getting the inner html of a contenteditable div in angularjs - angularjs

I am trying to get innerHTML of a contenteditable div via function defined in controller of angularjs but it returns undefined every time.. what are the alternatives or how can I handle this issue?
var read_string=document.getElementsByClassName("MainPage");
var p_tag= '\n<p id="test"> \n'+read_string.innerHTML+'\n </p>';
//document.getElementById("createdHTML").value = p_tag ;
//$compile( document.getElementById('createdHTML') )($scope);
the contenteditble div's classs name is "MainPage"
var text_file_blob= new Blob([$scope.genratedHTML_text],{type:'text/html'});
$scope.file_name_to_save=document.getElementById("file_name").value ;
var downloadLink=document.createElement("a");$scope.file_name_to_save;
downloadLink.innerHTML="Download File";
downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(text_file_blob);
downloadLink.onclick = destroyClickedElement; = "none";
function destroyClickedElement(event)
$scope.toggleModal = function(){
$scope.showModal = !$scope.showModal;
///add details
document.getElementById("createdHTML").innerHTML = $scope.details;
$scope.$watch('details', function (value) {
}, true);
var read_string=document.getElementsByClassName("MainPage");
var p_tag = '';
for (var i = 0; i < read_string.length; i++) {
p_tag += '\n<p id="test_"' + i + '> \n' + read_string[i].innerHTML + '\n </p>';
document.getElementById("createdHTML").value = p_tag;
//$compile( document.getElementById('createdHTML') )($scope);

getElementsByClassName returns an Array, so, your read_string variable is an Array type. you should iterate through the elements of read_string with for loop.
NOTE: Please check the p element's id here aswell. Because id must be unique!
$scope.genrate_HTML = function() {
var read_string = document.getElementsByClassName("MainPage");
var p_tag = '';
for (var i = 0; i < read_string.length; i++) {
p_tag += '\n<p id="test_"'+i+'> \n'+read_string[i].innerHTML+'\n </p>';
/* Other code here... */
UPDATE: Don't use the code below! If read_string returns with no elements than your code will crash!
But if it's a 1 element Array then you can take the value like:
$scope.genrate_HTML = function() {
var read_string = document.getElementsByClassName("MainPage");
var p_tag= '\n<p id="test"> \n'+read_string[0].innerHTML+'\n </p>';
/* Other code here... */
I hope that helps. If it doesn't then paste the full code of the Controller.


Isotope: Combined multiple checkbox and searchbox filtering

I'm trying to combine the Isotope multiple checkbox filtering with a searchbox.
I used the example with the checkbox filters from here and tried to implement the searchbox but with no luck.
Just the checkbox filtering works well. I think i'm close to the solution but my javascript skills are at a very beginner level.
I commented out the section of what i've tried to implement.
Thank you for some hints
// quick search regex
var qsRegex;
var $grid;
var filters = {};
var $grid = $('.grid');
//set initial options
layoutMode: 'fitRows'
$(function() {
$grid = $('#grid');
// do stuff when checkbox change
$('#options').on('change', function(jQEvent) {
var $checkbox = $(;
var comboFilter = getComboFilter(filters);
/*var searchResult = qsRegex ? $(this).text().match(qsRegex) : true;
var filterResult = function() {
return comboFilter && searchResult;
filter: comboFilter //or filterResult
function getComboFilter(filters) {
var i = 0;
var comboFilters = [];
var message = [];
for (var prop in filters) {
message.push(filters[prop].join(' '));
var filterGroup = filters[prop];
// skip to next filter group if it doesn't have any values
if (!filterGroup.length) {
if (i === 0) {
// copy to new array
comboFilters = filterGroup.slice(0);
} else {
var filterSelectors = [];
// copy to fresh array
var groupCombo = comboFilters.slice(0); // [ A, B ]
// merge filter Groups
for (var k = 0, len3 = filterGroup.length; k < len3; k++) {
for (var j = 0, len2 = groupCombo.length; j < len2; j++) {
filterSelectors.push(groupCombo[j] + filterGroup[k]); // [ 1, 2 ]
// apply filter selectors to combo filters for next group
comboFilters = filterSelectors;
var comboFilter = comboFilters.join(', ');
return comboFilter;
// use value of search field to filter
var $quicksearch = $('.quicksearch').keyup(debounce(function() {
qsRegex = new RegExp($quicksearch.val(), 'gi');
}, ));
// debounce so filtering doesn't happen every millisecond
function debounce(fn, threshold) {
var timeout;
threshold = threshold || 100;
return function debounced() {
var args = arguments;
var _this = this;
function delayed() {
fn.apply(_this, args);
timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold);
function manageCheckbox($checkbox) {
var checkbox = $checkbox[0];
var group = $checkbox.parents('.option-set').attr('data-group');
// create array for filter group, if not there yet
var filterGroup = filters[group];
if (!filterGroup) {
filterGroup = filters[group] = [];
var isAll = $checkbox.hasClass('all');
// reset filter group if the all box was checked
if (isAll) {
delete filters[group];
if (!checkbox.checked) {
checkbox.checked = 'checked';
// index of
var index = $.inArray(checkbox.value, filterGroup);
if (checkbox.checked) {
var selector = isAll ? 'input' : 'input.all';
$checkbox.siblings(selector).prop('checked', false);
if (!isAll && index === -1) {
// add filter to group
} else if (!isAll) {
// remove filter from group
filters[group].splice(index, 1);
// if unchecked the last box, check the all
if (!$checkbox.siblings('[checked]').length) {
$checkbox.parents('.option-set').find(selector).prop('checked', false);
I found the solution by myself, but i had to add a second function for returning the searchresult. Otherwise the search function is triggered only after using a checkbox or leaving the search box input field.
How could i avoid this redundand code?
// use value of search field to filter
var $quicksearch = $('.quicksearch').keyup(debounce(function() {
qsRegex = new RegExp($quicksearch.val(), 'gi');
}, 200));
$(function() {
$grid = $('#grid');
filter: function() {
var searchResult = qsRegex ? $(this).text().match(qsRegex) : true;
return searchResult;
// do stuff when checkbox change
$('#options').on('change', function(jQEvent) {
var $checkbox = $(;
var comboFilter = getComboFilter(filters);
filter: function() {
var buttonResult = comboFilter ? $(this).is(comboFilter) : true;
var searchResult = qsRegex ? $(this).text().match(qsRegex) : true;
return buttonResult && searchResult;

how to access function parameter value inside nested AngularJS for each loop?

I am new for AngularJS and I am trying to access function parameter value inside nested angular for each loop , but that variable gets undefined error. here is my code .
var pieChart = function (_data, _fieldName) {
var data = _data;
var cost_max = 0;
var cost_min = 99999;
angular.forEach(groupBy($scope.api_data, _fieldName), function (obj, index) {
var total = 0;
var name = '';
angular.forEach(obj, function (row, i) {
name = row._fieldName;
total += 1;
data.push([name, total]);
if (cost_max < obj.cost) cost_max = obj.cost;
if (cost_min > obj.cost) cost_min = obj.cost;
$ = data;
$scope.loaded = 1;
row._fieldName is undefined here , what was the issue ? kindly help me.
var groupBy = function (xs, key) {
return xs.reduce(function (rv, x) {
(rv[x[key]] = rv[x[key]] || []).push(x);
return rv;
}, {});
In your second angular.forEach loop, you have to replace row._fieldName with row[_fieldName].
angular.forEach(obj, function (row, i) {
name = row[_fieldName];
total += 1;
By writing row._fieldName, you try to get the key named _fieldName from object row instead of the real field.
Little JSFiddle

How to make a filter attached to $scope of a controller (angular)?

I wrote a litlle program in angular using ui-select. And I wrote a filter that do an OR search in different fields.
Here is my original filter : (whic works perfectly)
app.filter('orSearchFilter', function($parse) {
return function(items, props) {
var out = [];
if (angular.isArray(items)) {
var keys = Object.keys(props);
items.forEach(function(item) {
var itemMatches = false;
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var prop = $parse(keys[i])(item);
var text = props[keys[i]].toLowerCase();
if (prop && prop.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(text) !== -1) {
itemMatches = true;
if (itemMatches) {
} else {
out = items;
return out;
And here is my original plunker (which works) :
The problem is that my filter won't be generic and I will use it in my final code just inside its controller. So, I want to attach it.
Here is the new version of the filter which is attached to the controller : (I didn't do any change...)
$scope.orSearchFilter = function($parse) {
return function(items, props) {
var out = [];
if (angular.isArray(items)) {
var keys = Object.keys(props);
items.forEach(function(item) {
var itemMatches = false;
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var prop = $parse(keys[i])(item);
var text = props[keys[i]].toLowerCase();
if (prop && prop.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(text) !== -1) {
itemMatches = true;
if (itemMatches) {
} else {
out = items;
return out;
Finally, in my html, I called this new filter by using this line :
<ui-select-choices group-by="groupByLetter"
repeat="contract in (contracts |
filter : orSearchFilter(contracts, { $, : $ } ) |
orderBy: 'name') track by">
{{}} - {{contract.value}} ---- {{}} *** {{ }}
Can you help me please to fix that problem and help me to attach this filter to the scope of the controller?
Thank you !
Use the $filter service to programmatically fetch your filter function.
//Don't forget to inject $filter in your controller ofcourse
$scope.orSearchFilter = $filter('orSearchFilter');
Attach the filter directly to scope:
/* REMOVE constructor function
$scope.orSearchFilter = function($parse) {
return function(items, props) {
$scope.orSearchFilter = function(items, props) {
var out = [];
return out;
Of course, also be sure that $parse is added to the injectables of the controller construction function.

make filter based on data from localstorage in the filter function

I'm new with the Ionic-angular.js, I hope that someone will help me to resolve this problem
First, here is the code
<ion-item ng-repeat="dish in dishes | favoriteFilter:favorites" href="#/app/menu/{{}}" class="item-thumbnail-left" on-swipe-left="deleteFavorite(">
<img ng-src="{{baseURL+dish.image}}" on-swipe-left="deleteFavorite(">
<ion-delete-button class="ion-minus-circled"
.factory('favoriteFactory', ['$resource', 'baseURL', function ($resource, baseURL) {
var favFac = {};
var favorites = [];
favFac.addToFavorites = function (index) {
for (var i = 0; i < favorites.length; i++) {
if (favorites[i].id == index)
favorites.push({id: index});
favFac.deleteFromFavorites = function (index) {
for (var i = 0; i < favorites.length; i++) {
if (favorites[i].id == index) {
favorites.splice(i, 1);
favFac.getFavorites = function () {
return favorites;
return favFac;
.factory('$localStorage', ['$window', function($window) {
return {
store: function(key, value) {
$window.localStorage[key] = value;
get: function(key, defaultValue) {
return $window.localStorage[key] || defaultValue;
storeObject: function(key, value) {
$window.localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(value);
getObject: function(key,defaultValue) {
return JSON.parse($window.localStorage[key] || defaultValue);
//removeItem: function(key){
// $window.localStorage.removeItem(key);
.filter('favoriteFilter', 'localStorage', function (localStorage) {
var out = [];
return out;
return function (dishes) {
var old_favorite = JSON.parse($localStorage.get('favorites'));
var leng = Object.keys(old_favorite).length;
var out = [];
for (var i = 0; i < leng; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < dishes.length; j++) {
if (dishes[j].id === favorites[i].id)
return out;
For the example, there was an array inside the localstorage like this
Key : favorites
value : [{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":0}]
So, the logic is, I compare the ID between from database and the localstorage based on the ID with the filter function
If the ID is same, so the data from the database gonna push it into the favorites menu.
but, it couldn't show in the favorites menu, and when I checked on the console, it said that
[ng:areq] Argument 'fn' is not a function, got string
Did I make something wrong on here? Or maybe I put a wrong method on here?
Thank you in advance.
The error you present seems to be a syntax problem. You are missing the array brackets.
.filter('favoriteFilter', ['$localStorage', function (localStorage) {
var out = [];
return out;
return function (dishes) {
var old_favorite = JSON.parse($localStorage.get('favorites'));
var leng = Object.keys(old_favorite).length;
var out = [];
for (var i = 0; i < leng; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < dishes.length; j++) {
if (dishes[j].id === favorites[i].id)
return out;
I didn't check your logic function, this will be the answer to solve your error.
Try a different approach:
As you already have addToFavorites and deleteFromFavorites functions, all you have to do is simply follow these 3 steps:
When defining you 'favorites' array, simply assign it as follows:
var favorites = JSON.parse(window.localStorage['favorites'] || []);
In your addToFavorites function, after you push the added item to your array, add: window.localStorage['favorites'] = JSON.stringify(favorites);
In your deleteFromFavorites function, after you splice your array, add: window.localStorage['favorites'] = JSON.stringify(favorites);
You should be good to go with these three super simple steps!

Is there a way to iterate through a javascript object's prototype variables and functions?

This question is no longer applicable to what I'm trying to do because I have to declare the name of the pmp objects with a name.
I want to be able to associate an object with each prototype function for my class without doing it manually for each prototype.
I've tried seeing what's inside prototype with the following methods, but to no avail
myclass.prototype.length == undefined;
myclass.prototype.toString() == [object Object];
myclass.prototype == [object Object];
This is my code. In the following lines:
this.appear = _pmp(k8rModal.prototype._appear);
this.centerSlate = _pmp(k8rModal.prototype._centerSlate);
this.adjustToScreenResize = _pmp(k8rModal.prototype._adjustToScreenResize);
I run a function called '_pmp' that creates a PreMainPost object that appear,centerSlate & adjustToScreenResize will refer to. These objects have a .run() function that will first run the pre() functions then the main() function which is being defined by the constructor parameter and then finally the post() functions.
This is all the context:
function k8rModal(DOMnamespace){
var _ = this._ = DOMnamespace+"_"; // for DOM namespacing
this.visible = 0;
$('body').prepend('<div id="'+_+'stage"></div>');
this.stage = stage = $('#'+_+'stage');
'position': 'fixed',
'opacity': '.6',
$('body').append('<div id="'+_+'slate"></div>');
this.slate = slate = $('#'+_+'slate');
'position': 'fixed',
var k8rModalInstance = this;
this.appear = _pmp(k8rModal.prototype._appear);
this.centerSlate = _pmp(k8rModal.prototype._centerSlate);
this.adjustToScreenResize = _pmp(k8rModal.prototype._adjustToScreenResize);;
k8rModal.prototype._appear = function(){
this.that.visible = 1;;;
k8rModal.prototype._centerSlate = function(){
var wWidth, wHeight, slate = $(this.that.slate) ;
wWidth = $(window).width();
wHeight = $(window).height();
top: (wHeight/2 - ( slate.height()/2))+"px",
left: ( wWidth/2 - ( slate.width()/2 ) )+"px"
k8rModal.prototype._adjustToScreenResize = function(){;
(pre-main-post.js) pmp.js:
function _pmp(func){
return new pmp(this,func);
function pmp(that,func){
var func;
this.pre = new funcList(); = new funcList();
this.main = func;
this.that = that;
} = function(arg){;,this.main());
pmp.prototype.trim = function(){
this.pre = new funcList(); = new funcList();
(an object that contains a list of functions)funcList.js:
function funcList(){
this.unique; // if a function can be
funcList.prototype.add = function(func){
if (this.unique){
var passing = 1;
for(var i; i<this.list.length; i+=1){
if (list[i].toString == func.toString){
passing = 0;
if (passing){
funcList.prototype.remove = function(func){
for(var i; i<this.list.length; i+=1){
if (list[i].toString == func.toString){
funcList.prototype.clear = function(){
this.list = [];
} = function(arg){
for(var i; i<this.list.length; i+=1){
Only the prototypes for natives and functions are accessible to you. If myClass is a function, you can iterate over its prototype by using
for(var prop in myClass.prototype){
