how to plug openOCD with STlink to a PSoC 4? - arm

I have a Cypress PSoC4 kit that I want to be able to debug. I do have an STM32F4-Discovery, so I unplugged the target part of the discovery and plugged it to the cypress kit.
I have some troubles configuring OpenOCD to make it understand my configuration. I created a file:
maquette:openocd nraynaud$ cat /usr/local/share/openocd/scripts/board/psoc_4_stlink.cfg
source [find interface/stlink-v2.cfg]
transport select hla_swd
source [find target/psoc4.cfg]
and I launch openocd + GDB I get that:
maquette:openocd nraynaud$ openocd -f board/psoc_4_stlink.cfg
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.9.0-rc1-dev-00001-gabd7ad0 (2015-05-05-01:34)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
adapter speed: 1500 kHz
Info : Unable to match requested speed 1500 kHz, using 1200 kHz
Info : Unable to match requested speed 1500 kHz, using 1200 kHz
Info : clock speed 1200 kHz
Info : STLINK v2 JTAG v14 API v2 SWIM v0 VID 0x0483 PID 0x3748
Info : using stlink api v2
Info : Target voltage: 2.892416
Info : psoc4.cpu: hardware has 4 breakpoints, 2 watchpoints
I plugged gdb here, and openOCD gave me that:
Info : accepting 'gdb' connection on tcp/3333
Error: Target not halted
Error: auto_probe failed
Error: Connect failed. Consider setting up a gdb-attach event for the target to prepare target for GDB connect, or use 'gdb_memory_map disable'.
Error: attempted 'gdb' connection rejected
With google, I can find some messages on the topic of halting on this MCU, but I don't know how to act on them:


google coral dev board wont boot from usb otg

I am trying to use serial download with the google coral dev board with uuu, imx_usb_loader, or similar. I have a working uboot, but it does not appear to have the necessary usb functionality built into the spl because I get this error.
U-Boot SPL 2022.04 (Sep 01 2022 - 02:38:53 -0500)
DDRINFO: start DRAM init
DDRINFO:ddrphy calibration done
DDRINFO: ddrmix config done
Normal Boot
SPL: Unsupported Boot Device 12
SPL: failed to boot from all boot devices (err=-6)
### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###
I have the following added to my uboot config.
# SPL enalbe
I have attempted to add spl_board_boot_device() to my common/spl/spl.c to no avail. I have also tried a great many other config options. Also no change, but somtimes there are compile errors... And I have made sure that the usb entries in the uboot dtsi are marked as "okay". I am not sure where to go from here. I am mainly using imx-uboot 2022.04 and mainline 2022.07

JTag Debugging with Eclipse Mars CDT : "Program file does not exist"

I have successfully compiled an ARM embedded project, next files has been created:
Then I am going to Run -> Debug Configurations -> GDB SEGGER J-Link Debugging -> New -> Debug and I get the error:
Program file does not exist
The GCC Compiler for ARM used:
ARM Eclipse plugins used:
and that's what I see in the console:
23:25:36 **** Build of configuration Release for project MyProject ****
make all
Invoking: Cross ARM GNU Print Size
arm-none-eabi-size --format=berkeley "MyProject.elf"
text data bss dec hex filename
40120 252 2252 42624 a680 MyProject.elf
Finished building: MyProject.siz
23:25:36 Build Finished (took 112ms)
It seems that there is a problem running JLinkGDBServer
$ JLinkGDBServer
SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V4.98e Command Line Version
JLinkARM.dll V4.98e (DLL compiled May 5 2015 11:59:38)
-----GDB Server start settings-----
GDBInit file: none
GDB Server Listening port: 2331
SWO raw output listening port: 2332
Terminal I/O port: 2333
Accept remote connection: yes
Generate logfile: off
Verify download: off
Init regs on start: off
Silent mode: off
Single run mode: off
Target connection timeout: 0 ms
------J-Link related settings------
J-Link Host interface: USB
J-Link script: none
J-Link settings file: none
------Target related settings------
Target device: unspecified
Target interface: JTAG
Target interface speed: 1000kHz
Target endian: little
Connecting to J-Link...
J-Link is connected.
Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled May 4 2015 13:48:48
Hardware: V1.00
S/N: 681968347
Checking target voltage...
Target voltage: 3.30 V
Listening on TCP/IP port 2331
Connecting to target...ERROR: Could not connect to target.
Target connection failed. GDBServer will be closed...Restoring target state and closing J-Link connection...
Shutting down...
Could not connect to target.
C/C++ Application in Main TAB was missing.
OK using Debug/MyProject.elf

Porting eCos to i386

I am trying to port eCos on an i386 PC.
I have downloaded prebuilt redboot.bin from
I boot it onto usb disk, using
dd conv=sync if/redboot.bin of=/dev/sdb1
After booting target from usb, I get "IA2!" string on the target monitor always, and on serial port on 38400 8n1 configurations, I receive nothing.
I tried using i386-elf-gdb, but it is not able to connect to the target and starts printing "Ignoring error packet, Continuing..."
I also tried to build redboot using configtool for i386, but it is only able to build library, when I try Tests, It gives ERROR: multiple definition of cyg_start()
I am very new to eCos, and I don't know what I am doing wrong!!.
Ok, I figured out how to boot Redboot on a target i386 pc with RealteK RTL8139 ehternet card.
install grub on usb stick,
mkdir /mnt/USB && mount /dev/sdx1 /mnt/USB
grub-install --force --no-floppy --boot-directory=/mnt/USB/boot /dev/sdx
Build Redboot using ecosconfig, make sure the number of pci bus are less than 8 or more, if more, then need to increase the pci bus range from from 8 inside pci.h, I had my realtek ethernet card on bus 10 dev 10, I had to increase the bus to 11, so that redboot finds realtek card on bootup.
ecosconfig new pc redboot
configtool ecos.ecc
add common ethernet support
Build Library
copy redboot.elf on usb.
on grub startup menu,
insmod multiboot
multiboot /redboot.elf
Thats it, redboot will use BOOTP and provide IP Address, then I can test redboot commands like ip_address, reset, ping, version etc.

dfu-util: unable to read DFU status

DFU does not seem to work on a development board (Hitex LPC1850 or Keil MCB1800), but the manual states that it should work.
I could not find the same problem on the internet, so I posted my problem here.
(I manually compiled dfu-util 0.7, but the lpcXpresso bundled binary gives similar result)
tijs#debian:~/u-boot$ sudo ../dfu-util/src/dfu-util -R -D u-boot-dfu.bin boot/u-boot/u-boot-dfu.bin dfu-util 0.7
Copyright 2005-2008 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc. Copyright 2010-2012 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY Please report bugs to
Opening DFU capable USB device...
ID 1fc9:000c Run-time device DFU version 0100
Claiming USB DFU Runtime Interface...
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfu-util: WARNING: Runtime device already in DFU state ?!?
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting #0 ...
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
DFU mode device DFU version 0100
Device returned transfer size 2048
Copying data from PC to DFU device
Download [=========================] 100%
90640 bytes Download done.
dfu-util: unable to read DFU status
The problem is, that I am not sure if u-boot has been executed.
Reset (-R) should do that, but it tells me that it is 'unable to read dfu status'.
Am I missing something here?
Does anyone know what might be the problem here?
I already used dfu-util and this message has always been displayed but it doesn't affect the Reset. Once you execute
dfu-util -R -D u-boot-dfu.bin
you should get U-Boot console through serial port (ttyS0... or ttyUSB0 if you are using a Serial to USB dongle...) using minicom or a similar tool.
I ported U-Boot on the Hitex board in SPI Flash and using USB to get the console during a internship, so maybe I can help you further.
Thanks for helping.
It seems that the message "dfu-util: unable to read DFU status" is normal.
The problem was that my bootloader was not working because it was for a similar board with more internal SRAM. I just had to port my bootloader first, console is now working.

problems to connect GDB over an serial port to an KGDB build Kernel

i want to debug an MIPS linux driver from my 64bit suse machine over serial ttyS0. The used gdb works greate over LAN with the debugging of applications but not with kgdb over serial. I used this page and a few more to start the debugging but without final results.
My kernel is compiled with the following setting:
# CONFIG_KGDB_TESTS is not set
if i run the gdb:
gdb vmlinux
(gdb) set remotebaud 115200
(gdb) set debug remote 1
(gdb) target remote /dev/ttyS0
i can observe the following output:
(gdb) target remote /dev/ttyS0
Remote debugging using /dev/ttyS0
Sending packet: $qSupported:qRelocInsn+#9a...Ack
Timeout in mid-packet, retrying
Timed out.
Timed out.
Ignoring packet error, continuing...
Packet qSupported (supported-packets) is supported
warning: unrecognized item "qSupported:qRelocIns" in "qSupported" response
Sending packet: $Hg0#df...Nak
Sending packet: $Hg0#df...Ack
Packet received: Hg0
Sending packet: $?#3f...Packet instead of Ack, ignoring it
Timed out.
Timed out.
Timed out.
Ignoring packet error, continuing...
Sending packet: $Hc-1#09...Nak
Sending packet: $Hc-1#09...Ack
Reply contains invalid hex digit 36
Nothing more happens!!!
I also test the sysrq but the mentioned sysrq-option 'g' seems to do not to fit!
echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger
#successfully reboot
echo g > /proc/sysrq-trigger
#prints only the help message (SysRq : HELP : loglevel(0-9) reBoot Crash termin .....)
Is the sysrq running correctly?
Is there somethin that i have missed?
Exists there a way to test the running kgdb on my remote device?
I had many issues to run gdb with kgdb over serial link. My host is an Intel x86 Linux machine and the target is ARM 32-bit Raspberry Pi 2. The target is connected with a USB to TTL Serial Cable. Here are the key problems and their solutions.
1) Do not use gdb concurrently with screen or minicom.
With minicom connected on the tty, GDB hangs and then crashes:
(gdb) target remote /dev/ttyUSB0
Ignoring packet error, continuing...
Ignoring packet error, continuing...
Ignoring packet error, continuing...
Ignoring packet error, continuing...
/build/gdb-cXfXJ3/gdb-7.11.1/gdb/thread.c:89: internal-error: inferior_thread: Assertion `tp' failed.
A problem internal to GDB has been detected, further debugging may prove unreliable.```
And when screen connected, GDB fails to connect:
(gdb) tar rem /dev/ttyUSB0
/dev/ttyUSB0: Device or resource busy.
2) Corrupted packets and timeouts
Invalid packet, Bad checksum, Saw new packet start in middle of old one, Timed out
Use GDB supporting the target architecture. The default GDB on x86 (at least on Ubuntu) does not support an arm target. Use instead gdb-multiarch or the GDB corresponding to the cross-compiling toolset i.e. arm-linux-gnueabihf-gdb. List available architecutres with (gdb) set architecture command. The auto architecture was detecting the arm target correctly in my case.
3) KGDB must be triggered on the target prior to connect
Remote replied unexpectedly to 'vMustReplyEmpty': vMustReplyEmpty
Malformed response to offset query, qOffsets
GDB tries to connect, but the target is not in debug mode. The debug sysrq must be triggered before connecting with GDB. The keyboard shortcut was not working for me. Running the command echo g > /proc/sysrq-trigger through SSH as root works.
4) Configure the baudrate
warning: Invalid baud rate 115200. Maximum value is 38400.
/dev/ttyUSB0: Invalid argument.
The baudrate configured must match between the kgdboc kernel parameter and GDB. In my case, the baudrate 115200 was not supported. Setting the baudrate to 38400 as suggested was necessary. Reboot the target with kernel cmdline: kgdboc=ttyAMA0,38400 and then:
(gdb) set remotebaud 38400
(gdb) target remote /dev/ttyUSB0
Remote debugging using /dev/ttyUSB0
0x800b4730 in kgdb_breakpoint ()
Once these issues were solved, kernel debugging worked as expected.
I know that this is for 2 years ago but I just wanted to say that I'm having the same problem with my board which unfortunately doesn't have a LAN interface to use gdbserver over a TCP connection. I don't know if you could figure this out but if your board does have a LAN interface (or you can build one using USB to Ethernet adapters) it seems that debugging is possible through that!
