AngularStrap and Google maps - angularjs

What is the best integration Google Maps with AngularJS to be compatible with AngularStrap?
I just found two good choices:
Angularjs-Google-Maps (
Angular-Google-Maps ( - looks like angular-ui part
I appreciate any advice in this subject.

Finally I use and I'm happy with it.
Quite good support and very quick setup.


How to apply MVVM pattern in angularjs?

Please share any one small example with clear explanation
Quickstart is the best free tutorial. Also you should check angular cli.

Using AngularJS with Oracle Apex

I was wondering if anyone who uses AngularJS with Oracle Apex could recommend some resources or tutorials on integrating the two please?
I have found a Dan McGhan presentation and a Codersaurus video but unfortunately these don't go into sufficient detail to start me off.
Any help or advice would be gratefully received. Thanks in advance.
A quick Google search gave me this Guide from Dan McGhan. In part 3 he shows a nice way how to embed the neccessary files, even that you will need to take care of the allow-file-access-from-files property.

Is there an AngularJS ORM

I came a across the following article while considering adding bacon.js and AngularJS:
But I could not find any other resources that would encourage (or discourage) the use of bacon.js in angularJs.
So I'm looking for some other resources on the subject? Does anyone have use the concept proposed by Dean Sofer? Does it work the magic promise?
Has anyone use the concept used in the video?
Sure this link can help you Also I have my work with angularjs and bacon together

GWT+UIBinder+Gin+Guice+JDO+GAE example

I'm trying to link all this technologies, but there are many isolated examples and I do not have enough experience to link them together
so my questions:
Whether there is a similar example?
Is it possible to use UIBinder with Gin?
Any recommendations to implement it?
The GWT blueprint that we use and works great for us.
My own project is in an early phase, but it has all these technologies. You may want to take a look:
Unfortunately, I don't know of such tutorials (a possible solution would be to get a book on GWT, but I don't know if there are any that deal with GWT 2.0 and Gin) - I'm afraid it's up to you to patch the knowledge from them together, that's what everyone has to do, right? ;) If you have some specific problems feel free to post a question about it, then we could help.
As for the UiBinder + Gin issue - I'm using both technologies and it's a breeze, but that's mainly because I'm also following the MVP (Model View Presenter) architecture/model - that way the view doesn't really has any dependencies and the Presenter does all the work. More on that here:
Here is a nice tutorial. The app is very simple but demonstrates all the basics you need.

Seen any good early-bird sites with useful resources and code for O3D?

Looking for anything code-wise or even feedback on using/writing for Google Chrome's O3D?
It exposes Directx/OpenGL to javascript.
Google code has a directory of examples for it:
It also had a developer's guide:
I bet you could get some feedback on the discussion group.
You can have a look at my blog - I have put up a series of tutorials on O3D
