Combining data in firebase - angularjs

Hello so I'm trying to combine data retrieved from 3 different locations in my firebase. The data is structured as follows:
When any user posts they are able to make a post underneath one of those blocks.
I would like to be able to search underneath that block for all of the users posts and retrieve that information, combine it all, ordered by the data it was post and display it to the user.
So far My method i feel is rudimentary and would appreciate as much help an advice as possible, even if it means restructuring my data.
info.block = $firebaseArray of the id's which the users have of their post
info.text is $firebaseArray of the texts post
info.image is $firebaseArray of the image post is $firebaseArray of the audio post
var storage = function(text, image, audio, value, listStore) {
var postkey = value.postid;
angular.forEach(info.text, function(curr, key) {
if (postkey === curr.$id) {
return true;
angular.forEach(info.image, function(curr, key) {
if (postkey === curr.$id) {
return true;
angular.forEach(, function(curr, key) {
if (postkey === curr.$id) {
return true;
};$loaded().then(function() {
info.text.$loaded().then(function() {
info.image.$loaded().then(function() {$loaded().then(function() {
angular.forEach(, function(value, key) {
}, $scope.randomObj);


Last item in array won't update with ajax request

I'm building a store dashboard in Angular 5 which shows orders that are in route and orders that have arrived. When a user clicks a button it sets the hasArrived field in the order as true. With the setInterval funciton in the store dashboard component I'm making an API call every second to get the order data and check the filed hasArrived to see if it's true or false. In the dashboard you can see orders move from inRoute to arrived in seemingly real time once this button is clicked. The only problem is when there's only a single order in the inRoute array, even when hasArrived is switched to true, it still displays on the screen in the inRoute orders. Only once you refresh the page does it update into the arrived section.
setInterval(() =>{
.subscribe((data) => {
console.log(data); = data;
let ir = [];
let ar = [];
for(let order of data.orders){
if(order.completedPurchase === false){
if(order.hasArrived === false){
this.inRoute = ir;
if(order.hasArrived == true){
ar.push(order); = ar;
error => console.log(error);
}, 1000);
try the following code:
setInterval(() => {
.subscribe((data) => {
console.log(data); = data; // do you need this?
this.inRoute = []; = [];
(data.orders || []).forEach((order) => {
if (!order.completedPurchase) {
if (order.hasArrived) {;
} else {
error => console.log(error);
}, 1000);
In short, I guess the root cause is that you do not reassign this.inRoute when its single item changes hasArrived from false to true.
I have tried to keep as much untouched as I could, but there some areas to think about:
try use setTimeout: fetch orders every second after the previous data arrived
do not forget to clean-up: call either clearInterval/clearTimeout when the component is being destroyed
I guess there could be a solution with rx-js, but I am not familiar with it..

Trouble filtering angular-meteor collection with infinite-scroll support

I'm trying to create an interactive photo database where the user can sort through photos and filter by user, check multiple categories he or she is interested in, and sort the filtered data by date, number of favorites, etc. The filter/sorting criteria are selected by the user on the DOM and are stored from the client side to $scope.model. The quantity of data visible to the user would be controlled with infinite scroll.
I've created a repository of this example, and I've deployed it here. I've reproduced some of the relevant code from scroll.controller.js below:
// infinite-scroll logic & collection subscription //
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.perPage = 12;
$scope.orderProperty = '-1';
$scope.query = {};
$scope.images = $scope.$meteorCollection(function() {
// if filtered by a user...
if ($scope.getReactively('model.shotBy')) {
query.shotBy = $scope.model.shotBy;
// if category filter(s) are selected...
if ($scope.getReactively('model.category', true)) {
if ($scope.model.category.length > 0){
var categories = [];
for (var i=0; i < $scope.model.category.length; i++){
query.category = {$in: categories};
$scope.currentPage = 1; // reset
return Images.find(query, { sort: $scope.getReactively('model.sort')});
$meteor.autorun($scope, function() {
if ($scope.getReactively('images')){
$meteor.autorun($scope, function() {
$scope.$meteorSubscribe('images', {
limit: parseInt($scope.getReactively('perPage'))*parseInt(($scope.getReactively('currentPage'))),
skip: 0,
sort: $scope.getReactively('model.sort')
$scope.loadMore = function() {
// console.log('loading more');
$scope.currentPage += 1;
I can scroll through the images fine, and the infinite-scroll feature seems to work. However, when I attempt to filter the images from the DOM, the only filtered results are those which were initially visible before scrolling, and scrolling doesn't make the rest of the images that meet the criteria show, despite using $scope.$emit to signal ngInfiniteScroll to load more (documentation).
EDIT: If the initial filtered list does, in fact, reach the bottom, scrolling will append properly. It seems to not append only if the initial filtered list doesn't reach the bottom of the screem.
What can I change to make ngInfiniteScroll behave as I would expect on a filtered collection?
Any help, thoughts, or suggestions would be appreciated, and let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see. Thank you!
Well, it took almost all day to figure out, but I now have a working example at this Github repository and deployed here.
To summarize, I found I need to filter at both the collection and subscription levels to cause perPage to apply properly and for ngInfiniteScroll functioning. Also, I needed to send an event via $scope.$emit to ngInfiniteScroll to tell it to fire again in case the images array was too small and didn't reach the edge of the screen. See the Github repository for more details, if you're interested.
Updated relevant code
// infinite-scroll logic & collection subscription //
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.perPage = 12;
$scope.query = {};
function getQuery(){
// if filtered by a user...
if ($scope.getReactively('model.shotBy')) {
query.shotBy = $scope.model.shotBy;
// if category filter(s) are selected...
if ($scope.getReactively('model.category', true)) {
if ($scope.model.category.length > 0){
var categories = [];
for (var i=0; i < $scope.model.category.length; i++){
query.category = {$in: categories};
return query;
$meteor.autorun($scope, function(){
$scope.images = $scope.$meteorCollection(function() {
$scope.currentPage = 1; // reset the length of returned images
return Images.find(getQuery(), { sort: $scope.getReactively('model.sort')});
$scope.$emit('filtered'); // trigger infinite-scroll to load in case the height is too small
$meteor.autorun($scope, function() {
$scope.$meteorSubscribe('images', {
limit: parseInt($scope.getReactively('perPage'))*parseInt(($scope.getReactively('currentPage'))),
skip: 0,
sort: $scope.getReactively('model.sort'),
query: getQuery()
$scope.loadMore = function() {
// console.log('loading more');
$scope.currentPage += 1;
I'm not sure if I've used best practices with this answer, so please feel free to chime in with suggestions.

Angular-Leaflet heatmap data update

I'm using the Angular-Leaflet directive to display a heatmap, and I want the data to evolve through time. My code looks like:
getData().then(function (data) {
$scope.heat.index = 0;
$ = data;
$scope.layers.overlays.heat = {
name: "Heatmap",
type: "heat",
data: $[$scope.heat.index], // data is a dictionary, not an array
visible: true
$scope.$watch('heat.index', function (new_index) {
$ = $[new_index];
However, when I change data.index (through a slider), nothing happens. What could be going on? I know that Angular-Leaflet supports this behavior because of this Github issue where someone added it.
leafletData.getMap().then(function (map) {
map.eachLayer(function (layer) {
if (layer.options.layerName == 'heatmap') {
This worked for me.
Leaflet.heat provides a redraw() method but that didn't work for me.

Modeling relational data from REST api via angularjs

I'm building an app, that is backed with node-mysql combo, and angularjs on the frontend part. The backend REST service is ready, but I'm struggling with modeling my relational data. There are some questions regarding this like : $resource relations in Angular.js or $resource relations in Angular.js [updated] . Are those approaches still the best approaches, or were there any significant changes in $resource ? Or maybe Restangular is the way to go?
Here is my technique:
I declare a factory called dataService, which is a wrapper around Restangular, extended with some other features.
First let me gave some code and then explain:
var identityMap = {};
return {
insert: function(className, object) {
if (object) {
var mappedObject;
if (identityMap[className]) {
mappedObject = identityMap[className][];
if (mappedObject) {
extend(mappedObject, object);
} else {
identityMap[className][] = object;
mappedObject = object;
} else {
identityMap[className] = {};
identityMap[className][] = object;
mappedObject = object;
return mappedObject;
remove: function(className, object) {
if (identityMap[className] && identityMap[className][id]) delete identityMap[className][id];
get: function(className, id) {
return identityMap[className] && identityMap[className][id] ? identityMap[className][id] : null;
flush: function(){
identityMap = {};
.factory('modelService', ['Restangular', 'identityMap', '$rootScope', '$log', function(Restangular, identityMap, $rootScope, $log) {
function extendModel(obj, modelExtension, modelName){
angular.extend(obj, modelExtension);
obj = identityMap.insert(modelName, obj);
function broadcastRestEvent(resourceName, operation, data){
$rootScope.$broadcast(resourceName + $filter('capitalize')(operation), data);
var resource1Extension = {
_extensionFunction1: function() {
// ... do something internally ...
if (this.something){
// this.newValue ....
else {
// ....;
publicExtensionFunction: function(param1) {
// return something
initExtension: function() {
extendModel(this.resource2, resource2Extension, 'resource2');
var resorce2Extension = {
_extensionFunction1: function() {
// do something internally
publicExtensionFunction = function(param1) {
// return something
initExtension: function(){
var modelExtensions = {
'resource1': resource1Extension,
'resource2': resorce2Extension
var rest = Restangular.withConfig(function(RestangularConfigurer) {
RestangularConfigurer.setOnElemRestangularized(function(obj, isCollection, what, Restangular){
if (!isCollection) {
if (modelExtensions.hasOwnProperty(what)) {
extendModel(obj, modelExtensions[what], what);
else {
identityMap.insert(what, obj);
if (obj.metadata && obj.metadata.operation) {
broadcastRestEvent(what, obj.metadata.operation, obj);
return obj;
RestangularConfigurer.addResponseInterceptor(function(data, operation, what, url, response, deferred) {
var newData;
if (operation === 'getList') {
newData = data.objects;
newData.metadata = {
numResults: data.num_results,
totalPages: data.total_pages,
operation: operation
data = newData;
else if (operation === 'remove') {
var splittedUrl = url.split('/');
var id = splittedUrl.pop();
var resource = splittedUrl.pop();
identityMap.remove(resource, id);
broadcastRestEvent(resource, operation, id);
else {
data.metadata = {operation: operation};
return data;
return {
rest: rest,
enums: {
flush: identityMap.flush,
get: identityMap.get
1) Let me explain identityMap (it's the code from this blog post with some extended features):
Let's consider a REST model which looks like this (each resource represents a database table):
resource 1:
id = Integer
field1 = String
field2 = String
resource2s = [] (List of resources2 which points to this resource with their foreign key)
resource 2:
id = Integer
field1 = String
field2 = String
resource1_idfk = Foreign Key to resource 1
Resource API is so smart that it returns resource1 relationships with resources2 with GET /api/resource1/1 to save the overhead that you would get with GET to resource2 with some query parameters to resource1_idfk...
The problem is that if your app is doing the GET to resource1 and then somewhere later GET to resource2 and edits the resource2, the object representing the resource2 which is nested in resource1 would not know about the change (because it is not the same Javascript object reference)
The identity map solves this issue, so you hold only one reference to each resource's instance
So, for example, when you are doing an update in your controller the values automatically updates in the other object where this resource is nested
The drawback is that you have to do memory management yourself and flush the identity map content when you no longer need it. I personally use Angular Router UI, and define this in a controller which is the root of other nested states:
$scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
The other approach I use within the Angular Router UI is that I give the id of the resource which i want to edit/delete within that controller as the parameter of nested state and within the nested state i use:
$scope.resource1instance = modelService.get('resource1', $;
You can than use
// you don't need to edit resource1 in list of resources1
2) When I need to use some new functionality over resources I use `Restangular's setOnElemRestangularized. I think the code above is self explanatory and very similar to the one mentioned in blog post I have mentioned above. My approach is slightly different from the one in that post, that I don't use the mixin initialization before, but after I mix it to the object, so one could reference the new functions in initializer. The other thing I don't use, for example, he creates single factory for every resource, for example Proposal for extended logic and the other factory ProposalSvc for manipulating the instances. For me that's a lot of code you don't have to write and personally I think that Javascript is not suited very well for this object oriented approach, so I return just the whole Restangular object and do operations with it.
3) Another thing I have there is the broadcast of events when something in my model changes with Restangular, this is something I needed when I used ng-table. For example, when the model changed and rows in my table needed to be updated to reference the changes, so in the controller which manages the table I use $scope.on('eventName') and then change appropriate row. These events are also great when you have a multiuser live application and you use websockets for server notifications (code not included here in modelService). For example somebody deletes something in a database, so the server sends a notification to everyone who is alive through websocket about the change, you then broadcast the same event as used in Restangular and the controller does the same edits on its data.
This blog post should help you make your choice
I agree that there are a lot of good practices using http headers in Restangular, but you can pick them in the source and use them directly.
What you have to wonder is, will you be able to wrap your nested resources within a $resource and make instance calls while modifying the parent object. And that's not a given.
Your question seems to be asking whether you should be using ngResource, Restangular or some other framework or drop down to the low-level and use $http directly.
$resource is still widely used because it's included in the official docs and in all the popular tutorials and articles but Restangular is fairly popular.
The website ngModules shows a listing of REST API modules for AngularJS.
If you have a simple REST API, go with $resource for now and then switch to Restangular if you're doing lots of custom coding and filtering. It is a much nicer framework and more extensible.

Backbone - trying to make a filter on a collection with nested object

i'm trying to filter a collection which has models with some nested object. Unfortunately, my result are always empty.
So my models returned in the collection are build like this:
My goal is simple:
I have a view with a list of tag and a content view with all the questions. When a user click on tag, for example, "c#", i want to filter my collection to just return questions with tag "c#"
Before i was doing a fetch on my server and it was working fine, but it was not optimize.
I already have a collection with all the questions so why make a new call, a filter is a better solution i think.
But i didn't succeded with my filter and i don't know if it's possible to do. For now i put my filter in my router because it's more easy to test.
i can't make a filter like this because i have an array of object
getQuestionsByTags: function(query) {
var test = this.questionsCollection.filter(function(model) {
return == query;
So i was thinking to make a loop but my result is always an empty array.
getQuestionsByTags: function(query) {
var test = this.questionsCollection.filter(function(model) {
_.each(model.attributes.tags, function(tag) {
return == query;
It's maybe simple, but i don't know what to do.
Thanks in advance :)
i've just found a solution that work.
getQuestionsByTags: function(query) {
var flag;
var test2 = this.questionsCollection.filter(function(model) {
flag = false;
_.each(model.attributes.tags, function(tag) {
if( == query) {
flag = true;
if(flag) {
return model.attributes;
i put a flag. If he turn true inside the loop, the model has this tag so i return it.
I think it's not very conventional, so if someone have another solution, feel free to post it :)
