How to display values in Stacked Multi-bar chart - nvd3 Graphs - angularjs

I got a scenario where in I need to display value for every stack in stacked multi-bar chart - nvd3 graph as we can display value in discrete value - nvd3 graph.
I understand, 'showvalue' is used in discrete bar controller, can we use showvalue in stacked graph, if not please suggest with an alternative solution.
Thanks in advance

Currently isn't possible. That option is available only in the discrete bar chart.
From the maintainer:
We don't have this ability. Stacked/Grouped charts also have complex animations making this a tricky thing to solve. We use tooltips instead.
If you want to do this you need to make your own implementation using d3. There is a good example here It's using the angular wrapper but it's a good starting point.
var app = angular.module('app', ['nvd3ChartDirectives']);
app.controller('chartCtrl', function($scope, $timeout) {
var ANIMATION_TIME = 1500,
countSeriesDisplayed = 2,
labels = ["label1", "label2", "label3", "label4", "label5"];
$scope.isStacked = false;
// Example data
$scope.chartData = [{
"key": "Series 1",
"values": [
[0, 10],
[1, 20],
[2, 30],
[3, 40],
[4, 50]
}, {
"key": "Series 2",
"values": [
[0, 10],
[1, 40],
[2, 60],
[3, 20],
[4, 40]
/* To add labels, images, or other nodes on the created SVG, we need to wait
* for the chart to be rendered with a callback.
* Once the chart is rendered, a timeout is set to wait for the animation to
* finish.
* Then, we need to find the position of the labels and set it with the
* transform attribute in SVG.
* To do so, we have to get the width and height of each bar/group of bar
* which changes if stacked or not
// Callback called when the chartData is assigned
$scope.initLabels = function() {
return function(graph) {
promise = $timeout(function() {
var svg ="svg"),
lastRects, rectWidth,
heightForXvalue = []; // Used for grouped mode
// We get one positive rect of each serie from the svg (here the last serie)
lastRects = svg.selectAll("g.nv-group").filter(
function(d, i) {
return i == countSeriesDisplayed - 1;
if ($scope.isStacked) {
// If stacked, we get the width of one rect
rectWidth = lastRects.filter(
function(d, i) {
return i == countSeriesDisplayed - 1;
} else {
// If grouped, we need to get the greatest height of each bar
var nvGroups = svg.selectAll("g.nv-group").selectAll("rect.positive");
function(d, i) {
// Get the Min height space for each group (Max height for each group)
var rectHeight = parseFloat("y"));
if (angular.isUndefined(heightForXvalue[i])) {
heightForXvalue[i] = rectHeight;
} else {
if (rectHeight < heightForXvalue[i]) {
heightForXvalue[i] = rectHeight;
// We get the width of one rect multiplied by the number of series displayed
rectWidth = lastRects.filter(
function(d, i) {
return i == countSeriesDisplayed - 1;
}).attr("width") * countSeriesDisplayed;
// We choose a width equals to 70% of the group width
var labelWidth = rectWidth * 70 / 100;
var groupLabels ="g.nv-barsWrap").append("g");
function(d, index) {
var transformAttr ="transform");
var yPos = parseFloat("y"));
.attr("x", (rectWidth / 2) - (labelWidth /2)) // We center the label
// We add a padding of 5 above the highest rect
.attr("y", (angular.isUndefined(heightForXvalue[index]) ? yPos : heightForXvalue[index]) - 5)
// We set the text
.attr("transform", transformAttr)
.attr("class", "bar-chart-label");
// Tooltips
$scope.toolTipContentFunction = function () {
return function (key, x, y, e, graph) {
return labels[x];
$scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
// Cancel timeout if still active
I've created a gist that could help you to implement this by yourself.


How to create and set a setMapTypeId using react-google-maps

I was looking for a way to create my own mars map in a website, using google maps.
I found this example in google map api
function initMap() {
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: {lat: 0, lng: 0},
zoom: 1,
streetViewControl: false,
mapTypeControlOptions: {
mapTypeIds: ['moon']
var moonMapType = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {
var normalizedCoord = getNormalizedCoord(coord, zoom);
if (!normalizedCoord) {
return null;
var bound = Math.pow(2, zoom);
return '//' +
'/' + zoom + '/' + normalizedCoord.x + '/' +
(bound - normalizedCoord.y - 1) + '.jpg';
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),
maxZoom: 9,
minZoom: 0,
radius: 1738000,
name: 'Moon'
map.mapTypes.set('moon', moonMapType);
// Normalizes the coords that tiles repeat across the x axis (horizontally)
// like the standard Google map tiles.
function getNormalizedCoord(coord, zoom) {
var y = coord.y;
var x = coord.x;
// tile range in one direction range is dependent on zoom level
// 0 = 1 tile, 1 = 2 tiles, 2 = 4 tiles, 3 = 8 tiles, etc
var tileRange = 1 << zoom;
// don't repeat across y-axis (vertically)
if (y < 0 || y >= tileRange) {
return null;
// repeat across x-axis
if (x < 0 || x >= tileRange) {
x = (x % tileRange + tileRange) % tileRange;
return {x: x, y: y};
/* Always set the map height explicitly to define the size of the div
* element that contains the map. */
#map {
height: 100%;
/* Optional: Makes the sample page fill the window. */
html, body {
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
<div id="map"></div>
<!-- Replace the value of the key parameter with your own API key. -->
It works perfect, but I would like to create the same thing with react using react-google-maps.
I looked out in the react-google-maps code but I only see getters no setters for the map props:
getMapTypeId, getStreetView, ect.
Is there any way to achieve this without modify the react-google-maps code?
Thanks in advance
use props mapTypeId="moon" in react-google-maps
I've found a better way to solve this that preserve the changes on re-render, leaving it here to anyone who comes here.
there is an onLoad function that exposes a map instance, we can use this to set mapTypeId instead of passing it as an option. In this way, if the user changes the map type later, it will preserve the changes on re-render.
onLoad={(map) => {

React Native dynamically adjustable Pie Chart

I'm building a react native app where the user should be able to move an adjuster around a pie chart to adjust the start and end angles of the pie slices. I'm using 3 panResponders and used the idea by /users/681830/val:
react native circle transform translate animation
I'm calculating the shortest distance to either of the 36 snapshots then set the animated value to that point however it is super inefficient and laggy. Can anyone suggest any better performing solution?
this._panResponder1 = PanResponder.create(
onStartShouldSetPanResponder: (evt, gesture) =>true,
onPanResponderMove: (evt, gesture) => {
//we need the distance between the points and get the index of the minimum distance
distances = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 36; i++){
var a = this.outputRangeX[i] - gesture.moveX;
var b = this.outputRangeY[i] - gesture.moveY + 120;
distances.push(Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b));
var minInd = distances.indexOf(Math.min(...distances));
this.setState({indexOfAdj1 : minInd});
this.adj1Anim.setValue((1/36)* minInd);
var isPos1 = minInd/36;
var isPos2 = (minInd)/36;
isPos1 = -1 * ((36-minInd)/36);
isPos2 = minInd/36;
this.setState({data: [
number: 1,
startAngle: isPos1* Math.PI * 2,
number: 30,
number: 1,
endAngle: isPos2* Math.PI * 2,
this.setState({data: [
number: 1,
startAngle: isPos1* Math.PI * 2,
number: 30,
number: 1,
startAngle: -((Math.PI * 2)[1].endAngle),
endAngle: isPos2* Math.PI * 2,

Using D3 javascript diagram without sending id of the element

I'm trying use D3 diagram component in my Angular project. By default the svg tag used by D3 needs id, but I want to use the element itself instead of the id.
here is my angular directive code:
'use strict';
angular.module('mbCharts').directive('mbHumidity', [
'mbWebMetricsService', '$window', '$timeout', 'd3Service',
function (mbWebMetricsService ,$window, $timeout, d3Service) {
return {
//We restrict its use to an element
//as usually <bars-chart> is semantically
//more understandable
restrict: 'E',
//this is important,
//we don't want to overwrite our directive declaration
//in the HTML mark-up
replace: false,
//our data source would be an array
//passed thru chart-data attribute
template: "<svg width='97%' height='250' onclick='gauge1.update(NewValue());'></svg>",
link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
var gauge1 = loadLiquidFillGauge(elem[0], 0);
var config1 = liquidFillGaugeDefaultSettings();
config1.circleColor = "#FF7777";
config1.textColor = "#FF4444";
config1.waveTextColor = "#FFAAAA";
config1.waveColor = "#FFDDDD";
config1.circleThickness = 0.2;
config1.textVertPosition = 0.2;
config1.waveAnimateTime = 1800;
scope.$on('mbWebMetricsService-received-data-event', function (evt, data) {
var val = Math.round(data[scope.metric]);
and here is the code for loadLiquidFillGauge method:
function liquidFillGaugeDefaultSettings(){
return {
minValue: 0, // The gauge minimum value.
maxValue: 100, // The gauge maximum value.
circleThickness: 0.05, // The outer circle thickness as a percentage of it's radius.
circleFillGap: 0.05, // The size of the gap between the outer circle and wave circle as a percentage of the outer circles radius.
circleColor: "#178BCA", // The color of the outer circle.
waveHeight: 0.05, // The wave height as a percentage of the radius of the wave circle.
waveCount: 1, // The number of full waves per width of the wave circle.
waveRiseTime: 1000, // The amount of time in milliseconds for the wave to rise from 0 to it's final height.
waveAnimateTime: 18000, // The amount of time in milliseconds for a full wave to enter the wave circle.
waveRise: true, // Control if the wave should rise from 0 to it's full height, or start at it's full height.
waveHeightScaling: true, // Controls wave size scaling at low and high fill percentages. When true, wave height reaches it's maximum at 50% fill, and minimum at 0% and 100% fill. This helps to prevent the wave from making the wave circle from appear totally full or empty when near it's minimum or maximum fill.
waveAnimate: true, // Controls if the wave scrolls or is static.
waveColor: "#178BCA", // The color of the fill wave.
waveOffset: 0, // The amount to initially offset the wave. 0 = no offset. 1 = offset of one full wave.
textVertPosition: .5, // The height at which to display the percentage text withing the wave circle. 0 = bottom, 1 = top.
textSize: 1, // The relative height of the text to display in the wave circle. 1 = 50%
valueCountUp: true, // If true, the displayed value counts up from 0 to it's final value upon loading. If false, the final value is displayed.
displayPercent: true, // If true, a % symbol is displayed after the value.
textColor: "#045681", // The color of the value text when the wave does not overlap it.
waveTextColor: "#A4DBf8" // The color of the value text when the wave overlaps it.
function loadLiquidFillGauge(element, value, config) {
if(config == null) config = liquidFillGaugeDefaultSettings();
var gauge =;
var radius = Math.min(parseInt("width")), parseInt("height")))/2;
var locationX = parseInt("width"))/2 - radius;
var locationY = parseInt("height"))/2 - radius;
var fillPercent = Math.max(config.minValue, Math.min(config.maxValue, value))/config.maxValue;
var waveHeightScale;
waveHeightScale = d3.scale.linear()
} else {
waveHeightScale = d3.scale.linear()
var textPixels = (config.textSize*radius/2);
var textFinalValue = parseFloat(value).toFixed(2);
var textStartValue = config.valueCountUp?config.minValue:textFinalValue;
var percentText = config.displayPercent?"%":"";
var circleThickness = config.circleThickness * radius;
var circleFillGap = config.circleFillGap * radius;
var fillCircleMargin = circleThickness + circleFillGap;
var fillCircleRadius = radius - fillCircleMargin;
var waveHeight = fillCircleRadius*waveHeightScale(fillPercent*100);
var waveLength = fillCircleRadius*2/config.waveCount;
var waveClipCount = 1+config.waveCount;
var waveClipWidth = waveLength*waveClipCount;
// Rounding functions so that the correct number of decimal places is always displayed as the value counts up.
var textRounder = function(value){ return Math.round(value); };
if(parseFloat(textFinalValue) != parseFloat(textRounder(textFinalValue))){
textRounder = function(value){ return parseFloat(value).toFixed(1); };
if(parseFloat(textFinalValue) != parseFloat(textRounder(textFinalValue))){
textRounder = function(value){ return parseFloat(value).toFixed(2); };
// Data for building the clip wave area.
var data = [];
for(var i = 0; i <= 40*waveClipCount; i++){
data.push({x: i/(40*waveClipCount), y: (i/(40))});
// Scales for drawing the outer circle.
var gaugeCircleX = d3.scale.linear().range([0,2*Math.PI]).domain([0,1]);
var gaugeCircleY = d3.scale.linear().range([0,radius]).domain([0,radius]);
// Scales for controlling the size of the clipping path.
var waveScaleX = d3.scale.linear().range([0,waveClipWidth]).domain([0,1]);
var waveScaleY = d3.scale.linear().range([0,waveHeight]).domain([0,1]);
// Scales for controlling the position of the clipping path.
var waveRiseScale = d3.scale.linear()
// The clipping area size is the height of the fill circle + the wave height, so we position the clip wave
// such that the it will overlap the fill circle at all when at 0%, and will totally cover the fill
// circle at 100%.
var waveAnimateScale = d3.scale.linear()
.range([0, waveClipWidth-fillCircleRadius*2]) // Push the clip area one full wave then snap back.
// Scale for controlling the position of the text within the gauge.
var textRiseScaleY = d3.scale.linear()
// Center the gauge within the parent SVG.
var gaugeGroup = gauge.append("g")
// Draw the outer circle.
var gaugeCircleArc = d3.svg.arc()
.attr("d", gaugeCircleArc)
.style("fill", config.circleColor)
// Text where the wave does not overlap.
var text1 = gaugeGroup.append("text")
.text(textRounder(textStartValue) + percentText)
.attr("class", "liquidFillGaugeText")
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("font-size", textPixels + "px")
.style("fill", config.textColor)
// The clipping wave area.
var clipArea = d3.svg.area()
.x(function(d) { return waveScaleX(d.x); } )
.y0(function(d) { return waveScaleY(Math.sin(Math.PI*2*config.waveOffset*-1 + Math.PI*2*(1-config.waveCount) + d.y*2*Math.PI));} )
.y1(function(d) { return (fillCircleRadius*2 + waveHeight); } );
var waveGroup = gaugeGroup.append("defs")
.attr("id", "clipWave");
var wave = waveGroup.append("path")
.attr("d", clipArea)
.attr("T", 0);
// The inner circle with the clipping wave attached.
var fillCircleGroup = gaugeGroup.append("g")
.attr("clip-path", "url(#clipWave)");
.attr("cx", radius)
.attr("cy", radius)
.attr("r", fillCircleRadius)
.style("fill", config.waveColor);
// Text where the wave does overlap.
var text2 = fillCircleGroup.append("text")
.text(textRounder(textStartValue) + percentText)
.attr("class", "liquidFillGaugeText")
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("font-size", textPixels + "px")
.style("fill", config.waveTextColor)
// Make the value count up.
var textTween = function(){
var i = d3.interpolate(this.textContent, textFinalValue);
return function(t) { this.textContent = textRounder(i(t)) + percentText; }
.tween("text", textTween);
.tween("text", textTween);
// Make the wave rise. wave and waveGroup are separate so that horizontal and vertical movement can be controlled independently.
var waveGroupXPosition = fillCircleMargin+fillCircleRadius*2-waveClipWidth;
.each("start", function(){ wave.attr('transform','translate(1,0)'); }); // This transform is necessary to get the clip wave positioned correctly when waveRise=true and waveAnimate=false. The wave will not position correctly without this, but it's not clear why this is actually necessary.
} else {
if(config.waveAnimate) animateWave();
function animateWave() {
.duration(config.waveAnimateTime * (1-wave.attr('T')))
.attr('T', 1)
.each('end', function(){
wave.attr('T', 0);
function GaugeUpdater(){
this.update = function(value){
var newFinalValue = parseFloat(value).toFixed(2);
var textRounderUpdater = function(value){ return Math.round(value); };
if(parseFloat(newFinalValue) != parseFloat(textRounderUpdater(newFinalValue))){
textRounderUpdater = function(value){ return parseFloat(value).toFixed(1); };
if(parseFloat(newFinalValue) != parseFloat(textRounderUpdater(newFinalValue))){
textRounderUpdater = function(value){ return parseFloat(value).toFixed(2); };
var textTween = function(){
var i = d3.interpolate(this.textContent, parseFloat(value).toFixed(2));
return function(t) { this.textContent = textRounderUpdater(i(t)) + percentText; }
.tween("text", textTween);
.tween("text", textTween);
var fillPercent = Math.max(config.minValue, Math.min(config.maxValue, value))/config.maxValue;
var waveHeight = fillCircleRadius*waveHeightScale(fillPercent*100);
var waveRiseScale = d3.scale.linear()
// The clipping area size is the height of the fill circle + the wave height, so we position the clip wave
// such that the it will overlap the fill circle at all when at 0%, and will totally cover the fill
// circle at 100%.
var newHeight = waveRiseScale(fillPercent);
var waveScaleX = d3.scale.linear().range([0,waveClipWidth]).domain([0,1]);
var waveScaleY = d3.scale.linear().range([0,waveHeight]).domain([0,1]);
var newClipArea;
newClipArea = d3.svg.area()
.x(function(d) { return waveScaleX(d.x); } )
.y0(function(d) { return waveScaleY(Math.sin(Math.PI*2*config.waveOffset*-1 + Math.PI*2*(1-config.waveCount) + d.y*2*Math.PI));} )
.y1(function(d) { return (fillCircleRadius*2 + waveHeight); } );
} else {
newClipArea = clipArea;
var newWavePosition = config.waveAnimate?waveAnimateScale(1):0;
.duration(config.waveAnimate?(config.waveAnimateTime * (1-wave.attr('T'))):(config.waveRiseTime))
.attr('d', newClipArea)
.each("end", function(){
return new GaugeUpdater();
Do it like this to select the SVG within the element:
var gauge ="svg");

ExtJs Chart, How to get boundary dates from selection mask on 'Time' type axis

I have ExtJs 4 Area chart with Time serie. I'd like user to be able to horizontally select part of chart and then obtain higher density data from server adequately. Problem is I can't get boundary dates from selection. I've got:
var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {
store: store,
enableMask: true,
mask: 'horizontal',
listeners: {
select: {
fn: function(me, selection) {
console.log(arguments); // selection = Object { height: 218, width: 117, x: 665, y: 123 }
But select listener provides only pixel data. Is there some way to get boundary axis data (e.g. { from: 2013-08-01, to: 2013-08-20 } or some way to unproject pixels to values? I'm desperade I would say it's such a basic thing but can't find solution anywhere. Thanks in advance.
Well.. it probably doesn't exists a method for this. After digging into source code I've utilized lines from chart.setZoom() method to create function for manual unprojecting of mask selection to X axis data:
var unprojectXAxis = function(chart, selection) {
zoomArea = {
x : selection.x - chart.el.getX(),
width : selection.width
xScale = chart.chartBBox.width,
zoomer = {
x : zoomArea.x / xScale,
width : zoomArea.width / xScale
ends = chart.axes.items[0].calcEnds();
from = ( - ends.from) * zoomer.x + ends.from;
to = ( - ends.from) * zoomer.width + from;
return { from: new Date(from), to: new Date(to) };

How to stop a Google map from drawing a second rectangle after a button is clicked

I am using a the following code to draw a rectangle on the map to a random lat. & long. based on a city name when a find button is clicked. The problem is if you do not put a different city name in and click the find button the program will draw a second rectangle on the cities original lat. & long. I either need to clear the map and redraw the rectangle or something not quite sure so a second rectangle can not be drawn. Here is the code I am using.
function codeAddress() {
var address = document.getElementById("gadres").value;
if(address=='') {
alert("Address can not be empty!");
geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
var latlong = "(" + results[0] + " , " +
+ results[0].geometry.location.lng().toFixed(6) + ")";
var mapcenter = map.getCenter();
var maplat =;
var maplng = mapcenter.lng();
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
new google.maps.LatLng(maplat - 0.002, maplng - 0.002),
new google.maps.LatLng(maplat + 0.002, maplng + 0.002)
var rectangle = new google.maps.Rectangle({
bounds: bounds,
editable: true,
strokeColor: '#FF0000',
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 4,
fillColor: '#FF0000',
fillOpacity: 0.30,
google.maps.event.addListener(rectangle, 'bounds_changed', function() {
document.getElementById('coords').value = rectangle.getBounds();
} else {
alert("Lat and long cannot be found.");
all help greatly appreciated.
I haven't tried this yet but perhaps you can store your bounds to an array then use a loop statement for that array to check if there is an equal bounds using the equals() method
