SQLSRV Error on line 18 - sqlsrv

I can't seem to figure out this error. I'm new to drupal and programming. For sqlsrv this error comes up whenever I go to my drupal site -> configurations.
Fatal error: Call to undefined method DatabaseSchema_mysql::EngineVersion() in C:\Users..\profiles\acquia\modules\sqlsrv\sqlsrv.install on line 18

I just ran into the same issue. I wasn't running SQL Server either, so I removed:
Folder: docroot/profiles/acquia/modules/sqlsrv/sqlsrv
File: docroot/profiles/acquia/modules/sqlsrv/sqlsrv.install
Make sure to take a full backup of your site beforehand. Clear cache, and visit the page when complete.
Hope this helps!


Getting Error 2337 while installing SQL Server 2014 on Windows 10

Can someone please help me, I am stuck with an error message saying "The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2337" When I click on more details, It shows the source of the error is file called setup.rll
The installation fails at the "Installation Progress" level which is the second last step of the of the installation steps
I have tried researching and some sites suggest that I go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\SQLServer2014 and rename the setup.rll file. But when I navigate to this location The Setup Bootstrap does not contain the SQLServer2014 folder.
The strange thing is that I was able to install SQL Server on another 2 other machines. I just dont know what is wrong with my machine.
Thank you in advance for your brilliant replies.

CakePHP transfer from localhost to remote server

I am getting an error when I uploaded the files online. Something is suddenly up with the debugkit.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in
on line 179
Everything is working smoothly when I run it on localhost.
Please enlighten me :(
Change your PHP Version to 5.3 or greater.
Because ToolbarComponent.php uses Anonymous Functions which supports only from 5.3+

Unable to restart Apache2 in Ubuntu 11.04

I migrated an old site to a new one and I am trying to rename the old site to legacy.domainname.com
Here is what I have done:
In Linode DNS Manager, I made the necessary DNS updates and the new site is up
For the legacy site
I changed every instance of www.domainname.com to legacy.domainname.com
I made these changes in
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled and
Now I am trying to restart apache2 and it is giving one error after the other, all the errors are like this
apache2: Syntax error on line 235 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 30 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/legacy.domainname.com.conf/assets/images/3310sm.jpg: Expected </xapMM:DocumentID>adobe:docid:photoshop:37b23e53-24f1-11dc-83c5-ba417a2e0e5f</xapMM:DocumentID> but saw </rdf:Description>
or this
apache2: Syntax error on line 235 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 30 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/legacy.txsystems.com.conf/TestFolder/form.phtml_not_needed: Expected </h1><?php> but saw </div>
if I remove the referenced file, it will jump to a next thing, now these are files that have worked for 10 years, nothing changed. All I want is to change the domain to legacy
Please can you help point towards a possible troubleshooting step
All I want to run is sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start
I solve the problem by
Restoring the server from last good backup so I remove my changes
Then I edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/www.domainname.com.conf and change
ServerName from www.domainname.com to legacy.domainname.com
Restart apache (/etc/init.d/apache2 restart)
And that is it

Cakephp giving Fatal error in my local computer

I have a projects in cakephp which is a big size projects.. It is running perfectly in another computer or in the server. But when I copy the files and database to my local computer then it shows the following error.
Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting! in D:\wamp\www\faceadz\cake\libs\debugger.php on line 248
Project is running in wamp server.
Please help me...
there might be 2 solution will work for you in you local machine configuration
1. A simple solution solved to your problem. you can just commented the:
"zend_extension = "d:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.8/zend_ext/php_xdebug-2.1.2-5.3-vc9.dll"
in your php.ini file. This extension was limiting the stack to 100 so I disabled it. The recursive function is now working as anticipated.
2. and
Assuming you're using xdebug, you can set your own limit with
ini_set('xdebug.max_nesting_level', $limit)
Also it will help you
changes the file /etc/mysql/my.cnf parameter to something like that max_allowed_packet = 512M
Get sure you've got xdebug installed (use phpinfo()) and then change the file /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini adding or editing the line : xdebug.max_nesting_level=1000
Restart both services sudo service mysql restart sudo service php5-fpm restart
If it doesn't work you can still set those two parameters to false at /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini xdebug.remote_autostart=0 xdebug.remote_enable=0
hope it will help you,

How to upgrade cakephp from 1.3 to 2.1?

I'm a newbie in cakephp, I'm trying to upgrade cakephp to the latest version.
I install the fresh cakephp 1.3 on my computer and the upgrade it to cakephp 2.1.
I use shell to upgrade, but after I run 'upgrade all' command, I saw two error:
Warning Error: chmod(): Operation not permitted in [/var/www/cakephp-1.3/lib/Cake/Utility/Folder.php, line 639]
Warning Error: touch(): Utime failed: Operation not permitted in [/var/www/cakephp-1.3/lib/Cake/Utility/Folder.php, line 640]
I think it has upgraded complete. Because I see the message from terminal like this:
Done updating /var/www/cakephp-1.3/app/Console/cake.php
Done updating /var/www/cakephp-1.3/app/Console/Command/AppShell.php
Running components
Running exceptions
Then I refresh my app and I got some errors:
Then I delete 'cake' directory, and the error message has changed:
So now I don't know what to do next, because I did many ways but still not make it work.
So anybody please tell me what I did wrong and how can I upgrade cakephp successful.
Thanks in advance.
This looks like you have permissions issues on some of the directories that the CakePHP migration script expects to be writable.
This could lead to the migration failing on some parts and leaving a partially broken install after it completes.
