Angular Formly - RichEditor - angularjs

I need to create a form section template, so users can add/remove a new html form section on the fly.
I'm using Angular-Formly for the form template. It works really well for me. However, I need to include a rich editor inside of my form
Can anyone here please provide direction for how to do that? Can I write a angular directive to wrap a .Net rich editor in there? Has Angular-Formly provide a richEditor type or template already?

angular-formly doesn't provide a rich editor type out of the box, and I'm not aware of any open source integrations with one. But the example as pointed out by #azium looks reasonable. It would be very simple to create a custom type using that directive. You could accomplish it like this (during the run phase):
name: 'richEditor',
template: '<text-angular ng-model="model[options.key]"></text-angular>'
Here are the docs on custom templates, here's an example, and here's a lesson on


Can i change the template of the ui-grid?

I have a use case where i want to modify the whole template of the ui-grid. When i searched the files in the GitHub repository, i found that they use a template for the grid but couldn't find a way to change it anywhere. I also posted the same issue there but didn't get any response from them yet.
It is possible to replace any used template with a custom template. In the documentation you can find which gridOptions to use to define your own custom templates. You may choose rowTemplate, cellTemplate, footerTemplate, headerTemplate, etc. It is advisable to use the existing ui-grid template as starting point for creating your own custom template.
If you follow this example, you should be able to figure it out, I think :)

Compiling angular editor directive

Some (advanced?) angular is making my head hurt.
The goal is to extend a WYSIWYG HTML editor to allow users to insert certain angular directives into arbitrary HTML content. I have chosen medium-editor and its angular-medium-editor wrapper (but I'm not wedded to that if there are better solutions).
This Plunk shows how the editor directive is instantiated and activated (using an editable attribute). The toolbar is customised to include a button which adds a custom directive around selected text: <my-custom-directive class="bg-info"> ... </my-custom-directive>. (For demonstration, the custom directive wraps (transcludes) its contents in a button which triggers an alert when clicked).
I'm having problems with (re-)compiling the editor's content so that the directives inside the editor compile. Using $compile(element.contents())(scope) throws ngTransclusion:orphan errors for directives which uses transclusion. (I understand this is due to angular already having made the transclusion by the time the editor's link function is called.)
I cannot refactor all potential custom directives to not use transclusion.
What pattern can I use to successfully compile arbitrary editor content (which may include many different directives), ideally whenever that content changes, or at least when the editing is finished? Is this one of the "fringe cases" where the use of $compile is justified? If so, how do I use it?
This question and answer made me realise that the way to do this is to $compile only the inserted element when it is inserted, rather than recompiling the whole section.
Handily, rangy's classApplier module allows for an onElementCreate callback which can be used to compile the custom directive as it is added.
Here's the working plunker.

how to use css classes inside angular formly

I am using angular formly. I read the documentation,but they didn't mention how to apply css classes from options.
I am trying to apply kendo ui classes to form fields but of no use.
Can anyone help me?
here is my jsbin,output
Here's how you apply a custom class to the formly-field element:,js,output
I'm not sure what classes you're wanting to apply, but this would be the way to do it (see the email field configuration).

When to use directives in angular?

I'm working with angular js and there's one thing I didn't fully understand yet. I know what directives are: they are "additional features" that we add to HTML that can be used as elements, attributes, comments or classes and that can change completely the markup there by some other thing rendered by angular or can add functionality with the link function.
That's fine, but when to use directives? I know that if we want to represent on screen some domain specific object then this is one possible candidate for a directive, or when we want to add functionality to some HTML element (like slider functionality to an input) then we use a directive. But what about other cases? What about when we want to manipulate the DOM to, for instance, activate the functionality of a sidebar or thing like that? Directives are used for this to?
How do when know when to use a directive in angular?
I think about directives when I face one of this two scenarios:
Custom control: I need to implement a custom control, that probably I will reuse in other parts of my app or even other projects.
Custom Validations: AngularJS provides a limited set of validations (e.g. ngRequired, RegEx...), but for sure you will need to implement your custom logic validations. I prefer to implement that validations in directives (reuse, SRP, easy to be tested isolated) rather to overload the controller with that logic.
Some directive rules of thumbs:
If you plan on adding the same markup-based functionality more than once, create a directive (but if it's simple enough, just use ng-include).
If you need to modify the way an ng-modeled input field validates, formats, or parses, create a directive that requires ngModel.
If you want to make writing unit tests easier for a specific piece of markup, write a directive.
If you come from a jQuery background and instinctively feel like using $('.jquery-style-selectors') from your controller, instead write a group of directives where the child directive(s) require the parent directive(s) and communicate via the directive controller(s).

Creating Rich Text editor AngularJS

I know there are lots of great rich text editors out there that can easily be ported to angular and plenty of discussion on how to do this, but I'd like to create my own.
I have the basic idea down:
create a text area and watch the input and perform a function as the input changes. I am familiar with the ngBindhtml directive, only to the extent that I can apply it to an element.
Any idea how I might be able to create a function that would render plain text into html?
I've tried it before but ended up using textAngular.
Basically i replaced the textarea with a iframe, similar to the way tinyMCE does.
The contenteditable on a element allow you to replace the textarea and write directly on the div. You would insert all html elements like headers and text this way. You'll have to handle the cursor position on text, apply styles based on buttons and text selection, etc.
Well, I also came across this and created my own editor as I was required to add features like Table addition etc. The repo is still under development but you can some idea by taking a look at this plunkr. Unlike old answers, I have tried to keep it as a component so that it can be reused at many other places as required.
You can star this git repo to stay updated or feel free to add your inputs
