Freezing and Thawing arrays in Haskell - arrays

I'm working on a project involving reading and writing from an array in Haskell. I want to store the array in an immutable array type (because I want to avoid mutability as much as possible), so I'm working with the freeze and thaw functions for MArrays. I am confused about how I am supposed to use these functions though. This is what I have (that does not compile):
modifyBoard bd = freeze mbd
t = view falling st
ps = extractLocs t
mbd = runSTArray $ do
a <- thaw bd
mapM_ (\xy -> writeArray mbd xy (Filled t)) ps
return a
Should I not be using arrays this way or how can I fix this?

It should work with a couple of changes:
1.) Modify your thawed a instead of the unthawed bd.
2.) No no need to re-freeze after runSTArray. The result you return is already frozen.
modifyBoard bd = mbd
t = view falling st
ps = extractLocs t
mbd = runSTArray $ do
a <- thaw bd
mapM_ (\xy -> writeArray a xy (Filled t)) ps
return a

jhickner's answer is correct, but it also seems like you've simply reinvented (//) (which under the hood is implemented very much like how you've written it):
modifyBoard bd = bd // map (\xy -> (xy, Filled t)) ps
where t = ...
ps = ...


ML local enviornment

ML function that will accept a boolean function and a list of values and return the last value in the list that meets the given condition or NONE if no values in the list do
my current function looks like this:
fun last func nil = NONE
| last func L =
let val f =
fun getlast(x) = SOME x
| getlast(x::xs) = getlast xs
in List.filter func L
Can anyone help me debug my code and also help me understand local environment in ML?
You're overcomplicating this a bit, and it's unclear what the purposes of f and getlast could be as you're never using them (and the "definition" of f is a syntax error).
If you test your getlast outside of this function (this is usually a good idea) you'll notice that getlast [] is SOME [] and getlast [1,2,3] is SOME [1,2,3]; getlast y is SOME y no matter what y you pass to it.
Also, the result of List.filter func L is an 'a list, not an 'a option, so it's not very useful as the definition of last.
One way of finding such an element in the list xs is using explicit recursion:
If xs is empty, the result is NONE.
If xs is not empty, first see if there is a "last element" in the tail of xs.
If there is, that's the answer.
If there isn't, then
If func holds for the head of xs, that's your answer.
Otherwise, the result is NONE.
Translating this to ML, it might look something like this:
fun last _ [] = NONE
| last f (x::xs) = case last f xs of
NONE => if f x then SOME x else NONE
| result => result
If you want to use List.filter and avoid manual recursion, then note that the last element of a list is the first element of the reverse of that list:
fun last f xs = case List.rev (List.filter f xs) of
[] => NONE
| y::ys => SOME y
Create your own environment for ML or any new project
$ virtualenv -p python3 env (if you have 2.7,3.5)
$ virtualenv env(only you have 3.5+)
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install <packagename>

What would be an idiomatic F# way to scale a list of (n-tuples or list) with another list, also arrays?

let weights = [0.5;0.4;0.3]
let X = [[2;3;4];[7;3;2];[5;3;6]]
what I want is: wX = [(0.5)*[2;3;4];(0.4)*[7;3;2];(0.3)*[5;3;6]]
would like to know an elegant way to do this with lists as well as with arrays. Additional optimization information is welcome
You write about a list of lists, but your code shows a list of tuples. Taking the liberty to adjust for that, a solution would be
let weights = [0.5;0.4;0.3]
let X = [[2;3;4];[7;3;2];[5;3;6]]
|> List.map2 (fun w x ->
|> (fun xi ->
(float xi) * w
) weights
Depending on how comfortable you are with the syntax, you may prefer a oneliner like
List.map2 (fun w x -> (float >> (*) w) x) weights X
The same library functions exist for sequences (Seq.map2, and arrays (in the Array module).
This is much more than an answer to the specific question but after a chat in the comments and learning that the question was specifically a part of a neural network in F# I am posting this which covers the question and implements the feedforward part of a neural network. It makes use of MathNet Numerics
This code is an F# translation of part of the Python code from Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
def backprop(self, x, y):
"""Return a tuple ``(nabla_b, nabla_w)`` representing the
gradient for the cost function C_x. ``nabla_b`` and
``nabla_w`` are layer-by-layer lists of numpy arrays, similar
to ``self.biases`` and ``self.weights``."""
nabla_b = [np.zeros(b.shape) for b in self.biases]
nabla_w = [np.zeros(w.shape) for w in self.weights]
# feedforward
activation = x
activations = [x] # list to store all the activations, layer by layer
zs = [] # list to store all the z vectors, layer by layer
for b, w in zip(self.biases, self.weights):
z =, activation)+b
activation = sigmoid(z)
module NeuralNetwork1 =
//# Third-party libraries
open MathNet.Numerics.Distributions // Normal.Sample
open MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra // Matrix
type Network(sizes : int array) =
let mutable (_biases : Matrix<double> list) = []
let mutable (_weights : Matrix<double> list) = []
member __.Biases
with get() = _biases
and set value =
_biases <- value
member __.Weights
with get() = _weights
and set value =
_weights <- value
member __.Backprop (x : Matrix<double>) (y : Matrix<double>) =
// Note: There is a separate member for feedforward. This one is only used within Backprop
// Note: In the text layers are numbered from 1 to n with 1 being the input and n being the output
// In the code layers are numbered from 0 to n-1 with 0 being the input and n-1 being the output
// Layers
// 1 2 3 Text
// 0 1 2 Code
// 784 -> 30 -> 10
let feedforward () : (Matrix<double> list * Matrix<double> list) =
let (bw : (Matrix<double> * Matrix<double>) list) = __.Biases __.Weights
let rec feedfowardInner layer activation zs activations =
match layer with
| x when x < (__.NumLayers - 1) ->
let (bias, weight) = bw.[layer]
let z = weight * activation + bias
let activation = __.Sigmoid z
feedfowardInner (layer + 1) activation (z :: zs) (activation :: activations)
| _ ->
// Normally with recursive functions that build list for returning
// the final list(s) would be reversed before returning.
// However since the returned list will be accessed in reverse order
// for the backpropagation step, we leave them in the reverse order.
(zs, activations)
feedfowardInner 0 x [] [x]
In weight * activation * is an overloaded operator operating on Matrix<double>
Related back to your example data and using MathNet Numerics Arithmetics
let weights = [0.5;0.4;0.3]
let X = [[2;3;4];[7;3;2];[5;3;6]]
first the values for X need to be converted to float
let x1 = [[2.0;3.0;4.0];[7.0;3.0;2.0];[5.0;3;0;6;0]]
Now notice that x1 is a matrix and weights is a vector
so we can just multiply
let wx1 = weights * x1
Since the way I validated the code was a bit more than most I will explain it so that you don't have doubts to its validity.
When working with Neural Networks and in particular mini-batches, the starting numbers for the weights and biases are random and the generation of the mini-batches is also done randomly.
I know the original Python code was valid and I was able to run it successfully and get the same results as indicated in the book, meaning that the initial successes were within a couple of percent of the book and the graphs of the success were the same. I did this for several runs and several configurations of the neural network as discussed in the book. Then I ran the F# code and achieved the same graphs.
I also copied the starting random number sets from the Python code into the F# code so that while the data generated was random, both the Python and F# code used the same starting numbers, of which there are thousands. I then single stepped both the Python and F# code to verify that each individual function was returning a comparable float value, e.g. I put a break point on each line and made sure I checked each one. This actually took a few days because I had to write export and import code and massage the data from Python to F#.
See: How to determine type of nested data structures in Python?
I also tried a variation where I replaced the F# list with Linked list, but found no increase in speed, e.g. LinkedList<Matrix<double>>. Was an interesting exercise.
If I understand correctly,
let wX = weights |> (fun w ->
X |> (fun (a, b, c) ->
w * float a,
w * float b,
w * float c))
This is an alternate way to achieve this using Math.Net:

Nested array slicing

Let's say I have an array of vectors:
""" simple line equation """
function getline(a::Array{Float64,1},b::Array{Float64,1})
line = Vector[]
for i=0:0.1:1
vector = (1-i)a+(i*b)
push!(line, vector)
return line
This function returns an array of vectors containing x-y positions
> Float64[2]
> Float64[2]
> Float64[2]
> Float64[2]
Now I want to seprate all x and y coordinates of these vectors to plot them with plotyjs.
I have already tested some approaches with no success!
What is a correct way in Julia to achive this?
You can broadcast getindex:
xs = getindex.(vv, 1)
ys = getindex.(vv, 2)
Edit 3:
Alternatively, use list comprehensions:
xs = [v[1] for v in vv]
ys = [v[2] for v in vv]
For performance reasons, you should use StaticArrays to represent 2D points. E.g.:
getline(a,b) = [(1-i)a+(i*b) for i=0:0.1:1]
p1 = SVector(1.,2.)
p2 = SVector(3.,4.)
vv = getline(p1,p2)
Broadcasting getindex and list comprehensions will still work, but you can also reinterpret the vector as a 2×11 matrix:
to_matrix{T<:SVector}(a::Vector{T}) = reinterpret(eltype(T), a, (size(T,1), length(a)))
m = to_matrix(vv)
Note that this does not copy the data. You can simply use m directly or define, e.g.,
xs = #view m[1,:]
ys = #view m[2,:]
Edit 2:
Btw., not restricting the type of the arguments of the getline function has many advantages and is preferred in general. The version above will work for any type that implements multiplication with a scalar and addition, e.g., a possible implementation of immutable Point ... end (making it fully generic will require a bit more work, though).

How to run a RunnableGraph in Akka Streams 2.4.2 and ensure inlets/outlets are configured correctly?

I've configured a RunnableGraph using GraphDSL.create(). I've also specified a ClosedShape and connected all outlets/inlets. When I try to execute the program I get the following runtime exception:
requirement failed: The inlets [] and outlets [] must correspond to the inlets [] and outlets [out]
Any idea where I've not correctly connected inlets and outlets?
Here's the graph code:
val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() {
implicit builder =>
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
// Source
val A: Outlet[String] = builder.add(Source.fromIterator(() => flightDelayLines)).out
// Flows
val B: FlowShape[String, FlightEvent] = builder.add(csvToFlightEvent)
val C: FlowShape[FlightEvent, DelayRecord] = builder.add(flightEventToDelayRecord)
val D: UniformFanOutShape[DelayRecord, DelayRecord] = builder.add(Broadcast[DelayRecord](2))
val F: FlowShape[DelayRecord, (Int, Int)] = builder.add(countByCarrier)
// Sinks
val E: Inlet[Any] = builder.add(Sink.ignore).in
val G: Inlet[Any] = builder.add(Sink.ignore).in
// Graph
A ~> B ~> flightEventToDelayRecord ~> D ~> E
D ~> F ~> G
I solved my own problem. It was a very simple oversight. Rather than use C that I added to the builder, I was using the flightEventToDelayRecord function in the graph. The solution was to use C in the graph instead.
// Graph
A ~> B ~> C ~> D ~> E
D ~> F ~> G
This made me realize how important it is to break large graphs into small ones. The runtime exception does not pinpoint root cause (e.g, "C is unused"), so it will likely be easier to debug these runtime exceptions if working with smaller graphs. Hope this helps anyone else who becomes stuck.

How to hold a list mutable values in Haskell?

I would like to have an array, say:
myArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
and be able to run a function that changes a value in the list to another value. I would like to be able to run this function several times with myArray updating to the new set of numbers after each run.
myArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
>>> f 1 5 myAarray
>>> myArray
>>> f 3 8 myArray
>>> myArray
How do I create a holder for my values that can have changing values.
All Haskell values are immutable. You can't change a value that's bound to a name (you can shadow them in GHCi, but that's a slightly different thing).
If you want to achieve true1 mutability, you need an immutable reference to mutable data. To use those, typically you'd want to be in a monadic context.
Here's an example using a rather low-level reference type called IORef:
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
f :: [Int] -> [Int]
f = map (+1)
main = do
a <- newIORef [1,2,3,4,5]
readIORef a >>= print
readIORef a >>= (return . f) >>= writeIORef a
readIORef a >>= print
Note that the value of a doesn't change; it still points to the same "value location". What changes is the actual value that's being pointed to.
That being said, this requires using the IO monad which is generally frowned upon. Depending on your needs, a fully pure solution like State might work better.
-- assume previous f
g :: State [Int] ()
g = modify f
Now you only need to start with some state, and the state monad will chain the modifications for you, like so:
main = print $ execState (g >> g >> g) [1,2,3,4,5]
This is essentially equivalent to simple composition:
f . f . f $ [1,2,3,4,5]
Which, last but not least, could be your default go-to solution in Haskell.
P.S. I'm using a simpler f in my examples, but there's no reason you couldn't do:
(f 1 5) . (f 3 8) $ myArray
1This is somewhat ambiguous, but for the sake of simplicity I'd expand this to "the one that could be backed by direct memory operations".
