re-use angularjs code between multiple applications - angularjs

i have some angularjs file that has RESTAPI access to a third party service.
say, i have multiple java applications that need to use the same angularjs file.
what is the best way to share the file.
basically, in the olden days (i am talking about back end code), we would write an application that is deployed as a service and all other applications use this service. how do i achieve this with angular.. please keep in mind, i was mostly a back end developer and entering the new front end world

I would recommend to use Bower for maintaining your reusable components. Develop standalone functionality in their own modules, doesn't matter whether they're directives, services or whatever Angular components, and then install them as Bower dependencies into any of your separate Angular applications.
Bower has documentation on creating packages, and Brian Ford has written a nice (albeit a bit outdated at places) tutorial on writing reusable Angular components using Bower.
So, basically your workflow would go like this:
Start developing your module. If it is something already existing, you can just pull it out of the current place.
mkdir your-component-name
cd your-component-name
$editor your-module.js
Once you have your-module.js started (no need to finish development first, it's actually even better not to, if you're developing a completely new component), it's time to initialize your Bower component.
bower init
You will be asked for some initial settings, like component name (defaults to the directory name, e.g. your-component-name), initial version number, main file (should most likely be your-module.js) etc. For most of the cases the default value is just fine. After bower init has been successfully run, you will have bower.json that might look somewhat like this:
"name": "your-component-name",
"version": "0.0.0",
"main": 'your-module.js',
"license": "MIT",
"ignore": [
And of course you could do all this manually, but it's nice to use the bower init helper tool.
Continue development. If you have any external dependencies, you can add them also with Bower:
bower install external-dependency --save
Finished with development? It's time to publish your component so that it can be used in your applications. If you haven't already initialized your Git repository, start with it:
git init .
Add your work, commit and tag it:
git add <your-component-contents>
git commit -m "v0.0.0"
git tag v0.0.0
This is the part, in addition to the value of version property in your bower.json (note: Brian Ford's tutorial is talking about component.json - that is unfortunately outdated stuff), where you will be able to maintain your component pretty easily within all your applications. Need a change? Just do it, bump up the version number, commit, tag and run bower update where needed.
Next step is to publish your code into a Git repository, for example GitHub
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
Then the component can be installed:
bower install your-github-user-name/angular-your-component-name
The component can even be installed from a private repo, for example if you do not want to publish the component outside your company (see under heading "Bower Package Stewardship" in Brian Ford's tutorial for more details):
bower install
# or from any other arbitrary git repo
On the other hand, if you do wish to publish your newly created component, you should think about registering it:
bower register angular-your-component-name
So it could be searched for, and would be easier to install:
bower install angular-your-component-name
Start using your component(s) in your Angular applications. And whenever you notice a bug/missing feature with one of your apps, you can fix your component, do a new version release, and then update your applications one by one.
And then there also is npm that you could use instead of Bower. The workflow is again pretty much the same, of course differing from the tool specific parts, but otherwise no big differences. I won't go into npm packaging details now, though, just thought to mention also that as an alternative tool.

This can be acheive exactly the way you described.
Deploy a Service AngularJS app (that has all your services)
for example : tomcat7/www/myServiceApp
All your needed shared will be therefore into myServiceApp/js/myShareService.js
On your apps that need to access to it, your can reference all JS files (and others) like that <script src="../myServiceApp/js/myShareService.js"></script>
Of course with that solution, both services shall be deployed on same WebServer
Solution 2:
I personnaly prefer this solution with involves Continuous integration.
I copy all shared resources on the first step of the continuous integration to my app dir so every app is independent.

In Angular we separate our app by modules which is equivalent to a package in Java. Let's say you wanted to create a package which you can re-use for other Angular JS apps.
External Package
angular.module('my-awesome-app', [])
.service('FooService', function () {
// Awesome code(s) here
App Package
angular.module('another-app', ['my-awesome-app'])
.controller('AppController', function (FooService) {
// Awesome code(s) here
instead of using import we set my-awesome-app as a dependency for another-app (which why we put it on the array) so you can call its service.

Create JS file containing Angular Module which in turn contains Factory to expose API. Minify your file and use it either thru URL or direct inclusion into your project.


Deploy a package to different projects

In work we have a pretty complicated stack and situation, which could be somehow described as the following schema:
The situation is:
We have an old, poorly maintained PHP/AngularJs project which uses webpack for bundling.
We also have another project ("Some React Project") which contains a few sub-projects, and all of them are bundled into some bundle, which is then bundled with the old angularjs project. The AngularJs project then renders the React components from this bundle using some bridge library.
In addition, we have another modern React project, which is completely isolated and has it's own CI/CD process (it's actually another app).
Now we are going to develop a new module, using react, which should be used in all three projects.
We first thought about maintaining it by publishing it to NPM and for each update, to deploy it in any project using npm install. The problem is that it has SO MUCH OVERHEAD. It is so very hard to test and deploy. It's hard to maintain and since
some of our projects are very old, it's a complete nightmare.
Are there any other options available?
Is it possible to somehow deploy to package artifacts somehwere, and then automatically update it in all the projects?
Have you considered installing directly from another repo ?
Actually the overhead might be to have an auto-updated package. This would mean that you could never introduce a breaking change in that package.
"dependencies": {
"common-package": "git+ssh://git#<your_forge_host>/path/to/<repo>.git#<your_tag_or_branch>",

How to link a local react library with a local react project during development?

I will start to develop a react that will be used by many internal react apps in my company. This library is starting from scratch, and there are many architectural decisions to be made about the components, utilities, REST client API, etc. To facilitate the development, the idea is to develop the library in parallel with the first react app.
For now, I created the library using create-react-library and deployed it in our internal Nexus 3 repository using npm publish. Also, I already created the react app using the create-react-app.
During the development, I will start to watch the react app, and I want that every modification made on the library or in the app should be synchronized in the react app server.
My question is: How I can link locally the react library and the react-project, in such a way that I only start the react-project (npm start)?
You can push your library to git or other VCS, and then using the get link, you can register this as a package in your main repo.
Once the library is stable enough, release a tag and update the package URL to the tag. You can even publish this repo to NPM and install like any public dependency.
Reason to go with this approach is that since both are in development phase, it would be easier for you to maintain link on git or other VCS.
As an alternate, you can even use npm link which can also be used, but per my understanding, maintaining over VCS is more reliable as you can have different tag/ version of same project, and this also facilitates you to have parallel development without too much overlap.
npm install private github repositories by dependency in package.json
npm link

Deploy React components to many personal projects

I hope this is a reasonable forum for this question.
I have a library of React components that I've developed that I'd like to use in multiple personal projects. When I update/improve that library I'd like it to allow me to update in all projects where it is used.
I'm using Meteor as a build tool, which will prompt me when there is an update available for a dependency it's using, so I assume it'd be an NPM module or something. It is checked in to GitHub and I don't mind if it's public.
What would be the best way to achieve this?
I know two ways:
Publish your module on NPM
Link using npm link
For the first one, your module will be public unless you pay NPM for a private module.
The second one, make your module available locally only (It is used for a development purpose, but it fits your needs).
If you have your package published on GitHub, you can simply create dependency by linking to tarball/master. If your path is, just add to your dependencies in your project's package.json:
"my-package": ""
If you have your package well described (package.json file with name, main and version attributes) it should works after meteor npm install.
Of course it works for Meteor 1.3 and higher only, lower versions don't support npm.
I did not use is personally yet, but an frequently mentioned tool for this purpose is, which is e.g. used by create-react-app.

angular deployd grunt workflow

I am having a hard time integrating deployd into an already existing angular grunt workflow.
Did somebody ever accomplish to do this easily.
Steps taken so far:
added deployd and grunt-deployd to the proji
adjusted the gruntfile in x many ways
project has a public folder where the angularjs resides.
and the rest is the usual dpd create stuff
now dpd -d gets me to the dashboard but it collides with the grunt modules of the existing project mainly grunt-concurrent and instantly crashes dpd
if I run the proji with grunt server it does load the dashboard on port 7777 but its blank so one can not do anything the dashboard usually offers.
It further does not proxy the api endpoints properly to port 9000 it fails with cannot get.
I have seen projects on git trying to do the same but almost all of them are broken.
Like this guy that switched away from deployd.
I think its a pity as deployd is such a great thing. My friend said as well if the integration would be easier in situations where you do not want to do stuff with dpd-client and the dashboard white instead of black much more people would love to use it!
I would like to post my gruntfile but wanted to see first if thats useful at all.
Deployd has been updated to be able to integrate Grunt, Gulp or other dev tools with Deployd.
The documentation page for this feature is available here:
tldr: you just need to add a package.json with deployd in the dependencies and gulp/grunt in your devDependencies.
Old answer: Running deployd with Grunt, Gulp or any other Nodejs module is a known issue.
I proposed a pull request that fixes the problem, but more tests are needed to be accepted.
Temporarily, I use the fork of the pull request and add this repo in my package.json (here's a working example):
"dependencies": {
"deployd": "nicolasritouet/deployd"

Adding packages like moment.js & account.js to meteor Project

How do I add these JS packages to a meteor project? Do I simply place the JS files in the public folder so the client and server can access them? Or is there some specific steps that I need to follow?
These kind of standalone libraries can be directly placed in the /lib directory under your project.
For use on both the client and the server, place them into project/lib folder.
Or if you want to use them only at client-side, place them as usual in project/client/lib
In short, It depends.
I would recommend you check out for a list of packages. If what you're looking for is there, install meteorite with npm install -g meteorite (
Once you have metorite installed you can install these community packages quite easily using mrt add packagename
Most packages are on
But if for some reason the JS package you want isn't on atmosphere, depending on the package, if its a UI package (e.g datepicker, etc) put it in the /client/lib folder to avoid meteor crashing (only accessible by client).
If its a type of module abstractor (e.g backbone - backbone is included in meteor already btw: add using meteor add backbone) you could put it in the /lib directory of your package, it will be referenced automatically by both the server and client.
You have to add the packages via console.
Type "meteor add accounts-password" for example.
See here
Perhaps you should watch some of these videos here
to get an idea how meteor packages are added.
