Angular "bind twice" - angularjs

I'm trying to keep my watches down by using one-time binding (::) in most places.
However, I've run into the situation where I need to wait for one property of an object to arrive from our server.
Is there someway I can make Angular bind twice (first to a placeholder and second to the actual value)?
I tried accomplishing this using bindonce but it did not seem to work (I am guessing this is because bindonce wants to watch an entire object, not a single property).
Another solution would be if I could somehow remove a watch from the templates after the value comes in, if that is possible.
My objects look something like this:
name: 'Name',
id: 'Placeholder'
And my template:
<div ng-repeat="object in objects">
Id will change once and only once in the application life time, having a watch forever for a value that will only change once feels wasteful as we'll have many of these objects in the list.

I think this is what you are looking for! Plunkr
I just wrote a bind-twice directive and if I did not completely missed the question it should solve your problem:
directive("bindTwice", function($interpolate) {
return {
restrict: "A",
scope: false,
link: function(scope, iElement, iAttrs) {
var changeCount = 0;
var cancelFn = scope.$watch(iAttrs.bindTwice, function(value) {
iElement.text(value === undefined ? '' : value);
if (changeCount === 3) {
What I do is, I add a watcher on the scope element we need to watch and update the content just like ng-bind does. But when changeCount hit the limit I simply cancel $watch effectively cleaning it from watchlist.
<body ng-controller="c1">
<div ng-repeat="t in test">
<p>{{ ::t.binding }}</p>
<p bind-twice="t.binding"></p>
<p>{{ t.binding }}</p>
Please see Plunkr for working example.


Directive with ng-model Attribute Not Resolving Using $http

Trying to make a rating directive but I'm stuck at getting rating2 to work. The first rating worked because the rating1 is hardcoded within the controller. But normally I have to get the saved rating from the db, which I'm trying to do with rating2, as u can see the value is fetched but the directive is not appearing.
<div star-rating ng-model="rating.rating1" max="10" on-rating-select="rating.rateFunction(rating)"></div>
<br>but rating2 is actually there:
<star-rating ng-model="rating.rating2" readonly="rating.isReadonly"></star-rating>
Need expert of directive to help.
Initiate rating2 :
function RatingController($http) {
this.rating1 = 5;
this.rating2 = 0; //ADD THIS LINE
var self = this;
it works for me
check here
First of all, I'm not a directive expert but i'm trying to help. I think that when html is first load, the values from db not finish execute and bind into html. The best way is not using directive instead using controller to fetch data from db.
You pass a model without rating2 into your directive and the changes from the parent controller won't affect it, because variable is created afterwards. Adding a watcher in your linker on parent scope will solve the problem;
scope.$parent.$watch('', function(rating){
Other solution would be to define a starting value in your controller.
this.rating2 = 1;
Notice that it is bad design to have a scope variable for each rating. It is cleaner to have an array of ratings and you actually do not need the watcher by doing so.
angular controller
function RatingController($http) {
this.ratings = [4];
var self = this;
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="RatingController as rating" class="container">
<div ng-repeat="r in rating.ratings">
<div star-rating ng-model="r" max="10" on-rating-select="rating.rateFunction(rating)"></div>
The watcher change handler function has parameters reversed:
//INCORRECT parameters
//scope.$watch('ratingValue', function(oldValue, newValue) {
//CORRECT parameters
scope.$watch('ratingValue', function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue) {
The first argument of the listening function should be newValue.
The DEMO on CodePen
The ng- prefix is reserved for core directives. See AngularJS Wiki -- Best Practices
scope: {
//Avoid using ng- prefix
//ratingValue: '=ngModel',
ratingValue: '=myModel',
max: '=?', // optional (default is 5)
onRatingSelect: '&?',
readonly: '=?'
<!-- AVOID using the ng- prefix
<star-rating ng-if='rating' ng-model="rating.rating2"
max="10" on-rating-select="rating.rateFunction(rating)">
<!-- INSTEAD -->
<star-rating ng-if='rating' my-model="rating.rating2"
max="10" on-rating-select="rating.rateFunction(rating)">
When a custom directve uses the name ng-model for an attribute, the AngularJS framework instantiates an ngModelController. If the directive doesn't use the services of that controller, it is best not to instantiate it.

How to manipulate DOM elements with Angular

I just can't find a good source that explains to me how to manipulate DOM elements with angular:
How do I select specific elements on the page?
<span>This is a span txt1</span>
<span>This is a span txt2</span>
<span>This is a span txt3</span>
<span>This is a span txt4</span>
<p>This is a p txt 1</p>
<div class="aDiv">This is a div txt</div>
Exp: With jQuery, if we wanted to get the text from the clicked span, we could simple write:
var clickedSpanTxt = $(this).html();
How do I do that in Angular?
I understand that using 'directives' is the right way to manipulate DOM and so I am trying:
var myApp = angular.module("myApp", []);
myApp.directive("drctv", function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {},
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
var c = element('p');
<div class="txt">This is a div Txt</div>
<p>This is a p Txt</p>
<span>This is a span Txt </span>
How do I select only 'p' element here in 'drctv'?
Since element is a jQuery-lite element (or a jQuery element if you've included the jQuery library in your app), you can use the find method to get all the paragraphs inside : element.find('p')
To Answer your first question, in Angular you can hook into click events with the build in directive ng-click. So each of your span elements would have an ng-click attribute that calls your click function:
<span ng-click="myHandler()">This is a span txt1</span>
<span ng-click="myHandler()">This is a span txt2</span>
<span ng-click="myHandler()">This is a span txt3</span>
<span ng-click="myHandler()">This is a span txt4</span>
However, that's not very nice, as there is a lot of repetition, so you'd probably move on to another Angular directive, ng-repeat to handle repeating your span elements. Now your html looks like this:
<span ng-repeat="elem in myCollection" ng-click="myHandler($index)">This is a span txt{{$index+1}}</span>
For the second part of your question, I could probably offer an 'Angular' way of doing things if we knew what it was you wanted to do with the 'p' element - otherwise you can still perform jQuery selections using jQuery lite that Angular provides (See Jamie Dixon's answer).
If you use Angular in the way it was intended to be used, you will likely find you have no need to use jQuery directly!
You should avoid DOM manipulation in the first place. AngularJS is an MVC framework. You get data from the model, not from the view. Your example would look like this in AngularJS:
// this, in reality, typically come from the backend
$scope.spans = [
text: 'this is a span'
text: 'this is a span'
text: 'this is a span'
$scope.clickSpan = function(span) {
<span ng=repeat="span in spans" ng-click="clickSpan(span)">{{ span.text }}</span>
ng-click is the simpler solution for that, as long as I do not really understand what you want to do I will only try to explain how to perform the same thing as the one you have shown with jquery.
So, to display the content of the item which as been clicked, you can use ng-click directive and ask for the event object through the $event parameter, see
so here is the html:
<div ng-controller="foo">
<span ng-click="display($event)" >This is a span txt1</span>
<span ng-click="display($event)" >This is a span txt2</span>
<span ng-click="display($event)" >This is a span txt3</span>
<span ng-click="display($event)" >This is a span txt4</span>
<p>This is a p txt 1</p>
<div class="aDiv">This is a div txt</div>
and here is the javascript
var myApp = angular.module("myApp", []);
myApp.controller(['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.display = function (event) {
//if you prefer having the angular wrapping around the element
var elt = angular.element(event.srcElement);
If you want to dig further in angular here is a simplification of what ng-click do
.directive('myNgClick', ['$parse', function ($parse) {
return {
link: function (scope, elt, attr) {
Gets the function you have passed to ng-click directive, for us it is
Parse returns a function which has a context and extra params which
overrides the context
var fn = $parse(attr['myNgClick']);
here you bind on click event you can look at the documentation
elt.on('click', function (event) {
//callback is here for the explanation
var callback = function () {
Here fn will do the following, it will call the display function
and fill the arguments with the elements found in the scope (if
possible), the second argument will override the $event attribute in
the scope and provide the event element of the click
fn(scope, {$event: event});
//$apply force angular to run a digest cycle in order to propagate the
plunkr here:
if you want to test things

Conditionally apply hasDropdown directive on ng-repeated element

I'm working on a project where I use both angularJS and foundation, so I'm making use of the Angular Foundation project to get all the javascript parts of foundation working. I just upgraded from 0.2.2 to 0.3.1, causing a problem in the top bar directive.
Before, I could use a class has-dropdown to indicate a "top-bar" menu item that has a dropdown in it. Since the menu items are taken from a list and only some have an actual dropdown, I would use the following code:
<li ng-repeat="item in ctrl.items" class="{{item.subItems.length > 0 ? 'has-dropdown' : ''}}">
However, the latest version requires an attribute of has-dropdown instead of the class. I tried several solutions to include this attribute conditionally, but none seem to work:
<li ng-repeat="item in ctrl.items" has-dropdown="{{item.subItems.length > 0}}">
This gives me a true or false value, but in both cases the directive is actually active. Same goes for using ng-attr-has-dropdown.
this answer uses a method of conditionally applying one or the other element, one with and one without the directive attribute. That doesn't work if the same element is the one holding the ng-repeat so i can't think of any way to make that work for my code example.
this answer I do not understand. Is this applicable to me? If so, roughly how would this work? Due to the setup of the project I've written a couple of controllers and services so far but I have hardly any experience with custom directives so far.
So in short, is this possible, and how?
As per this answer, from Angular>=1.3 you can use ngAttr to achieve this (docs):
If any expression in the interpolated string results in undefined, the
attribute is removed and not added to the element.
So, for example:
<li ng-repeat="item in ctrl.items" ng-attr-has-dropdown="{{ item.subItems.length > 0 ? true : undefined }}">
angular.module('app', []).controller('testCtrl', ['$scope',
function ($scope) {
$scope.ctrl = {
items: [{
subItems: [1,2,3,4], name: 'Item 1'
subItems: [], name: 'Item 2'
subItems: [1,2,3,4], name: 'Item 3'
<div ng-app="app">
<ul ng-controller="testCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="item in ctrl.items" ng-attr-has-dropdown="{{ item.subItems.length > 0 ? true : undefined }}">
<script src=""></script>
Ok, I made a directive. All <li> will need an initial attr of:
is-drop-down="{{item.subItems.length > 0}}"
Then the directive checks that value and for somereason its returning true as a string. Perhaps some onc can shed some light on that
app.directive('isDropDown', function () {
return {
link: function (scope, el, attrs) {
if (attrs.isDropDown == 'true')
return el.attr('has-dropdown', true); //true or whatever this value needs to be
If you inspect test2 you will see it has a has-dropdown attribute. There is probably a cleaner solution, but this is all I know. I'm still new to angular.
edit I noticed a couple extra commas in my example json data..take note, still works, but they shouldn't be there.

parent directive erasing child ng-repeat

I am learning angularjs through the process of taking an existing site that was built primarily with JQuery and trying to "angularize" it. I am having trouble reproducing the same functionality in angular.
Please see the following plunker.
I have a ul element with an angularjs directive called "scroller" as seen below.
<ul class="dropdown-menu-list scroller" scroller style="height: 250px">
<li data-ng-repeat="n in notifications">
<a href="#">
<span class="label label-success"><i class="icon-plus"></i></span>
<span class="time">{{n.time}}</span>
The scroller directive looks like this:
.directive('scroller', function () {
return {
priority: 0,
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
done: '&',
progress: '&'
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
$('.scroller').each(function () {
var height;
if ($(this).attr("data-height")) {
height = $(this).attr("data-height");
} else {
height = $(this).css('height');
size: '7px',
color: '#a1b2bd',
height: height,
disableFadeOut: true
What i want to happen is that the ng-repeat executes on the notifications array in the controller, producing a collection of li elements that exceed 250px therefore a slimscrollbar would be added. What actually happens is the result of the ng-repeat is not included in the final DOM. I believe the call in the parent scroller directive of $(this).slimScroll() is called after the ng-repeat executes and replaces the DOM. If i remove the scroller attribute, the li elements show up.
I am sure there is a strategy for this and am hoping the community can educate me on a better approach or alternate approach. thoughts? again the plunker is here.
The issue is actually your directive scope. You are using an explicit object as the scope, which means you are isolating the scope, which means the directive scope isn't inheriting from its parent anymore. So notifications from the parent controller is no longer reachable from the directive scope (and therefore any elements inside of its element).
If you remove this from your directive it should work:
scope: {
done: '&',
progress: '&'
I notice that you aren't using those attributes anyway so it shouldn't break any other functionality.
Look at the API docs and look for isolate scope for more details.
An alternative to what you're trying to do would just be something like this
scope.$watch(attr.done, function(val) { //do something when the value changes })
Since I don't know your use case I can't say what the best solution would be.

Using controller inside repeat, do I need a directive?

When using a ng-repeat, how should I use a controller inside it?
For example, if I'm looping over a set of days in a week:
<ul ng-controller="WeekCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="d in days">
<span ng-controller="DayCtrl">
{{dayOfWeek}} {{date}}: {{info}}
But my DayCtrl wants to know what day d it is, so has to pull that out of the scope:
app.controller('DayCtrl', function($scope){
$ = $;
$scope.dayOfWeek =
$ = '... extra info...';
But this creates a dependency between the display and the controller. Ideally, I'd like to pass in as an argument.
I could write a directive+controller and pass in as an attribute. But that means I have to write a lot more and move the day's html into separate template, and I don't intend to use the DayCtrl elsewhere.
Alternatively, I could try and use <span ng-init=""> but again, this feels dirty.
What's the right way of doing this.
Full example code on Plunker: which shows the problem I'm having with days and weeks.
To me, this seems like a job for a directive, with specified as an attribute. I don't know how info is populated, but potentially your directive would not need a controller.
The day's HTML doesn't have to be in a separate/directive template, it can remain in the HTML:
<li ng-repeat="d in days">
<day date="">
{{dayOfWeek}} {{date}}: {{info}}
app.directive('day', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: { date: '=' },
link: function(scope) {
scope.dayOfWeek = ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thr','Fri','Sat','Sun'][]; = '... extra info...';
FYI, if you want to use ng-init, you can include it with the ng-controller:
<span ng-controller="DayCtrl" ng-init="">
