Only display a checkbox on child nodes with Kendo Treeview - kendo-treeview

I have the following situation, where i have a parent node with a number of nested child nodes. Only the parent node should have a checkbox, the only example i have found is where only the child nodes have a checkbox. Is this possible using kendo templates?

template: "#if (item.Element=== 'aValue' ) {# <input type='checkbox' #if(item.checked) { #checked# }# />#}"
Using a template to apply the check boxes to items that have a certain value.


Extjs4 Check-tree: tri state checkbox on nodes to summarize leaves states

Is it possible to incorporate tri-state checkbox in a ExtJs check tree?
By tri-state, I mean the parent node is:
Checked if all children are checked
Unchecked if all children are unchecked
Grey/Filled if some children are checked but not all
Something like this:
I found this to create tri-state checkbox for regular forms:
But I don't know how to apply this custom checkbox to the tree view, or even if it possible.
Any idea?

how to show/hide children in an angulartreeview?

I am looking at the angular treeview (
How to show/hide the children in the tree?Or do I just need to bind to a different model?
It looks like each node can have a boolean property called collapsed that determines whether or not its children are shown.
For example, you can collapse the second child node of the root node like this...
treeList[0].children[1].collapsed = false;
Fiddle (simplified version of one of their samples)

how to show all parents treeview item by passing the child name-WPF Treeview

Design time we have added the treeview items. During run time, we will the take child items name and I have to show the all parents treeview items in WPF.
To a function I will pass the child treeview item, with this I have to show all parents treeview items. Please help to achieve this.

appendChild does not put expand collapse icon in tree panel

expand/collapse icon is not shown after adding the child node to tree panel in extjs.
here i have a scenario where i get only immediate childrens of the node. on getting the immediate childrens i want to add those to the selected node.
i can add the child nodes but the expand/collapse icon does not come up after adding the node.
following is my code.
onItemExpand : function(nodeinterface,eOpts)
here the data contains the property leaf:false so that it can have more childs.
any help is really appreciated.
Set the parent node (in your case the nodeinterface variable) "leaf" property to false before you append a new child.
nodeinterface.set('leaf', false);
I've experienced the same problem and in my case the problem was related with the lack of the id property in the nodes.
I've added a random id when creating the nodes to append and then the expand/collapse icon is properly shown.

Ext Js: show childrent element when parent is hidden

I want to show children element as a part of parent element when parent is hide.
In practical terms, I need to show div when parent is hide.
Ext-Js is a container, item system. So elements can only have one parent, if you really want to do this you can move the element to another parent that is visible on that action. Your better bet is to hide all items on the parent that you wish not to display, and not actually hide the parent
