What is the best practice to show the data fetched by Laravel 4.2 from Database using 'ng-repeat' of AJS - angularjs

I'm fetching data from the database using Laravel 4.2, it returns an array of JSON objects, then I pass that data to a view. But I'm unable to show it using Angular JS' ng-repeat directive. How can I do taht?
Note for Blade I'm using [[ ]], and for Angular JS I'm using {{ }}.
Controller of Laravel is given as Following:
class CountryController extends BaseController {
public function index()
return View::make('admin.country.show')
->with('countries', Country::all());// returns array of JASON objects
View of Laravel is given as follows:
<table class="table table-bordered">
<th class="col-lg-2">Sr.No</th><th>Country</th>
<!-- foreach($countries as $country) -->
<tr ng-repeat="country in $countries">
<td class="col-lg-2">{{country.id}}</td><td>{{country.country}}</td>
<!--endforeach -->
[[ $countries]]
{{countries}} of ajs not works but [[$countries]] works! How can I access $countries in AJS?

I don'n know that whether it's a good practice or not but I've found the solution which is given as follows:
<table class="table table-bordered">
<th class="col-lg-2">Sr.No</th><th>Country</th>
<tr ng-repeat="country in $countries">
<td class="col-lg-2">{{country.id}}</td><td>{{country.country}}</td>
Instead of using
<tr ng-repeat="country in $countries">
I've used the
<?php echo("<tr ng-repeat='country in ". $countries. "'>"); ?>
It, after rendering becomes
<tr class="ng-scope" ng-repeat="country in [{"id":1,"countries":"Pakistan"},{"id":2,"countries":"Saudi Arbia"}]">
You can clearly see that an array of JSON object is returned by php, which now can easly be printed.
Note again: I don't know that it's best practice or not! I still would like to know the best practice.


how to iterate json data using ng-repeat in angularjs

how to iterate json data using ng-repeat in angularjs
"CSS Corp":{
Your question is very broad. You will first have to attach those JSON data to the scope of your controller and expose it to the template through a variable myData. Assuming you know how to do that, the use of ng-repeat becomes very trivial (add more columns or rows to fit your dataset):
<tr><th>Header 1</th></tr>
<tr ng-repeat="item in myData">
<td>{{ item }}</td>
Use ng-repeat
Syntax : <tr ng-repeat="value in container">
Assuming that you have a array of JSON object in your JS as below,
var arrayObject = [
"CSS Corp":{
Then your view should iterate as below,
<div ng-repeat="company in arrayObject">
{{company}} // use whatever you want to print

I am trying to execute multiple ng-repeat so that I can access a third level array in my json and display in a table but can't get this working

I am trying to nest ng-repeat but looks like I am not doing it correctly.
I need all the lineItem in the json to be displayed.
Since, json value I am trying to display is a 3rd level array, I tried nested
ng-repeat but does not work.
<table border="1" width="100%">
<tbody ng-repeat="subConfig in values.subConfigs.subConfig">
<tr ng-repeat="lineItem in subConfig.lineItems.lineItem">
here is jsfiddle I tried:
Your json was not in correct format values should not be array also you need to change ng-repeat="s in values.subConfigs.subConfig"> to ng-repeat="s in values.configBOM.subConfigs.subConfig">
Something like
<tbody ng-repeat="s in values.configBOM.subConfigs.subConfig">
<tr ng-repeat="lineItem in s.lineItems.lineItem">
Here is working fiddle
Its a very minor mistake :
Please change your json to an object instead of an array , the format you have given is wrong .
So it should be :
$scope.values={} //whatever you want to write inside
instead of:
Secondly while you are doing ng-repeat you have to change this line :
<tbody ng-repeat="subConfig in values.subConfigs.subConfig">
to :
<tbody ng-repeat="subConfig in values.configBOM.subConfigs.subConfig">

Datatables search, filter, and export with Firebase

I have a CRUD app powered by angular. Recently I added datatables to it in order to search, filter, sort,export and hide columns using the power of datatables. Unfortunately it returns the Firebase references in the various columns {{contact.name}} {{contact.email}} (There are 4 more columns) when I use any datatables feature such as search it returns the Firebase reference instead of a field. Is there a way to fix this? I really need those datatable features at the same time use Firebase.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#contacts').DataTable( {
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
} );
} );
<table id="contacts" class="table table-striped table-hover" >
<th> Actions </th>
<tr ng-repeat="contact in contacts">
<td>Edit <a class="btn btn-raised btn-xs btn-danger" ng-click="removeContact(contact.$id)">Delete</a></td>
Will sourcing the data via ajax sort this out. This is the json format i get from the ajax GET request
{"-KIZ6VnucsKbKjlaE8aq":{"area":"Parklands","email":"tttt","name":"Mohammed Sohail","phone":"+254700000000","work":"ttt"},"-KId6OC2gOwiacUid9yK":{"area":"dfgdfg","email":"dfgdf","name":"dfg","phone":"dfgdfg","work":"fdfffffff"},"-KId6Rqo0B6w0jACHhWM":{"area":"dfgdfgdfgdf","email":"dfgdfgdfgdfg","name":"dfgfdgdf","phone":"gdfgdfgdfg","work":"gdfgdfgdfgdfg"},"-KIqmYZubPYhAqDqEyWo":{"area":"dfgfdg","email":"fgfdgfdgdf","name":"fgfg","phone":"fdgdg","work":"fgdfgdf"},"-KIqn5QABMXrTGoVgQv1":{"area":"bla","email":"weadasda","name":"bla","phone":"bla","work":"bla"}}
And this is how the data looks like on the console.
Any help to use data tables will be appriciated.
FireBase database image
So, this question is really about turning a (firebase) JSON object of objects with unknown object entry names such as KId6Rqo0B6w0jACHhWM into a more plain structure that can be used along with dataTables and ng-repeat?
You can format contacts into an array of plain objects this way :
$http.get('firebase.json').then(function(json) { //faked response from firebase
$scope.contacts = []
for (var item in json.data) {
Now the ng-repeat will work and the markup (or contacts data) is understandable for dataTables. To turn this into angular-datatables (angular directives for jQuery dataTables) the only thing you need to do is to include the datatables dependency and include the datatable directive in the markup :
<table datatable="ng" class="table table-striped table-hover" >
demo -> http://plnkr.co/edit/tn9cuKa46vs4x8cHebjB?p=preview

Angularjs smart-table not sorting $index table cells

I have a problem withe the Smart Table AngularJS Sorting, I implemented this on my table as:
The initialized app:
angular.module('myproyApp', ['smart-table'])
The controller side:
$scope.dataList = []; //any json collection with: id, name and description
The view side with st-table directive:
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped" st-table="dataRows" st-safe-src="dataList">
<th><span class="glyphicon"></span>Q</th>
<th st-sort="name">Name</th>
<th st-sort="descripcion">Description</th>
<tr ng-repeat="row in dataRows">
<td class="col-md-1">{{$index + 1}}</td>
<td class="col-md-4">{{row.name}}</td>
<td class="col-md-4">{{row.description}}</td>
On click the sorting header's cells the table is sorting, but the sorting isn't working for the $index cells. Please if you have any think to include the $index cells to sort. I want not to use the indexes on dataList $scope values, I need that this index will be include only on table view.
Track by is used to link your data with the DOM generation made by ng-repeat. When you add track by you tell angular to generate a single DOM element per data object in the given collection. Because $index has to do with the DOM there is no way to have it relate to a particular data entry. Here's a more detailed explanation.
If you really want to do it without touching your dataList, you could call indexOf in your table:
<tr ng-repeat="row in dataList | orderBy:sortField">
<td class="col-md-1">{{dataRows.indexOf(row)}}</td>
<td class="col-md-4">{{row.name}}</td>
<td class="col-md-4">{{row.description}}</td>
Where there is a scoped variable called sortField which is a string that is the name of the field you wish to sort by. I implemented a similar thing in this plunker, using the smart-tables module. http://plnkr.co/edit/AF90dQ
I would advise against this because it quickly becomes expensive for large arrays, and runs into problems if your entries aren't unique.

Using jQuery tableSorter plugin with Angularjs

I'm trying to use the JQuery tablesorter plugin working along with Angular.
Currently if you click on any column for sorting the entire width and structure of the table changes and a new row with the ng-repeat expressions is created.
$(document).ready(function() {
<table id="check" class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed table-hover tablesorter" cellspacing="1">
<th class="header">Product Code#</th>
<th class="header">Item Description#</th>
<th class="header">Unit Cost#</th>
<tr ng:repeat="i in itemresponse" >
<td><a href="#/ItemSearch/{{i._ItemID}}" >{{i._ItemID}}</a></td>
You're doing it wrong.
If you want to sort rows in a table with AngularJS, you should use the orderBy filter. There is no need to include another framework. Once you have made that leap, you can find a plethora of samples online (or on SO).
See for example this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/uRPSL/1/
Fortunately there's an Angular Module called ng-table.
