AngularJS - ngRepeat - override html rendering - angularjs

i have the following ng-repeat code:
<div ng-repeat="item in items">{{item}}</div>
is there a way to programatically get into a javascript variable the 'final' html output of each of the repeated items instead of rendering it on the page?
hope that's clear enough.


ng-repeat items appear before view is completely updated angular

<div ng-repeat="item in CategorizedItems"
ng-if="CategorizedItems.length> 0"
class="row customRow itemBorder animated slideInLeft" >
I show the list of items in above div.
On click of a button, CategorizedItems are updated.
$rootScope.CategorizedItems =[];
$rootScope.CategorizedItems = $rootScope.Items.filter(function(obj){
if( === categoryName)
return obj
This method is called.Now, when I go from one class to another, New items appear gracefully but items from previous category appear under the list of new items for a couple of seconds.
This is a common problem in Angular.
Most people do this ...
<div ng-if="false">
don't display me
and then at end of HTML ...
<script src=".....angular.min.js">
and expect the DIV to not appear. Of course it will initially appear in this scenario since it has no idea what ng-if means UNTIL angular is loaded.
Put your angular script include at top of page.
You may also wish to consider using ngCloak directive or CSS class, which is the documented way of resolving this issue (assuming script tag is at top of page).
If I have real problems with this then I might use $scope.readyToRender boolean variable in my controller to control when to display elements.
e.g. at end of controller code I would set it to true and wrap code in an ng-if='readyToRender'

Clear ng-view while new contents are loading?

When I change the path of the page, my ng-view keeps its contents until the new ones are loaded by my routeProvider. Is there a way to hide them immediately and display a spinner till the new ones load?
See this fiddle regarding loading screen (can customize as necessary):
I think what you are looking for though is ng-cloak. It hides ng elements until Angular is ready for them.
<div id="template1" ng-cloak>{{ 'hello' }}</div>
<div id="template2" ng-cloak class="ng-cloak">{{ 'hello IE7' }}</div>
Also, this may be helpful: Angularjs: How to display loading-icon when using 'resolve' in $routeProvider?.

AngularJS rendering different template inside ng-repeat using ng-view

I would like to apologize that I couldn't provide any code snippet regarding this question, I am a newbie about AngularJS.
<div ng-repeat="item in list" ng-view></div>
Using the code above, would it be possible to render different template which would be dependent on item.type property. I was expecting a result like this:
item.type == "image" returning: <div><img src="'IMAGE_URI'"></div>
item.type == "text" returning: <div><p>TEXT</p></div>
As of now I have create a template html for the enumeration of item.type. Is this concern possible using AngularJS? I've recently learned that ng-view accompannied with ng-route.
I think one way you can do it is to use 'ng-if' to conditionally include html:
<div ng-repeat="item in list">
<div ng-if="item.type == 'image'><img src="'IMAGE_URI'"></div>
<div ng-if="item.type == 'text'><div><p>TEXT</p></div>
You can have only one ng-view,
take a look at this answer.
from the documentation for ng-view:
ngView is a directive that complements
the $route service by including the rendered
template of the current route into the main
layout (index.html) file.
Every time the current route changes,
the included view changes with it according
to the configuration of the $route service.
Requires the ngRoute module to be installed.
What you're looking for is ng-include, combined with ng-switch,
take a look at this answer on how to combine the two.
ng-include creates a new child scope, which in turn inherits from the controller.
have a look at this answer for more information about the topic.

AngularJS Animations ng-switch ng-repeat

I am trying to do what looks like a simple process: to display a list of items received from an HTTP request with animation.
First of all, here is my way of doing it ( I am open to any suggestions to do it in a better angular way ):
I define a scope variable state that I initialize to loading in my controller and that I change to loaded when I receive data from the HTTP request.
I initialize a scope variable items with the received data.
In my view, I use ng-switch for the states, and ng-repeat with the items.
I define an animation with css on ng-repeat.
Here is a plunkr ( with a $timeout instead of the request ).
I cannot understand why the animation does not work.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
The reason it is happening is because your ng-when. The same thing happens with ng-if, but would work fine if you used ng-show.
The problem is that when your ng-when condition returns true, the ng-when first renders it's content in a detatched dom (so animations do not happen). This dom is then attached to the dom tree (this step is animated but you would have to put your animation class on the ng-when).
When using something like ng-show or ng-hide things work as expected because the dom is always attached (it is simply shown/hidden).
This might be considered either a bug or a limitation of ng-animate, you might want to post a github issue and see if the angular guys have any thoughts.
It seems to be a "feature" of angular that it won't add .ng-enter to repeat items inside ng-switch-when block. You can remove ng-switch-when="loaded" and it will work (You don't really need it as ng-repeat won't do anything if there is no items)
<div ng-switch="state">
<div ng-switch-when="loading">
<p>Please wait...</p>
<div >
<ul ng-repeat="item in items" class="animate-items">

Performance issue :Angular JS showing script in html page

When I call a rest service then i will get .html file from server. But it showing scripts for 1 or 2 seconds. Then it shows correct values.My problem is page loads first then controller binds data. Is there is any way to bind data before loading page?
There are basically two options that I know of:
The preferred option is to add ng-cloak to sections of the page that contain angular templates. From the docs:
<div id="template1" ng-cloak>{{ 'hello' }}</div>
<div id="template2" ng-cloak class="ng-cloak">{{ 'hello IE7' }}</div>
Use ng-bind instead of the {{ }} approach. For example:
<div ng-bind="marked4Reviewcount"></div>
Have a look at the ngCloak directive. It temporarily hides the Angular template while the page is being loaded. You could apply it on the body tag, but it's advised to do it on portions of the page so you get a progressive loading effect.
