Is there a simple way to print each element of an array? - arrays

let x=[|15..20|]
let f x
printf "%O" y
Well, I got a type information.
Is there any way to print each element of "y" with delimiter of ",", while not having to use a for loop?

Either use String.Join in the System namespace or F# 'native':
let x = [| 15 .. 20 |]
printfn "%s" (System.String.Join(",", x))
x |> string |> String.concat "," |> printfn "%s"

Using String.concat to concatenate the string with a separator is probably the best option in this case (because you do not want to have the separator at the end).
However, if you just wanted to print all elements, you can also use Array.iter:
let nums= [|15..20|]
Array.iter (fun x -> printfn "%O" x) nums // Using function call
nums |> Array.iter (fun x -> printfn "%O" x) // Using the pipe
Adding the separators in this case is harder, but possible using iteri:
nums |> Array.iteri (fun i x ->
if i <> 0 then printf ", "
printf "%O" x)

This won't print the entire array if it is large; I think it prints only the first 100 elements. Still, I suspect this is what you're after:
printfn "%A" y

If the array of items is large and you do not want to generate a large string, another option is to generate a interleaved sequence and skip the first item. The following code works assuming the array has at least one element.
One advantage of this approach is that it cleanly separates the act of interleaving the items and that of printing. It also eliminates having to do a check for the first item on every iteration.
let items = [| 15 .. 20|]
let strInterleaved delimiter items =
|> Seq.collect (fun item -> seq { yield delimiter; yield item})
|> Seq.skip(1)
|> string
|> strInterleaved ","
|> Seq.iter (printf "%s")


Reading Input from Text File in F#--Problem Reading Input with Newline

This is code from Project Euler #8 in F#.
My issue is that I am reading in a large (1000-digit) number that is separated by \n new line characters. However, I am still getting errors even when I join the "string" on newline characters. I have approached it two different ways, but I am still arriving at the same error message.
open System;
open System.Text;
let path = "/Users/Arbin/Desktop/VS Code/F#/Project Euler/Largest Product in Series/largest_product_text_file"
//let monster_number = System.IO.File.ReadAllText path
let monster_number_array = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines path
let monster_number = String.Join("\n", System.IO.File.ReadAllLines path);
printfn "%s" monster_number
let adjacent n seq =
seq |> Seq.mapi (fun index value -> seq |> Seq.skip index |> (Seq.truncate n))
//Mapping numbers from string to integer64.
let seq_of_seq = (adjacent 13 monster_number) |> ( (int64 << string))
//Iterating through a sequence of sequence (nested sequence)
seq_of_seq |> Seq.iter (fun x -> x |> Seq.iter (fun y -> printfn "Ar: %A" y))
<Sequence Integers>
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at Microsoft.FSharp.Core.LanguagePrimitives.ParseInt64(String s) in D:\a\_work\1\s\src\FSharp.Core\prim-types.fs:line 2414
at curr) in D:\a\_work\1\s\src\FSharp.Core\seq.fs:line 102
at Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Internal.IEnumerator.MapEnumerator`1.System.Collections.IEnumerator.MoveNext() in D:\a\_work\1\s\src\FSharp.Core\seq.fs:line 84
at Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.SeqModule.Iterate[T](FSharpFunc`2 action, IEnumerable`1 source) in D:\a\_work\1\s\src\FSharp.Core\seq.fs:line 596
at`1 x) in /Users/Arbin/Desktop/VS Code/F#/Project Euler/Largest Product in Series/largest_product_in_series.fsx:line 20
at Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.SeqModule.Iterate[T](FSharpFunc`2 action, IEnumerable`1 source) in D:\a\_work\1\s\src\FSharp.Core\seq.fs:line 597
at <StartupCode$FSI_0001>.$FSI_0001.main#() in /Users/Arbin/Desktop/VS Code/F#/Project Euler/Largest Product in Series/largest_product_in_series.fsx:line 20
Stopped due to error
The number is:
When you call String.Join("\n", ...), you are inserting newline characters into the resulting string. Then, later on, you're invoking int64 << string on one of those newlines. But you can't convert a newline character into an integer. If you use "" as your separator in String.Join, rather than "\n", you won't have this problem. (Or just call String.Concat instead of String.Join.)

How do I write in text file, when I've created a file

this is my first time writing in here.
I'm new to f# and wanted to get some help.
I've made a program that's supposed to take words out of an existing text file, edit it and write it in a new text file, in order by most frequent word to least.
I've made the most, but when the text file appears, but inside it says:
Here's my code:
let reg = RegularExpressions.Regex "\s+"
let cleanEx = RegularExpressions.Regex "[\,\.\!\"\:\;\?\-]"
let read = (File.OpenText "clep.txt").ReadToEnd()
let clen = (cleanEx.Replace(read, "")).ToLower()
let clean = reg.Split(clen)
let finAr = Array.countBy id clean
let finlist = Array.sortByDescending (fun (_, count) -> count) finAr
// printfn "%A" finlist
let string = finlist.ToString()
let writer = File.AppendText("descend.txt")
Why do you see?
Because finAr is an array of tuples (string*int) and finlist is the array of same items, but ordered by count. When you do finlist.ToString() it does not give you a string representation of array items. ToString() by default (if not overridden) return full name of the object type. Which is array of tuples in your case.
Now what do you need to write a file of words in the frequency order? Just mapping array items to strings:
let lines =
|> Array.countBy id // finAr
|> Array.sortByDescending (fun (_,count) -> count) // finlist
|> (fun (word, _) -> word) // here mapping each tuple to string
File.WriteAllLines("descent.txt", lines)
With a couple of wrappers, you can pipe operations related to reading file and writing to file:
|> readTextFile
|> getWordsMostFrequestFirst
|> writeLinesToFile "descent.txt"
let readTextFile (path: string) =
(File.OpenText path).ReadToEnd()
let writeLinesToFile (path: string) (contents: string seq) =
File.WriteAllLines(path, contents)
And a function which processes text:
let getWordsMostFrequestFirst (text: string) =
let splitByWhitespaces (input: string) = Regex.Split(input, "\s+")
let toLower (input: string) = input.ToLower()
let removeDelimiters (input: string) = Regex.Replace(input, "[\,\.\!\"\:\;\?\-]", "")
|> removeDelimiters
|> toLower
|> splitByWhitespaces
|> Array.countBy id
|> Array.sortByDescending snd // easy way to get tuple items
|> fst
You're only writing a single line of text to the file, and because finlist is not a type for which StreamWriter.WriteLine() has a specific overload, it is treated as object, and the string used is the result of finlist.ToString(), which, as is common with built-in .NET types, is just the type name.
If you want to write the actual elements of the array to the file, you need to actually process the array.
This would write the string parts from all the tuples to the text file:
|> fst
|> Array.iter writer.WriteLine
To include the numbers, for example in the format "text: 1", you would have to create an appropriately formatted string for each array item first:
|> (fun (text, number) -> sprintf "%s: %i" text number)
|> Array.iter writer.WriteLine
By the way, because of the way .NET strings use \ for escaping characters, just like regular expressions do, your RegExes won't work the way you've written them. It should be
let reg = RegularExpressions.Regex #"\s+"
let cleanEx = RegularExpressions.Regex #"[\,\.\!\""\:\;\?\-]"
There are two changes here: The # before the strings tell the compiler not to use \ to escape characters (alternatively you can write every single backslash in a RegEx as \\, but that doesn't make it any more readable). In the middle of the second one, another " escapes the double quotes, because otherwise they would now terminate the string, and the line wouldn't compile anymore.

Get count of true in bool[,] F#

I have a bool[,] in F# and I want to get the count of true 's present. How can i do this without descending into imperative programming?
this is my current solution, which is really just c# written in f#.
let mutable x = 0
for cell in cells do
if cell = true then x <- x + 1
Here's one way:
let x = cells |> Seq.cast |> Seq.filter id |> Seq.length
What it does is filters out false values (see Seq.filter), and then just counts what's left.
One way is to use a seq and then use Seq.sumBy
cells |> Seq.cast<_> |> Seq.sumBy (function |true -> 1 |false -> 0);;

What is the most idiomatic style to force a computation using Sequences in f#?

I have a side-effective operation
securities |> (fun x -> request.Append("securities",x))
What is the most idiomatic way to have the code perform ?
I wrote a Seq.Doit, but it itches
module Seq =
let Doit sa = sa |> Seq.toArray |> ignore
I think Seq.iter is appropriate in this case. From the MSDN reference page:
Seq.iter : ('T -> unit) -> seq<'T> -> unit
Applies the given function to each element of the collection.
So, supposing that request.Append does not return anything, your code becomes:
securities |> Seq.iter (fun x -> request.Append("securities", x))
Deferred sequences are used when you create sequences using Seq.delay or sequence expression seq{}. Any function on sequence returning any datatype other than seq can force computation.
Alternatively, you can use for loop instead of Seq.iter:
for s in securities do
request.Append("securities", s)
If you want to hide side effects and return request for later use, Seq.fold is a good choice:
securities |> Seq.fold (fun acc x -> acc.Append("securities", x); acc) request

print Large Lists in F#

I am trying to print a large list with F# and am a difficult time. I am trying to create a lexical analyzer in F# I believe I am done but I can't seem to get it to print the entire list to check it.
here is an example of what I am trying to do
let modifierReg = Regex("(public|private)");
let isModifier str = if (modifierReg.IsMatch(str)) then ["Modifier"; str] else ["Keyword"; str]
let readLines filePath = seq {
use sr = new StreamReader (filePath:string)
while not sr.EndOfStream do
yield sr.ReadLine () }
let splitLines listArray =
|> (fun (line: string) -> let m = Regex.Match(line, commentReg) in if m.Success then (m.Groups.Item 1).Value.Split([|' '|], System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) else line.Split([|' '|], System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) )
let res =
|> readLines
|> splitLines
let scanLines lexicons =
|> (fun strArray -> strArray |> (fun str -> isModifier(str)))
let printSeq seq =
printfn "%A" seq
let scanner filePath =
|> readLines
|> splitLines
|> scanLines
let scannerResults = scanner pathToCode
printSeq scannerResults
When I try to print the list I get the following
[seq [["Keyword"; "class"]; ["Identifier"; "A"]]; seq [["Block"; "{"]];
seq [["Modifier"; "public"]; ["Type"; "int"]; ["Identifier"; "x;"]];
seq [["Modifier"; "public"]; ["Type"; "int"]; ["Identifier"; "y;"]]; ...]
I can't get it to print any further. I get the same behavior with something as simple as the following
printfn "%a" [1 .. 101]]
I can't seem to figure out how to print it off. Anyone have any experience with this? I can't seem to find any examples
Seq.iter will iterate over all the elements of a sequence, so e.g.
somelist|> Seq.iter (printfn "%A")
will print each of the elements. (The "%A" specifier is good at the common case for printing arbitrary data, but for large lists or whatnot, you can exercise finer control, as here, by iterating over every element and printing each individually, e.g. on a new line as above.)
You're not working with lists, you're working with sequences. Since sequences may be infinite, printf and friends only output the first N elements. Makes sense.
Brain and Daniel has already answered your question. I would add that %A would use reflection to print the object passed to printfn function. In your case it is not simple list of items but rather a list of list of list and so on, which basically is a tree. If this tree is too large then printfn "%A" would be pose a performance problem and you would need to write your own print function that could traverse the tree and print it.
