Tracking VideoJS with Google Tag Manager - analytics

I would like to track VideoJS using Google Tag Manager. Since I am fairly new to GTM I have no idea how to proceed. I have only done some basic stuff like tracking mailto links and PDF downloads using tutorials.
I found a project on Github called videojs-ga which looks promising, now how would I correctly connect and set this up in GTM? Idealy we would end up tracking the play count and how long the video's get watched. There is no need to track multiple videos per page since there is only one video on a single page at any time.
Also if there is a better way to track VideoJS with GTM I am open to suggestions!

I suggest you make a fork from the code in that repository/ download the file from src and make the changes locally. In line 104 where it says:
sendbeacon = function(action, nonInteraction, value) {
if ( {
ga('send', 'event', {
'eventCategory': eventCategory,
'eventAction': action,
'eventLabel': eventLabel,
'eventValue': value,
'nonInteraction': nonInteraction
} else if (window._gaq) {
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', eventCategory, action, eventLabel, value, nonInteraction]);
} else if (options.debug) {
console.log("Google Analytics not detected");
you replace the stuff within the sendbeacton function object in the following way:
sendbeacon = function(action, nonInteraction, value) {
'eventCategory': eventCategory,
'eventAction': action,
'eventLabel': eventLabel,
'event' : 'videojs'
(make sure your dataLayer variable is declared somewhere before your GTM code). Create a script tag that links the modified script to our page.
Then create three variables of the "dataLayer" type which read their values from eventCategory, eventAction and eventLabel respectively. Set up a Google Analytics tag and configure it for event tracking, and pass in the variables to the respective fields. Create a trigger type custom event, event eq 'videojs' and use it to fire the GA event tracking tag.


Salesforce - Call external API on button click and update custom field from response

So I'll start by saying I'm a C# .Net/Javascript developer with a lot of experience, but I have zero experience with Salesforce. Never ever seen it before today. So, I've been asked by another team to add a custom button to a Contact object, which when clicked calls an external API and updates a custom field in the Contact with the response. It was pitched as "just write some Javascript that calls an API when a button is clicked, it's literally embedded into the page, 15 minute job...".
Following what appears to be quite an outdated document, I've ended up in the Object Manager, selected the Contact object and I'm into the Buttons, Links and Actions page. I'm assuming before this was done using the Execute Javascript behaviour, which in the Lightning version I'm advised against using. So after much Googling I've read about APEX classes, Visualforce Components, Lightning Components, the Salesforce REST API, etc, etc. Not a 15 min job.
Essentially the requirements are to embed a button (or action, or..?) into this Contact page, so that when the sales guy clicks it, it gathers some of the Contact's details and uses them to form an API call to an external service. The data will be used to form a response, which must then be read (as JSON, then parsed) and written into a custom field on the Contact.
What would be the best approach for developing a solution? In the Apex Debug environment I've put together the code to call the API and parse the JSON response, I'm assuming I need to wrap this in an Apex class, with a method that calls this code and returns the response. What I'm not sure of is how to call into this from the button, and update the field in the Contact.
Do I need to do all that from the Apex Class method? passing in a reference to the Contact, or is there another component that needs to sit in between and do this.
Am I right in assuming I'll need to use the Salesforce API to update the Contact?
Any pointers appreciated.
Oh man. It can be a 15 min job but it's definitely "easy when you know how" or have some examples ;)
What's your user interface, Classic or Lightning? Do they have plans to migrate to Lightning soon? I'm assuming it's Lightning if you figured out the "Execute JavaScript" hacks are passé.
Do you care where the button/action will be? Is the top right corner with all other buttons fine or do you want it to be droppable to pretty much any area in the page?
Does the API callout need username, password, maybe certificate? It'll determine whether you need just to whitelist the endpoint on firewall (Setup -> Remote Site Settings) or you'll need something more advanced (Setup -> Named Credentials).
Do you have SFDX command line (CLI), VSCode / are determined to install some tooling? The Lightning Web Components are cutting edge, most sleek etc but you can't create them straight in the browser (at least not yet), you need tooling. Visualforce is OK but nothing special for this use case, Aura components are bit clunky to write - but you can do both in Developer Console without extra tooling.
Parsing the JSON response - depends how complex it is, you can hand-craft parser with JSON.deserializeUntyped() but life's too short for this. Here's nice apex code generator similar to what you'd get from parsing WSDL:
We'll try to do Aura component way. It's ugly, LWC is future but hey, it'll get you started.
Go to Setup -> Remote Site Settings and add new entry with
Create new Apex class:
public with sharing class Stack63364119 {
static final String endpoint = '';
public static String doCallout(Id contactId){
if(contactId == null){
throw new MyException('Missing record id');
List<Contact> contacts = [SELECT MailingCountry FROM Contact WHERE Id = :contactId];
if(contacts.isEmpty() || String.isBlank(contacts[0].MailingCountry)){
throw new MyException('Could not find the contact');
Contact c = contacts[0];
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setEndpoint(endpoint + c.MailingCountry);
HTTPResponse res = new Http().send(req);
// no special parsing, just chuck it into Description field
// no error handling
if(res.getStatusCode() == 200){
c.Description = res.getBody().abbreviate(32000);
update c;
return res.getBody();
public class MyException extends Exception{}
Make new "Lighning Component" in developer console (it'll be Aura, not LWC). You can tick the last checkbox about "lightning quick action". Name can be same as class but doesn't have to be.
For component (~ html part) paste this
<!-- Loosely based on -->
<aura:component controller="Stack63364119" implements="force:hasRecordId,force:lightningQuickAction" >
<!-- in the name of all that is holy do not name the JS function same as the Apex class function, it'll give you very cryptic errors to debug -->
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.runCallout}"/>
For controller (~ JavaScript) paste this
runCallout : function(cmp) {
let action = cmp.get('c.doCallout');
action.setParams({contactId : cmp.get('v.recordId')});
action.setCallback(this, function(response){
let state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
alert('Saved OK: ' + response.getReturnValue());
$A.get("e.force:closeQuickAction").fire(); // if you want to self-close
} else if (state === "ERROR") {
var errors = response.getError();
if (errors) {
if (errors[0] && errors[0].message) {
console.log("Error message: " + errors[0].message);
} else {
console.log("Unknown error");
Finally go Object Manager -> Contact -> Buttons Links and Actions. Create new Quick Action.
And add it to page layout(s)!
It should get you started. Maybe you'll decide to split it a bit, Apex would only do the callout, return results to UI and if user is happy - updating the contact can be done with one of these: Separation of concerns blah blah (but will the user be happy with 2 clicks).
P.S. If you tweak it and it dies but it's hard to see any JavaScript errors - it'll be because default is to run in release mode, SF rewrites your source code a bit, optimises, polyfills for "browsers" like IE11... Go to Setup -> Debug Mode and enable for your user.
P.P.S. In sandbox / dev org it's good idea to go Setup -> Session Settings -> and untick "Enable secure and persistent browser caching to improve performance". Your component will be always fresh, saves some frantic hitting Ctrl+R. Don't do it in prod ;)
I will write to you my approach
Button on the record page/page layout -> lighting component or flow -> Apex class for collecting data -> apex class request & response API(don't forget to add the endpoint to remote site settings)-> parse response and update contact (you can use queries and DML operations inside Apex)
lighting component it will be very simple just have a the apex class as the controller example
<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,lightning:isUrlAddressable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" controller="contactController" access="global" >
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.fetchContact}"/>
fetchContact : function(component, event, helper) {
helper.fetchContactHelper(component, event, helper);
fetchAccHelper : function(component, event, helper) {
var action = component.get("c.fetchContacts");
action.setCallback(this, function(response){
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
assuming is apex function is fetchContacts and class contactController

Meteor with query on publication is not reactive

I have a problem with a meteor publication not being reactive when using a query inside it.
Let's say I have many files, and each file has many projects, so I can go to the route:
And I would like to both display the projects of the selected file and add new projects to it.
I am currently using angularjs, so the controller would look something like this:
class ProjectsCtrl {
//some setup
constructor($scope, $reactive, $stateParams){
let ctrl = this
//retrieve current file id
ctrl.file_id = Number($stateParams.file)
//get info from DB and save it in a property of the controller
ctrl.subscribe('projects', function(){return [ctrl.file_id]}, function(){
ctrl.projects = Projects.find({file_id: ctrl.file_id}).fetch()
//function to add a new project
ctrl.addProject = function(){
if(ctrl.projectName){'projects.insert', {name: ctrl.projectName, file_id: ctrl.file_id }, function(error, result){
The publication looks something like this:
Meteor.publish('projects', function(file_id){
return Projects.find({file_id: file_id})
The problem is that, if I insert a new project to the DB the subscription doesn't run again, I mean the array stays the same instead of displaying the new projects I am adding.
I got many problems with this as I thought that meteor would work something like: "Oh there is a new project, let's re run the query and see if the publication change, if it does, let's return the new matching documents"... but no.
I have not found a problem similar to mine as every question regardind querys inside the publication is about how to reactively change the query (the file_id in this case) but that is not the problem here as I don't change the file_id unless I go to another route, and that triggers a new subscription.
My current solution is to expose the complete collection of projects and make the query using minimongo, but I don't know if it is a good workaround (many projects exposed uses too much memory of the browser, minimongo is not as fast as mongo... etc, I don't really know).
Your issue is that the Meteor.subscribe call doesn't know that file_id has changed. There's no reactive relationship between that argument and executing the subscription.
To fix this, whenever you are passing criteria in publish-subscribe, you must write a subscription of Collection inside a tracker.
To know more about trackers, Click here.
While I'm unsure how to do this in Angular, consider this simple Blaze template as an example:
this.autorun(() => {
Meteor.subscribe('projects', file_id);
Whenever file_id changes, a new subscription is triggered, giving you the desired effect of auto pub-sub utility.
I hope this will give you some insight. It could be easily achieved via Angular JS as well.

Implementing google custom search in angularjs

I am trying to implement google custom search in an angular js website.
When I click on the search button it does not display me anything, but the url is updated to the url.
I have followed the steps mentioned in the documentation by google.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong?
My search bar is located on the home page as -
<gcse:searchbox-only enableAutoComplete="true" resultsUrl="#/searchresult" lr="lang_en" queryParameterName="search"></gcse:searchbox-only>
my search result has -
<gcse:searchresults-only lr="lang_en"></gcse:searchresults-only>
Any input is much appreciated.
You may have more than one problem happening at the same time...
1. Query Parameter mismatch
Your searchresults-only does not match the queryParameterName specified on gcse:searchbox-only.
<gcse:searchresults-only queryParameterName="search"></gcse:searchresults-only>
<gcse:searchresults-only queryParameterName="search"></gcse:searchresults-only>
2. Angular.js is blocking the flow of Google CSE
Under normal circumstances, Google Search Element will trigger an HTTP GET with the search parameter. However, since you are dealing with a one-page application, you may not see the query parameter. If that suspicion is true when you target resultsUrl="#/searchresult", then you have two options:
Force a HTTP GET on resultsUrl="http://YOURWEBSITE/searchresult". You may have to match routes, or something along those lines in order to catch the REST request (Ember.js is really easy to do so, but I haven't done in Angular.js yet.)
Use JQuery alongside Angular.js to get the input from the user on Index.html and manually trigger a search on search.html. How would you do it? For the index.html you would do something like below and for the results you would implement something like I answered in another post.
<div>GSC SEARCH BUTTON HOOK: <strong><div id="search_button_hook">NOT ACTIVATED.</div></strong></div>
<div>GSC SEARCH TEXT: <strong><div id="search_text_hook"></div></strong></div>
<gcse:search ></gcse:search>
//Hook a callback into the rendered Google Search. From my understanding, this is possible because the outermost rendered div has id of "___gcse_0".
window.__gcse = {
callback: googleCSELoaded
//When it renders, their initial customized function cseLoaded() is triggered which adds more hooks. I added comments to what each one does:
function googleCSELoaded() {
$(".gsc-search-button").click(function() {
$("#search_button_hook").text('HOOK ACTIVATED');
$("#gsc-i-id1").keydown(function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
$("#enter_keyboard_hook").text('HOOK ACTIVATED');
(function() {
var cx = '001386805071419863133:cb1vfab8b4y';
var gcse = document.createElement('script');
gcse.type = 'text/javascript';
gcse.async = true;
gcse.src = '' + cx;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s);
I have a live version of the index.html code, but I don't make promises that will be permanently live since it is hosted in my NDSU FTP.

Loop over all resources of a web page with CasperJS

How can I loop over all resources of a web page without Casper Default Time limit of 5 seconds ?
If i loop over Web Page' resources with
casper.waitForResource(function check(resource){
after 5000ms casper raise a test fail.
casper.waitForResource is not for looping over resources. Instead, it is for waiting for a specific resource that has some property. If you use a check function, you will have access to resources that are seen up to the point when the matching resource is found.
What you want is resource.received or similar event listeners. The question is what you want to do with the resource information. Keep in mind that CasperJS and the underlying PhantomJS do not expose the resource content. You will need to download it separately with __utils__.sendAJAX inside of the page context.
If you want the resource list right in the test flow for resources after a specific action, you could do something like this:
var resources = [],
collectResources = false;
casper.on('resource.received', function(resource) {
if (!collectResources) { return; }
// later...
collectResources = true;"#someAction");
collectResources = false;
// do something with it

how to clear the file name list after fineUploader (3.5) uploads file

I download fine uploader 3.5, created http handler for a file upload function in my little website . the website is done by ajax and jquery. it runs at IE9. every time I upload a file, there is a list of file names shown below the load button. if I don't want thme, what should I do?
my code is like this:
html: ...
'<tr><td><div id="jquery-wrapped-fine-uploader"></div></td></tr>...
'request: { endpoint: 'xxx.ashx' }
'function (event, id, fileName, responseJSON) {
' alert("UPLOAD SUCCESS");
' $.ajax({some ajax calls here});
' })
// WHERE TO PUT this TO CLEAR the UPLOADED FILE LIST??? $('#jquery-wrapped-fine-uploader').fineUploader('reset');
'... public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {
'do some http request work..
'context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
My question is:
I want to completely remove the uploaded file list which shows automatically in green color ( or red if they fail), in order to clear them, I tried to put: $('#jquery-wrapped-fine-uploader').fineUploader('reset'); right after .on('complete'), it's not working, also #jquery-wrapped-fine-uploader seems cached all the time. please help on this.
If you don't want to see the file list at all, you should be using FineUploaderBasic mode instead of using FineUploader mode and then removing all elements in the pre-built UI. FineUploaderBasic mode gives you access to the API, options, and callbacks, but assumes you will be creating your own UI. In other words, FineUploaderBasic mode does not create any DOM elements (except the opaque file input element as a child of your button container, if you supply one). This is all explained (in a great amount of detail) in the documentation.
Start here:
