button, all the inputs should be populated inside the presentation-controller's $scope.slides[] array.
Repeating directive attaching to controller array property

I think your problem is on the view template slide-input.html, here you write ng-bind="slides[0]" and in presentation-controller you write $scope.slides= ["hello"] , when you click plus icon, adding a new directive ,slides[0] always displayed you 'hello'


Two-way databinding to mddialog

I cannot figure out how to make a two-way-binding to an mddialog. Can anyone give me an example, where data passed to a mddialog is updated when it is updated in the original scope?
I have tried parsing data using 'locals' with no avail, setting the dialog scope to the main scope, etc. But I must be doing something wrong.
As an example I expect a mddialog to be open (using $ The modal template show a number, that can be increased by one when clicking a button on the dialog template. At the same time, the number is also outside the modal (parent), with another button that can decrease the number when clicked. The number is updated in both places when either button is clicked.

how to use ng-if inside element with ui-view?

I want to show a view depending of certain model, I'm using ng-if to achieve it, but I cant get it.
I have the following
div.detail(ui-view="detail" ng-if="consultation.detail")
div.geolocation(ui-view="geolocation" ng-if="!consultation.detail")
So, inside my controller I initially have vm.detail = true, hence the first div it is showing, but when I want to change the value of vm.detail to false (with ng-click event with a link), the first div is hidden, and the second one, is hidden too, and it no should be that! it shoud be showing the second div
What Am I doing wrong?

Differentiating arrow clicks between multiple UI-Select controls on one page

Hi I would like to customize behavior of the ui-select little bit. I use two bootstap themed ui-select controls on my page with the help of templatecaches. In the template, I wired up arrow button click event using ng-click tag. That way I can easily catch the click event on the arrow button, and in my controller I can open a popup using function, for instance:
<button ng-click = "someFunctionInTheScope()">
For instance if I have two of those ui-select elements in my view, I need to differentiate which arrow button is clicked to display the correct popup. Since I am using the same template for two ui-select controls and since theoretically I can have any number of these controls on my page, I can not easily add a parameter to the method in the template to differentiate which arrow image of which ui-select control is clicked:
<button ng-click= "someFunctionInTheScope(1)">
Because both ui-select control would be using the same template code and 1 would be passed to the controller function for both of them.
Therefore I need to find a more clever way of changing the template dynamically once and for each control.
So I thought about having something like
<button ng-click= "someFunctionInTheScope($">
but when I debug it I see that functions parameter is undefined, every time it is clicked.
Can somebody please show me how to hack this?
There is no id property on the $select object. You're best bet is to pass something through the scope of the element containing the ui-select boxes. In other words, your code needs to generate a unique identifier for each ui-select box you have. This could be the $index property of an ng-repeat block, a timestamp, or something dependent on other context.
A little more context and I can provide a more specific answer.

AngularJS scope issue with a UI-modal window

I'm using the UI-bootstrap modal window in my Angular application and I'm running into some kind of a scope problem.
I've got a modal dialog which basically has two modes. At first, it displays a list of existing items for the user to select from. In case the item the user needs is not in the list, he can click "Create", then I hide the div containing the list and display another div which contains an input form so the user can add an entry to the list. This is all really trivial stuff. The buttons to toggle which div is being shown work fine. I basically have a boolean scope variable called "create", which takes care of this.
Then, in the modal-footer I have two save buttons. One is shown when in "list" mode and the other is shown when the user is in "create" mode. Again, works fine.
Now, when the user is in "create" mode and clicks the corresponding "save" button, then I need to process the form and finally switch the state back to the list, that is set the "create" scope variable back to false, but this is not working for me. It's like I'm dealing with more than one scope since the view does not update when I update the "create" variable from the button click in the controller.
I've created a working Plunker which demonstrates this, please have a look:
I know this is probably something really simple I'm missing. Hoping someone can point me in the right direction!
EDIT: As per the suggestion below from Mik378, I created an "intermediate" object in the scope and assigned the "create" variable to it. Now this works like I wanted to.
I updated the Plunker:
If you're using scope.myVariableToReach, you have to change that by scope.oneIntermediateObjectNotAccessibleInTheChildScope.myVariableToReach.
Otherwise, when you set scope.myVariableToReach directly, it would change the child one, not affecting the outer.

Check the validity of dynamically added forms on angularjs controller's $scope

To check the validity of a form in my page, I test this property in my controller's scope:
The problem is that when I add forms dynamically to the page (based on a model property), the $scope.newFormName property is not added to the scope.
This plnkr illustrate the problem
Click the 'Add form' button to add forms to the page
Click the 'Search forms' to update the list with the forms found in the $scope
Note that the added forms are not found in the scope
Is there any way to make this work? How can I check the validity of this dynamically added forms?
So your code adds a list of identical forms. And you want to see whether this list is valid or not.
The solution is to use ngForms within a parent form. See this Plunkr (my modified version of yours).
Form input values are bound to objects in the $scope.dynamicData array, which also is used by ngRepeat to create the list of forms.
Invalid fields are shown with a solid red border, and invalid forms have a dashed red border.
When forms are nested like this, the parent form is invalid when any of its child forms are invalid.
I'd use angular.element(). I would also personally get it via ID rather than name, but that is just me. View this plunker to see what I did:
I'm using angular.element() to get the element by the name, getElementsByName and then using the $attr directive to get at the name.
