App Engine silently fails on some requests - google-app-engine

Some requests silently fail in my python app, intermittently and unpredictably. The hallmarks of the failure are:
Request returns a 200, so the client doesn't know there's a problem.
Request does NOT successfully execute on the server.
No logging statements are recorded for the request.
Below is an example from my logs of a bunch of requests which are each supposed to write an entity to the datastore. You can see for the lower, successful request, a blue 'i' is present, indicating that info level logs were recorded. When I examine the datastore, an entity was successfully written for this request.
However, for the failed request, you can see there is just a white box, and there are no logging statements present at all. While the server returned a 200, no entity was written to the datastore for this request.
Has anyone encountered something like this before on App Engine? Any ideas on how to debug it? I've seen it in multiple different apps myself, but I've never been able to figure it out.
To clarify, the main problem here is that code doesn't execute, as measured by the failure to write an entity. The spurious 200 and lack of logging is an associated symptom.

From a comment originally, but seems to be the resolution path for this issue:
Given that there are no log statements at all in the line and you appear to unpack the arguments and log them as soon as you enter the handler, this starts to look like an infrastructure/platform issue.
In such a case, it's best to open a public issue tracker issue, with "Type-Production" as a tag, including your app's app id and a timeframe, and as much information about your app and request handler involved as possible, and platform support will pick up the issue in the course of triage.
That said, it's worth examining the handler to make absolutely sure there's no way you could be exiting from the handler and sending a 200 without logging anything or seeing an exception. It all depends on what the code handling the request is capable of, what stack of libraries it's build upon, etc.


GAE custom Go runtime - internal.flushLog error

I have recently changed to use custom Go runtime on GAE, and noticed many errors like this from logs:
internal.flushLog: Flush RPC: Call error 3: invalid security ticket: 6c8027dc99b3ed3e
internal.flushLog: Flush RPC: Canceled: (timeout)
The server is still running well, but I have no idea about that error, as well as why it happens.
I'm using a custom Go runtime by using Dockerfile, and App Engine Release is 1.9.37.
Any help to clarify the error would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
This is a known issue with the Go runtime on App Engine Flexible. It tends to happen when a line is logged right before the end of a request/response.
What happens is that when the line is logged it is actually put in a list of log lines to be batched together and sent to the application server as an RPC at periodic intervals. The security ticket is canceled at the end of a request/response which sometimes can happen before the log lines have been flushed. It's harmless, except that you may lose a log line or two. :\
We're actively working on fixing it.

will gatling actually perform the operation or will it check only the urls' response time?

I have a gatling test for an application that will answer a survey and upon answering this survey, the application will identify possible answers that may pose a risk and create what we call riskareas. These riskareas are normally created in the background as soon as the survey answering is finished. My question is I have a gatling test with ten users who will go and answer the survey and logout, I used recorder to record the test; now after these ten users are finished I do not see any riskareas being created in the application. Am I missing something--should the survey be really answered by gatling (like it does in selenium) user or is it just the urls that the gatling test will touch ?
I am new to gatling please help.
Gatling should be indistinguishable from a user in a web browser (or Selenium) as far as the server is concerned, so the end result should be exactly the same as if you'd gone through the process yourself. However, writing a Gatling script is a little more work than writing a Selenium script.
For performance reasons, Gatling operates at a lower level than Selenium. Gatling works with the actual data that is sent and received from the server (i.e, the actual GETs and POSTs sent to the server), rather than with user-level interactions (such as clicking links and filling forms).
The recorder will generally produce a relaitvely "dumb" script. It records the exact data that was sent to the server, and makes no attempt to account for things that may change from run to run. For example, the web application you are testing might have hidden form fields that contain session information, or the link addresses might contain a unique identifier or a session id.
This means that your script may not be doing what you think it's doing.
To debug the script, the first thing to do is to add checks on each of the requests, to validate that you are getting the response you expect (for example, check that when you submit page 1 of the survey, you are taken to page 2 - check for something that you'd only expect to find on page 2, like a specific question).
Once you know which requests are failing, look at what data was sent with the request, and try to figure out where it came from. You will probably find that there are session ids, view state, or similar, that must be extracted from the previous page.
It will help to enable request and response logging, as per the documentation.
To simplify testing of web apps, we wrote some helper functions to allow tests to be written in a more Selenium-like way. Once you understand what your application is doing, you may find that it simplifies scripting for you too. However, understanding why your current script doesn't work the way you expect should be your first step.

Backends logs depth

I have a long-running process in a backend and I have seen that the log only stores the last 1000 logging calls per request.
While this might not be an issue for a frontend handler, I find it very inconvenient for a backend, where a process might be running indefinitely.
I have tried flushing logs to see if it creates a new logging entry, but it didn't. This seems so wrong, that I'm sure there must be a simple solution for this. Please, help!
Thanks stackoverflowians!
Update: Someone already asked about this in the appengine google group, but there was no answer....
Edit: The 'depth' I am concerned with is not the total number of RequestLogs, which is fine, but the number of AppLogs in a RequestLog (which is limited to 1000).
Edit 2: I did the following test to try David Pope's suggestions:
def test_backends(self):
launched = self.request.get('launched')
if launched:
#Do the job, we are running in the backend'There we go!')
from google.appengine.api.logservice import logservice
for i in range(1500):
if i == 500:
logservice.flush()'flushhhhh')'Call number %s'%i)
#Launch the task in the backend
from google.appengine.api import taskqueue
tq_params = {'url': self.uri_for('backend.test_backends'),
'params': {'launched': True},
if not DEBUG:
tq_params['target'] = 'crawler'
Basically, this creates a backend task that logs 1500 lines, flushing at number 500. I would expect to see two RequestLogs, the first one with 500 lines in it and the second one with 1000 lines.
The results are the following:
I didn't get the result that the documentation suggests, manually flushing the logs doesn't create a new log entry, I still have one single RequestLog with 1000 lines in it. I already saw this part of the docs some time ago, but I got this same result, so I thought I wasn't understanding what the docs were saying. Anyways, at the time, I left a logservice.flush() call in my backend code, and the problem wasn't solved.
I downloaded the logs with, and guess what?... all the AppLogs are there! I usually browse the logs in the web UI, I'm not sure if I could get a confortable workflow to view the logs this way... The ideal solution for me would be the one that is described in the docs.
My apps autoflush settings are set to the default, I played with them when at some time, but I saw that the problem persisted, so I left them unset.
I'm using python ;)
The Google docs suggest that flushing should do exactly what you want. If your flushing is working correctly, you will see "partial" request logs tagged with "flush" and the start time of the originating request.
A couple of things to check:
Can you post your code that flushes the logs? It might not be working.
Are you using the GAE web console to view the logs? It's possible that the limit is just a web UI limit, and that if you actually fetch the logs via the API then all the data will be there. (This should only be an issue if flushing isn't working correctly.)
Check your application's autoflush settings.
I assume there are corresponding links for Java, if that's what you're using; you didn't say.
All I can think that might help is to use a timed/cron script like the following to run every hour or so from you workstation/server --oauth2 request_logs appname/ output.log --append
This should give you a complete log - I haven't tested it myself
I did some more reading and it seems CRON is already part of appcfg [options] cron_info <app-directory>
Displays information about the scheduled task (cron) configuration, including the
expected times of the next few executions. By default, displays the times of the
next 5 runs. You can modify the number of future run times displayed
with the -- num_runs=... option.
Based on your comment, I would try.
1) Write you own logger class
2) Use more than one version

Detecting client-aborted requests in AppEngine

I have a request in AppEngine that takes a little while to complete (many seconds). Is there a way to detect whether the user or some network problem has already aborted the request? This would allow me to save myself the server-load of continuing the result generation, which won't go anywhere anyways.
I tried the following in Dev-Mode, but neither worked (haven't checked yet whether it behaves differently in production mode):
Checking whether resp.getOutputStream completes without throwing an IOException
Checking whether there was an Interrupt sent to the servlet thread
Thanks, Markus
PS: I am really specifically interested in this question, not in ways to restructure my app to make the request faster or prevent aborts or other things.
I don't know if that is possible at all on the App Engine, app engine doesn't allow in progress request. The response is sent to the client after that the handler/servlat has returned.
No, there is no way to detect this from inside the app. I wouldn't worry about it.
Way late but this may be useful. In Golang you can detect interrupts using the Context package.
Here is a useful video of Francesc Campoy explaining it:

Visibly & permanently failing GAE tasks

The App Engine taskqueues ensure that tasks are retried if they return a status code outside of 2xx range, which obviously includes stray exceptions. This is fine for occasional failures such as timeouts, but in case of permanent failures - when task cannot complete successfully regardless of how many time it's retried - it causes unnecessary load. Of course one could return 2xx in such case but this would not be registered as an errornous request by GAE and not shown in the 'Errors' table on Admin Console dashboard.
Hence I'm asking: is there a way to fail a task in such fashion that it is:
not retried (permanent failure)
visible in the Admin Console as errornous request
All you have to do to make a request show up in the errors tab of the admin console is to log at least one message at level ERROR or higher. Simply log said message, then return a 200 status code to ensure your task is not re-enqueued.
If all you want to do is stop retrying after a certain number of retries, you can configure that.
There's a bit of a catch 22 here. You want to not retry a task that fails in some particular way. But other than HTTP response codes, how is GAE to know? "Yes, I failed, but that's O.K." or "Yes, I failed, and I forever will" aren't possible to communicate given the HTTP response codes available (other than maybe "501 Not Implemented", which means something else). The closest you can gets is a 2xx response, which some failure scenarios will preclude.
There's no facility for examining task stack traces, but if there were, determining that a particular stack trace means that a failure condition is permanent is going to be rather difficult. PhD dissertations might be involved.
I think this one comes down to testing and vigilance.
