Protractor : Find Element by ID with spaces - angularjs

I've got a button with the following ID
<button id="Emp Btn"....
I'm unable to access it because of the space
I've tried the following and they don't work
element("Emp Btn"));
element('Emp Btn'));

its bad idea to use spaces in ID. HTML 5 says, that an id must contain at least one character and must not contain space characters.
But you still can find such element using XPath.
Try to use something like this:
.\\button[contains(#id,'firstPart') and contains(#id,'secondPart')]


need xpath where the next descendant that has text is returned

I am trying to write a locator where the next text descendant is returned. I wont know the text. The following xpath works:
but I dont like the div[4] as this could easily change. The element is the first div type descendant under show that contains text. Any suggestions?
Considering the following clauses:
the next text descendant
I wont know the text
div[4] as this could easily change
element is the first div type descendant
To locate the element a couple of effective approaches are as follows:
Using xpath:
//*[#id='myChart']//label[contains(., "Show")]//div[text()]
Using xpath with descendant:
//*[#id='myChart']//label[contains(., "Show")]//descendant::div[text()]
Using xpath with following:
//*[#id='myChart']//label[contains(., "Show")]//following::div[text()]
I think this will work for you:
To give more confident answer we need to see the actual page / XML.
In case the desired div is a direct child of the label containing the "Show:" the above expression can be presided to

How to verify words one by one on a locator in Robot Framework?

I am still a bit new to the robot framework but please rest assured I am constantly reading its User Guide. I am a bit stuck now with one test case.
I do have a list of individual words, that I need to verify on a page, mostly German translations of field labels if they appear correctly or are found in an element at all.
I have created a list variable as follows:
#{GERMAN_WORDS} | Benutzer | Passwort | Sendung | Transaktionen | Notiz
I have the following locator that contains the text labels on the webpage, and the one I need to verify:
I would like to check every single word one by one from the list variable, whether they are present in the locator above.
I did create the following keyword for this purpose, however I might be missing something because it calls the entire content of my list variable, instead of checking the words from it one by one:
Block Text Verification
[Arguments] ${text_list_variable} ${locator_to_check}
Wait Until Element is Visible ${locator_to_check}
FOR ${label} IN ${text_list_variable}
${labelTostring} Convert to String ${label}
${isMatching} = Run Keyword and Return Status Element Should Contain ${locator_to_check} ${labelTostring}
Log ${label}
Log ${isMatching}
Exit For Loop If '${isMatching}' == 'False'
I am getting the following output for this:
'xpath=//*[#id="generalAndIncidents:generalAndIncidentsPanel"]' should
have contained text '['Benutzer', 'Passwort', 'Sendung',
'Transaktionen', 'Notiz']' but its text was.... (and it lists all the
text from my locator)
So, it is basically not checking the words one by one.
Am I doing something wrong here? Is this a bad approach I am trying to do here?
I would be grateful if anyone could provide me some hint on what I should do here instead!
Thank you very much!
You've made one small but crucial mistake - the variable in this line here:
FOR ${label} IN ${text_list_variable}
, should be accessed with #:
FOR ${label} IN #{text_list_variable}
The for-in loops in RF expect 1 or more arguments of the looped over values, and the # expands a list variable to its members.

PhpStorm editing multiple selection

I'm wondering about way to edit multiple selections but with different texts
For example:
I have array of ten elements and I want to change them all with different texts.
Ordinary way to select one then change it. If you use multiple selections all of them are replaced with the same new text.
The question there: any way to change them faster?
I think there may be a way to change it like Emmet in HTML when you enter Emmet code PhpStorm convert it and take you inside red box in each element to write inside it one by one.
i have found the solution to make it easily to edit the array
just using the find ctrl+f and then use f3 to get next value to edit
in the search we can enter the regular expression that will find any matched values
(?<=')\w+(?=') : any text inside single quotes symbol ' can be changed double "
(?<=,)\w+(?=,): any word between commas for numbers and variables in the array
(?<=\[)\w+(?=,): the first element of the array if it as number or variable
(?<=,)\w+(?=]) : the last element in the array if it as number or variable
| : or operator

Why special Characters is invalid button content?

What the problem with this << give the button name like this not accepted in xaml
< , > , & , "" and space Thank You
Try this:
<Button Content="<<"/>
To explain this behavior we need to know the following:
Button is one of content controls, which are simply controls that are
constrained to contain a single item. Content controls all derive from
System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl, which has a Content property
of type Object that contains the single item. Because a content
control’s single item can be any arbitrary object, the control can
contain a potentially large tree of objects. There just can be only
one direct child.
If you open an Error list window, you can see many errors there, not just that one in your picture.
For me, it's
White space is missing.
The value "<" is not valid in an attribute.
Expecting an XML tag name.
The token "" HorizontalAlignment="Left" (omitted for brevity) is unexpected.
2x The open angle bracket character '<' is not valid in an attribute. It should be written as &amplt;.
Now, you could guess why it's not a valid character, not to mention that a solution is also described there in the last error. The compiler is confused, it thinks that you are nesting in a new UI element.
As for the other question about not allowed characters in a name, it's obvious. They are not allowed to be used in names in C# or VB.NET either. If you try it in XAML, it will produce an error saying what's allowed. It's just a decision made by a team who designed this. There are languages where these characters can be used as identifiers for objects.
There's a more elaborative explanation in the following blog post.
Try « for << and » for >> this are called "ISO Latin-1 code" for more checkout this link:
I have just written an answer which is
I guess you should use < instead.
but actually I mean
I guess you should use < instead.
The characters < in my answer were escaped to <.

How to select a single item in protractor

Usually in protractor you can select singular element with:
Occasionally you get something like this:
which potentially has more than one element. What's the correct way to select an index from a locator that locates multiple elements, and still contain the protractor's methods for sending Keys?
You can get an indexed element from an array returned with
// Get the 5th element matching the .dfdf css selector
If you want to get the first element then
Try this one. It will work:
I don't know why xpath is so much underestimated but you can solve thousands of problems with it, including this one
let elem = element(by.xpath('(//div//a)[3]'))
You can specify the number of element to use. Keep in mind the numbers start from 1, not 0 as usually in js
