How to create an input loop? - c

I'm looking for a way to write an input loop that continues to print prompts until the user enters a blank line.
This is what I want to do:
Loop starts, prints prompt > to the command line. User enters a line that ends with '\n', my program does whatever with that line, and then prints > again. This continues until the user enters a blank line (\n), at this point the loop terminates.

Would something along these lines answer your needs?
int ret;
// Basically, in order, 1 to indicate the file descriptor of the standard output
// ">" as the string you want to print
// 1 as the number of characters you want printed.
write(1, ">", 1);
while ((ret = read(0, buff, SizeBuff)) > 0) {
buff[ret] = 0;
if (buff[0] == '\n' && strlen(buff) == 1)
return (0);
/*Do your stuff*/
write(1, ">", 1);

A very simple scanf version can also be used:
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXL 64
int main (void) {
char str[MAXL] = {0};
printf ("\n Enter a string ([enter] alone to quit)\n");
while (printf (" > ") && scanf ("%63[^\n]%*c", str) == 1)
/* do whatever in your code */
printf (" result: %s\n", str);
return 0;
$ ./bin/scanf_enter_quits
Enter a string ([enter] alone to quit)
> string
result: string
> another
result: another
Note: MAXL-1 added as maximum width specifier for scanf to prevent write beyond end of array.
getline Example
getline by dynamically allocating the line buffer allows you to accept a line as long as you want to give it. It can be billions of characters (up to the extent of your memory). This is a strength and a weakness. If you need to limit the amount of data you accept, it is up to you to check/validate/etc....
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (void) {
char *str = NULL;
size_t n = 0;
ssize_t nchr = 0;
printf ("\n Enter a string ([enter] alone to quit)\n");
while (printf (" > ") && (nchr = getline (&str, &n, stdin)) > 1)
str[--nchr] = 0; /* strip newline from input */
printf (" (str: %s)\n", str); /* do whatever in your code */
if (str) free (str);
return 0;
$ ./bin/getline_enter_quits
Enter a string ([enter] alone to quit)
> string one as long as you want
(str: string one as long as you want)
> string 2 make it 1000 chars.........................................
(str: string 2 make it 1000 chars.........................................)
scanf Dynamic Allocation
You can also have scanf dynamically allocate the space for you by using the m conversion specifier (older versions of scanf use the a conversion specifier for this purpose). You must also provide a pointer-to-pointer to accept the address in this case. (e.g. scanf ("%m[^\n]%*c", &str) ).
int main (void) {
char *str = NULL;
printf ("\n Enter a string ([enter] alone to quit)\n");
while (printf (" > ") && scanf ("%m[^\n]%*c", &str) == 1)
printf (" (str: %s)\n", str); /* do whatever in your code */
if (str) free (str); /* you must free each loop */
str = NULL;
if (str) free (str);
return 0;
$ ./bin/scanf_dyn_enter_quits
Enter a string ([enter] alone to quit)
> some string as long as you want
(str: some string as long as you want)
> another string any length .......... ............. .............
(str: another string any length .......... ............. .............)


Reversing String in c using loops....

I have created a code reverse a string but for some reason it is not working. But I think my logic is right. Then why is it not working??
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
char words[100];
int i=0;
printf("Enter a word/sentence: ");
scanf("%s", words);
while (words[i]!='\0') {
printf("\nThe Reverse is: ");
while (i<=0) {
return 0;
While you already have an answer, there are a few additional points you need to consider before you have a solution that doesn't have the potential to invoke Undefined behavior.
First, always, always validate all user input. For all you know a cat could have gone to sleep on the 'L' key (with millions being entered), or a more likely case, the user just decides to type a 100-char sentence (or more) which leaves 'words' as an array of chars that is NOT nul-terminated and thus not a valid string in C. Your loop to get the length now invokes Undefined Behavior by reading beyond the end of words off into the stack until the first random '0' is encounter or a SegFault occurs.
To prevent this behavior (you should really just use fgets) but with scanf you can provide a field-width modifier to prevent reading more than length - 1 chars. This insures space for the nul-terminating character.
Further, the "%s" conversion-specifier stops conversion on the first whitespace character encountered -- making your "Enter a .../sentence" an impossibility because scanf ("%s", words) will stop reading after the first word (at the first whitespace.
To correct this problem (you should really just use fgets) or with scanf you can use a character class (stuff between [...]) as the conversion specifier that will read until a '\n' is encountered., e.g. scanf ("%[^\n]", words). However, recall, that is still not good enough because more than 99-chars can be entered leaving the string un-terminated at 100 and invoking Undefined Behavior at character 101 (off the end of the array).
To prevent this problem (ditto on fgets), or include the field-width modifier, e.g. scanf ("%99[^\n]", words). Now no more than 99-chars will be read regardless of the cat sleeping on the 'L' key.
Putting that altogether, you could do something like:
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXC 100 /* if you need a constant, define one */
int main(void) {
char words[MAXC] = "";
int i = 0, rtn = 0; /* rtn - capture the return of scanf */
printf ("Enter a word/sentence : ");
if ((rtn = scanf ("%99[^\n]", words)) != 1) { /* validate ! */
if (rtn == EOF) /* user cancel? [ctrl+d] or [ctrl+z]? */
fprintf (stderr, "user input canceled.\n");
else /* did an input failure occur ? */
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input - input failure.\n");
return 1; /* either way, bail */
for (; words[i]; i++) {} /* get the length */
printf ("Reversed word/sentence: ");
while (i--)
putchar (words[i]); /* no need for printf to output 1-char */
putchar ('\n');
return 0;
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/strrevloops
Enter a word/sentence : My dog has fleas.
Reversed word/sentence: .saelf sah god yM
Look things over and let me know if you have any further questions.
There are few mistakes in your program.
After you have reached the end of the string.You should do i-- as your array index of i will be pointing to '\0'.
Your while loop checks for <= but it should be >=.
Use %c for printing chararcters. %s is used to print strings and not char.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
char words[100];
int i=0;
printf("Enter a word/sentence: ");
scanf("%s", words);
while (words[i]!='\0') {
printf("\nThe Reverse is: ");
while (i>=0) {
return 0;

Strings in a FOR loop

I got a question.
I want to have a FOR loop that prints back text many strings. Lets say I type my forename and last name. And a FOR loop produce the strings.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
char str1 [12];
char str2 [12];
char wordarray [2]={str1,str2}; // error here
int i;
printf ("Type your forname : ");
scanf ("%s",&str1);
printf ("\nType your last name : ");
scanf ("%s",&str2);
printf ("\n\nYour name is : ");
printf ("%s\t%s",str1,str2);
printf ("\n");
for (i=0;i<3;i++){
printf ("%s",wordarray [i]); // Error here .
} // end FOR
return 0;
} // end MAIN
You need to validate each read with scanf (or whatever function you use for user input) to insure you have valid data to work with. You should also provide a width limitation for the read to insure you do not read beyond the end of your array. (e.g. scanf ("%11s", str1)). You should look into using fgets for user input and remove the '\n' included by fgets in your buffer. This will help you avoid a number of pitfalls with scanf that usually plague new users, especially when taking mixed string and numeric input.
Other than that, you should also look to avoid using magic numbers in your code (e.g. char str1[12]). If you need a constant 12, then define one or declare an enum to create it.
Putting those pieces together, you could do something like:
#include <stdio.h>
#define LEN 12
int main (void) {
char str1 [LEN] = "";
char str2 [LEN] = "";
char *wordarray[] = {str1, str2};
int i, nwords = sizeof wordarray/sizeof *wordarray;
printf ("Type your forname : ");
if (scanf ("%11s", str1) != 1) {
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input.\n");
return 1;
printf ("Type your last name : ");
if (scanf ("%11s", str2) != 1) {
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input.\n");
return 1;
printf ("\nYour name is : %s %s\n", str1, str2);
for (i = 0; i < nwords; i++){
printf ("%s", wordarray [i]);
putchar ('\n');
return 0;
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/name
Type your forname : david
Type your last name : rankin
Your name is : david rankin
Look things over, and consider the other answers and let me know if you have further questions. Also take my comment regarding zero input or input beyond 12 characters into consideration. This will help build robustness into your input handling.
If you would like to approach the input using fgets, you can improve your input handling a bit with the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define LEN 12
int main (void) {
char str1 [LEN] = "",
str2 [LEN] = "",
*wordarray[] = {str1, str2};
size_t i, len = 0, nwords = sizeof wordarray/sizeof *wordarray;
printf ("Type your forname : ");
if (!fgets (str1, LEN, stdin)) { /* read with fgets/validate */
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input.\n");
return 1;
len = strlen (str1); /* get length of str1 */
if (str1[len-1] == '\n') /* test for trailing '\n' */
str1[--len] = 0; /* overwrite with nulbyte */
printf ("Type your last name : ");
if (!fgets (str2, LEN, stdin)) {
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input.\n");
return 1;
len = strlen (str2);
if (str2[len-1] == '\n')
str2[--len] = 0;
printf ("\nYour name is : %s %s\n", str1, str2);
for (i = 0; i < nwords; i++){
printf ("%s", wordarray [i]);
putchar ('\n');
return 0;
You don't understand how array and pointer work. You should read this answer.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
printf("Type your forname : ");
char str1[12];
{ // we open a scope because ret don't need to be in function scope
int ret = scanf("%11s", str1); // scanf need to know how many bytes are
// available without count `\0` and you must send the array itself not the
// address
if (ret != 1) { // scanf don't set str1
fprintf(stderr, "Error in input\n"); // stderr is the error stream
return 1;
printf("\nType your last name : ");
char str2[12];
int ret = scanf("%11s", str2);
if (ret != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error in input\n");
return 1;
printf("\n\nYour name is : ");
printf("%s\t%s", str1, str2);
char *word[2] = {str1, str2}; // we need an array of pointer
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof word / sizeof *word; i++) { // size of array
printf("%s", word[i]);
return 0;
Shure I dont know how everything functions. That why I ask :) Thanks for the reply. I will investigate. With this information I will try to build a larger FOR-loop , so I can insert values in a 2D array. The user can add values to a 2d array then change the information text or numbers in the slots.
#include <stdio.h>
#define lenght 12 // corrected, define string format lenght
int main(){
char str1 [lenght]; // corrected, strings should have format lenght
char str2 [lenght]; // corrected, strings should have format lenght
char *wordarray [2]={str1,str2}; // corrected, add a * to wordarray[2]
int i;
printf ("Type your forname : ");
scanf ("%s",str1); // corrected, skip the & in ("%s",&str1);
printf ("Type your last name : ");
scanf ("%s",str2); // corrected, skip the & in ("%s",&str2);
printf ("\n\nYour name is : %s\t%s\n",str1,str2);
for (i=0;i<2;i++){ // corrected, i<2 must match the array elements
printf ("%s\t",wordarray [i]);
} // end FOR
return 0;
} // end MAIN
Ok. Had another go.
Havent worked much with strings. This program has both strings and numbers in arrays and printed in FOR loops. I also tried to get the indevidual elements in the arrays available to the user, so he could change the values.
I guess my style is pretty wretched. but ... its what I got.
Now concerning the GETS (str1), obtaining a string from the user. At the first use in the program it behaves normal. but the second time in the program I had to use GETS ("%s", str1) so it behaved proper. also an issue was to add specific numbers from a array detremined by the user. displayed in a for loop...
Another issue is to CLEAR the console screen after the JUMP . so the text doesnt flood the screen.
Comment : I agree David C. Rankin that validation of user data is important. Only tolerate character inputs on string requests, and numbers on integer request. Also return false input if "special characters" like slash or dots. I tried to read the origonal K&R C book and they talked about it, topics like turning all letters to small case or big case. but I had troubles getting the example code to run, maybe a C89 C11 compiler issue, I dont know.
#include <stdio.h>
//#include <string.h> // GCC32-C . mingw . compile
#define lenght 20 // Orbit_L75.Apartment_9
int main(){
int i,j,k,select,select2,*ptr;
char str1 [lenght];
char str2 [lenght];
char *wordarray [2]={str1,str2}; // character array must have a * asterix pointer .
int numarray [2];
printf ("Type your forname : ");
gets (str1); // gets (wordarray[0]) // alternative syntax
printf ("Type your last name : ");
gets (str2);
printf ("Enter your telephone number : ");
scanf ("%d",&numarray[0]); // assign a value to numarray slot 0
//scanf ("%d",(numarray+0)); // alternative syntax
printf ("Enter your age : ");
scanf ("%d",&numarray[1]); // assign a value to numarray slot 1
printf ("\n\n");
jump1 :
printf ("=========================\n");
for (i=1;i<5;i++)
{printf ("%d\t",i);}
printf ("\n");
for (j=0;j<2;j++)
{printf ("%s\t",wordarray[j]);}
//printf ("%s\t",*(wordarray+j));} // alternative syntax
printf ("\n");
for (k=0;k<2;k++)
{printf ("%d\t",numarray[k]);}
printf ("Sum = %d\n",(numarray[0]+numarray[1])); // add numarray slot 0 and slot 1.
//printf ("Sum = %d",*(numarray+0)+*(numarray+1)); // alternative syntax
printf ("=========================\n");
printf ("\n\nSelect\n1: Change Telephone \n2: Change Age \n3: Change First Name \n4: Change Last Name \n5: RAM location\n");
scanf ("%d",&select);
if (select == 1)
{printf ("New number : ");
scanf ("%d",&numarray[0]);
//scanf ("%d",(numarray+0)); // alternative syntax
printf ("\n");}
else if (select == 2)
{printf ("New age : ");
scanf ("%d",&numarray[1]);
printf ("\n");}
else if (select == 3)
{printf ("New First Name : ");
scanf ("%s",str1); //problems with the display using GETS on the second run.
printf ("\n");}
else if (select == 4)
{printf ("New Last Name : ");
scanf ("%s",str2);
printf ("\n");}
else if (select == 5)
{ // select2
{printf ("\nRAM location of : \n\t1. Telephone number\n\t2. Age\n\t3. First Name.\n\t4. Last Name\n");}
scanf ("%d",&select2);
if (select2 == 1)
{ptr = &numarray[0];
printf ("\nTelephone number\nValue in Decimal\t: %d\nValue in Hexadecimal\t: %ph\nRAM location in decimal\t: %d\nRAM location in Hex\t: %ph\n\n\n",*ptr,*ptr,ptr,ptr);}
else if (select2 == 2)
{ptr = &numarray[1];
printf ("\nAge\nValue in Decimal\t: %d\nValue in Hexadecimal\t: %ph\nRAM location in decimal\t: %d\nRAM location in Hex\t: %ph\n\n\n",*ptr,*ptr,ptr,ptr);}
else if (select2 == 3)
{ptr = &wordarray[0];
printf ("\nFirst Name\nValue in Text\t: %s\nValue in Hexadecimal\t: %ph\nRAM location in decimal\t: %d\nRAM location in Hex\t: %ph\n\n\n",*ptr,*ptr,ptr,ptr);}
else if (select2 == 4)
{ptr = &wordarray[1];
printf ("\nLast Name\nValue in Text\t: %s\nValue in Hexadecimal\t: %ph\nRAM location in decimal\t: %d\nRAM location in Hex\t: %ph\n\n\n",*ptr,*ptr,ptr,ptr);}
else if (select2 <1 || select2 > 4)
{printf ("\nValue is out of range, Try again .\n\n");}
} // end IF select2
else if (select <1 || select > 5)
{printf ("\nValue is out of range, Try again .\n\n");}
goto jump1;
return 0;
} // end MAIN
str1 and str2 are effectively pointers.
wordarray is an array of chars. It should be an array of pointers to char.
Also in your scanf you're passing address of str1 and str2, but you should just pass str1 and str2.

Unnecessary new line character while taking multiple strings as input [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
scanf() leaves the newline character in the buffer
(7 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have written a small code to take multiple strings as input from user. Prior to that, I'm asking the user to input the number of strings to take as input. While taking strings as input, a new line character automatically occupies the the place of first string. I don't know what is happening :( Here is my code:
void main()
char *arr[20],str[40];
int n;
printf("enter the number of strings\n");
int i;
printf("Enter the strings\n");[It isn't taking 3 strings as input,as a newline character is already occupying first place][1]
arr[i]=(char *)malloc(sizeof str);
printf("The Strings are:\n");
Following on from the comments, there are a number of issues you have in your code. First gets, don't use it, it is a 'hanging' offense -- enough said.
Next, validate all user input. For all you know, a cat could be stepping on the keyboard. Make sure you test what you receive as input, and that it matches what you expect.
Mixing scanf with line-oriented input (e.g. fgets or getline can cause problems for new users. Why? The scanf family of functions do not remove the '\n' and instead leaves it in the input buffer (e.g. stdin). When you then attempt to read with fgets the first character it sees in stdin is what? A '\n', which it reads and considers a whole line. If you are going to use scanf to read the number of strings, it is up to you to remove the '\n' that scanf left in stdin.
It's not hard, you can actually just use the assignment suppression operator provided by scanf in your format string. E.g.:
scanf ("%d%*c", &n);
The * is the assignment suppression operator, which when used with %*c simply tells scanf to read and discard the next character without adding to the match count (e.g. what scanf returns).
You will want to use a while loop instead of a for loop, (or use an independent index) when filling your array. Why? What if the users cancels input with a ctrl + d (or ctrl + z on windoze). If you are iterating up to n regardless of what the user does, you can easily attempt to index an array element that you haven't allocated, or allocate for a string that was not entered.
Putting it altogether, you can do something like:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
enum { MAXA = 20, MAXS = 40 }; /* max ptrs and str */
int main (void) {
char *arr[MAXA] = {NULL}, str[MAXS] = "";
int i = 0, n = 0, ndx = 0; /* initialize all variables */
printf ("enter the number of strings: ");
/* use assignment suppression %*c to discard the \n */
if (scanf ("%d%*c", &n) != 1) { /* always validate input */
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid integer input.\n");
return 1;
if (n > MAXA) { /* validate the value of n */
fprintf (stderr, "warning: n > %d, using %d as limit.\n",
n = MAXA;
printf("Enter the strings\n");
while (ndx < n && fgets (str, sizeof str, stdin)) { /* validate input */
size_t len = strlen (str); /* get the length */
if (str[len - 1] == '\n') /* check for '\n' */
str[--len] = 0; /* overwrite with nul-terminator */
if (!(arr[ndx] = malloc (len + 1))) { /* validate allocation */
fprintf (stderr, "error: virtual memory exhausted.\n");
strcpy (arr[ndx], str); /* copy to array */
ndx++; /* increment index */
printf("\nThe Strings are:\n");
for (i = 0; i < ndx; i++) { /* you have ndx strings not n */
printf (" arr[%2d] : %s\n", i, arr[i]);
free (arr[i]); /* free memory when no longer needed */
return 0;
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/nogets
enter the number of strings: 3
Enter the strings
My dog
has a lot
of fleas.
The Strings are:
arr[ 0] : My dog
arr[ 1] : has a lot
arr[ 2] : of fleas.
Now try the same thing and press ctrl + d instead of entering "of fleas." (you are covered).
Lastly, in any code your write that dynamically allocates memory, you have 2 responsibilities regarding any block of memory allocated: (1) always preserve a pointer to the starting address for the block of memory so, (2) it can be freed when it is no longer needed. Get in the habit of tracking the memory you allocate, and free it rather than relying on it being done on exit. That will serve you well as your programs grow more complex.
Look over the code, and make sure you understand what is going on. Let me know if you have any questions.
When you read the number of digits using scanf, it only processed the digit typed in, not the enter you pressed after entering the digit.
Might be worth while to flush the rest of the for input such as
How to clear input buffer in C?
The gets() function shall read bytes from the standard input stream, stdin, into the array pointed to by s, until a <newline> is read or an end-of-file condition is encountered.
So whenever you enter after
enter the number of strings
So if you press enter then gets is getting called it's taking new line as a first input.
And if you didn't input enter and press like 5abc then enter then it's going to consider abc as a first string.
You need to clear buffer before gets.
Your correct program is
void main()
char *arr[20],str[40];
int n;
int ch;
printf("enter the number of strings\n");
int i;
printf("Enter the strings\n");
//flush the input stream
while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n' && ch != EOF);
arr[i]=(char *)malloc(sizeof str);
printf("The Strings are:\n");

Using a user-inputted string from one function to another in C

So... the main question is how I can use the string that the user entered in another function? I know it would be a lot easier to do it all in the main function but we are forced to use as many separate ones as possible. Thanks in advance.
Following on from the comment, you most likely want to declare the str in a scope available to both functions:
int enterWord (char *str) {
scanf("%24s", str);
return str[0];
int menuScan (char *str) {
int main (void) {
char str[25] = {0};
int someint;
someint = menuScan (enterWord (str));
return 0;
int main (void) {
char str[25] = {0};
int someint, someotherint;
someint = enterWord (str);
someotherint = menuScan (str);
return 0;
You may want to employ a bit of additional error checking on the user input as well, e.g.:
int enterWord (char *str) {
printf ("Please enter a single word that is no more than 25 characters: ");
if (scanf ("%24s", str))
printf ("\nThanks! You entered: %s", str);
return -1;
return str[0];
int main (void) {
char str[25] = {0};
int someint, someotherint;
if ((someint = enterWord (str)) = -1) {
fprintf (stderr, "enterWord() error: input failure.\n");
return 1;
someotherint = menuScan (str);
return 0;
Remaining Issue With '\n' Left In Input Buffer
Your remaining problems come from the fact that after you call scanf, you are leaving the '\n' (cause by pressing [Enter]) in the input buffer stdin. The next time your program calls scanf it takes the '\n' left in the input buffer as the user input. (if you check, you will find it is using the value 0xa (or 10) which is the value for newline)
You have two options. You can use a loop to empty stdin:
int c;
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF) {}
You can also use the assignment suppression operator of scanf to read and discard the newline, e.g.:
scanf ("%24[^\n]%*c", str)
Where %24[^\n] read upto 24 chars (not including the '\n' into str) and %*c which reads and discards a single character (the newline). That way your input buffer is empty before the next user input.
Here is a short working example:
#include <stdio.h>
int enterWord (char *str);
void menuOptions ();
int menuScan (char *str);
int main (void) {
char str[25] = {0};
if (enterWord (str) == -1) {
fprintf (stderr, "enterWord() error: input failure.\n");
return 1;
do {
} while (!menuScan (str));
return 0;
int enterWord (char *str)
printf ("Please enter a single word that is no more than 25 characters: ");
if (scanf ("%24[^\n]%*c", str))
printf ("\nThanks! You entered: %s", str);
return -1;
return str[0];
void menuOptions ()
printf("\n\n========= MENU =========\n\n");
printf("Key Function\n");
printf("=== ========\n");
printf(" C Count the letters\n");
printf(" V Count the vowels\n");
printf(" R Reverse the word\n");
printf(" P Check if the word is a palindrome\n");
printf(" W Enter a new word\n");
printf(" Z Exit\n\n");
int menuScan (char *str)
/* always initialize variables */
char *p = str;
char menuChoice = 0;
int c = 0;
int charcnt = 0;
printf ("Please enter a character from the options above: ");
if (!scanf ("%c%*c", &menuChoice)) {
fprintf (stderr, "menuScan() error: input failure.\n");
return -1;
printf ("\nYou entered: %c\n", menuChoice);
c = menuChoice; /* I don't like to type */
/* validate input */
if (c < 'A' || ('Z' < c && c < 'a') || 'z' < c) {
fprintf (stderr, "menuChoice() error: input is not [a-z] or [A-Z]\n");
return -1;
/* convert to lowercase */
if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') c += 32;
switch (c) {
case 'c':
for (; *p; p++) charcnt++;
printf ("\n\nThere are '%d' letters in '%s'\n", charcnt, str);
case 'z':
return -1;
default : printf ("(%c) invalid choice -> try again.\n", c);
return 0;
gcc -Wall -Wextra -finline-functions -O3 -o bin/menuscan menuscan.c
$ ./bin/menuscan
Please enter a single word that is no more than 25 characters: 0123456789
Thanks! You entered: 0123456789
========= MENU =========
Key Function
=== ========
C Count the letters
V Count the vowels
R Reverse the word
P Check if the word is a palindrome
W Enter a new word
Z Exit
Please enter a character from the options above: c
You entered: c
There are '10' letters in '0123456789'
========= MENU =========
Key Function
=== ========
C Count the letters
V Count the vowels
R Reverse the word
P Check if the word is a palindrome
W Enter a new word
Z Exit
Please enter a character from the options above: z
You entered: z
There are a lot of problems with your code, but I will address only the actual question you posed.
When you have a function which creates a result value to be used somewhere else, you need to return that value when the function ends. The 'return' keyword will do this, but you must bear in mind that the thing being returned must continue to exist after the function has ended (as noted by #David C. Rankin in the comments).
Locally declared variables will cease to exist when the function ends, so the solution is to declare them in a wider scope.
// declare the string in a wider scope
// provide one extra character space for the string terminator \0 character
char inputStr[25 + 1];
// pass the string to the function which will fill it with the entered string
// NOTE: to avoid risk of someone entering too many letters in the string, we
// also pass in the length of the string buffer
enterWord(inputStr, 25);
The changes to the enterWord function would be:
void enterWord(char* str, int length){
printf("Please enter a single word that is no more than %d characters: ", length);
// this should verify the length of the entered text to make sure it isn't too long... but that's not your question
scanf("%s", str);
printf("\nThanks! You entered: %s", str);
In the scope where you declared inputStr, the string will now contain the data entered by the user.
In this case we are returning the string from the function by a different mechanism than the 'return' keyword. Here we are passing a pointer to the first letter of the buffer space, so that the function will fill the original inputStr buffer from inside the function.
If you must use a more 'functional' coding paradigm, you might want to consider allocating space for the buffer on the heap using 'malloc', you would then need to remember to use 'free' at a later point in the code to release that allocated memory and avoid a memory leak, which is why that would not be my preferred solution in this case.

Trying to take multiple string inputs

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ARR 32
int main(void){
int MEM=64;
char arr[ARR],*p=(char *)calloc(MEM,(sizeof(char))),*q=NULL;
int i=0,j=1;
printf("\nEnter String : ");
scanf(" %[^\n]s " ,arr);
q=realloc(p, MEM);
printf("\nNOT ENOUGH MEMORY\n");
goto END;
printf("\n %s\n",p);
END: free(p);p=NULL;q=NULL;
return 0;
I am trying to get multiple string inputs.
I am using scanf(" %[^\n]s",arr); to take the input instead of fgets(arr,ARR,stdin);, because with fgets the program execution stops as soon as I hit ENTER key. But with scanf(" %[^\n]s",arr); the program is unable to get out of the while() loop even after entering \n.
I would like to know the mistake or mistakes I have made while writing the code.
The canonical way of reading multiple lines of input in C is to use fgets in a loop, like
while (fgets(arr, sizeof(arr), stdin) != NULL)
if (arr_contains_special_input_to_exit_loop(arr))
// Optionally check for and remove trailing newline from input
// Append `arr` to your data
The condition to exit the loop might be some special input or an empty line or something else completely.
One mistake is:
Looking earlier in you code you have:
scanf(" %[^\n]s " ,arr);
The [^\n] prevents any newlines \n from being contained in arr. So your loop that looks for (arr[i]=='\n') will never find any. Your next bit of code continues looking for non-existent newlines:
This last break also breaks out of your outer loop preventing you from asking for further input on finding a newline (which it shouldn't). Fix these issues and it should get much further allowing you to enter multiple items.
With a bit of effort looking at what you were doing, I now have it taking multiple input and reallocating as necessary. The strings are all concatenated and printed at the end. It could still stand a bit of work, but this should give you a few hints:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ARR 32
int main (void) {
int MEM = 64;
char arr[ARR], *p = (char *) calloc (MEM, (sizeof (char))), *q = NULL;
int i = 0, j = 1;
while (j) {
printf ("\nEnter String : ");
scanf (" %[^\n]s ", arr);
printf (" you entered (arr): %s\n", arr);
if (strcmp (arr, "q") == 0) {
printf ("\n 'q' entered, exiting.\n\n"); // provide for exit if `q` entered
if (j == 1)
strcpy (p, arr);
strcat (p, arr);
if ((j * ARR) == MEM) {
MEM = MEM + (j * ARR);
q = realloc (p, MEM);
if (!q) {
printf ("\nNOT ENOUGH MEMORY\n");
goto END;
printf ("\nMemory Reallocation - succeeded.\n");
p = q;
printf (" %s\n", p);
if (p) free (p); /* always test pointer before calling free */
p = NULL;
q = NULL;
return 0;
Enter String : fishinsea
you entered (arr): fishinsea
Enter String : alligators
you entered (arr): alligators
Memory Reallocation - succeeded.
Enter String : really_big_mosters
you entered (arr): really_big_mosters
Enter String : SuperSnake_Prudhome
you entered (arr): SuperSnake_Prudhome
Memory Reallocation - succeeded.
Enter String : 8_puppies
you entered (arr): 8_puppies
Enter String : q
you entered (arr): q
'q' entered, exiting.
