I have a matlab problem to solve. In have two vectores that limit my space, x_low and x_high. The matrix pos needs to have values within this spaces and each column of the matrix has different bounds given by the two vectores. Now my problem is that randi gives valus between two integers but i need to change the bounds for each columns. There is another way to use randi or a different matlab function to do this?
I know there are better codes to do this but i'm starting to use matlab and i know to do it this way, any aid is welcome
x_low = [Io_low, Iirr_low, Rp_low, Rs_low, n_low]; % vector of constant values
x_high = [Io_high, Iirr_high, Rp_high, Rs_high, n_high]; % vector of constant values
pos = rand(particles, var);
var = length(x_high);
for i = 1: particles % rows
for k = 1: var %columns
if pos(i, k) < x_low(k) || pos(i, k) > x_high(k) % if the position is out of bounder
pos(i, k) = randi(x_low(k), x_high(k), 1); % fill it with a particle whithin the bounderies
If I understand correctly, you need to generate a matrix with integer values such that each column has different lower and upper limits; and those lower and upper limits are inclusive.
This can be done very simply with
rand (to generate random numbers between 0 and 1 ),
bsxfun (to take care of the lower and upper limits on a column basis), and
round (so that the results are integer values).
Let the input data be defined as
x_low = [1 6 11]; %// lower limits
x_high = [3 10 100]; %// upper limits
n_rows = 7; %// number of columns
r = rand(n_rows, numel(x_low)); %// random numbers between 0 and 1
r = floor(bsxfun(#times, r, x_high-x_low+1)); %// adjust span and round to integers
r = bsxfun(#plus, r, x_low); %// adjust lower limit
gives something like
r =
2 7 83
3 6 93
2 6 22
3 10 85
3 7 96
1 10 90
2 8 57
If you need to fill in values only at specific entries of matrix pos, you can use something like
ind = bsxfun(#lt, pos, x_low) | bsxfun(#gt, pos, x_high); %// index of values to replace
pos(ind) = r(ind);
This a little overkill, because the whole matrixd r is generated only to use some of its entries. To generate only the needed values the best way is probably to use loops.
You can use cellfun for this. Something like:
x_low = [Io_low, Iirr_low, Rp_low, Rs_low, n_low];
x_high = [Io_high, Iirr_high, Rp_high, Rs_high, n_high];
pos = cell2mat(cellfun(#randi, mat2cell([x_low' x_high'], ones(numel(x_low),1), 1), repmat({[particles 1]}, [numel(x_low) 1)])))';
I have a numerical array CentroidBins which is 3694x4. Columns 3 and 4 are arbitrary X and Y bins with a range of 1-20. My goal in the last bit of code was to go through columns 3 and 4 to count the number of times a particular pair appeared (ie. 1,1 or 1,2....etc) and place that into a 20x20 array with rows being Y bins and columns being X bins. I managed to construct something which looks like what a want, but the output is 18x17, I am assuming it is deleting rows and columns populated by "0". How can I make sure this produces 20x20?
bin20 = centroids_array / 20 %create 20 bins
imRound = round(bin20)
CentroidBins = [centroids_array , imRound]
save("CentroidBins.mat", "CentroidBins");
nrow = size(CentroidBins, 1);
B = CentroidBins(:,[3 4]);
NumF = full(sparse(B(1:end-nrow),B(nrow+1:end),1))
to count the occurrence of pairs, you use hist and unique
a=[1 2; 1 2; 2 3; 8 1; 2 3];
count=hist(jx,unique(jx)) % report the repeated counts of each unique pair
foo % lists the unique pairs
What is the fastest way of calculating the maximum value, with it's corresponding index, of each 'slice' of a 3D array?
Say you have A with n slices (here I just made each slice 10 by 10, but this can be changed to any size):
A = rand(10,10,n);
You can reshape it to n-columns matrix, then take the maximum of each column:
[val,ind] = max(reshape(A,[],n),[],1);
The first output val will be an n-element vector with all the maximum values, and the second output ind will be their row index in the reshaped A.
Then you get the size of the slices:
sz = size(A);
and use it to find the row (r) and column (c) of each maximum element in each slice:
[r,c] = ind2sub(sz(1:2),ind)
So in this example (using rand and 10x10x6 array for A) you would get something like this at the end (but with different values):
val =
0.99861 0.98895 0.98681 0.99991 0.96057 0.99176
r =
9 7 3 8 2 9
c =
1 1 8 10 10 5
If you have a matrix A with n layers, you can apply max function in two steps to get a 1 x 1 x n matrix with max of each layer
A = rand(10,10,n);
layer_max = max(max(A,[],1),[],2); % 1 x 1 x n matrix, use squeeze to remove extra dims
layer_max = squeeze(layer_max);
This question already has answers here:
Create a zero-filled 2D array with ones at positions indexed by a vector
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a vector v of size (m,1) whose elements are integers picked from 1:n. I want to create a matrix M of size (m,n) whose elements M(i,j) are 1 if v(i) = j, and are 0 otherwise. I do not want to use loops, and would like to implement this as a simple vector-matrix manipulation only.
So I thought first, to create a matrix with repeated elements
M = v * ones(1,n) % this is a (m,n) matrix of repeated v
For example v=[1,1,3,2]'
m = 4 and n = 3
M =
1 1 1
1 1 1
3 3 3
2 2 2
then I need to create a comparison vector c of size (1,n)
c = 1:n
1 2 3
Then I need to perform a series of logical comparisons
M(1,:)==c % this results in [1,0,0]
M(4,:)==c % this results in [0,1,0]
However, I thought it should be possible to perform the last steps of going through each single row in compact matrix notation, but I'm stumped and not knowledgeable enough about indexing.
The end result should be
M =
1 0 0
1 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
A very simple call to bsxfun will do the trick:
>> n = 3;
>> v = [1,1,3,2].';
>> M = bsxfun(#eq, v, 1:n)
M =
1 0 0
1 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
How the code works is actually quite simple. bsxfun is what is known as the Binary Singleton EXpansion function. What this does is that you provide two arrays / matrices of any size, as long as they are broadcastable. This means that they need to be able to expand in size so that both of them equal in size. In this case, v is your vector of interest and is the first parameter - note that it's transposed. The second parameter is a vector from 1 up to n. What will happen now is the column vector v gets replicated / expands for as many values as there are n and the second vector gets replicated for as many rows as there are in v. We then do an eq / equals operator between these two arrays. This expanded matrix in effect has all 1s in the first column, all 2s in the second column, up until n. By doing an eq between these two matrices, you are in effect determining which values in v are equal to the respective column index.
Here is a detailed time test and breakdown of each function. I placed each implementation into a separate function and I also let n=max(v) so that Luis's first code will work. I used timeit to time each function:
function timing_binary
n = 10000;
v = randi(1000,n,1);
m = numel(v);
function luis_func()
M1 = full(sparse(1:m,v,1));
function luis_func2()
%m = numel(v);
%n = 3; %// or compute n automatically as n = max(v);
M2 = zeros(m, n);
M2((1:m).' + (v-1)*m) = 1;
function ray_func()
M3 = bsxfun(#eq, v, 1:n);
function op_func()
M4= ones(1,m)'*[1:n] == v * ones(1,n);
t1 = timeit(#luis_func);
t2 = timeit(#luis_func2);
t3 = timeit(#ray_func);
t4 = timeit(#op_func);
fprintf('Luis Mendo - Sparse: %f\n', t1);
fprintf('Luis Mendo - Indexing: %f\n', t2);
fprintf('rayryeng - bsxfun: %f\n', t3);
fprintf('OP: %f\n', t4);
This test assumes n = 10000 and the vector v is a 10000 x 1 vector of randomly distributed integers from 1 up to 1000. BTW, I had to modify Luis's second function so that the indexing will work as the addition requires vectors of compatible dimensions.
Running this code, we get:
>> timing_binary
Luis Mendo - Sparse: 0.015086
Luis Mendo - Indexing: 0.327993
rayryeng - bsxfun: 0.040672
OP: 0.841827
Luis Mendo's sparse code wins (as I expected), followed by bsxfun, followed by indexing and followed by your proposed approach using matrix operations. The timings are in seconds.
Assuming n equals max(v), you can use sparse:
v = [1,1,3,2];
M = full(sparse(1:numel(v),v,1));
What sparse does is build a sparse matrix using the first argument as row indices, the second as column indices, and the third as matrix values. This is then converted into a full matrix with full.
Another approach is to define the matrix containing initially zeros and then use linear indexing to fill in the ones:
v = [1,1,3,2];
m = numel(v);
n = 3; %// or compute n automatically as n = max(v);
M = zeros(m, n);
M((1:m) + (v-1)*m) = 1;
I think I've also found a way to do it, and it would be nice if somebody could tell me which of the methods shown is faster for very large vectors and matrices. The additional method I thought of is the following
M= ones(1,m)'*[1:n] == v * ones(1,n)
following situation. I have a time-series of 3-Dimensional images in a 4D matrix. The resolution of the 3D images is 177 * 209 * 156.
Then I have a 3D-Mask image, which carries the information to which one of 500 groups a voxel in the 3D-Image belongs, so it has the same dimension as one 3D image, but the values are [2;501] (502 actually, but the last group is "outsiders" and those will be ignored).
Now for those 3D images, I want a 500 * X matrix, which holds the average value for each group for each Image, where X is the image-count (which is 1500 in this case). The code I wrote to generate this vector (for each image) is the following:
final_vec = zeros(500, TRs);
mask_hist = get_histogram(mask_mat);
mask_hist(1) = [];
mask_hist(end) = [];
for i = 1:TRs
TR = new_nifti_mat(:,:,:,i);
for k = 1:numel(TR)
if mask_mat(k) < 502 && mask_mat(k) > 1
final_vec(mask_mat(k) - 1, i) = final_vec(mask_mat(k) - 1, i) + TR(k);
final_vec(:, i) = final_vec(:, i)./mask_hist
The Problem with this code is, that it runs for ever. For one set of data it ran more than 12h. I know that matlab is bad with for-loops, and probably has a very elegant 1 or 2 line of codes way to do this in a fraction of the time it needs for my code
Best Regards
Let's create example data first:
x = rand(4,4,2,8); %// random data
mask(:,:,1) = [ 3 2 2 3
2 4 4 2
2 4 4 2
3 2 2 3 ];
mask(:,:,2) = mask(:,:,1); %// example 4x4x2 mask
Approach 1: one loop and accumarray
Loop over each 3D images, and for each one use accumarray to do the average by groups:
mask = mask - min(mask(:)) + 1; %// so that lowest value is 1
result = NaN(max(mask(:)),size(x,4)); %// preallocate result
for n = 1:size(x,4);
result(:,n) = accumarray(mask(:), reshape(x(:,:,:,n),[],1), [], #mean, NaN);
Approach 2: bsxfun and matrix multiplication; no loops
Linearize the first three dimensions and build a zero-one mask so that accumulation of all values within each group becomes matrix multiplication:
mask2 = bsxfun(#eq, mask(:), min(mask(:)):max(mask(:))).'; %'
result = mask2*reshape(x,[],size(x,4)); %// sum for each group
result = bsxfun(#rdivide, result, sum(mask2,2)); %// transform sum into average
Given a matrix A, how do I get the elements (and their indices) larger than x in a specific range?
A = [1:5; 2:6; 3:7; 4:8; 5:9]
A =
1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6 7
4 5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8 9
And for instance I want all elements larger than 5 and appear in the range A(2:4,3:5). I should get:
6 , 6 , 7 , 6 , 7 , 8
14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24
A(A>5) would give me all entries which are larger than 5.
A(2:4,3:5) would give all elements in the range 2:4,3:5.
I want some combination of the two. Is it possible or the only way is to put the needed range in another array B and only then perform B(B>5)? Obviously 2 problems here: I'd lose the original indices, and it will be slower. I'm doing this on a large number of matrices.
Code. I'm trying to avoid matrix multiplication, so this may look a bit odd:
A = [1:5; 2:6; 3:7; 4:8; 5:9];
[r,c] = meshgrid(2:4,3:5);
n = sub2ind(size(A), r(:), c(:));
indices = sort(n(A(n) > 5)); %'skip sorting if not needed'
values = A(indices);
Explanation. The code converts the Cartesian product of the subscripts to linear indices in the A matrix. Then it selects the indices that respect the condition, then it selects the values.
However, it is slow.
Optimization. Following LuisMendo's suggestion, the code may be sped up by replacing the sub2ind-based linear index calculation with a handcrafted linear index calculation:
A = [1:5; 2:6; 3:7; 4:8; 5:9];
%'For column-first, 1-based-index array memory '
%'layout, as in MATLAB/FORTRAN, the linear index '
%'formula is: '
%'L = R + (C-1)*NR '
n = bsxfun(#plus, (2:4), (transpose(3:5) - 1)*size(A,1));
indices = n(A(n) > 5);
values = A(indices);
If you only need the values (not the indices), it can be done using the third output of find and matrix multiplication. I don't know if it will be faster than using a temporary array, though:
[~, ~, values] = find((A(2:4,3:5)>5).*A(2:4,3:5));
Assuming you need the linear indices and the values, then if the threshold is positive you could define a mask. This may be a good idea if the mask can be defined once and reused for all matrices (that is, if the desired range is the same for all matrices):
mask = false(size(A));
mask(2:4,3:5) = true;
indices = find(A.*mask>5);
values = A(indices);
its a little clunky, but:
R = 2:4;
C = 3:5;
I = reshape(find(A),size(A))
indicies = nonzeros(I(R,C).*(A(R,C)>5))
values = A(indicies)