AngularJS: Display the first element of the response array - arrays

I currently have a form with two dynamic dropdowns (Location & Branch). When one of Location values is selected, Branch will automatically populate the corresponding branches with that location.
<select ng-model="formData.location"
ng-options="rg as rg.type for rg in region">
<option value="">Choose Location</option>
<select ng-model="formData.branches"
ng-options="c as c[formData.location.displayName] for c in | orderBy:'branch'">
<option value="">Choose Branch</option>
The Branch values are taken from this controller:
scope.metro = [
{"branch": "SM North EDSA", "alias": "northedsa"},
{"branch": "Trinoma", "alias": "trinoma"},
{"branch": "Robinsons Galleria", "alias": "robgalleria"},
// etc...
scope.region = [
{ type: 'Metro Manila', data:scope.metro, displayName:'branch', alias:'alias'},
{ type: 'Central Luzon', data:scope.central, displayName:'branch', alias:'alias'},
{ type: 'North Luzon', data:scope.north, displayName:'branch', alias:'alias'},
// etc...
Now, inside the form, on every option change in Branch, there will be a pre-generated code from the table in my database (assigned on each of its row), procured by ng-repeat like this:
<div ng-repeat="codes in response">
<span ng-if="((codes.branch == formData.branches.alias) && (codes.taken == 0))">
My database table looks like this:
This works when it is left as it is (displaying 100 codes each iteration). But when I use a filter such as limitTo:1, I only get the first index of the row in the table of my database. What I need is to get the first element of the response array on every flip of Branch values.
For clearer explanation, this ng-repeat is done by having this function in my controller:
scope.response = response;
// shuffleArray(scope.response);
}).error(function() {
scope.response = "error in fetching data";
I was told do this in a controller instead if I wanted to get the first element of each array, but I am not sure how to do that. I will post a plunker when I have the time. I just need this solve right now as I have deadlines to meet before the day ends.
I hope this question is all clear even without a plunker. Thanks in advance!

You could pipe multiple filters together, the first to filter based on branch, and next to limit the number of returned items:
<div ng-repeat="codes in response | filter: {branch: formData.branches.alias, taken: 0} | limitTo: 1">
In this case it was possible to use the built-in filter filter since it allows specifying a predicate for multiple properties to match against with an AND condition. For any more complex condition, I recommend using a predicate function:
$scope.filterBy = function(a, b){
return function(item){
return === a || === b;
and use it like so:
<div ng-repeat="item in items | filter: filterBy('foo', 'bar')">


AngularJS ng-options filter by array value

I need some help figuring out how I can use the AngularJS filter to only show the options that match my condition.
I have the below array.
var users = [
{'id':0, 'name':'John', 'roles':['Admin']},
{'id':1, 'name':'Alice', 'roles':['Admin', 'Tech']},
{'id':2, 'name':'Sam': 'roles':['Tech']}
I render all the users on a <select> list with the below code. But I only want to show the users who's role is "Tech". I went through a few other answers on here but they all use the filter with an object, I'm trying this with an array.
<select data-ng-options=" as for item in users"></select>
I've tried to only show the options with data-ng-if="item.roles.indexOf('Tech') > -1" on the <select> tag but that condition is never met so the dropdown is not shown at all (which makes sense).
I also tried to use data-ng-options=" as for item in users | filter:{item.roles:'Tech'}" with the filter, but that fails with an AngularJS parse error.
Not sure how I can filter by array values.
Your logic in your last attempt is correct but you have a small syntax error. Try the following
<select ng-model="selectedValue" data-ng-options=" as for item in users | filter: { roles: ('Tech') }"></select>
You can also create your own custom filter function for this
<select ng-model="selectedValue" data-ng-options=" as for item in users | filter:customFilter"></select>
$scope.customFilter = function(row){
return true;
return false;

Angular - how to make a an option field (with ng-repeat) depend on previously chosen value in option field?

I have 3 fields.
1st - option field / ng-repeat over available dates
2nd - option field / based on the date chosen by user, I do ng-repeat over quantity. I have tried all different ways but I can't make it depend on the first option field or other things don't work. Any help would be great! Thanks !!
<div class="containerDiv">
<select ng-model='date'>
<option ng-repeat="availableDateProduct in product " value='{{i}}'>{{availableDateProduct.dateOfActivity}}
<div ng-repeat="availableDateProduct in product ">
<option ng-repeat='i in quantityLister(availableDateProduct.quantity)' value='{{i}}'>
app.controller('ProductCtrl', function($scope, ProductsFactory, $stateParams) {
.then(function(product) {
$scope.product = product;
$scope.quantityLister = function(num) {
var array = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
return array;
var products = [
description:'Its fun!',
dateOfActivity: '2017-13-07'
Angular has a directive built specifically to accomplish this task; ng-options.
First, we define an object in the controller that will hold the values selected from the dropdown:
$scope.reservation = {};
Next, we use ng-options on our dropdowns, and use the ng-model property to accept the value selected. In the first dropdown, we take the array of products, display the dateOfActivity for each product, and save the product object to ng-model when selected. (work from right to left in the ng-options definition).
ng-options="product as product.dateOfActivity for product in products"
In our second dropdown, you have defined a function to take a number and spread it into an array. We call this function from reservation.selectedProduct.quantity, and then use this array as the basis for the ng-options:
ng-options="num for num in quantityLister(reservation.selectedProduct.quantity)"
Now we have an object which has the selected values for both dropdowns, we just need to change the quantity in the original array on button press. we also want to clear the selections afterwords, to ensure that the user can't accidentally make a duplicate reservation.
$scope.reserve = function (){
$scope.reservation.selectedProduct.quantity -= $scope.reservation.selectedQuantity;
$scope.reservation = {};
Here we use the shorthand -= to subtract the selectedQuantity from the selectedProduct.quantity. since selectedProduct is two way bound, the change to selectedProduct is reflected in the original object in the product array as well. However, The quantityLister function isn't dynamic; if we don't reset $scope.reservation, the second dropdown would hold a now invalid number of available reservations.

Angular 1.5.x - passing a variable to a built-in filter

I'm trying to filter data based on the select and input fields. Here is part of my code:
<select ng-change="students.changeValue(changeFilter)" ng-model="changeFilter">
<option ng-selected="true" value="name">Name</option>
<option value="age">Age</option>
<input ng-model="searchPhrase" />
name and age are example keys that I have. Here is my data generator structure:
<div ng-class="{breakLine: $index % 3 === 0}"
class="student-item col-md-4"
ng-repeat="s in students.studentsList | filter:{searchFilter: searchPhrase}">
The searchFilter is supposed to be a key that is set from a variable but it doesn't work. If I make there something like: filter:{name: searchPhrase} then it works because I have such keys in my data structures.
Here is a part of the controller:
.controller('StudentsListCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.searchFilter = '';
this.changeValue = function(val) {
console.log(val); ---> gives key or age on change
$scope.searchFilter = val;
So when I manually write e.g.: | filter:{name: searchPhrase} then it works. But when I pass 'name' (i.e. the key) in a variable like: | filter:{searchFilter: searchPhrase} then it's broken...
How can I fix this?
You should use the last option described in filter documentation for the expression:
function(value, index, array): A predicate function can be used to write arbitrary filters. The function is called for each element of the array, with the element, its index, and the entire array itself as arguments.
In the controller, you define the predicate, e.g.
$scope.personFilter = function(person) {
// return true if this person should be displayed
// according to the defined filter
and use it in the ng-repeat filter, e.g.
<li ng-repeat="p in persons | filter:personFilter">{{}} ({{p.age}})</li>
See the plunker for a demo. Note I choose age as a string to simplify the predicate function. You can refine it according to your needs.
Write a function in your $scope to generate the object that is passed to the filter:
$scope.getFilterObject = function() {
var filterObject = {};
filterObject[$scope.searchFilter] = $scope.searchPhrase;
return filterObject;
Use it as the argument in the filter:
ng-repeat="s in students.studentsList | filter:getFilterObject()"

Adding filter to ng-repeat

I'm currently making a front-end with Angular.
I have a JSON file like following:
"groups": [
group1: {
group2: {
And I have lists like following:
<li ng-class="{active: section >= {{group.number}}}" ng-bind="group.title" ng-repeat="group in groups" ></li>
Let's say there are 100 groups in my JSON file. If I want to only show groups with "part":1, how do I add this filter in ng-repeat?
You can pass an object to filter with the key/value you want to filter on:
ng-repeat="group in groups | filter:{part:1}"
try this
ng-repeat="group in groups | filter:{'part': 1}:true"
from official documentation
In HTML Template Binding
{{ filter_expression | filter : expression :
for comparator value if its true
true: A shorthand for function(actual, expected) { return
angular.equals(actual, expected)}. This is essentially strict
comparison of expected and actual.
this gives you the exact match
Consider also passing a function rather than Object into filter (which may work this time, but not all things are easily expressible in a readable fashion directly in the view):
ng-repeat="group in groups | filter:functionOnScope"
The | pipe operates on the thing to the left groups, so filter is a function whose first argument receives groups and whose subsequent arguments appear after the :. You could visualize a | b:c:d | e as e(b(a,c,d)) - once I realized that I used filters more for simple things.
So the second argument filter receives is a predicate (function that takes in something and returns true or false to operate on each element - like a SQL WHERE clause) inside groups. Filters are super useful - if you have quick logic or transformations you want to do in the view (and you don't need to test it) then they can make your controllers and directives more succinct. (So instead of ng-if="collection[collection.length - 1].length > 0" you could write ng-if="collection | last | some", which is much more readable.)
If you have complicated logic, it may be better to put in a controller or directive instead of the view (this is also easier to unit test that way if you care about it) - if it's in the view you need something like PhantomJS at a minimum to emulate the DOM. Assuming you bound some dynamicallySelectedPart on the $scope to 1, 2, etc. maybe as an ng-model on a <select /> so the user can select it, then you can just write this to keep it dynamically up-to-date.
$scope.functionOnScope = function (elementInGroups) {
// Maybe do a check like:
// if ($scope.dynamicallySelectedPart === elementInGroups.part) {
return true;
// }
// Some other logic...
return false;
Your JSON looks malformed in that you have an array with key-value pairs.
Below is some code that should work. I am using the Controller ViewAs syntax.
<div ng-app="MyApp">
<div ng-controller="MyController as me">
<li ng-repeat="group in me.groups | filter:{'part': 1}:true">
var myApp = angular.module('MyApp',[]);
myApp.controller('MyController', function() {
this.greeting = 'Hola!';
this.groups = [ {id: 'group1', "part":1 }, {id: 'group2', "part":2 } ];
Code Pen Here

How to search on the displayed data and not the backing data using Angular

I am using ng-repeat to create a table of data:
<div class="divTable" ng-repeat="expense in exp.expenses | filter:exp.query">
<div>{{expense.amount | ldCurrency : true}}</div>
A couple of the cells that I am creating are being modified through an Angular filter. In the example above, I am changing the integer to a currency. So the original 4 is changed to $4.00. When I filter the entire list with my exp.query, it does not modify the exp.query search term through the ldCurrency.
The means that if I search on $4, it will not find it, because the backing data is 4, even though $4 is on the page.
I know this is confusing, with the two types of filters that I am talking about here.
How can I search on the data that is being shown on the page and not on the backing data?
You have to create you own filter. What you want to do to is a bad idea, because you are melding the view layer and the model layer.
A example of a filter.
The html:
<input ng-model="query" ng-trim="true">
<span>Finding: </span><span>{{ query }}</span>
<div ng-repeat="product in products | productsFilter: query">
<strong>{{ $index }}</strong>
<span>{{ }}</span>
<span>{{ product.price | currency: '$'}}</span>
The custom filter:
.filter('productsFilter', [function () {
// Private function: It removes the dollar sign.
var clearQuery = function (dirtyQuery) {
var index = dirtyQuery.indexOf('$');
if (index === -1)
return dirtyQuery;
return dirtyQuery.substr(index+1, dirtyQuery.length-index)
// The Custom filter
return function (products, query) {
if (query === '') return products;
var newProducts = [];
angular.forEach(products, function (product) {
var cleanQuery = clearQuery(query);
var strProductPrice = '' + product.price;
var index = strProductPrice.indexOf(cleanQuery);
if (index !== -1) {
return newProducts;
The key is in the angular.forEach. There I decide if the product will belong to the new filtered collection. Here you can do the match you want.
You can find the complete example in full plucker example and see a lot of filters in the a8m's angular-filter
