AngularJS: Shows reference error : goToFormDashboard not defined in scope - angularjs

I am trying to call a function on onchange event but getting reference error everytime for that function my fromtend code is this:
<label class="item item-input item-select" ng-controller="manageTeam">
<div class="input-label">
Select Form
<select onchange="goToFormDashboard($(this).children(':selected').val())" ng-model="Formname" ng-options="f.Formname for f in forms track by f.Formid"></select>
My controller is this:
.controller('manageTeam', function($scope, $ionicLoading, $http, $timeout, $rootScope, $state) {
$scope.goToFormDashboard = function (formId) {
${template: 'Loading'});
$timeout(function () {
}, 1500);
var formID = formId;
$scope.form.length = 0;
is something missing in that?

You need to use ng-change directive & no need to use jquery here you can get the value inside ng-model, Formname contains whole object you can pass form id only by doing Formname.Formid to goToFormDashboard method.
<select ng-change="goToFormDashboard(Formname.Formid)" ng-model="Formname"
ng-options="f.Formname for f in forms track by f.Formid"></select>

In JavaScript "this" means the function, from which the actual method was called. Example:
var myObject = function();
myObject.prototype.testvar = "hello world";
myObject.prototype.test = function(){
return this.testvar;
var obj = new myObject();
this would display "hello world" in your chrome console. You dont need to pass the dropdown's value to the submit handler. just have a look at
Angular JS: Pass a form's select option value as parameter on ng-submit="doStuff()"
this is exactly what you are searching for


AngularJS - How to pass data from View (HTML) to Controller (JS)

I am really new to AngularJS. I want to pass some object from View (HTML) to my controller (JS).
Actually my Client will send me data in HTML and I have to take that data and process that data in my controller and then display the processed output on screen. He will be using some back-end technology called ServiceNow - .
All the solutions I saw had some event like click event or change event, but in my case this has to be done on page load.
I m using Input type hidden for passing the data to the controller, seems like it's not working.
So is there any other way I can do this ?
Here's the code I am trying to use
<div ng-controller="progressController" >
<input type="hidden" value="ABCD" ng-model="testingmodel.testing">
app.controller('progressController', function($scope) {
It says undefined when I console.log my variable in Controller.
You're doing console.log(...) too early. At this time your controller doesn't have any information from the view.
The second problem is that you're binding the view to a variable in controller and not the other way around. Your $scope.testingmodel.testing is undefined and it will obviously the value in the view to undefined.
Use ng-init to initialize the model and the controller's hook $postLink to get the value after everything has been initialized.
Like this
<div ng-controller="progressController" >
<input type="hidden" ng-model="testingmodel.testing" ng-init="testingmodel.testing = 'ABCD'">
app.controller('progressController', function($scope) {
var $ctrl = this;
$ctrl.$postLink = function() {
Edit: extra tip
I don't recomment using $scope for storing data since it makes the migration to newer angular more difficult.
Use controller instead.
Something like this:
<div ng-controller="progressController as $ctrl" >
<input type="hidden" ng-model="$ctrl.testingmodel.testing" ng-init="$ctrl.testingmodel.testing = 'ABCD'">
app.controller('progressController', function() {
var $ctrl = this;
$ctrl.$postLink = function() {
You should use the ng-change or $watch
<div ng-controller="progressController" >
<input type="hidden" value="ABCD" ng-model="testingmodel.testing" ng-change="change()">
app.controller('progressController', function($scope) {
$scope.change = function(){
app.controller('progressController', function($scope) {
$scope.$watch('testingmodel.testing', function(newValue, olValue){
If you use ng-change, the function is only called if the user changes the value in UI.
If you use $watch anyway, the function is called.
You can't use value attribute for set or get value of any control, angularJS use ngModel for set or get values.
Here You should try like this way
app.controller('progressController', function($scope) {
//from here you can set value of your input
$scope.setValue = function(){
$scope.testingmodel = {}
$scope.testingmodel.testing = 'ABCD';
//From here you can get you value
$scope.getValue = function(){
if you want to bind from html side then you should try like below
<input type="text" ng-model="testingmodel.testing">
<input type="hidden" ng-model="testingmodel.testing">

pre-populated form data is undefined in service

HTML/Angular Form:
<form role="form" ng-submit="addParentService.addParent()">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputParentName">Name</label><input class="form-control" id="inputParentName" value="" type="text" ng-model="addParentService.inputParentName" />
<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit">Submit</button>
The following code when run diplays my name correctly in the input box.
However in my service when I try to see what the value is for inputParentName I get an undefined error. But, when I type something in to the textbox for inputParentName the typed in value displays.
Controller Code:
myapp.controller('AddParentController', function ($scope, addParentService) {
$scope.addParentService = addParentService;
Service Code:
myapp.service('addParentService', function () {
var vm = this;
vm.parent = [];
vm.addParent = function () {
What can I do differently so I can get the pre-loaded data to register so that my service recognizes the data?
This is just basic code that I'm trying to get working. I realize it isn't pure AngularJS. I am just trying to see how I can get this to work. I will refactor with directives after everything works as I think it should.
If you want the initial value to be "something" when the view displays, you can (technically) use ng-init, though the docs tell us expressly NOT to do this.
The only appropriate use of ngInit is for aliasing special properties
of ngRepeat, as seen in the demo below. Besides this case, you should
use controllers rather than ngInit to initialize values on a scope.
But if you're just trying to test something, ng-init would look like:
<input ng-model="test.val" ng-init="test.val='something'" />
The preferred way though would be to add the value to the controller $scope.
<input ng-model="test.val" />
Then in your controller:
myapp.controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.test = {
val: 'something'
#jme11 and This Answer gave me the insight to the following way I figured out how to get this to work:
jQuery code for Facebook logic:
My Controller code:
$scope.setName = function (val) {
addParentService.inputParentName = val;
$scope.setEmail = function (val) {
addParentService.inputParentEmail = val;
$scope.setBirthday = function (val) {
addParentService.inputParentBirthday = val;
Service Code:
vm.addParent = function () {
Now when I'm adding my Parent the values pre-populated from Facebook are usable in my service code.
Again - Thanks to jme11 for helping me solve this.

Get value from HTML page to angularJS file

I tried to get the HTML page value to angularJS function , The below steps are which i tried.
HTML page :
<label class="item-input item-stacked-label">
<span class="input-label cont_det_label">First Name</span>
<p class="contact_display" id="txtFirstName" ng-model="testName">Satya</p>
angularJS Page :
.controller('SocialNetworkCtrl', ['$scope','$http','$state','ContactsService','$ionicNavBarDelegate','$ionicLoading','$ionicPopup',function($scope, $http, $state, ContactsService, $ionicNavBarDelegate, $ionicLoading,$ionicPopup) {
$scope.showUserProfile = function() {
var firstname = (document.getElementById("txtFirstName").value);
So I need var firstname = Satya ?? Is it correct way please guide me to access this value .
var firstName = $scope.testName
<input ng-model="testName" />
testName is the ng-model name that you have give. It will be automatically binded to your controller. No need the get the value using document.getElementById
Wrong usage , why ng-model in <p> tag??
Change your fiddle with the following code, it will work. Also make sure framework is selected properly (as in the image)
<div ng-app ng-controller="testController">
<input ng-model="testDataName" ng-change="check()" /> {{testDataName}}
After ng-change : {{checkName}}
function testController($scope) {
$scope.testDataName="Dummy Name";
$scope.check = function () {
its a text node, you will require .innerHTML or '.innerText', .value is for form inputs
var firstname = (document.getElementById("txtFirstName").innerHTML);
and don't use ng-model on a p element, change it to like this
<p class="contact_display" id="txtFirstName">{{testName}}</p>
just use $scope.testName to get the value, no need for firstname = (document.getElementById("txtFirstName").innerHTML); querying DOM for value is jQuery style, use angular the $scope for 2 way bindings
Read more at official doc
Update here is updated function on loginCtrl
.controller('loginCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.testNameData = 'Satya';
$scope.doLogin = function() {
If you really want to go jQuery way here is what you can do, its not recommended, you should use angular directive to do DOM manipulation
$scope.showUserPro = function() {
// Here i need the value of <p tag>
var name = document.getElementById("txtFirstName"),
firstNameFromHtmlPtag = name.innerText;
console.log(firstNameFromHtmlPtag, 'Doing API Call 1');

Send values of ng-model to angular controller

I have four different inputs and want to send value of changed input to controller without pressing send button or whatever.
How i got it all inputs should to have next syntaxis.
<input ng-model="borderRadius" ng-change="change()">
<input ng-model="background" ng-change="change()">
Or not?
I want to get them in my app.js
control.controller('generatorOptions', function ($scope) {
$scope.buttonStyle = {
"border-radius" : " -- here is value of it -- ",
"background" : " -- here is value of it -- "
Update: That is working just fine, but how can i optimise code?
First you need to define in your controller:
control.controller('generatorOptions', function ($scope) {
$scope.change = function() {
console.log("borderRadius value:"+$scope.buttonStyle.borderRadius);
console.log("background value:"+$scope.buttonStyle.background);
This is your view:
<input ng-model="buttonStyle.borderRadius" ng-change="change()">
<input ng-model="buttonStyle.background" ng-change="change()">
It means, that first you need define object(buttonStyle) in you controller, than this object is accesseble in you view and in view you will define new properties(radius and background) of your object which you can access in controller by object.

Angular binding model in scope issue?

Hi I am new to the angular js and trying to write the chat application using the socket io and angular js with ionic for android platform. But in my chat page there is one issue.
I am trying to bind the textbox to the $scope.message variable using ng-model but it is not getting bind as the test when i show the same variable value in page itself it works as it is but in controller i gets value as undefined or empty
<body ng-app="farmApp" ng-controller="farmAppController" >
<ul id="Messeges">
<li class="right">Welcome to Chat</li>
<li ng-repeat="chatMessage in messages">
<form ng-submit="sendMessage()">
<input placeholder="Your message" ng-model="message">
<input type="submit" name="send" id="send" value="Send" class="btn btn-success">
{{message}} //This updates the value as i type in textbox
but when i see print that model on console it shows undefined when i define at the start in controller then it shows empty value
var farmAppControllers = angular.module('farmAppControllers',[]);
$scope.messages = [];
$scope.message = ''; //When i don't declare then console shows undefined on sendMessage function if declared then empty
socket.on("update", function (data) {
$scope.sendMessage = function (){
console.log($scope.message); // This shows undefined or empty on console
$scope.message ='';
My app.js
'use strict';
var farmApp = angular.module('farmApp', ['farmAppControllers','farmAppServices','ionic']);
And services.js for socket wrapper
var farmAppServices = angular.module('farmAppServices',[]);
var socket = io.connect();
return {
on:function (eventName,callBack){
var args = arguments;
var args = arguments;
i stuck here... i try to google it but not able to solve it. In case of confusion feel free to comment. Any help would be great.
When i used the first answer of this question the problem got solved but still not clear why ng-submit is not working ? Any Idea Why ? Because it seems i am still unable to update the view scope from the controller ?
I think the problem is <ion-content> which is a directive and seems to create its own scope. From the docs:
Be aware that this directive gets its own child scope. If you do not understand why this is important, you can read
Therefore your message property isn't in the scope of your controller.
Objects are passed by reference and sendMessage is a function respectively an object, thats why it's still called correctly from the child scope.
What you should do is create an object with a name that makes sense to "package" the properties you want to share.
$scope.package = {}
$scope.package.messages = [];
$scope.package.message = 'You default message...';
And then in your function:
And in your template:
<input placeholder="Your message" ng-model="package.message">
Here is a plunker with a working solution. It throws some random errors, I actually don't know ionic. But the example works and everything else doesn't matter.
