How to get values of input in Angular JS? - angularjs

In Angular JS are created inputs.
<input type="text">
<input type="text">
How I can to get values from each inputs and send to server?
I tried:
<input type="text" ng-model="typeInput">
But I get value only one field.
In server I am planning to get data format: $_POST['type'][0] = 'One value'; $_POST['type'][1] = 'Two value';
I mean, that I need send to server array of values. For example:
name="type[]" value="1"
name="type[]" value="2"
name="type[]" value="3"
So, in server I cando loop for check:
foreach($_POST['type'] as $val){

Using the ng-model binds it to the property of the same name in the $scope of the controller.
You would access it in your controller like so:
Or you can access it in your HTML like so:
To access both fields, you would need to give them both a different property name to bind to.
<input type="text" ng-model="firstName">
<input type="text" ng-model="lastName">
More complete info here:
Edit: Here's an example fiddle with binding your inputs to an array:


Angular Js 1.x to display all the ng-model names in controller. In the form has more than 100 inputs

In AngularJs 1.x want to print all the ng-Model names in controller. In my application form has more than 100 input fields. Then my application one of the part, I have to declare all the input names into server side even few variable value is empty. So if I get ng-model names easy way to declare the variables.
For Example :
<div controller="IndexController as form">
<form name="myform">
<input type="text" data-ng-model="" name="name"/>
<input type="text" data-ng-model="" name="email"/>
<input type="text" data-ng-model="" name="mobile"/>
Ouput: name, email, modile
You're best wrapping your ng-model in a scope object.
For example:
<input type="text" data-ng-model="" name="name"/>
<input type="text" data-ng-model="" name="email"/>
<input type="text" data-ng-model="" name="mobile"/>
A model is just an object with key:value properties.
You can use the Object.keys to get an array of all properties keys and iterate on them, like below..
var keys = Object.keys($scope.details);
for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){
Consider you form model is like this:
let form = {"email": "", "fname": "abc"};
You can make use of for ... in loop.
The statement iterates over the enumerable properties of an
object. For each distinct property, statements can be executed.
for (let i in form) {

There is no directive with "exportAs" set to "ngModel"

I am using angular 2 forms in my application and i have created the input based on my model. I have binded my input field with ngmodel and now I want to do a dirty check on this input field. So i have added input with # variable. Here is my code:-
<input type="text" [ngClass]="{red: sampledetails.rules[0].query3.dirty}" class="form-control" name="query3" id="query3" [(ngModel)]="sampledetails.rules[0].query3" #query3="ngModel">
But I am getting an error something like:-
There is no directive with "exportAs" set to "ngModel" ("="form-control" name="query3" id="query3" [(ngModel)]="sampledetails.rules[0].query3" [ERROR ->]#query3="ngModel">
Can anybody help me here..
You dont need to use #query3="ngModel" for angular.js 2,
so change
<input type="text" [ngClass]="{red: sampledetails.rules[0].query3.dirty}"
class="form-control" name="query3" id="query3"
[(ngModel)]="sampledetails.rules[0].query3" #query3="ngModel">
to (this will work)
<input type="text" [ngClass]="{red: sampledetails.rules[0].query3.dirty}"
class="form-control" name="query3" id="query3"
[(ngModel)]="sampledetails.rules[0].query3" >

Initializing the input form in AngularJS using value from scope variable

How do I initialize a form to values from other $scope variable in AngularJS?
I know that I have to use ng-init to achieve that but instead of initializing it to values I have to initialize that to value in the variable.
I have $scope.User containing all the details of the user, so when the data comes back I want that to fed into respective fields. For example $scope.User.FirstName gets fed into FirstName input field.
<input type="text" id="FirstName" required ng-model="newUser.FirstName" ng-init="newUser.FirstName='User.FirstName'"/>
The HTML element has to be defined as below.
<input type="text" ng-model="firstname">
Inside your angular controller, the JS code will be as below,
$scope.firstname = $scope.User.FirstName;
This will ensure that textbox will have a value displayed
In your HTML :
<input type="text" ng-model="User.firstname ">
<input type="text" ng-model="User.lastName ">
//other html elements
In your controller :
$scope.User= {
firstname : 'my first name',
lastName : 'my last name',
//..other data

Get "raw" value from invalid input field

I have an input field in a form with some validations. It works like a charm.
It basically looks like this:
A working plunkr is here:
But now I also want to react to every input change - whether valid or not. So for example if the input field contains "123" it is not valid and the value is not transferred to my model - thats fine. But I still want to get the value to do some intermediate requests to a webservice.
Any Ideas?
First call the form element in your controller, then use the $viewValue attribute :
View :
<form name="form">
$scope.getRawValue = function(form) {
var rawValue = form.zipcode.$viewValue;
Angular 1.3 introduced a real answer for this: allowInvalid in ngModelOptions.
ng-model-options="{allowInvalid: true}"
Here is what i came up with for your scenario.
Basically you can write a directive which requires ngModel (ngModelController). The ngModelController has a array of parsers which it call to parse the view value in a pipeline manner. If validation fail these parsers do not update the model. If you inject a custom parser at the start of this parsers array, you can get the each view change value and do anything you want with it.
See my plunkr here (See console)
The basic code would be
ngModelCtrl.$parsers.splice(0,0,(function (viewValue) {
console.log("The view value is:"+viewValue)
return viewValue;
Also see ngModelController documenation

How to bind 2 models to one input field in Angular?

Is there anyway that I can bind two model values to one input field?
Suppose I have input field which I want to be the value of two variables in the scope something like:
<input type="text" model="sn_number; id" >
You cannot, but there are some workarounds.
1. Use ngChange to update the other model
<input type="text"
2. You could watch a model, and when in changes, update another
$scope.$watch('sn_number', function(v){
$ = v;
You would need to watch also for changes in id if you want to keep them in sync.
Example here
You can bind fields immediately, not only in ng-change, and actually it isn't data binding, its only angular expression
<input type="text" ng-model="name" value="{{name}}"/>
<input type="text" ng-model="key" value="{{key=name}}" />
It would make no sense to bind an input to two variables in the model. Binding works both ways, so if the model is updated, the field is updated and vice-versa. If you were to bind to two variables, what would be the single source of truth?
However you can use ng-change to call a method on the controller which can set two variables when the field changes.
with ng-init
<div ng-controller="ctrl" ng-init="model = { year: '2013', month:'09'}">
<div ng-repeat="c in contact" ng-init="likes = { food: 'steak', drink:'coke'}">
