Tools and steps on programming MSP430 - c

Just bought an MSP430 launchpad
Been reading through stuff, but I'm unable to learn from all those verbose sources how to stick my C program inside the micro controller. They're not objective (I've started with the manuals that came within, then following hundreds of links on texas website. They are poorly informative).
I'm a student;
My professor isn't of much help;
I'm completely new to this hardware stuff. Kind of new on C programming too... we can say a year of practice;
I consider the KISS principle a good practice: My teacher accomplishes a firework of LEDs with a .c file, a makefile, and a make.exe that I don't have the least idea of what is and how works.
Below, my steps taken so far: (They did NOT work. That's the reason I'm asking here. I would appreciate a very objective procedure/corrections at first, and later, the brainstorm)
Downloaded mspgcc-20120406-p20120911
Installed that on Code::Blocks, using Settings > Compiler - Toolchain Executables tab
(I've tried Energia, but doesn't seem like a very orthodox .c editor. And I love codeblocks, or devcpp, or, as a third option, notepad++, or even Eclipse)
I've also tried CodeComposerStudio. After downloading packages and starting a full project answering neverending questions, I still don't know how to flash the code.
I even made a simple program to blink a led:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <msp430f5529.h>
#include <msp430.h>
void ConfigureCpu(void)
WDTCTL = 0x5a80;
// ACLK = 32768 Hz
// MCLK = 16000000 Hz
// SMCLK = 16000000 Hz
DCOCTL = 0x74;
BCSCTL1 = 0x0F;
BCSCTL2 = 0x88;
BCSCTL3 = 0x84;
P4DIR = 0xff;
void delayms(t)
int i, x;
int main()
P4OUT=0x42; //0100 0010 = 0x42
It doesn't work for two reasons:
'DCOCTL' undeclared (first use in this function)|
And if I comment those registers, I get the following:
cannot open linker script file memory.x||No such file or directory|
L:\MSP\ is my directory for everything related to this journey
L:\MSP\Programs //my .c are stored here
(Code::Blocks is installed on the root of C:)
I would like someone to tell me what I need to learn (step by step, if possible, from the very beginning, to the very end - from choosing tools, to uploading to the controller)

The flyer in the box describes what to do.
Go to and download either Code Composer Studio 4 or the IAR Embedded Workbench trial.
The TI page also holds all other information that you might need.

Looking at msp430f5529.h file on my system, it seems like this chip doesn't have those registers or they aren't in the header. The code just sets the register to a magic number with no explanation, comment, or calculation, so it's hard to figure out what the purpose is. (It's probably trying to configure clocks.)
Second, you'll probably need that linker file for your chip so the compiler (linker stage) can set up correct memory addresses.
The code actually looks like a blinky, but meant for a different chip or compiler. It would probably work but you'd need to change the parts that are different (port it) for your setup. It would be educational, but perhaps not what you want to spend your time on.
To solve both problems, I'd start by getting a project meant for the particular chip/board you have. Build that and see if it works. Then you know your compiler and the project work. You can go on to modify it for your application.


How to enable iterative builds for C projects with precompiler switches?

I am developing C code for five different embedded controllers. In the past, I used to have a separate project for each of those controllers, yet the amount of shared code is around 98%. Therefore, I merged the all projects and abstracted the hardware access by preprocessor macros. Example:
int8_t accessPin = 0;
int8_t accessPin = 1;
This solutions saves a lot of time and works like a charm. Unfortunately, iterative builds do not work. If I build controller A, the decider of my build environment 'sCons' creates an MD5 Checksum of each file it builds. When I switch to controller B, only the preprocessor macros are changed. Therefore, the MD5 checksum stays the same and the decider does not detect any changes and refuses to rebuild the file.
I could implement and register a custom decider in sCons, yet this sounds like a lot of dirty hustle.
Is there a solution to this problem already? I wouldn't hesistate to switch to cMake or Gradle if they offer a native solution. From my point of view, any solution would needs to run the preprocessor before calling a decider.
PS: I know that the Keil Arm IDE comes with this functionality, yet I want and need to use my own build environment.

Static variable doesn't initialize to given value

I have a static "init" variable to run a function once on startup, (RTOS) but it seems to initialize to a random value. If I remove the static tag, everything works great. (Except for the obvious issue of it running the init function every pass.) Could anyone give more insight as to why this isn't working or perhaps a better way to achieve this?
Example code:
void ManageStructures()
// Variable declarations/definitions
static uint8_t StructInitialized;
// Have also tried "static uint8_t StructInitialized = 0", neither worked
// Function prototypes
void InitStruct();
if (!StructInitialized)
StructInitialized= 1;
Test = StructInitialized;
edit: I apologize for the lack of information. This is for a company and I am trying to stay within the bounds of our public information policy. The MCU is a STM32F7 series using the "Ac6 STM32 MCU GCC" toolchain. I am not well versed in compiler operations so it may take me longer to find answers to the compiler or makefile related questions.
edit: It has become clear that this is an issue with the compiler or linker scripts and not my code. That being said, it has also become abundantly clear that I need to learn more about toolchains, linker scripts, and compilers in general before getting to the root of this issue. I'll return to this question once I have become familiar enough to give valuable feedback or answer it myself. Thank you everyone for the feedback and direction!
It is common that embedded systems run with a "minimal startup" code, meaning that they never initialize .bss or .data during start-up. Meaning that if you write something like static int foo = 42;, the code will compile but the variable will never be set.
This isn't standard C compilant, so usually upon project creation you get an option from the IDE to have a "minimal" or "standard" startup.
This likely lies in the so-called "CRT" (C run-time) delivered with your tool chain and not in the RTOS. If you single step your program from where it actually starts (the reset vector) rather than from where main() starts, you'll be able to see exactly what the CRT does and doesn't.
Unfortunately debuggers often use a "dumbed-down mode", since embedded systems programmers are by default assumed to be completely incompetent nowadays. Meaning that they silently insert a breakpoint at main() and run until that point. You might have to "un-dumb" your debugger in order to debug the CRT.

Is it possible to modify a C program which is running?

i was wondering if it is possible to modify a piece of C program (or other binary) while it is running ?
I wrote this small C program :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
static uint32_t gcui32_val_A = 0xAABBCCDD;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
uint32_t ui32_val_B = 0;
uint32_t ui32_cpt = 0;
printf("\n\n Program SHOW\n\n");
while(1) {
if(gcui32_val_A != ui32_val_B) {
printf("Value[%d] of A : %x\n",ui32_cpt,gcui32_val_A);
ui32_val_B = gcui32_val_A;
return 0;
With a Hex editor i'm able to find "0xAABBCCDD" and modify it when the program is stopped. The modification works when I relauch the program. Cool !
I would like to do this when the program s running is it possible ?
Here is a simple example to understand the phenomena and play a little with it but my true project is bigger.
I have an old DOS game called Dangerous Dave.
I'm able to modify the tiles by simply editing the binary (thanks to
I developped a small editor that do this pretty well and had fun with it.
I launch the DOS game by using DOSBOX, it works !
I would like to do this dynamically when the game is running. Is it possible ?
PS : I work under Debian 64bit
I was wondering if it is possible to modify a piece of C program (or other binary) while it is running ?
Not in standard (and portable) C11. Read the n1570 specification to check. Notice that most of the time in practice, it is not the C source program (made of several translation units) which is running, but an executable result of some compiler & linker.
However, on Linux (e.g. Debian/Sid/x86-64) you could use some of the following tricks (often with function pointers):
use plugins, so design your program to accept them and define conventions about your plugins. A plugin is a shared object ELF file (some *.so) containing position-independent code (so it should be compiled with specific options). You'll use dlopen(3) & dlsym(3) to do the dynamic loading of the plugin.
use some JIT-compiling library, like GCCJIT or LLVM or libjit or asmjit.
alter your virtual address space (not recommended) manually, using mprotect(2) and mmap(2); then you could overwrite something in a code segment (you really should not do that). This might be tricky (e.g. because of ASLR) and brittle.
perhaps use debug related facilities, either with ptrace(2) or by scripting or extending the gdb debugger.
I suggest to play a bit with /proc/ (see proc(5)) and try at least to run in some terminal the following commands
cat /proc/self/maps
cat /proc/$$/maps
ls /proc/$$/fd/
(and read enough things to understand their outputs) to understand a bit more what a process "is".
So overwriting your text segment (if you really need to do that) is possible, but perhaps more tricky than what you believe !
(do you mind working for several weeks or months simply to improve some old gaming experience?)
Read also about homoiconic programming languages (try Common Lisp with SBCL), about dynamic software updating, about persistence, about application checkpointing, and about operating systems (I recommend: Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces & OsDev wiki)
I work under Debian 64bit
I suppose you have programming skills and do know C. Then you should read ALP or some newer Linux programming book (and of course look into intro(2) & syscalls(2) & intro(3) and other man pages etc...)
BTW, in your particular case, perhaps the "OS" is DOSBOX (acting as some virtual machine). You might use strace(1) on DOSBOX (or on other commands or processes), or study its source code.
You mention games in your question. If you want to code some, consider libraries like SDL, SFML, Qt, GTK+, ....
Yes you can modify piece of code while running in C. You got to have pointer to your program memory area, and compiled pieces of code that you want to change. Naturally this is considered to be a dangerous practice, with lot of restrictions, and with many possibilities for error. However, this was practice at olden times when the memory was precious.

tiva c implicit function

I am trying to build a simple logic analyzer with TM4c123 but anytime when I use the function ROM_.... it appears to be an error( implicit of function ROM_..) Anyone knows why?
for example:
// run from crystal, 80 MHz
// enable peripherals
// set UART pins
// init PORTB
// configure uart
ROM_UARTConfigSetExpClk(UART0_BASE, ROM_SysCtlClockGet(), 115200,
All of the function ROM are errors, why? I already include rom.h and rom_map.h
You probably didn't defined your target device.
Try to add something like -DTARGET_IS_TM4C123_RB1 to your Makefile.
This define is necessary in order for the ROM_* symbols be defined.
You are using a combination of driverlib (tivaware) and direct register modification (DRM). Use one or the other, preferably driverlib.
You should actually be using the MAP_ calls instead of ROM_. ROM_ is deprecated but still usable for testing. Don't put ROM_ in production code. I know the examples still use ROM_.
You are missing the header file for ROM anyways. If you want to use ROM_, you need to include driverlib/rom.h. That's why it's complaining about the implicit function call. Any call to a ROM_somethingsomethingdarkside() is not defined. You will also need to include stdint and stdbool, as driverlib uses those c99 types. To use the map calls, you'll need to include driverlib/rom_map.h
You may also need to include driverlib/gpio.h, driverlib/sysctrl.h. Not sure on that. I've never mixed things like you have done, and I always debug using the compiled in driverlib first, then prefixed the driverlib calls with MAP_ after I know things are working. I haven't ever gone back to remove my includes for the compiled in driverlib libraries. The toolchain seems to be smart enough to not compile them in after I stop calling them anyways. Now I kinda want to try that though.
To be clear, ROM_ or MAP_ is calling driverlib calls out of the on chip ROM.
I suspect that you are not sure what the code you are using really is and what it does by the way you're mixing DRM and driverlib libraries. I HIGHLY suggest you take the time to go through the online workshop for the Tiva C. It's a series of short videos and labs that will clear up all of this. I went intentionally neurotically slow and it took me a weekend. You can do it in a day, and it'll be a day well spent. It'll save you that many times over. It's out of date slightly as far as code composer goes, but it's still useable. I have all my students go through it before they start work on this platform.™_C_Series_TM4C123G_LaunchPad
Edit: yes, and as vitor points out, you also need that define as well.
I would reccommend using "driverlib/gpio.h" and "driverlib/sysctl.h"
for the Pin configuration with TM4C devices

System calls not working in Atmel AVR Studio (with ASF)

I am not getting answers on the AVR Freaks forum and wonder if someone here could help me.
The answer might lie in this SO question, but I am not sure why it would be necessary.
Basically, I have my fist ever Atmel project (AVR studio 6, UC3 processor). The code compiles and links and I can load it to the Atmel board and step through in the debugger.
However, when I try to step over (or run until a breakpoint on the line after) a (valid) call to sprintf(), malloc() or memcpy() (there may be more, which I have not yet discovered), the IDE never returns to the next line of my code, just seeming to hang, or run forever.
[Note] Compiler optimization is off
Do I need to set some linker options (e.g link static (which I tried & it didn't help)? Or build with some library?
What confuses me is that the code compilers and links - what is being linked when I call these standard functions? If I need something else I would expect a compiler or linker error, but get none - so why won't my code run?
Sorry for such a stupid n00nb question, but it is my first micro-controller project.
I discovered that the CPU on my board is an Engineering Sample and not supported by Atmel Studio without a new io.h file.
I sort of figured that out from this question:
Sorry to have troubled you.
what is being linked when I call these standard functions?
The AVR-libc, the implementation of the C standard library ported to the AVR platform.
so why won't my code run?
Compiler errors and runtime errors are not even related. Both of these lines are valid C and they compile, however, on most systems, I'd expect them to dump core:
int x = 1 / 0;
*(int *)0 = 41;
So it might be either:
a bug in the standard library (very unlikely), or
a bug in the online debugger (very unlikely), or
maybe you just expect something that is not supposed to happen?
Instead of trying to step over, what happens if you set a breakpoint at next line after the line you want to step over?
Also, does the operation change if you turn off compiler optimization?
