Recurrence Picker in AngularJS - angularjs

I am developing a mobile app using ionic framework. I am looking for a Recurrence Picker without jQuery and bootstrap dependencies in AngularJS
just like Google Calendar that I attached.
Is there any Recurrence picker plugin in AngularJS?

Here are a few options I found while I was in the exact situation as the OP:
If you're using Angular UI Calendar which is currently dependent on jQuery anyways you could roll your own hybrid directive with the jQuery plugins that are out there:
I will probably just end up making a custom one.
Edit: I ended up creating a custom directive that allows the user to enter plain text that is parsed by rrule.js.

There is this one, which uses the rrule.js library.

I've tried both from above but they don't build so I was not able to evaluate the UI.
After being frustrated, I found ac-recurrence on npm which is a plus. I've integrated with my code base with minimal changes for my build system. The UI looks okay but do plan to style it a bit differently.


How safe is to use Bootstrap JS Tab with AngularJS?

AngularJS 1.4.x is used on my current project. I have to implement tabs section on page. Is it ok to use Bootstrap's JS Tab or I should move to AngularJS based solution, for example UI-Bootstrap or custom tab library?
I think it is totally ok to use Bootstrap JS tab, but as usual angular developers are also divided into two camps, one who want to do everything in angular way(like creating directives or use UI-Bootstrap directives/components), even when it is a very small task and another who wants to mix jquery/bootstrap library with angular and choose one or another depending on the need.
Angular-UI, will also use the same bootstrap library, but you will get an angularized wrapper over it.
My suggestion, use whatever you are comfortable with and don't bind yourself to one opinion or another.

Javascript Framework compatible with JQuery Plugin

I have to integrate an existing UI application to a REST based back end. The UI is a single html page that uses JQuery + CSS to create a sliding tab experience. Both the UI and REST application are Spring Boot apps.
I'm new to Javascript frameworks. AngularJS made a lot of sense to me for data binding and updating the DOM.
However, now that I am trying to do the integration, there is a .js include in the UI that contains a massive set of JQuery plugins (they are just pasted in one after another).
AngularJS functionality like 'ng-repeat' does not work with this file included. The UI application does not work without this include.
I believe the solution is to put all JQuery Plugins into a Angular Directive (Initialising jQuery plugin (RoyalSlider) in Angular JS). This looks like a painful task.
Are there other frameworks that would work with this?
I have found some threads suggesting a ground up approach with Angular ("Thinking in AngularJS" if I have a jQuery background?), but I'm stuck with this current UI app's structure.
Suggestions? I'm thinking of using JQuery to acquire the JSON and inject it into the UI and adding Thymeleaf for its fragments.
After some research I have found that using JQuery is the way to go if your application was built with JQuery. If I could do it again, perhaps Angular should have been the base for the UI application. However,after some exploration, I have found JQuery does a lot of cool things around AJAX and Dom manipulation. When used with ThymeLeaf in Spring Boot, you end up with a power set of UI tools.

AngularJS and ExtJS together

Just learning , new to this site.
Is it possible to have ExtJs and AngularJS together in same application ?
or is it worth to have both of them in same application ?
Sometimes people use ExtJs components in an AngularJS app.
AngularJS is flexible enough to integrate with any other Javascript code/libraries as long as the library has public events to respond to. I would recommend going through the Directive and scope documentation on how to effectively create directives and respond to scope events.
Personally I do not feel ExtJS and AngularJS would be needed together, unless you are forced to use it like me. There is that brings in a lot to the table. Again any given JQuery plugin can be integrated using directives, filters etc in AngularJS. So you may want to investigate into that before trying to bother with ExtJS.

Can I create a UI using codiqa/jetstrap and then add angular keywords?

I am a backend engineer but need to come up with a front end. Can I use Jetstrap/Codiqa and create a pretty UI using drag and drop. Can I then export the html and add the angular keywords? Is this the best practise for a non front-end person creates a UI?
I've used codiqa to design an phone app using phonegap. Codiqa generates code based on jQuery. it's possible to add angular after you export the code. Not very common to mix angular and jquery, from what I've seen though. Another online prototyping tool I recently found that generates AngularJS code (as well as Phonegap based Steroid.js) is AppGyver's composer. Comes with some built in color themes (similar to jQuery) and you're able to create a mobile app quickly based on Steriods.js/Phonegap.

Highcharts with angularjs without jquery

Highcharts documentation says that it has some dependencies that can be met with jquery, prototype or mootools. Is there a way to use highcharts/highstock with angularjs without bringing in any of these other libraries?
Angular includes it's own "jqLite" which is a subset of jQuery functions that were necessary (or at least made it much easier) for Angular itself to work. Including jQuery itself will override the jQLite built in to Angular (but they should work fine together and have for me, I'm only using jQuery for ng-grid currently).
Does Angular use the jQuery library?
Yes, Angular can use jQuery if
it's present in your app when the application is being bootstrapped.
If jQuery is not present in your script path, Angular falls back to
its own implementation of the subset of jQuery that we call jQLite.
I've also been looking at charting solutions that will blend well with Angular and have started playing with d3js
Basics of D3js
AngularJS D3JS Directive Writing
D3 essentially gives you a toolkit of functions that help to scale values to build a chart from scratch and has built in interpolation for transitions between data sets. There seem to be lots of cool examples but to build from svg or html elements into your desired chart from scratch is probably extensive work.
For something a little more pre-built and I believe without external dependencies either is Google Charts
AngularJS Google Charts Directive
Yes, there is.
Highcharts relased a Standalone version
Check it out, I think it's a more direct answer to your question than what was posted here.
Also, there's an Angular Directive for Highcharts:
Highcharts-ng by PabloJim
Also, for more info check out a similar question: Highcharts in AngularJs without jQuery?
