Supporting IE8 with Angular JS, React JS, and Breeze JS - angularjs

I know that each of the following packages can individually work with IE8:
Angular JS (upto version 1.3), React JS, and Breeze JS
However using Breeze and Angular together does not within IE8 as discussed in detail Breeze and Angular 'ToDo' app does not work with IE 8
Is there any experience using React with Breeze within an Angular App to support IE8?

React + breeze wont work on IE8 for the same reason that angular + breeze wont work there: lack of support for Object.definedProperty.
We do not plan to make further attempts to overcome deficiencies of IE8.


How to use Ionic with Angular Tools in Ionic React?

As a month ago, Ionic published their full version of "Ionic React". My personal experience with Ionic is based on Angular JS, so, how can I use Ionic with Angular JS in Ionic React or is it possible ?
Edit:As Angular JS is now on , this topic has importance.
You have to have an understanding of reactjs to use Ionic React. Ionic has moved to Angular (2+) and recently to React and Vue as well. React works with Virtual DOM whereas Angularjs with Regular DOM. Also, language is also different. React uses JSX and Angularjs, javascript and HTML. Another interesting thing is that React is Library and Angularjs is a Framework.
So, I don't think using Angularjs with Ionic React makes much sense.
You should learn the basics of React if you want to work with Ionic React. If you to want to stick with Angular(2+) then you have to learn Typescript. As of today, Ionic Angular is more stable than Ionic React. Ionic React just got released and will take some time to get fully stable.
I have worked on ionic since Ionic 2 and last year when Ionic 5 was released with React I switched to the new Tech Stack as React is Plain Javascript and much faster when it comes to the compilation and bundling as it doesn't have other not needed dependencies.
Ok Here are some pointers to keep in mind when moving from Ionic (Angular) to Ionic (React) development.
Ionic Doesn't support Cordova when it comes to React it uses Capacitor instead which has more boilerPlate when comes to implementation and Cordova has a bigger community + easy to integrate.
Also React is recently introduced therefore it is not that much stable.
Not Many people use React with Ionic, therefore, won't be able to get solutions to the issues and have to fix them by yourself.
Lastly, Capacitor doest support all the native API for example "SplashScreen" which is the basic one.
I have been working with it for the past 2 months and I can say Ionic(Cordova + Angular) was better.

Upgrade AngularJS to Angular 6 in Cordova App

I have a Cordova app built using Angular 1 i.e. Angular JS. How I can upgrade the app yo latest angular version.
Will it require complete code re-write to TypeScript (TS)??
TypeScript is not a requirement for writing Angular 2+. However, Angular 2-7 does not have much in common with AngularJS as it doesn't have the same architecture or components. For example, from what i've read about it, AngularJS used a MVC model, Angular2+ does not.
So to answer your question, you will indeed need to rewrite most of your application. Going from Angular 2 to 7 is much easier as not much has changed.

angularjs angular hybrid application very slow

i am just using an angular component library called gridster in my large angularjs application. for that i made my app hybrid, as in future we are planning to upgrade our application to be on completely on angular. i am using 1.4.3 angularjs and 6.0 angular version.
after making my application it has become very slow.
Any suggestion please.
most of the module and directives is angularjs, i have followed standard approach of upgrade provided in angular documentation. downgraded angular gridster component.

Angular JS rendering code?

I use old version Angular JS 1.5.
When backend returns views where was integrated Angular JS, it rendering with showing source code. So, awhile I can see Angular JS code, after it is rendered.
How to fix it? I tried ng-cloak. But it does not work for me

Angular app Won't load on IE8

I'm developing an app with angular.
There is no much Javascript code, since it only make up.
It work fine in chrome/firefox/safari/ie9+
In IE8 it won't load the page, it throws several angular exceptions before the page loads.
I have read this post and tried, the errors are less, but there are some yet.
Angular does not have I8 support anymore? Is there anyway to fix that?
angular 1.3+ does not support ie8 anymore. If you want to use it on IE8, use angular 1.2 and below
