Is there any advantage of using angular js with magento? - angularjs

Angular js is new in market so is there any advantage of using angular js with magento ?
If yes then anyone knows how can we use both in a single project ?

Angular is not new in the market, it´s pretty old already. Anyway, the benefit of using Angular (or another client framework) is that your shop can be a lot faster - instead of a page refresh for every click, you can load data/templates with Angular. For example, with a REST API. Meaning: you only load what you need and the server can handle more users.
There are many resources about this topic already, here´s a small list:
Read through all those links and you will know why it´s good and how it can be done.


can we convert the angular8 component into a standalone JS file with routing/navigation?

i am working on a angular 8 application , when user clicks on a button it should redirect to a vendor portal which is completely a different webapp (diff Url), when user redirect to vendor page , user should see the same header ,footer and navigation what i have in my web application. but the vendor application is on angularJS(1.x).
so my question is can we convert the Angular8 project/component into a standalone JS file and ask the vendor to load the JS file in their application ? this JS file should contain the logic to replace/inject with in their page. for ex: we ask the vendor to create a html element with ID name "custom-header" in their page and ask them to add my JS file (hosted on CDN ) on their landing page, and in my JS file we need to write a logic to look for "custom-header" Id and replace with our content ?
so can we write custom code in our Angular8 application and export it as a standalone JS file ?
Note: my Header/Navigration/footer angular components are shared components , i want to use the same component in my webapp as well as vendor component
Here's the shortest answer: No.
Here's the 'been there done that answer':
I've spent time trying to make things backward compatible and it's rarely worth the effort. I have written alot of angularJS and Angular2+ code and believe that any time you spend trying to crowbar a solution here would be better spent just making the angularJS module. AngularJS a simple, fast framework and you could have your result quickly. Alot/most of your logic/html could be directly ported over with small mods.
Here's the TL;DR answer:
I hate to ever say 'You can't do that' with technology because I'm usually wrong... but you can't do that directly. Well, I guess you could use iframes but that's not a good idea.
While there is a path to incrementally merge angularJS into an Angular 8 app, the same is not true of the reverse. However, you should be able to leverage much of the existing logic from the A8 app into a module that angularJS could just import.
Without seeing how intricate the A8 component is, angularJS is alot simpler and it's relatively easy to throw together a controller/directive/view single import. I don't see a clear path to automatically updating the aJS code when you update your angular 8.

Alternative to Single-spa

We have huge enterprise application written in angularjs.
Now we have to migrate to angular, so we have ruled out an option of hybrid approach angular suggests using "ngUpgrade".
So now we are creating a new application in angular, which means we have 2 applications "angularjs(old)" and angular(new).
So to switch between these two applications can be done without refresh using angular-spa.
I was trying to find if there is another framework, where navigating between two apps happens without refreshing(without refreshing entire page by navigating to new html).
Possible solution:
Use a new Angular application as a wrapper, then just use iframe to show the application you want depends on the context - old or new. The issue you might face is changing the iframe, but I guess you can use postMessage to communicate between the apps.
A bit more sophisticated:
Use Angular Elements to create your hybrid app.
I really recommend you to watch Erin talks from the last Angular connect about how Google made the migration from js to Angular.
I've recently tried the micro-frontend architecture described here:
Each app on different code repository, runtime build and quite easy to implement. Take a look :)

How to integrate AngularJS with Lithium?

I need to add new features to an already existing application. The application is built using Lithium and jQuery. The features that needs to be included have a complex view which allow users to analyze data and perform CRUD functionality. I won't go into details about the features here, but after working on a few simple Angular tutorials and side projects, I know that using AngularJS to create this view will make my life a lot more easier than creating the view using jQuery.
Over the course of the next few months we may convert the entire app to AngularJS.
I am uncertain about where I should place the Angular files and how to setup routing. How can I integrate AngularJS to Lithium so that part of the Lithium routing works and part of it is handled by AngularJS.
I also found this answer on stackoverflow but it doesn't mention folder structures or how to integrate Angular with Lithium. I think this link mentioned in the answers is supposed to have what I am looking for but it doesn't seem to exist anymore.
The link is down, but you can clone the source repository and run it yourself here:
Regarding organization, the simplest way would be to place the directory structure for your Angular components inside of /webroot. The more advanced (and in my opinion better) way would be to make them two separate applications: an AngularJS UI app, and a backend API in Li3 that it talks to.

Using AngularJS Library for Monitoring or Dashboard Pages

I am planning to develop my monitoring/dashboard pages for hardware devices like Cisco router/switch/controller using Angular JS Library.
My page contains graphs(line & area), Google maps, tables and some blocks (div with value)
Is it feasible to use Angular for monitoring data?
What are the advantages we can get by using Angular? since it is only monitoring we don't have to use 2 way binding.
I am looking for few points to justify why we need angularJS for monitoring/dashboard kind of pages rather than JQuery/Javascript.
Please let me know your thoughts and comments.
Using AngularJS is totally feasible.
Main advantages is that charts can be implemented as reusable components (AngularJS directives).
There is a project in development that allows building dashboard from arbitrary directives
Running Demo
Demo source code
Dashboard directive itself
And here is example of visualizing data coming from WebSocket
If your site is 100% static - and by that I mean that you do a request for a status page, and the page you get will never change before you do a new request - then angular might be a little unnecessary.
But if you want your status page to 'live', you could use to push new events and data to the client and let angular take care of the ui refresh.
There are some angular directives to work with graphs, but I have no experience using them.
Some pointers:
Node.js + + angular.js:
angular.js + charts:

requirejs and angularjs for non single page web apps?

I have individual pages and initially I wanted to use angularJS because of data binding and the many other neat features. I also ended up using requireJS simply to help me manage my dependancies better as the list of javascript libraries I'm using is growing.
My question is using AngularJS with requireJS a no no for non single page web apps?
It's not a no-no. You can definitely use angular on non-single page apps. You just will lose a lot of the functionality - ie the stuff between "pages". You app will essentially be recreated on every page.
I've used angular for a multi-page site (basically a product search engine), with each page being separate. I used GET and POST to transfer stuff across pages, but ultimately, I wanted to use angular for rendering the content on the page because it's just neat and clean.
