SQL server force multitheading when executing SSIS package - sql-server

Here is the question:
I am using VisualCron to run a ssis package on SQL Server 2008 R2. The SSIS package will run a query which get millions of rows and output it into a flat file. Sometimes, I found when I run this SSIS package, the sql server doesn't use multi-threading(I can tell that from the activity monitor) , this lead to very long running time about 20 hours. But, if it was using multi-threading it could be done in 8 minutes.
Is there a way to force sql server to use multi-threading whenever it is running this SSIS package?

There are a few options for optimizing your query to handle multiple simultaneous operations... or at least improving performance.
Apply OPTION MAXDOP in your query to apply the maximum number of processors (parallelism) available with the operating system. Listed below is an example and here is a link with more detail.
SELECT FirstName, LastName
FROM dbo.Customer
Apply NOLOCK in the your query if there is no concern with data in the tables being updated during the SSIS package operation. That is, this works if there is no concern with "dirty reads." See following link and example.
SELECT FirstName, LastName
FROM dbo.Customer WITH(NOLOCK)
Review this link for best practices for improving query performance. There may be additional steps you have not taken or tools you have not applied that can greatly assist in improving performance.

The problem is getting clearer.
It's related to how sql decide to use a serial execution plan or a parallel execution plan. That's the optimizer's job. It turns out that I have two tasks in VisualCron that are scheduled to run, they both will run the same big query. The difference is they will get different input parameters.
The first one get parameters that will not deal with too much data.
The second one get parameters that deal with a big amount of data.
I assume the SQL optimizer first see the submitted query, and the query will not get too much data, so it decide to use serial plan.
I guess the plan for this same query is cached, so when it check the second submitted query, the optimizer might check the cache to see if any past evaluated plan exist for this query. Then, if it exist, it will use it.
That's why it still choose to use serial plan for the second query.
After I change the order of the two task(I execute the one which will deal with more data first, and then the one that deal with less data), it works, it is now using parallel plan for both. (You may need to restart the instance to clear the cached execution plans)
How the optimizer works is still my assumption.
Other people's post, explaining how optimizer are playing a important role here


SQL Server CXPACKET timeout

We've got SQL Server 2016 (v13.0.4206.0), by default there is no restrictions for parallelism - any count SQL wants. And it didn't lead any problems... Till now.
For another feature there were written query that unexpectedly raised timeout exception in our application. I was deeply surprised when it was successfully executed with setting up maximum threads per query to 1. Yes, 6 seconds for query is not so good, even accounting to most of time was spent for fetching, but it's far away from 3 minutes timeout!
By the way, executing this query with SQL Server Management Studio works all the time despite of parallelism settings. It seems that something wrong with connection to database, but all other queries works fine, even which much harder then that one.
Our application is built on ASP.NET Core 3.0 (don't know if it matters), database connection is made using System.Data.SqlClient v4.8.0. All I could determine is that there are so much tasks created for this query:
I've tried to watch for execution in sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks (thanks google). I'm not sure I got it right, but it seems that tasks with context_id 0-8 is blocked with those who have context_id 9-16 and vise versa. Obvious example of deadlock, isn't it? But how can SQL Server manage threads to make it without my "help"? Or what am I doing wrong?
Just in case some inappropriate answers:
I won't turn parallelism off (set maximum threads per query to 1) as solution because of some heavy queries in our application;
I don't want to raise Cost Threshold for Parallelism setting because I'm afraid of same problem with another query (guess, a heavier one). So I just want to determine real cause;
Optimizing the query isn't considered (anymore), as according to actual execution plan I can't make it faster - there are enough indexes for it. But I'm ready to rethink after some really weighty arguments.
So, my question is: why does parallelism that I didn't ask for spoil the query execution? And how can I avoid that?
It's true sometimes the engine chooses to use parallel execution (or not to use) which leads to worse performance.
You do not want to control the server option and the cost as you are not sure how this will reflect to other queries, which is understandable.
If you are sure, your query will be execute better without being handle in parallel, you can specify the option just for it using query hints - MAXDOP like this:
FROM ...
It's easy and you can rollback if needed. Also, you are not affecting other queries.
You are saying that:
Optimizing query isn't considered (anymore), as according to actual execution plan...
The execution plan is sometimes misleading. As a start - you can save your execution plan and open it with SentryOne Plan Explorer - it's free and can give you a better look of what's going on.
Also, if a query is execute for either 3 seconds or 6 minutes, there must be something wrong with it or may be the activity of your database. If it is executed fast in the SSMS always, maybe the engine is using the correct cache plan. I thing it's better to share the query itself and to attach the two plans (serial and parallel) and spend more time tuning it.

Clear SQL Azure execution plan / query cache

I have a few "inefficient" queries that I am trying to debug on Azure SQL (v12). The problem I have is that after the query executes for the first time (albeit, many seconds) Azure appears to cache the query / execution plan. I have done some research and several people have suggested adding and removing a column will clear the cache but this doesn't seem to work. If I leave the server alone for a few hours / overnight and re-run the query it takes its usual time to execute but once again the cache is in place - this makes it very hard to optimise my query. Does anyone know how to force Azure SQL to not cache my queries / execution plans?
This is closest to the DBCC FREEPROCCACHE you have in SQL Server but is scoped to a database instead of the server instance. This does not prevent caching of query plans - it just invalidates the current cache entries.
Please note that the query store is there to help you in SQL Azure (on-by-default). It stores a history of plan choices and plan performance (per-plan). So, if you have a prior plan that performs better available in the history of your application, you can force it using SSMS if you'd prefer to have the query optimizer pick this plan each time your query compiles. One common reason for what you are seeing is parameter-sensitivity in the plan choice where the optimizer will use the passed parameter value to try to generate the query plan, assuming it is representing a common pattern when you run that query. If that value is actually not close to a common value (in terms of how frequent it is in the table), then you can sometimes compile and cache a plan that is not better on average for your application.
Query store has an overview here:
Note that SQL Azure also has an automated mechanism to try forcing prior plans if it notices a performance regression. It is somewhat conservative, however, so it may not kick in for every single regression until it sees an obvious pattern over time. So, while you can force things in SSMS, you can also potentially just wait (assuming this is the issue you were seeing)

Why Would Remote Execution of a Query Cause it to be Suspended?

I apologize in advance for not having all of the specifics available, but the machine is building an index probably for a good while still and is almost completely unresponsive.
I've got a table on SQL Server 2005 with a good number of columns, maybe 20, but a mammoth number of rows (tens, more likely hundreds of millions). In order to simplify the amount of JPA work I'd need to do to access it, I created a view that contained the bits I was interested in. The view was created as:
SELECT bigtable.ID, bigtable.external_identification, mediumtable.hostname,
CONVERT(VARCHAR, bigtable.datefield, 121) AS datefield
FROM schema.bigtable JOIN schema.mediumtable ON bigtable.joinID = mediumtable.ID;
When I want to select from the view, I do:
SELECT * FROM vwTable WHERE external_identification = 'some string';
This works just fine in SQL Management Studio. The external_identification column has a non-unique, non-clustered index in bigtable. This also worked just fine on our remotely executing Java program in our test environment. Now that we're a day or two away from production, the code has been changed a bit (although the fundamental JPA NamedQuery is still straightforward), but we have a new SQLServer installation on new hardware; the test version was on a 32-bit single core machine, the new hardware is 64-bit multi-core.
Whenever I try to run the code that uses this view on the new hardware, it either hangs indefinitely on the first call of this query or times out if I have a timeout specified. After doing some digging, something like:
SELECT status, command, wait_type, last_wait_type FROM sys.dm_exec_requests;
confirmed that the query was running, but showed it in the state:
for as long as I cared to wait for it. Whenever I ran the exact same query from within the Management Studio, it completed immediately. So I did some research, and found out this is due to waiting on some kind of concurrent operation to start/finish. In an attempt to circumvent that, I set the server-wide MAXDOP to 1 (disabled concurrency). After that, the query still hangs, but the sys.dm_exec_requests would show:
This indicates that it's some sort of HD/scanning issue. While certainly the machine is less responsive than I'd expect for newer hardware, I wouldn't expect this query (even over the view) to require much scanning, since the column I'm searching by is indexed in the underlying table and it works if I run it locally. But just because I'm out of ideas and under the gun, I'm adding indexes to the view; first I have to add the unique clustered index (over ID) before I can attempt to add the non-unique non-clustered index over external_identification.
I'm the only one using this database; when I select from sys.dm_exec_requests the only two results are the query I'm actively inspecting and the select from sys.dm_exec_requests query. So it's not like it's under legitimately heavy, or even at all concurrent, load.
But I suspect I'm grasping at straws. I'm no DBA, and every time I have to interact with SQL Server outside of querying it it baffles my intuitions. Does anyone have any ideas why a query executed remotely would immediately go into a suspended state while the same query locally would execute immediately?
Wow, this one caught me straight out of left field. It turns out that by default, the MSSQL JDBC driver sends its String datatypes as Unicode, which the table/view might not be prepared to handle specifically. In our case, the columns and indexes were not, so MSSQL would perform a full table scan for each lookup.
In our test environment, the table was small enough that this didn't matter, so I was tricked into thinking it worked fine. In retrospect, I'm glad it didn't -- I can't stand it when computers give the illusion of inconsistency.
When I added this little parameter to the end of my JDBC connection string:
things immediately and magically started working. Sorry for the slightly misleading question (I barely even mentioned JPA), but I had no idea what the cause was and really did believe it was something SQL Server side. Task Manager didn't report heavy CPU/Memory usage while the query was suspended, so I just thought it was idling even though it was really under heavy disk usage.
More info about MSSQL JDBC and Unicode can be found where I stumbled across the solution, at http://server.pramati.com/blog/2010/06/02/perfissues-jdbcdrivers-mssqlserver/ . Thanks, Ed, for that detailed shot in the dark -- it may not have been the problem, but I certainly learned a lot (and fast!) about MSSQL's gritty parts!
It is likely that the query run in SSMS and by your application are using different query plans - from the wait types you're seeing in dm_exec_requests it sounds like the plan created for the application is doing a table scan where the plan for SSMS is using an index seek.
This is possible because the SSMS and application database connections likely use different connection options, some of which are used as a key to the database plan cache.
You can find out which options your application is using by running a default SQL server profiler trace against the server; the first command after the connection is created will be a number of SET... options:
I suspect this list will be different between your application and your SSMS connection - a common candidate is SET ARITHABORT {ON|OFF}, since that forms part of the key of the cached plan.
If you run the SET... commands in an SSMS window before executing the query, the same (bad) plan as is being used by the application should then be picked up.
Assuming this demonstrates the problem, the next step is to work out how to prevent the bad plan getting into cache. It's difficult to give generic instructions about how to do this, since there are a few possible causes.
It's a bit of a scattergun approach (there are other more targetted ways to attempt to resolve this problem but they require more detailed understanding of the issue that I have now), but one thing to try is to add OPTION (RECOMPILE) to the end of your query - this forces a new plan to be generated for every execution, and should prevent the bad plan being reused:
SELECT * FROM vwTable WHERE external_identification = 'some string' OPTION (RECOMPILE);
Assuming you can replicate the bad performance is SSMS using the steps above, you should be able to test this there.
Beware that this can have negative performance consequences if the query is executed very frequently (since each recompilation requires CPU) - this depends on the workload of your application and will need testing.
A couple of other thoughts:
Check the schemas between the test and production systems; this might be as simple as a missing index from one of the tables in the production database, although given that SSMS queries perform OK this is unlikely.
You should re-enable parallelism by taking the server-wide MAXDOP=1 off, since this will limit the performance of your system overall. The problem is almost certainly the query plan, not parallelism
You also need to beware of the consequences of adding indexes to the view - doing so effectively materialises the view, which will (given the size of the table) require a lot of storage overhead - the indexes will also need to be maintained when INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements take place on the base table. Indexing the view is probably unnecessary given that (from SSMS) you know it's possible for the query to perform.

A T-SQL query executes in 15s on sql 2005, but hangs in SSRS (no changes)?

When I execute a T-SQL query it executes in 15s on sql 2005.
SSRS was working fine until yesterday. I had to crash it after 30min.
I made no changes to anything in SSRS.
Any ideas? Where do I start looking?
Start your query in SSIS then look into the Activity Monitor of Management Studio. See if the query is currently blocked by any chance, and in that case, what it is blocked on.
Alternatively you can use sys.dm_exec_requests and check the same thing, w/o the user interface getting in the way. Look at the session executing the query from SSIS, check it's blocking_session_id, wait_type, wait_time and wait_resource columns. If you find that the query is blocked, the SSIS has no fault probably and something in your environment is blocking the query execution. If on the other hand the query is making progress (the wait_resource changes) then it just executes slowly and its time to check its execution plan.
Have you tried making the query a stored procedure to see if that helps? This way execution plans are cached.
Updated: You could also make the query a view to achieve the same affect.
Also, SQL Profiler can help you determine what is being executed. This will allow you to see if the SQL is the cause of the issue, or Reporting Services rendering the report (ie: not fetching the data)
There are a number of connection-specific things that can vastly change performance - for example the SET options that are active.
In particular, some of these can play havoc if you have a computed+persisted (and possibly indexed) column. If the settings are a match for how the column was created, it can use the stored value; otherwise, it has to recalculate it per row. This is especially expensive if the column is a promoted column from xml.
Does any of that apply?
Are you sure the problem is your query? There could be SQL Server problems. Don't forget about the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB databases. Maybe they need some maintenance.
The first port of call for any performance problems like this is to get an execution plan. You can either get this by running an SQL Profiler Trace with the ShowPlan Xml event, or if this isn't possible (you probably shouldn't do this on loaded production servers) you can extract the cached execution plan that's being used from the DMVs.
Getting the plan from a trace is preferable however, as that plan will include statistics about how long the different nodes took to execute. (The trace wont cripple your server or anything, but it will have some performance impact)

Whats the best way to profile a sqlserver 2005 database for performance?

What techinques do you use? How do you find out which jobs take the longest to run? Is there a way to find out the offending applications?
Step 1:
Install the SQL Server Performance Dashboard.
Seriously, you do want to start with a look at that dashboard. More about installing and using it can be found here and/or here
To identify problematic queries start the Profiler, select following Events:
filter output for example by
Duration > x ms (for example 100ms, depends mainly on your needs and type of system)
CPU > y ms
Reads > r
Writes > w
Depending on what you want to optimize.
Be sure to filter the output enough to not having thousands of datarows scrolling through your window, because that will impact your server performance!
Its helpful to log output to a database table to analyse it afterwards.
Its also helpful to run Windows system monitor in parallel to view cpu load, disk io and some sql server performance counters. Configure sysmon to save the data to a file.
Than you have to get production typical query load and data volumne on your database to see meaningfull values with profiler.
After getting some output from profiler, you can stop profiling.
Then load the stored data from the profiling table again into profiler, and use importmenu to import the output from systemmonitor and the profiler will correlate the sysmon output to your sql profiler data. Thats a very nice feature.
In that view you can immediately identifiy bootlenecks regarding to your memory, disk or cpu sytem.
When you have identified some queries you want to omtimize, go to query analyzer and watch the execution plan and try to omtimize index usage and query design.
I have had good sucess with the Database Tuning tools provided inside SSMS or SQL Profiler when working on SQL Server 2000.
The key is to work with a GOOD sample set, track a portion of TRUE production workload for analsys, that will get the best overall bang for the buck.
I use the SQL Profiler that comes with SQL Server. Most of the poorly performing queries I've found are not using a lot of CPU but are generating a ton of disk IO.
I tend to put in filters on disk reads and look for queries that tend to do more than 20,000 or so reads. Then I look at the execution plan for those queries which usually gives you the information you need to optimize either the query or the indexes on the tables involved.
I use a few different techniques.
If you're trying to optimize a specific query, use Query Analyzer. Use the tools in there like displaying the execution plan, etc.
For your situation where you're not sure WHICH query is running slowly, one of the most powerful tools you can use is SQL Profiler.
Just pick the database you want to profile, and let it do its thing.
You need to let it run for a decent amount of time (this varies on traffic to your application) and then you can dump the results in a table and start analyzing them.
You are going to want to look at queries that have a lot of reads, or take up a lot of CPU time, etc.
Optimization is a bear, but keep going at it, and most importantly, don't assume you know where the bottleneck is, find proof of where it is and fix it.
