Link static library with static library - c

I have a with two noinst_LIBRARIES, and one of them needs to link with the other.
Adding it to the CFLAGS throws a compiler warning, but as far as I know, automake likes to freak out about using LDADD with libraries, since they are not complete programs.
How can I do this, assuming libb.a needs to pull in liba.a?

You can't do it. Actually, what you are trying to do doesn't really make sense. Static libraries are just archives containing object files and a table of contents. Put simply, you can think of a static library as a .zip containing .o files.
The linking phase only takes place when compiling a shared object or executable. When your program is linked against liba.a, you also need to specify -static -lb or similar and that's it.


Linking an archive to an archive

With GCC on Linux, is it possible to link a .a into another .a and then only link the resultant .a to my application? Or must my application know of the dependence between one archive and another and link them both?
My understanding is that I must know of the dependencies and link all archives at the end, not in an intermediary step, which seems a little ugly.
This is slightly different than How to merge two "ar" static libraries into one as I'm after a clear description that this is only possible by working around the problem and that linking the two archives together in the naive way is incorrect and will not work, along with the reason as to why.
Yes, your application has to know the dependencies between your different static libraries.
Let's say you have two static libraries a and b.
a has a function void print_a(), and b has a function void print_b() that is calling to print_a(). So, b depends on a.
Their binaries will look like liba.a and libb.a.
Let's say that library b has a reference to a function defined in library a - void print_b(void).
When compiling library b only its symbols are defined in the binary's code section while the others are still undefined:
host$ nm libb.a | grep print
U _print_a <--- Undefined
0000000000000000 T _print_b <--- Defined, in code section
0000000000000068 S
U _printf
Therefore, when compiling the application that wants to use both of the libraries, linking only to libb.a won't be enough. You'll have to link your application to both libraries. Each library will provide its own symbols addresses in the code section and then your application will be able to link to both.
Something like:
gcc -o main main.c libb.a liba.a
BTW: When compiling library b that uses a, you can but it's not necessary to link to a. The result will be just the same.
Why is this the behavior
When compiling + linking the application that uses static libraries, the symbols in the application source files have to be defined somewhere (with the exception of dynamic linking, but this is done only with dynamic libraries/shared objects. Here we deal with static ones).
Now, remember that a static library is just an archive of objects. When it's created there's no linking phase. Just:
Compiling source code (*.c) to objects (*.o)
Archiving them together in a libXXXX.a file.
It means that if this library (library b in my example) uses some function (void print_a(void)) that is defined in another library (a), this symbol won't be resolved (not as a compilation error, but as the normal behavior). It will be set as Undefined symbol (as we see in the output of nm command) after the library creation, and it will wait to be linked later to its definition. And it's OK because a static library is not executable.
Now returning to application - the linking phase of the application needs to find all the definitions of all the symbols. If you just gave it libb.a as an argument, it wouldn't be able to find the definition to print_a(), because it's not there, it's still undefined. It exists only in liba.a.
Therefore, you must provide both of the libraries.
Let libx.a and liby.a be the modules you want to combine. You can try:-
mkdir tmp # create temporary directory for extracting
cd tmp
ar x ../libx.a # extract libx.a
cp ../liby.a ../libxy.a
ar -q ../libxy.a * # add extracted files to libxy.a
cd ..
rm -rf tmp
libxy.a thus created contains .o files from both .a files

Undefined reference to function of another lib

Yeah, I know many people asked that question before, but I still can't understand the problem in my case
I have 2 libs, let's say liba & libb. libb uses liba but is compiled in .a so it should link at compile time.
I have the following GCC command:
gcc -o my_program obj/mymain.o obj/myutils.o liba/liba.a libb/libb.a -Iinclude -Iliba -Ilibb
But GCC is returning me a lot of "Undefined reference to ..." from libb functions to liba functions.
What is happening? What should I do?
Thank you
The evaluation of commands on a link compile command is very important.
When the compiler sees .o files, they get added to the target binary automatically, so all .o files are present. That leaves a list of undefined entities which need to be found.
The next stage is to look through the libraries. Each library is searched, and the .o elements of each library which fulfills an undefined reference is added to the target binary. That always resolves some issues. However, it may also have further requirements. So adding part of a library may add to the required elements to be satisfied.
When a library requires another library, it needs to be specified after something which required it, and before the libraries which satisfy its requirements.
There is a chance if the .o files also require the same parts of a library, this issue can crop up when code is deleted from a .o (removing the mechanism which pulls in the library part).

Why the order of object files is important for static libraries?

I create some files:
I compile them using gcc -c file1.c and i did the same for other files, and i get object files. Later i used ar tool to create static library.
Everythink works correctly, but ar has option
ar -m -a file.o lib.a filetomove.o
to move object files in library, why order of object files is important? Please, show me example where object files must be in correct order.
This is less and less of a problem as time goes on, but for a long time linkers were single pass. That means if a symbol was defined in a.o and referenced in b.o, the linker had to "see" b.o before a.o or it would never find a definition for the reference.
In other circumstances, sometimes a "default" function is provided in a library that is linked last. This is a popular technique in embedded systems development. You can provide an override function by linking it in a static library or object module, but if you don't, the last library will provide a symbol that satisfies the linker.

Static vs Dynamic Linking

I'm trying to understand how the ELF looks like for a statically vs. a dynamically linked program.
I understand that this is how static linking works:
In my case, I have two files, foo.c and bar.c.
I also have their object files; foo.o and bar.o.
With the objdump command, I can see the relocations in each file.
How do I statically link the foo.o and bar.o?
How do I dynamically link the foo.o and bar.o?
How can I see the difference in the output files?
Linking dynamically is the default mode of most linkers these days. If you want to link statically you have to use the -static flag when linking. To clarify, when I say "linking dynamically" versus "linking statically" I mean the linking with external libraries, and not generating a library that in turn can be linked (dynamically or statically).
The difference can't be seen in the object files you pass to the linker, as it has nothing to do with the compiler and object-file generation, the result can only be seen in the resulting executable program after linking, and the biggest difference is that the executable will most likely be larger.
The resulting and fully linked executable will be larger because then all the libraries (for which there are static libraries) will actually be linked into the executable program quite literally. It's basically including the libraries object files together with your own object files. Actually, on POSIX platforms static libraries are just archives of object files.

Including header files into static library

Since every time when we link against a static library we also need to include the header files, I am wondering if it is possible to archive into the static library, when creating it, those heads?
Say I have two object files foo1.o and foo2.o generated by
gcc foo1.c -I foo1.h -c -o foo1.o
gcc foo2.c -I foo2.h -c -o foo2.o
Gcc tutorials tell us we can generate libfoo.a using
ar libfoo.a foo1.o foo2.o
This must sound silly, but is it possible to put those header files inside libfoo.a when archiving? In this way, when linking against libfoo.a, people no more need to spend hours in order to find and include foo1.h and foo2.h, so there seems to be some benefits in doing so, right?
Thanks for your ideas.
First, the header is required to compile your source, not to link it. You do not need the header to link your objects with static libraries.
Second, no, there is no standard or common way to generate an archive with both the library and it's header. Probably there is no way to do this with common C compilers.
You could declare the library's prototypes inside your source, and than ignore the header. But this would be unsafe, since there will be no guarantee that both library and you source where compiled with compatible prototypes.
Following Paul Griffiths comments. If you just want to not have to include a path for every library, you should install those headers and those libraries and set the path in you environment.
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$HOME/install/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/install/lib
You must export this every time you open an new shell, or you can define it in you .bashrc
You can compile everything you want into a static library, but the counterpart is that you won't be able to call the functions from outside (ie by linking) because if you want to do so, you'll always need their prototypes
