How to clear the index of ngrepeat in a modal - angularjs

I have a list of elements. Ever element has a gallery attached to it.
I use a modal to show the gallery of each. It s working perfectly.
Now the problem I have is about the pictures that are showed first.
Let s say I have this in the first element :
and this in the second element
I would like to always start showing the elements from the first element.
This does not ahppen here. I somhow end up having an index of 3 in a Gallery of 2 elements..
Can you tell me how I can change this behaviour?
Here is my modal ctroller:
// Dealing with modals for the gallery
$ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('Cards/image-modal.html', {
scope: $scope,
animation: 'slide-in-up'
}).then(function(modal) {
$scope.modal = modal;
$scope.openModal = function(index) {
$scope.currentGallery = $[index].Gallery;
//console.log('This is' + $[index].Gallery);
console.log("When slide opens " + $scope.slideIndex);
// Important: This line is needed to update the current ion-slide's width
// Try commenting this line, click the button and see what happens
$scope.closeModal = function() {
console.log("When slide closes " + $scope.slideIndex);
$scope.slideIndex = 0;
console.log("When slide closes and I change it to " + $scope.slideIndex);
// Cleanup the modal when we're done with it!
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
console.log('Modal is destroyed!');
// Execute action on hide modal
$scope.$on('modal.hide', function() {
// Execute action
console.log('Modal is hidden!');
// Execute action on remove modal
$scope.$on('modal.removed', function() {
// Execute action
console.log('Modal is removed!');
$scope.$on('modal.shown', function() {
console.log("When slide is on MODAL.SHOW " + $scope.slideIndex);
console.log('Modal is shown!');
// Call this functions if you need to manually control the slides
$ = function() {
$scope.previous = function() {
// Called each time the slide changes
$scope.slideChanged = function(index) {
$scope.slideIndex = index;
console.log("When slide changes " + $scope.slideIndex);
here is my modal code:
<div class="modal image-modal transparent" ng-click="closeModal()">
<ion-slide-box on-slide-changed="slideChanged(index)" show-pager="false">
<ion-slide ng-repeat="item in currentGallery">
<img ng-src="{{item.picture}}" class="fullscreen-image" />
<p class="info">{{item.caption}}</p>
Can you please help?
I tried to change that index ay many places, and I do but it does not affect the slideshow moving forward..
Thank you in advance,
And cheers!

It has been solved... I basically used this :
var II = $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.currentIndex() + 1;
for (var i = II - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ($ionicSlideBoxDelegate.previous() == 0) {
This way, it always goes back to the beginning whenever I close it. Cheers!


Hiding page loader only after completion of data load in the page view

Currently am working with angularjs.
now i have an ng-click function,it is called when checkbox is checked or unchecked. i have a full page loader and when i click on the check box it will be displayed. It will be hidden only after loading the complete view. I tried this code and it is not working
here comes the click
<input type="checkbox"id="myId" ng-click="sampleClick(1)">
here is the js code
$scope.sampleClick = function(type) {
var param = new Object();
param.type = type;
//side bar listing'url/testurl', param).then(function(data){
$scope.all = '';
$scope.all = angular.fromJson(data);
console.log("Contents is trying to load.");
$scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded',function(event, viewConfig){
console.log("Contents did load.");
$rootScope.setVariable = 1;
}, function (error) {
$rootScope.setVariable = 1;
I want to set the $rootScope.setVariable = 1 only when the view section is completely loaded.(and each time when I click on the check box)
Note : when I use $viewContentLoaded at the time of page load, it works without any issue. But when I use the same along with the ng-click function, i don't get any response.
If the view is rendered using ng-repeat, why can't you use ng-repeat directive to handle the end of render and then initiate a function call.
for example
<div ng-repeat="i in things" repeat-done>
// here you use i to render your filter with checkbox
and directive will look like
app.directive('repeatDone', function($rootScope) {
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
if (scope.$last){
//set your variables or do you job
You can set one flag you can set it value true/false.
for example(I am taking your example so you can understand it batter):-
$scope.loading = false;
$scope.sampleClick = function(type) {
var param = new Object();
param.type = type;
//side bar listing'url/testurl', param).then(function(data){
$scope.all = '';
$scope.all = angular.fromJson(data);
console.log("Contents is trying to load.");
$scope.loading = true;
$scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded',function(event, viewConfig){
$scope.loading = false;
console.log("Contents did load.");
$rootScope.setVariable = 1;
}, function (error) {
$rootScope.setVariable = 1;
here i have take $scope.loading variable which default value is false, when you click on checkbox then it will be set to true so at that time you can show the loader and when it get the data it will be set to false so it will stops loading.
I hope you understand.

why does ng-show seem to no longer know that the variable has been updated?

So I have a simple ng-show right.
<div class="floatLeft" ng-show="loadingContactEdit">
<img src="/Content/css/images/throbber_16x16.gif" />
Then when the edit button is clicked I run the following code, there is no issue getting the img to show when I say $scope.loadingContactEdit = true but I can never get it to hide even though the callback seems fine and I can see that the first console log message is true and then the second is false - it's as iff somehow notification is not working after the callback? I am not sure what is wrong.
$scope.openContactEditForm = function() {
$scope.loadingContactEdit = true;{
template: '/Contact/CreateAngularModal/' + $scope.quickScreenDataContract.PersonId + '?caseId=' + $scope.quickScreenDataContract.CaseId,
preCloseCallback: function () {
var hideThrobber = function() {
console.log("Hide loading message..." + $scope.loadingContactEdit);
$scope.loadingContactEdit = false;
console.log("Hide loading message..." + $scope.loadingContactEdit);
You are making a call to an api outside of Angular. You should call $scope.$apply() in order to tell angular that the value has changed and that it must update the view :
var hideThrobber = function() {
console.log("Hide loading message..." + $scope.loadingContactEdit);
$scope.loadingContactEdit = false;
console.log("Hide loading message..." + $scope.loadingContactEdit);

Getting the array value of angular ng-repeat

I have a list that looks like this:
Store 1
Section A
Section B
and so on...
Store 2
Section A
and so on...
So I open a modal window to create a new store. I return the store when I close the window, and so far that's working great!
<div ng-repeat="store in">
I need to push the callback store to $[?]
modalInstance.result.then(function (newStore) {
// How do I get the IndexOf value of store?
// This is one of the stores in the ng-repeat
}, function () {
$'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());
The way I'm sending a selected store into the modal is with resolve
$scope.createSection = function (size) {
var modalInstance = ${
templateUrl: 'createSection.html',
controller: 'SectionModal',
size: size,
resolve: {
items: function () {
// $ === store
// $ === section
return $;
UPDATE: Here's a basic plunker
The radio model buttons aren't working. If you change resolve items to $, the modal breaks. So I left it as is. I think maybe it has to do with the btn-radio being part of angular-ui-bootstrap?
When resolving your modal, box your returned object with the array index of the object.
For example:
$modalInstance.close({ radio: $, index: $scope.items.indexOf($ } );
Then, when resolving your modal's promise, simply unbox your object:
modalInstance.result.then(function (selectedItem) {
$scope.selected =;
$scope.selectedIndex = selectedItem.index;
}, function () {});
See the Angular-Bootstrap docs for more details.

Attaching ng-click in a controller

I have a carousel in modal A which is made up of a bunch of slides. Each slide is a credit card. One of the slides however allows the user to launch modal B; this modal (Modal B) is used to record new credit card details. An object from modal B is then returned to A, after it's closed, which should then be added to the carousel in modal A.
Modal A
Modal B
Naturally I want this credit card (slide) to have the same functionality as the others, for example, if I click on it it should become the default credit card, highlighted by a grey background and a green tick on the top right.
I'm using slick-slider for the carousel and to add a new slide it needs a string so I'm trying to angularize my HTML string before adding it:
// Adds the new credit card
$scope.addNewCreditCard = function (newCreditCard) {
var slider = $('.slick-slider');
if (slider) {
var tempData = $scope.creditCardDetails;
$scope.creditCardDetails = null;
var htmlString = '<div class="creditcard" ng-click="fooBar()" '+
'<p>Some text</p>'+
// Angularize the string
var ngString = $compile(htmlString)($scope);
slider.slickAdd( ngString, 0, true);
// Update the object
$scope.creditCardDetails = tempData;
} else {
$log.error('Not found');
fooBar() is just a function that outputs an 'I've been clicked!' message to the console but it isn't being called when clicked.
How do I go about compiling this string so it gets that function attached?
Thanks in advance
Note: This is not a directive, the modal, courtesy of angular bootstrap, is called like so:
$scope.showAddNewCreditCardModal = function () {
var modalInstance = ${
templateUrl: 'modules/common/partials/modals/addcreditcard/modal.addcreditcard.html',
backdrop: true,
windowClass: 'modal-add-credit-card',
controller: 'AddCreditCardCtrl',
size: 'lg',
scope: $scope
function (success) {
// Below is a dummy that fills in the blanks for the card
var newCreditCard = {
'ElectronicPaymentAccountID': '123456789',
'ElectronicPaymentAccountType': 'ACP',
'CreditCardNumber': success.cardnumber,
'ExpirationDate': success.expmm + '/' + success.expyy,
'PreferredAccount': 'false',
'AccountName': ':o',
'PaymentTypeCode': ''
function (error) {
$log.debug('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
Before to answer your question, I want to get your attention on your condition:
var slider = $('.slick-slider');
if (slider) { ... }
I don't know if this is angular syntax but I think you should use this kind of condition:
var slider = $('.slick-slider');
if (typeof slider[0] != "undefined") { ... }
/* OR if (typeof slider[0] === "object") { ... } */
To answer, I don't really use AngularJS, but referring to "AngularJS + JQuery : How to get dynamic content working in angularjs", you maybe have to do something like:
var ngString.html($compile(htmlString)($scope));
I hope this informations help you.

Angular: how to call a function after changing state

I am building a small message system. I use tabs in my state (inbox, outbox). Also, i want to sent a message when i click a "contact" link. If i click that link, this should happen:
change state to messages state
open other tab, called "newmsg"
At this moment, this is what i have:
<a ng-click="mailContact()">contact</a>
and i my controller:
$scope.mailContact = function() {
Obviously this is not working, because $scope.openTab('new'); will never execute. The state changes to what i want, but the tab is not opened. I do not have a clue of how to get it done.
Ok, stupid thing was i had an init which opened the "inbox"...
Now i wrote a service which does the trick.
app.factory('msgTabService', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {
var msgTabService = {};
var tabname = "inbox";
msgTabService.set = function(tab) {
tabname = tab;
msgTabService.get = function() {
return tabname;
msgTabService.openTab = function(tab) {
if ($rootScope.currenttab !== tab)
$rootScope.currenttab = tab;
return msgTabService;
The question may be similar to: Save State of Tab content when changing Route with angularjs and BootStrap Tabs
