Is it possible to use Webix with AngularJs ui-router? - angularjs

Only way I could get Webix to render subviews with ui-router was by using separate webix-ui directives but that does not seem right. Is there any clever way to make these two play nicely?

Yes its absolutely possible to use AngularJS UI routing with the Webix components. Here is the small example.
Script file consists of Wbix Component Code. It is mandatory for every Angular Webix Integration. It is present in the JavaScript file.
Angular UI routing has been done using the 'config' and all the Routes are mentioned inside the 'Template' section. You can replace this with the 'TemplateUrl' field and respective file names.
The Full example can be downloaded here from :
if (window.angular)
function id_helper($element){
//we need uniq id as reference
var id = $element.attr("id");
if (!id){
id = webix.uid();
$element.attr("id", id);
return id;
function locate_view_id($element){
if (typeof $element.attr("webix-ui") != "undefined")
return $element.attr("id");
return locate_view_id($element.parent());
//creates webix ui components
angular.module("webix", [])
.directive('webixUi', [ "$parse", function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
link:function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller){
var dataname = $attrs["webixUi"];
var callback = $attrs["webixReady"];
var watch = $attrs["webixWatch"];
var wxRoot = null;
var id = id_helper($element);
if (wxRoot) return;
if (callback)
callback = $parse(callback);
//destruct components
$element.bind('$destroy', function() {
if (wxRoot && !wxRoot.$destructed && wxRoot.destructor)
//ensure that ui is destroyed on scope destruction
$scope.$on('$destroy', function(){
if (wxRoot && !wxRoot.$destructed && wxRoot.destructor)
//webix-ui attribute has some value - will try to use it as configuration
if (dataname){
var watcher = function(data){
if (wxRoot) wxRoot.destructor();
if ($scope[dataname]){
var config = webix.copy($scope[dataname]);
config.$scope =$scope;
$element[0].innerHTML = "";
wxRoot = webix.ui(config, $element[0]);
if (callback)
callback($scope, { root: wxRoot });
if (watch !== "false")
$scope.$watch(dataname, watcher);
} else {
//if webix-ui is empty - init inner content as webix markup
if (!$attrs["view"])
$element.attr("view", "rows");
var ui = webix.markup;
var tmp_a = ui.attribute; ui.attribute = "";
//FIXME - memory leaking, need to detect the moment of dom element removing and destroy UI
if (typeof $attrs["webixRefresh"] != "undefined")
wxRoot = ui.init($element[0], $element[0], $scope);
wxRoot = ui.init($element[0], null, $scope);
ui.attribute = tmp_a;
if (callback)
callback($scope, { root: wxRoot });
//size of ui
$scope.$watch(function() {
return $element[0].offsetWidth + "." + $element[0].offsetHeight;
}, function() {
if (wxRoot) wxRoot.adjust();
.directive('webixShow', [ "$parse", function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
link:function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller){
var attr = $parse($attrs["webixShow"]);
var id = id_helper($element);
if (!attr($scope))
$element.attr("hidden", "true");
$scope.$watch($attrs["webixShow"], function(){
var view = webix.$$(id);
if (view){
if (attr($scope)){
} else
.directive('webixEvent', [ "$parse", function($parse) {
var wrap_helper = function($scope, view, eventobj){
var ev = eventobj.split("=");
var action = $parse(ev[1]);
var name = ev[0].trim();
view.attachEvent(name, function(){
return action($scope, { id:arguments[0], details:arguments });
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
link:function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller){
var events = $attrs["webixEvent"].split(";");
var id = id_helper($element);
var first = $element[0].firstChild;
if (first && first.nodeType == 1)
id = first.getAttribute("view_id") || id;
var view = webix.$$(id);
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
wrap_helper($scope, view, events[i]);
.directive('webixElements', [ "$parse", function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
link:function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller){
var data = $attrs["webixElements"];
var id = id_helper($element);
if ($scope.$watchCollection)
$scope.$watchCollection(data, function(collection){
var view = webix.$$(id);
if (view){
view.define("elements", collection);
.directive('webixData', [ "$parse", function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
link:function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller){
var data = $attrs["webixData"];
var id = id_helper($element);
if ($scope.$watchCollection)
$scope.$watchCollection(data, function(collection){
if (collection){
loadData($element, id, collection, 0);
function loadData($element, id, collection, num){
if (num > 10) return;
var first = $element[0].firstChild;
if (first && first.nodeType == 1)
id = first.getAttribute("view_id") || id;
var view = webix.$$(id);
if (view){
if (view.options_setter){
view.define("options", collection);
if (view.clearAll)
} else {
webix.delay(loadData, this, [$element, id, collection], 100, num+1);
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="webixApp">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Webix - Angular : Layouts</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var app = angular.module('webixApp', [ "webix", 'ui.router' ]);
app.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){
.state('/add', {
url : '/add',
template : 'This is the Routed Addition File'
.state('/sub', {
url : '/sub',
template : 'This is the Routed Subtraction File'
.state('/div', {
url : '/div',
template : 'This is the Routed Division File'
.state('/multi', {
url : '/multi',
template : 'This is the Routed Multiplication File'
app.controller('jsonCtrl', function($scope){
var treeData = { data: [
{id:"root", value:"Super Micro Flow", open:true, link : "add", data:[
{ id:"1", open:true, value:"AP1", link : "multi", data:[
{ id:"1.1", value:"2G09#M10000761", link : "div", data:[
{ id:"1.11", value:"2G09#M10000761", link : "add", data:[
{ id:"1.11", value:"2G09#M10000761", link : "sub" },
{ id:"1.12", value:"2G09#M10855757", link : "multi"},
{ id:"1.13", value:"2G09#D10PP0761", link : "div" }
] },
{ id:"1.12", value:"2G09#M10855757", link : "multi"},
{ id:"1.13", value:"2G09#D10PP0761", link : "div" }
] },
{ id:"1.2", value:"2G09#M10855757", link : "multi"},
{ id:"1.3", value:"2G09#D10PP0761", link : "div" }
{ id:"2", open:false, value:"AP12", link : "multi",
{ id:"2.1", value:"2G09#M10000761", link : "sub" },
{ id:"2.2", value:"2G09#M10855757", link : "multi"},
{ id:"2.3", value:"2G09#D10PP0761", link : "div" }
{ id:"3", open:false, value:"EP45", link : "div",
{ id:"3.1", value:"2G09#M10000761", link : "sub" },
{ id:"3.2", value:"2G09#M10855757", link : "multi"},
{ id:"3.3", value:"2G09#D10PP0761", link : "div" }
{ id:"4", open:false, value:"CR7767", link : "sub",
{ id:"4.1", value:"2G09#M10000761", link : "sub" },
{ id:"4.2", value:"2G09#M10855757", link : "multi"},
{ id:"4.3", value:"2G09#D10PP0761", link : "div" }
$scope.myTree = {
data: treeData,
template: "{common.icon()}{common.folder()}<a ui-sref='#link#' href='##link#'>#value#</a>",
<body ng-controller="jsonCtrl">
<div webix-ui type="space">
<div height="35">Welcome to Angular Webix App </div>
<div view="cols" type="wide" margin="10">
<div width="300">
<input type="text" placeholder="Type something here" ng-model="app">
Hello {{app}}!
<div webix-ui="myTree"></div>
<div view="resizer"></div>
<div view="tabview" >
<div header="Angular UI Routing Example">
<div ng-controller="jsonCtrl">
<div ui-view></div>

I do not know, I occupy BackboneJS, you can look at the example of Webix
var routes = new (Backbone.Router.extend({
console.log("Change Page to "+ id);
routes.navigate("menu/"+1010101, { trigger:true });


Webix + angularjs datatable from controller

I have the problem, because datatable is empty, data doesn't binding.
<div id="usersFormDiv" ng-controller="adminController">
<div webix-ui="usersGrid"></div>
$scope.usersGrid ={
data : [
{ id:1,"lp":1, "name":1994,"surname":678790,"email":"","organ":"ogran","location":"Lokalizacja 1, Lokalizacja 2"}
{ header:"Lp", id:"lp", width:50},
{ header:"Imię", id:"name", width:50},
{ header:"Nazwisko", id:"surname", width:100},
{ header:"Email", id:"email", width:150},
{ header:"Organ", id:"organ", width:100},
{ header:"Lokalizacja", id:"location", width:150}
// url: "./app/model/users.json"
with webix-ui attribute in div use webix-data="data"
also put
$ = { id:1,"lp":1, "name":1994,"surname":678790,"email":"","organ":"ogran","location":"Lokalizacja 1, Lokalizacja 2"}
I have the same problem, i fixed using this way, for more details refer:-
You can define the data table structure either on html or within controller as well.
if (window.angular)
(function() {
function id_helper($element) {
//we need uniq id as reference
var id = $element.attr("id");
if (!id) {
id = webix.uid();
$element.attr("id", id);
return id;
function locate_view_id($element) {
if (typeof $element.attr("webix-ui") != "undefined")
return $element.attr("id");
return locate_view_id($element.parent());
//creates webix ui components
angular.module("webix", [])
.directive('webixUi', ["$parse", function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller) {
var dataname = $attrs["webixUi"];
var callback = $attrs["webixReady"];
var watch = $attrs["webixWatch"];
var wxRoot = null;
var id = id_helper($element);
$element.ready(function() {
if (wxRoot) return;
if (callback)
callback = $parse(callback);
//destruct components
$element.bind('$destroy', function() {
if (wxRoot && !wxRoot.$destructed && wxRoot.destructor)
//ensure that ui is destroyed on scope destruction
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
if (wxRoot && !wxRoot.$destructed && wxRoot.destructor)
//webix-ui attribute has some value - will try to use it as configuration
if (dataname) {
var watcher = function(data) {
if (wxRoot) wxRoot.destructor();
if ($scope[dataname]) {
var config = webix.copy($scope[dataname]);
config.$scope = $scope;
$element[0].innerHTML = "";
wxRoot = webix.ui(config, $element[0]);
if (callback)
callback($scope, {
root: wxRoot
if (watch !== "false")
$scope.$watch(dataname, watcher);
} else {
//if webix-ui is empty - init inner content as webix markup
if (!$attrs["view"])
$element.attr("view", "rows");
var ui = webix.markup;
var tmp_a = ui.attribute;
ui.attribute = "";
//FIXME - memory leaking, need to detect the moment of dom element removing and destroy UI
if (typeof $attrs["webixRefresh"] != "undefined")
wxRoot = ui.init($element[0], $element[0], $scope);
wxRoot = ui.init($element[0], null, $scope);
ui.attribute = tmp_a;
if (callback)
callback($scope, {
root: wxRoot
//size of ui
$scope.$watch(function() {
return $element[0].offsetWidth + "." + $element[0].offsetHeight;
}, function() {
if (wxRoot) wxRoot.adjust();
.directive('webixShow', ["$parse", function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller) {
var attr = $parse($attrs["webixShow"]);
var id = id_helper($element);
if (!attr($scope))
$element.attr("hidden", "true");
$scope.$watch($attrs["webixShow"], function() {
var view = webix.$$(id);
if (view) {
if (attr($scope)) {
} else
.directive('webixEvent', ["$parse", function($parse) {
var wrap_helper = function($scope, view, eventobj) {
var ev = eventobj.split("=");
var action = $parse(ev[1]);
var name = ev[0].trim();
view.attachEvent(name, function() {
return action($scope, {
id: arguments[0],
details: arguments
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller) {
var events = $attrs["webixEvent"].split(";");
var id = id_helper($element);
setTimeout(function() {
var first = $element[0].firstChild;
if (first && first.nodeType == 1)
id = first.getAttribute("view_id") || id;
var view = webix.$$(id);
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
wrap_helper($scope, view, events[i]);
.directive('webixElements', ["$parse", function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller) {
var data = $attrs["webixElements"];
var id = id_helper($element);
if ($scope.$watchCollection)
$scope.$watchCollection(data, function(collection) {
setTimeout(function() {
var view = webix.$$(id);
if (view) {
view.define("elements", collection);
}, 1);
.directive('webixData', ["$parse", function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller) {
var data = $attrs["webixData"];
var id = id_helper($element);
if ($scope.$watchCollection)
$scope.$watchCollection(data, function(collection) {
if (collection) {
setTimeout(function() {
loadData($element, id, collection, 0);
}, 1);
function loadData($element, id, collection, num) {
if (num > 10) return;
var first = $element[0].firstChild;
if (first && first.nodeType == 1)
id = first.getAttribute("view_id") || id;
var view = webix.$$(id);
if (view) {
if (view.options_setter) {
view.define("options", collection);
} else {
if (view.clearAll)
} else {
webix.delay(loadData, this, [$element, id, collection], 100, num + 1);
"student": [ {
"firstName": "Ajinkya", "lastName": "Chanshetty", "contact": 9960282703, "email": ""
"firstName": "Sandip", "lastName": "Pal", "contact": 9960282703, "email": ""
"firstName": "Neha", "lastName": "Sathawane", "contact": 99608882703, "email": ""
"firstName": "Gopal", "lastName": "Thakur", "contact": 9960000703, "email": ""
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="webixApp">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Webix - Angular : Layouts</title>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var app = angular.module('webixApp', ["webix"]);
app.controller('jsonCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
$http.get('data.json').then(function(response) {
$scope.content =
app.controller('extCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.myTable = {
view: "datatable",
columns: [{
id: "name",
header: "Name",
css: "rank",
width: 150
id: "username",
header: "UserName",
width: 150,
sort: "server"
id: "email",
header: "Email ID",
width: 200,
sort: "server"
id: "website",
header: "Website",
width: 150
autoheight: true,
autowidth: true,
url: ""
<div webix-ui type="space">
<div height="35">Welcome to Angular Webix App </div>
<div view="cols" type="wide" margin="10">
<div width="200">
<input type="text" placeholder="Type something here" ng-model="app"> Hello {{app}}!
<div view="resizer"></div>
<div view="tabview" ng-controller="jsonCtrl">
<div header="JSON Data Fetch Example">
<div ng-controller="jsonCtrl">
<div webix-ui view="datatable" webix-data="content" autoheight="true" select="row" fillspace="true">
<div autowidth="true" view="column" id="firstName" sort="int" css="rating" scrollY="true">First Name</div>
<div view="column" id="lastName" sort="int">Last Name</div>
<div view="column" id="contact" sort="int">Contact</div>
<div view="column" id="email" sort="string" width="200">E mail</div>
<div view="resizer"></div>
<div view="tabview" ng-controller="extCtrl">
<div header="External Source Data Table">
<div webix-ui="myTable"></div>

Calling parent directive method from child directive through attrs

This is the scenario :
<button buy-ticket="{{data}}" buy-callback="onBuyTicket()">buy</button>
<button buy-ticket="{{data}}" buy-callback="onBuyTicket()">buy</button>
The buyTicket directive
(function() {
'use strict';
.directive('buyTicket', buyTicket);
/** #ngInject */
function buyTicket($parse, ngDialog, authService, APPCONFIG, $rootScope, shareToken, contestsFactory, shareCurrentTicket, shareIdSession, shareSessionAAMS, $location) {
var vm = this;
var directive = {
restrict: 'A',
link : function(scope, element, attributes) {
var buyCompatible = attributes['buyCompatible'];
function addZero(i) {
if (i < 10) {
i = "0" + i;
return i;
var buyTicket = function(contest) {
var d = new Date();
var y = d.getFullYear();
var m = addZero(d.getMonth()+1);
var day = addZero(d.getDate());
var h = addZero(d.getHours());
var min = addZero(d.getMinutes());
var s = addZero(d.getSeconds());
var date = ''+y+m+day+h+min+s+'';
var transactionId = $rootScope.TRANSACTIONID;
var currentTOKEN = shareToken.get();
var data = {
idSessione:currentTOKEN, // ->TOKEN
var dialogLoading ={
closeByDocument : false,
closeByEscape : false,
showClose : false,
id : 'ft-modal-loading',
controller: ['$scope', function($scope){
$scope.bodyUrl = 'app/components/modals/body/loading.html';
$scope.title = 'Acquisto Ticket';
$scope.error = 'Il sistema sta procedendo all\'acquisto del ticket';
if (response.esito == "0") {
if (!buyCompatible) {
} else {
var message = response.descrizione;
var ids = ngDialog.getOpenDialogs();
var dialogError ={
id : "ft-modal-error-2",
controller: ['$scope', function($scope){
$scope.bodyUrl = 'app/components/modals/body/error.html';
$scope.title = 'Errore';
$scope.error = message;
var dialogErrorNotEndled = ngDialog.close('ft-modal-loading');{
id : 'ft-modal-error',
controller: ['$scope', function($scope){
$scope.bodyUrl = 'app/components/modals/body/error.html';
$scope.title = 'Errore';
$scope.error = 'Il servizio non è attualmente disponibile';
var openConfirmBuyTicket = function(contest) {
contest = JSON.parse(contest);
if (ngDialog.isOpen('ft-modal-contest-detail')) {
if (!authService.isLogged()) {{
controller: ['$scope', function($scope){
$scope.bodyUrl = 'app/components/modals/body/not_logged.html';
$scope.title = 'Spiacenti';
$scope.error = 'Devi essere loggato per poter partecipare ad un contest';
} else {
controller: ['$scope', function($scope){
$scope.title = 'CONFERMA';
$scope.bodyUrl = 'app/components/modals/body/confirm_buy.html';
$scope.contest_name = contest.name_contest;
$scope.buy_in = contest.buy_in;
}).then(function (confirm) {
}, function(reject) {
element.on('click', function(e){
var contest = attributes['buyTicket'];
return directive;
The export directive
(function() {
'use strict';
.directive('exportTeam', exportTeam);
/** #ngInject */
function exportTeam(contestsFactory, ngDialog, APPCONFIG, formatDateFactory) {
var vm = this;
var directive = {
restrict: 'AE',
transclude: true,
controller : function($scope) {
$scope.test = function() {
link : function(scope, element, attributes) {
element.on('click', function(e){
var ticket = attributes['exportTeam'];
var id_session = attributes['idsession'];
scope.openExportTeamDialog(ticket, id_session, false);
scope.openExportTeamDialog = function(ticket, aams_session_id, afterSave) {{
id : 'ft-modal-exportTeam-detail',
className : 'ngdialog ngdialog-theme-default ft-dialog-exportTeam',
controller: ['$scope', 'contestsFactory', 'APPCONFIG', function($scope, contestsFactory, APPCONFIG){
$scope.title = "Aggiungi contest compatibili";
$scope.bodyUrl = 'app/components/modals/body/exportTeam.html';
$scope.contentLoading = true;
$scope.afterSave = afterSave;
$scope.CompatibleContests = [];
angular.forEach([0], function(item, i){
var multientryOptions = [];
if(item.multientry > 1) {
item.isMultientry = false;
var n = parseInt(item.multientry);
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
text : i+" team",
value : i
item.multientryOptions = multientryOptions;
item.multientryOptionSelected = multientryOptions[0];
item.isMultientry = true;
$scope.CompatibleContests =[0];
$scope.contentLoading = false;
scope.openExportTeamDialog('N3E94100A725F9QG', 'M3E921013C6DCFCT', false);
return directive;
The buy-ticket directive makes an http call, on the response i want to be able to call the onBuyTicket method of the <export> directive.
I'm trying to understand the best way to do that.
Thanks everyone
This sample show to you how can call an function from your directive
In this sample you can see we just insert data in our directive, and then we handle the data and other action in the directive.
var app = angular.module("app", []);
app.controller("ctrl", function ($scope) {
$scope.dataFromYourController = [
{ name: "Concert Jennifer", value: 200 },
{ name: "007", value: 100 }
.directive("export", function () {
var template = "<div>" +
"<ul>" +
"<li ng-repeat=\"array in arrays\">" +
"<button ng-click=\"onBuyTicket()\">buy Ticket {{}}</button><hr>" +
"</li>" +
"</ul>" +
return {
restrict: "E",
template: template,
scope: {
data: "="
link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ngModel) {
scope.arrays =;
scope.onBuyTicket = function () {
alert("calling function from directive");
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
<h1>call action from your directive</h1>
<export data="dataFromYourController"></export>
<script src=""></script>
var directive = {
restrict: 'AE',
transclude: true,
controller : function($scope) {
$scope.onBuyTicket = function() {
Ho can I call that from the buy-ticket directive ?
Use the $parent
<button buy-ticket="{{data}}" buy-callback="$parent.onBuyTicket()">buy</button>
So the expor directive something like:
var directive = {
restrict: 'AE',
template: '<ng-tansclude></ng-transclude>',
transclude: true,
controller : function($scope) {
$scope.onBuyTicket = function() {
see the plunker:
It really depends what you can call and what you cannot based on the scopes... here if you would remove the scope from the export directive would work without the $parent also as export would share the same scope as the parent (main view)
The best way to communicate events from a child directive to a parent directive (or controller) is to use the $emit method of the scope.
What you want to do is take an ng-click event, get additional information with an $http call, and $emit an event with the additional information to be used by your parent directive (or controller).
<button buy-ticket="data" ng-click="onBuyTicket()">buy</button>
The directive:
angular.module("myApp").directive("buyTicket", function($http) {
function linkFn(scope,elem,attrs) {
scope.onBuyTicket = function() {
var buyData = scope.$eval(attrs.buyTicket);
var url = someFunction(buyData);
$http.get(url).then (function (response) {
var httpData =;
scope.$emit("", buyData, httpData);
return {
restrict: "AE",
link: linkFn
In the parent controller:
$scope.$on("", function (buyData, httpData) {
Notice that I used the $eval method to get the data from the variable named by the buy-ticket attribute.
When choosing a name for the event, I recommend including the name of the directive in the event's name. It makes it clear the source of the event and is unlikely to be duplicated elsewhere.

How to get ng-model value from directive to controller in Angular?

I created a custom directive in which I have given text box and I want to take that model value in my controller.
I tried to find it, but didn't success.
here is my directive code
app.directive("bhAddCategory", ["$rootScope", "$timeout", "CategoryFactory", "ArticleFactory", "RecentArticleFactory", "focus", function ($rootScope, $timeout, CategoryFactory, ArticleFactory, RecentArticleFactory, focus) {
return {
scope: {
display: '=bhCategoryToggle',
imageOverflow: '=bhImageOverflow',
textBoxCss: '#bhTextBoxCss',
rmText: '=bhRmText'
replace: true,
template: '<div>' +
'<div class="pull-left forDrop"><input type="text" focus-on="focusMe" ng-class="myColonyList" class="effect1" placeholder="Add a colony" data-ng-model="newCategoryName" data-ng-trim="true" ng-keypress="pressEnter($event)"></div>' +
'<div class="pull-right"><img src="/images/greyplus.png" ng-class="{imageoverflow: imageOverflow}" ng-show="loadplus" data-ng-click="addCategory()" alt="add category"><img src="/images/loader.gif" ng-class="{imageoverflow: imageOverflow}" alt="" ng-show="loadgif" class="colonyloder"></div >' +
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.loadplus = true;
scope.pressEnter = function (keyEvent) {
if (keyEvent.which === 13)
scope.resetNewCategoryName = function () {
if (scope.rmText) {
scope.newCategoryName = '';
scope.addCategory = function () {
scope.display = false;
var addNewCat = scope.newCategoryName;
commonNotification($rootScope, true, false, '', '');
var categoryData = {
category_name: addNewCat,
category_type: 0
if (addNewCat !== undefined && addNewCat !== '') {
scope.loadgif = true;
var category_details = CategoryFactory.nameExists(addNewCat);
if (!category_details.exist) {
CategoryFactory.addAtPostion(categoryData, category_details.mid)
.then(function (category) {
scope.loadgif = false;
commonNotification($rootScope, false, true, true, category.success);
$timeout(function () {
$rootScope.newStatus = false;
}, 3000);
}, function (error) {
commonNotification($rootScope, false, true, true, error.message);
$timeout(function () {
$rootScope.newStatus = false;
}, 3000);
} else {
scope.loadgif = false;
commonNotification($rootScope, false, true, true, 'Category name already exists!');
$timeout(function () {
$rootScope.newStatus = false;
}, 2000);
} else {
commonNotification($rootScope, false, true, true, 'Category name is required!');
$timeout(function () {
$rootScope.newStatus = false;
}, 2000);
And here is my controller
app.controller('bookmarkCtrl', ["$scope", "$http", "$rootScope", "$timeout", "RecentArticleFactory", "CategoryFactory", "ArticleFactory", "focus", "debounce", "userFactory", function ($scope, $http, $rootScope, $timeout, RecentArticleFactory, CategoryFactory, ArticleFactory, focus, debounce, userFactory) {
Can I get any working demo, so that I can understand and implement in my code
Thanks in Advance
Use a parent scope excecution parameter on your directive.This is a scope function which is declared on your parent controller and is invoked from within your directive whenever you want to pass something to your controller.
To accomplish this we declare a scope parameter in our directive with the '&' prefix
See this example which i created for another answer
angular.module('components', []).controller('Composer', function Composer($scope, $http) {
// adding snippet to composed text
$scope.composed_text = '';
}).directive('caretPosition', function() {
return {
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
element.bind('keyup click', function(e){
var caret_position = element[0].selectionStart;
console.log('my current position: ' + caret_position);
angular.module('myApp', ['components'])
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="Composer">
<textarea class="form-control composed_text" ng-model="composed_text" update-caret-position="updateCaretPosition(pos)" caret-position="" rows="20"></textarea>

Directive inside $modal window throws "undefined is not a function"

Using ui-bootstrap I have a really simple custom directive that lists alerts at the top of the page. On normal pages it works like a champ. When I use my directive inside a $modal popup I get "undefined is not a function" at ngRepeatAction.
The directive I have behind the modal on the main page still works. I can see it behind the modal. It's just the one in the modal popup that breaks. What am I doing wrong?
Modal open code:
templateUrl: 'partials/main/servers/serverAuths/edit.html',
controller: function($scope, $modalInstance) {
$scope.auth = angular.copy(auth);
$scope.auth.password = null;
$scope.saveAuth = function() {
function(resp) {
if (resp.rc===0) {
Alerts.addAlert('success', 'Auth `'+$'` saved.');
_.extend(auth, $scope.auth);
} else {
Alerts.addAlert('danger', 'Auth `'+$'` could not be saved. ' + resp.message, 'serverAuths');
$scope.resetAuth = function() {
function() {
function(resp) {
$scope.auths = resp;
Directive template:
<div class="alert-wrapper alert-{{ alert.type }}"
ng-repeat="alert in alerts"
ng-class="{ 'relative':relative }">
<div class="container">
<div alert type="alert.type" close="closeAlert($index)">{{alert.msg}}</div>
Directive code:
.directive('appAlerts', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
replace: true,
scope: {
watchForm: '=',
relative: '#'
templateUrl: 'partials/directives/appAlerts.html',
controller: function($scope, Alerts) {
$scope.closeAlert = function(idx) { Alerts.closeAlert(idx); };
$scope.alerts = Alerts.getAlerts();
Alerts Factory:
angular.module('app').factory('Alerts', function($timeout) {
var alerts = [];
function timeoutAlert(a) {
$timeout(function() {
a.splice(0, 1);
}, 2500);
var addAlert = function(type, msg) {
alerts.push({type:type, msg:msg});
var closeAlert = function(index) {
alerts.splice(index, 1);
var getAlerts = function() {
return alerts;
var killAlert = function(msg) {
var alert = _.where(alerts, {msg:msg});
var idx = _.indexOf(alerts, alert[0]);
if (idx > -1) {
return {

how to use a model property as variable ng-click

I'd like to have function calls for ng-click stored as strings in my model.
I can't use ng-click="m.func", and if i'm using ng-click="{{m.func}}" ist also not working.
It also looks like angular 1.2.0 throws an error in case of ng-click="{{m.func}}".
How can I bring it to work?
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="m in model">{{m.caption}}</div>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.model = [
caption: 'callme a',
func : 'callme_a()'
caption: 'callme b',
func : 'callme_b()'
$scope.callme_a = function() {
alert("called a");
$scope.callme_b = function() {
alert("called b");
You can do something like this:
In your html:
<div ng-repeat="m in model">{{m.caption}}</div>
In your controller:
$scope.callme_a = function() {
alert("called a");
$scope.callme_b = function() {
alert("called b");
$scope.model = [
caption: 'callme a',
func : $scope.callme_a
caption: 'callme b',
func : $scope.callme_b
$ = function(el) {
You can use
window["functionName"](arguments) //if the functioName is defined in global (window's scope)
$scope["functionName"](arguments) //if the functioName is defined for $scope
So, updated controller code (of Beterraba) would be
callme_a = function() {
alert("called a");
callme_b = function() {
alert("called b");
$scope.model = [
caption: 'callme a',
func : "callme_a"
caption: 'callme b',
func : "callme_b"
$ = function(el) {
This is a variation on #Beterraba's answer.
Here is the fiddle.
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="m in model">{{m.caption}}</div>
$ = function(func) {
If you have to use strings to define the functions then this will work. But I would urge you to look again at your design.
Also, in order for this to work, you must take out the () in the function string:
$scope.model = [
caption: 'callme a',
func : 'callme_a'
caption: 'callme b',
func : 'callme_b'
It could be that ng-click is attaching an event listener to the dom with the ng-click attribute before it's evaluated to a string.
So, I've overridden the ngclick with a timeout to make what you want work :)
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.directive('ngClick', ['$timeout','$parse', function($timeout, $parse) {
return {
compile: function($element, attr) {
return function(scope, element, attr) {
//I've wrapped this link function code in a $timeout
$timeout(function() {
var fn = $parse(attr["ngClick"]);
$(element[0]).on("click", function(event) {
scope.$apply(function() {
fn(scope, {$event:event});
(Here is the source code for ngClick -
Check the fiddle here with the demo -
