Does SOLR support percolation - solr

ElasticSearch has percolator for prospective search. Does SOLR have a similar feature where you define your query upfront? If not, is there an effective way of implementing this myself on top of the existing SOLR features?

besides what BunkerMentality said, it is not hard to build your own percolator, what you need:
Are the queries you want to run easy to model on Lucene only syntax? if so you are good, if not, you need to convert them to Lucene only. Built them, and keep them in memory as Lucene queries
When a doc arrives:
build a MemoryIndex containing only that single doc
run all your queries on the index
I have done this for a system ingesting millions docs a day and it worked fine.

It's listed as an open new feature, SOLR-4587, on Solr JIRA but it doesn't seem like any work has started on it yet.
There is a link in the comments there to a separate project called Luwak that seems to implement some features similar to percolator.

If it is still relevant, you can use this
It's SOLR Update Processor that based on Luwak


is there any configuration for solr 5.3.1 that enable opennlp integration?

I saw there was a article in the Apache wiki on OpenNLP for Solr.
Is it valid for current solr version 5.3.1?
No, if you have a look at LUCENE-2899, you'll see that the code discussed was never added to trunk. You'll have to download/patch/update the code yourself if you're going to have it native to Solr.
It's probably a better idea to do all the NLP stuff outside of Solr, then index the result in a form suited for the task you're trying to solve.
Yes. It's better to keep it outside.
Here is a small project I tried.

Solr Facet Functions and Analytics

I have found the interesting article on Solr Facet Functions available in heliosearch.
I am just wondering if the same is available in native solr?
That kind of functionality will come with SOLR 5.1. Yonik, the developer of Heliosearch, joined a big SOLR company. Development on Heliosearch will not continue, but Yonik is porting the changes to SOLR. See the following thread for details:!topic/heliosearch/ji466TddEDY
I don't think here are facet/aggregate functions like that. The closest thing I've found is the stats component:

Is there an equivalent to Elasticsearch index aliases in Solr + Sunspot?

With ElasticSearch, an app can point to the alias of an index, instead of the index directly, which makes it easy to switch the index the app uses.
Tire, the equivalent of Sunspot for ES, allows me to interact with aliases.
I can't find anything regarding aliases with Sunspot. How do you handle them in your apps which use Sunspot?
I do not know anything about sunspot, but for Solr counts that there has been a core alias feature, until version 3.1 of Solr. This has been removed with SOLR-1637 and has been "really, really" removed with SOLR-6169 in version 4.9.
But with the advent of SolrCloud this feature has been re-introduced with a better/different implementation SOLR-4497 in Solr 4.2.
Unfortunately when skimming through the Reference of Sunspost I do not find a word about SolrCloud or aliasing. Probably that features have not been adopted by the Sunspot developers? As stated I do not know sunspot, probably they name it differently?
Most likely you will have to get your hands dirty and manage SolrCloud and in consequence aliases not through the API sunspot offers, but with admin interface of Solr.
Sources of information
There is this old Wiki page that covers SolrCloud. It has a small, separate section about creating aliases
In the official reference is also a section about collection aliases.
The guys of Cloudera who have donated the feature to Solr have also written a blog post about it.

Any good guides for writing custom Riak SOLR search analyzers?

In short, I need to search against my Riak buckets via SOLR. The only problem is, is that by default SOLR searches are case-sensitive. After some digging, I see that I need to write a custom SOLR text analyzer schema. Anyone have any good references for writing search analyzer schemas?
And finally, when installing a new schema for an index, is re-indexing all objects in a bucket necessary to show prior results in a search (using new schema)?
RTFM fail.... I swear though, getting to this page was not easy

updating Solr from Lucene Index

I'm currently working on a web archiving project. Basically, what we try to do is archive a collection of websites (using heritrix crawler) and provide access to the archived contents through a web interface.
We also offer full-text search throughout the archives. Currently, the index is generated using nutchwax (a customised version of apache Nutch, tailored to index .warc files, as generated by heritrix). Nutchwax dumps out a Lucene index and for using it in Solr, all that has to be done is to generate a correct schema.
This is all done and its running like it should, however the archive is not static and there are new .warc files generated periodically.
What I can do now, is to generate a new index, merge it with the existing one and import it back into Solr. However, to do that Solr has to be restarted.
It would be great if the index could be updated "on the fly" as this is usually the case (when updating the index via http requests)
Does anyone have an idea, how this can be done? My first shot at this was generating .xml files out of the Lucene index file and posting them to Solr. Is this worth a try or are there more elegant solutions?
You could probably leverage the use of multiple cores to accomplish what you need. See the Solr Wiki - CoreAdmin for more details. I think you could leverage the MergeIndexes capability or the ability to Swap cores for a better experience in your scenario.
