EXcel COUNT values based on multiple conditions in different ranges - arrays

I have an Excel spreadsheet, contain all possible combinations between certain products, e.g. a-a, a-b, a-c, b-a, b-b, b-c, c-a, c-b and c-c. Based on those combinations, a value is calculated and compared with a historical value. The two values are subtracted, resulting in -1, 0 or 1.
Now, in another spreadsheet, I have all the products listed (so that would be a, b and c here) and for each product, I would like to know how many -1's, 0's and 1's the product had as a result when it was the second product in the combination, e.g. I want to know how many ...-b's resulted in 0.
My first thought was to use a simple COUNTIF, going over the range with the subtraction: COUNTIF(RANGE:0). Of course, this gives all the 0's in the range, without taking into account the product. Then, I tried SUM(IF(AND("range of the second product"="b";"range of the subtraction result"=0);1)), but this produces #N/A. I am unsure what to try out next.
In some other related topics, the suggestion was made to make use of arrays, based on http://www.cpearson.com/excel/ArrayFormulas.aspx
Consequently, I tried the formula {=COUNT(("2ndproductrange"="b") * ("resultrange"<0))}, but this returned the total number of rows. A variant with {=COUNTIF(("2ndproductrange"="b")*("resultrange");<0)} isn't a valid formula.

It sounds like to me that you are trying to perform a COUNT operation that matches 2 distinct criteria. As you noted the COUNTIF formula takes in a single criteria, well there is a COUNTIFS formula that takes in multiple. Here is what I "think" it would look like with your example ranges:
A concrete example would be as follows:
Historical Value Product Countifs a b c
1 c <0 1 2 0
-1 a 0 0 1 1
-1 b >0 1 2 1
1 b
1 b
0 c
-1 b
0 b
1 a
In the above example the formulas would be:
=COUNTIFS($B:$B;"a";$A:$A;"<0") =COUNTIFS($B:$B;"b";$A:$A;"<0") =COUNTIFS($B:$B;"c";$A:$A;"<0")
=COUNTIFS($B:$B;"a";$A:$A;"0") =COUNTIFS($B:$B;"b";$A:$A;"0") =COUNTIFS($B:$B;"c";$A:$A;"0")
=COUNTIFS($B:$B;"a";$A:$A;">0") =COUNTIFS($B:$B;"b";$A:$A;">0") =COUNTIFS($B:$B;"c";$A:$A;">0")
For those that are using a comma , as their list separator locale the same formulas would be:
=COUNTIFS($B:$B,"a",$A:$A,"<0") =COUNTIFS($B:$B,"b",$A:$A,"<0") =COUNTIFS($B:$B,"c",$A:$A,"<0")
=COUNTIFS($B:$B,"a",$A:$A,"0") =COUNTIFS($B:$B,"b",$A:$A,"0") =COUNTIFS($B:$B,"c",$A:$A,"0")
=COUNTIFS($B:$B,"a",$A:$A,">0") =COUNTIFS($B:$B,"b",$A:$A,">0") =COUNTIFS($B:$B,"c",$A:$A,">0")


Multiply two ranges in Excel to get an array result

Excel 365 allows to multiply ranges to get an array as a result.
Entering in A3
= A1:C1 * A2:C2
will evaluate to {1,0,1} * {0,1,1}
and return an array {0,0,1} spilling in A3:C3
This operation can also be used in formulas, especially useful in FILTER(), SUMPRODUCT() etc.
Is there a formula in Excel 365 that can take as arguments an arbitrary number of 1-D ranges, multiply them, and return a 1-D array in the same way as above?
For what I found out so far, SUMPRODUCT() and MMULT() can return only a single value, not a 1-D array.
Alternatively, I can write a LAMBDA, but would like to avoid it, if there is a ready-made formula for it.
I am not 100% what do you mean, I would assume you want to multiply all rows of the same column and return a row array with the result per column. You can achieve it in cell E1 using the following formula:
=BYCOL(A1:C3, LAMBDA(col, PRODUCT(col)))
and here is the output:
If you have only positives numbers, then you can use MMULT, based on the following mathematical properties:
Putting in excel terms using EXP/LN functions in our case it would be:
or using LET to avoid repetitions:
=LET(rng, A1:C3, rows, ROW(rng), u, TOROW(rows/rows), EXP(MMULT(u, LN(rng))))
You get the same result.
Note: rows/rows just returns the unit vector with the same number of rows as A1:C3.

How to get an array that summarizes sometimes repeated negative or positive values, also writing the number of repetitions in a separate column?

I got a list with "Move" (Column C) values.
How to create "Sorted" list (Column E,F) , which repeat number in Column F and write action in Column E as 1, if next value go opposite way from zero;
And summarize 2 or more numbers in Column F, and write action in Column E as 2 or more, if they going together same way from zero;
Screenshot shows correct result:
Google Sheets example link:
Here's what I came up with in cell E1 on the mk.idea tab
=ARRAYFORMULA(array_constrain(query({C2:C\LOOKUP(A2:A;filter({A2:A;1}; sign({C2:C;0})<>sign(n(C:C))))};"select Count(Col2),sum(Col1),Col2 where Col2>1 group by Col2 label Count(Col2)'Sorted',Sum(Col1)''";0);9^9;2))
Does that give you what you're after?

Issues with SUMPRODUCT in Excel: Trying to count the number of average subtractions above a given threshold

I have a fairly simple issue that I cannot seem to work out. It may be familiar to some of you now.
I have the following matrix (which I will refer to as two arrays):
F G H I J ... R S T U V
1 0 0 1 1
4 4 2 3 5 1 2 3 1 2
2 2 3 1 2 0 1
2 1 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0
I would like to take the difference between the average of each row in array 1 (columns F:J) and the average of each row in array 2 (columns R:V). For example, the average of F2:J2 = 3.6, the average of R2:V2 = 1.8, and the overall difference = 1.8. I would then like to count the number of overall differences which exceed a given threshold (e.g., 1), but I want to ignore rows which have no entries (see R1:V1) and/or partially missing entries (see the 2nd entry in row F3:J3 and 4th and 5th entry in row R3:V3).
I was lucky enough to be introduced to array formulae by #Tom Sharpe, and have attempted to adapt his code for a similar issue I had, e.g.,:
From what I understand, the code attempts to count the number of differences between the averages of each row in each array that exceed 1, so long as the product between the number of columns with full entries is >0 (i.e. has full data). However, it keeps throwing the #DIV/0! error, which I believe stems from that fact that it is still trying to subtract the average of F1:J1 and R1:V1 (e.g., the empty row), which would produce this kind of error. The correct answer for the current example is 1 (e.g., F2:J2 [3.6] - R2:V2 [1.8] = 1.8 == 1.8 > 1).
Does anyone have any ideas as to how the code can be attempted for the current purposes, and perhaps a v. brief explanation of what is going awry in the current code?
You're right, SUBTOTAL falls over when it's trying to find the average of an range containing only empty cells.
If you want to persevere and try and do it the same way as before with an array formula, you have to turn it round and put the condition for all the cells in both ranges to be non-blank in an if statement so that it doesn't try and take the average unless both ranges have no blanks:
This time unfortunately I found I couldn't SUMPRODUCT it - I think this is because of the presence of the IF statement - so you have to enter it as an array formula using CtrlShiftEnter
Will this work for you?
My approach was a little different from what you tried to adapt from #TomSharp in that I'm validating the cells have data (not blank) and then perform the calculation, othewise return an error message. This is still an array function call, so when you enter the formulas, press ctrl+shft+enter.
The condition part of the opening if() checks to see that each range's cells are not blank: if a match( true= isblank(cell))
means a cell is blank (bad), if no match ... ie no blank cells, Match will return an #NA "error" (good). False is good = Errors found ? No. ((ie no blank cells))

Countif the Result of Subtracting Two Arrays Exceeds a Certain Value in Excel

I am new to array formulae and am having trouble with the following scenario:
I have the following matrix:
F G H I J ... R S T U V
1 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 1 2 3 1 2
2 0 2 3 1 2 0 1 0 0
2 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0
My goal is to count the number of rows within which the difference between the sum of columns F:J and the sum of columns R:V is greater than a threshold. Critically, only rows with full data should be included: row 1 (where there are only values for columns F1:J1) and row 2 (where there are only some values for columns F2:J2) should be ignored.
If the threshold = 2.5, then the solution is 1. That is, row 3 is the only row with complete data where the difference between the sum of F3:J3 (8) and the sum of R3:V3 (3) is greater than 2.5 (e.g., 5 > 2.5).
I have tried to put together the following formula, rather pathetically, based on the teachings of #Tom Sharpe and #QHarr:
But it seems to always produce a value of 1, even if I edit the matrix such that the difference between the sum of F4:J4 and R4:v4 also exceeds 2.5. Sadly I am struggling to understand why and would appreciate any guidance on the matter.
As an array formula in one cell without volatile functions:
should do the trick :D
Maybe, in say X1 (assuming you have labelled your columns):
In Y1 whatever your chosen cutoff (eg 2.5) and in Y2:
copied down to suit.
Try this:
I think this will do it, replacing your AND's by multiplies (*):
It could be simplified a bit more but a bit short of time.
Just another option...
My approach was a little different from what you tried to adapt from #TomSharp in that I'm validating the cells have data (not blank) and then perform the calculation, othewise return an error message. This is still an array function call, so when you enter the formulas, press ctrl+shft+enter.
The condition part of the opening if() checks to see that each range's cells are not blank: if a match( true= isblank(cell))
means a cell is blank (bad), if no match ... ie no blank cells, Match will return an #NA "error" (good). False is good = Errors found ? No. ((ie no blank cells))
Then the threshold condition becomes:
=COUNTIF(X1:X4,">"&Threshold)' Note: no Array formula here
I gave the threshold (Cell W6) a named range for read ablity.

Excel: Fill a range of cells with a value or formula depending on only one cell

We have a project on a certain math subject and I am done with the computations and it works just fine. So the task is, let's say you have a system of linear equations of certain number of unknowns, you input the number of unknowns, and fill in the values, and using matrix computations, find all the value of unknowns.
To make this short, I already finished the "find the value of unknowns" along with the computation, I checked it, and it seems fine. I can put 6 as the number of unknowns and it automatically computes the inverse of a 6x6 matrix and it will return the 6 unknown values using Index INDIVIDUALLY.
(Note: We aren't allowed to use VBA or Macros since we haven't discussed that yet.
The problem is, I don't know how to automatically fill a RANGE of cells with a VALUE or A FORMULA based on a SINGLE cell value.
For example, In cell A1, I will input 5 (which indicates the number of unknowns), then upon inputting this and hitting enter, let's say a range of cells A2 to A6 (which is 5 cells) will be automatically filled with incremented letters, like for A2 -> A ; A3 -> B ; ... A6 -> E, of which these letters indicate the 5 unknowns.
Another follow up question, let's say I input again 5, which again stands for the number of missing values/unknowns, in A1, besides the column of the variables A,B,C,D,E (5 unknowns), I want to automatically fill column B respectively with values from an array.
This is just the same with my first problem but this time, instead of incremented letters, it would be Incremented Index function.
For example: I input 5
*Column A will automatically be filled with the variables/letters
*Column B will automatically be filled with the values from an array that's computed using a formula but is not shown independently on cells.
I already have the formula
INDEX(Formula I created, Row number of the answer from the Formula I created , Column number of the answer from the formula I created)
The answers from the formula I made myself is also an array, an "n" rows and 1 column array. If I put the Index formula on a SINGLE cell, it returns specified row number value from the array that resulted in the computation from my formula
What I want is for example, for 5 unknowns
**A | B**
2|.......A..............Some Value 1
3|.......B..............Some Value 2
4|.......C..............Some Value 3
5|.......D..............Some Value 4
6|.......E..............Some Value 5
Wherein the "Some Value" is the Arrayed Answer from my formula and the "1,2,3,4,5" specifies the row number from that arrayed answer.
This is upon inputting the matrix values, inputting the number of unknowns "n" in A1, and automatically filling a range of cells A2 to A"n" with letters A up to what letter "n" corresponds, and automatically filling a range of Cells B2 to B"n" with my formula but with incremented row number for every row in the Index(Formula, Row number , Column number) function.
Note: I hope there's a way to do this using excel functions only since we haven't discussed VBA or Macros yet so we can't use those, and even If we can, I have no knowledge for that. haha. :D
Here's a formula for column A:A (write this in cell A2) and drag down:
