AngularJS jsfiddle $http echo not returning data - angularjs

I encountered a bug in a square-connect API wrapper for node, and I made a fiddle to recreate the issue. I noticed my code wasn't working, in the sense that angular {{}} stuff isn't showing up. What's wrong with it?
the only thing I'm trying to do is have the raw JSON object (preferably {{res}}, but it doesn't matter really) shown below the create button. I am just trying to demonstrate to the author of a library that my object and data is valid, and that a bug is in his library, not my implementation.
var httpRequest = $http({
method: 'POST',
url: '/echo/json/',
data: item
}).success(function(data, status) {
$scope.res = data;
}).failure(function(data, status){
$scope.res = data+status;
data is not being returned from jsfiddle's ECHO.

You were close, but since you're saving your $http in a variable, you access the methods within it using that variable. (ie: httpRequest.success / etc)
Also it's .error() not .failure()
var httpRequest = $http({
method: 'POST',
url: '/echo/json/',
data: item
httpRequest.success(function(data, status) {
$scope.res = data;
httpRequest.error(function(data, status){
$scope.res = data+status;
jsFiddle is finicy with it's echo AJAX examples. You need to format what you send to them correctly with json, have it stringified as well as use jQuery's $.param (since angular doesn't do POST like you're used to with jQuery).
I included jQuery to the fiddle below.
I formatted the data being sent differently
I moved your {{ res }} inside of the controller area (you had it outside, which means it won't compute)
I added | json filter to {{ res | json }}
Updated jsFiddle
// the wacky format you need if you want to do fake $http to jsFiddle
// case in point, if you're trying to DEMO this, I wouldn't even bother, since it won't look like this when you actually use this within your application
var data = $.param({
json: JSON.stringify({
$"/echo/json/", data)
.success(function(data, status) {
$scope.res = data;
}).error(function (status) {

Here is an example using $httpParamSerializer and a delay.
function($scope,$http,$httpParamSerializer) {
var vm = $scope;
var xitem = {a:"1",b:"2"};
var data = $httpParamSerializer({
json: xitem,
delay: 6
console.log("Posting xitem");
vm.p = $'/echo/json/',data);
vm.p.then (function(response) {


how to make synchronous http request in angular js

How to make blocking http request in AngularJS so that i can use the $http response on very next line?
In the following example, $http object doesn't return the result to the next line so that I can pass this result to fullcalender(), a JavaScript library, because $ returns blank value.
This is the sample code:
$ = data;
data: $
You can use promises for that.
here is an example:
$scope.myXhr = function(){
var deferred = $q.defer();
url: 'ajax.php',
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
//if request is successful
//resolve the promise
deferred.resolve('request successful');
//if request is not successful
//reject the promise
//return the promise
return deferred.promise;
$scope.callXhrAsynchronous = function(){
var myPromise = $scope.myXhr();
// wait until the promise return resolve or eject
//"then" has 2 functions (resolveFunction, rejectFunction)
}, function(reject){
You can't, you'll need deal with it through promises, but you could try do it like this:
angular.copy(data, $;
data: $
but most people would just do
data: data
If whatever your fullCalender object is doesn't work with async data, you might need to wrap it in something like ng-if or force it to redraw when the data has been supplied. You can also force the controller to not load until the data is loaded by using the route resolve.
Here is a practical answer, courtesy of user Kirill Slatin who posted the answer as a comment. Practical use example at the bottom of the answer.
If, like me, you need to use that response object as a scope variable, this should work:
$ = data;
$.fullCalender = $;
$scope.$apply() is what will persist the response object so you can use that data.
Why would you need to do this?
I'd been trying to create an "edit" page for my recipes app.
I needed to populate my form with the selected recipe's data.
After making my GET request, and passing the response data to the $scope.form, I got nothing... $scope.$apply() and Kirill Slatin helped big time. Cheers mate!
Here's the example from my editRecipeController:
$http.get('api/recipe/' + currentRecipeId).then(
function (data) {
$scope.recipe =;
$scope.form = $scope.recipe;
Hope that helps!

What is wrong with this simple implementation of angular-busy?

I'm trying to use "angular-busy" and it breaks when I add the ['cgBusy'] to the angular module.
Can anyone see what's going wrong with this? I'm trying to show the loading spinner when data is fetched using the $http service:
$scope.promise = $http({
method: 'JSONP',
url: nprUrl + '&apiKey=' + apiKey + '&callback=JSON_CALLBACK'
}).success(function(data, status) {
// Store the list of stories on the scope
// from the NPR API response object (described above)
$scope.programs = data.list.story;
}).error(function(data, status) {
// Some error occurred
Here's my plnker code:
Two things
You have to include angular-busy.js in the index.html
Your promise is called promise not myPromise
Working example :

angular js getting data from laravel and print it

Hi I'am trying a simple example of using a controller and a factory to get some data back to the view but for some reason I can't print it.
I managed to get the ajax call to work.
If I type the
$scope.sampleStyles = [{ sample: 'text here', text : 'dasdas'}
and don't use the ajax call it works
UPDATE: if I add an alert before assigning to my scope it works (ajax has time to do his thing)
anyone know how to overcome that?
var packageApp = angular.module("packageApp", []);
packageApp.controller("MyController", function($scope, myFactory){
$scope.sampleStyles = [];
function init(){
$scope.sampleStyles = myFactory.getSampleStyles();
packageApp.factory('myFactory', function($http, $log){
var factory = {};
var sampleStyles = [];
var tempData = {};
factory.update = function(){
type: 'POST',
url: '/account/fetch-sample-styles',
data: {
source: 'ajax'
success: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest){
tempData = data;
sampleStyles = tempData;
factory.getSampleStyles = function(){
return sampleStyles;
return factory;
Are you using the AngularJs $http service? If so it will return a promise which you then operate on. Here is more on promises from the AngularJs docs.
My guess is, you are using an ajax.get(...) with a success callback defined inside. The problem is probably due to the success callback not belonging to the "AngularJs world."
To fix this, you need to tell AngularJs that its scope has changed. Use the $[Root]scope.$apply() function, and have the scope injected into your service as a dependency.
Something like this inside the factory:
url: "/api/some/end/:point",
success: function(data) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.sampleStyles = data; // etc
I strongly recommend that you look into the $http service, it makes the above code much nicer, and is designed to play nice with the $scope.
$http.get("/api/end/point").then(function(response) {
// points at the page data sent back, assuming that your
// api endpoint sends back JSON of the likes of
// { status: "SUCCESS", styles: [...] }
$scope.sampleStyles =;
Now that you posted some code, it seems like the root of your issue is based on the fact that the ajax get is an async call. Why are you even messing with using a temporary variable? Why not the following?
factory.update = function(){
type: 'POST',
url: '/account/fetch-sample-styles',
data: {
source: 'ajax'
success: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest){
sampleStyles = data;
If you really wanted to make the $.ajax call blocking, you can set async: false in the $.ajax properties.
Fixed some broken links, sorry I am a SO newb :(

pyramid not work with angular $http post

$http({method: 'POST', url: 'http://localhost:5001/products', data: {token: $scope.product.token}}).success(
function () {
In the pyramid side, request.POST show that NOVars: Not a form request. Not an HTML form submission( Content-Type: application/json)
I am using cornice to provide my api(/products) and I thinks it is pyramid's problem.
Does anyone have a solution?
Angular sends the post body (data) as application/json while forms are normally sent as application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Pyramid parses the body and let you access it in request.POST when it's encoded as a normal form.
It is not be possible to represent every data encoded the Angular way (json) as a key/value pair like is provided by pyramid API.
Solution on Pyramid side
It can be solved per view or globally
Per view
This is the pyramid way and the most flexible way to handle this.
def myview(request):
data = request.json_body
# deal with data.
return {
"success" : True
Pyramid can most likely be set to assume a body encoded as application/json is an object and its properties be put in request.POST.
Solution on Angular side
As with the pyramid side, it can be solved per request and globally.
Per request
You need to send the data the way forms are normally sent:
method: 'POST',
url: url,
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
transformRequest: function(obj) {
var str = [];
for(var p in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
return str.join("&");
data: xsrf
}).success(function () {});
To send posts as form by default, configure the $httpProvider to do so.
angular.module('httpPostAsForm', [])
.config(['$httpProvider', function ($httpProvider) {
$["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
$httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest.unshift(function (obj) {
var str = [];
for(var p in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
return str.join("&");
Then include this module in your app:
angular.module("app", ["httpPostAsForm"]);
AngularJS $ is different from jquery's. The data you pass is not posted as a form but as json in the request body. So your pyramid view can not decode it as usual. You have to either:
directly access the request body and decode it in your pyramid view;
or modify your angularjs code to post your data as form content : see this other question in stackoverflow
the answer is angular $post do OPTIONS request first and then do the POST request, get data form the request.json_body
Use req.json_body if you post some json-decoded content. req.GET, req.POST, req.params only cope with from submissions. Btw, $http -> ngResource -> restangular ...
Try setting contenttype in $http, something like below.
url: url,
contentType: "application/json",
data: data,
method: method
.success(function (response) {
}).error(function (data, status, headers, config) { errorcb(data); });
You can simply get the POST data this way:
query = json.loads(request.body)

How can set a script to run after all photos have loaded?

I have have spent hours trying all of the different methods given online but nothing works. I just simply want to load a script to run after all images have loaded. Is there something about Angular that won't allow me to do this? I'm using $routeProvider:
var photos = {
name: 'photos',
url: '/photos',
views: {
main: {
templateUrl: "views/photos/photos.html",
controller: function($scope,$http){
url: 'get/photos',
method: "POST"
.success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
$ = data;
// this doesn't work
$(window).load(function() {
.error(function (data, status, headers, config) { $scope.status = status; });
By the way, I'm not getting any errors in the console.
It seems to me that the http POST call retrieves the photos. And I am suppose that myScript is a function. So why not try this:
var photos = {
name: 'photos',
url: '/photos',
views: {
main: {
templateUrl: "views/photos/photos.html",
controller: function($scope,$http){
url: 'get/photos',
method: "POST"
.success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
$ = data;
.error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.status = status;
since the myScript function only runs after the POST succeeds. I am supposing that the data refers to the actual image data.
I don't know if I really understood what type of data you are trying to get, but I think you could try with promises
$http in Angular already return a promise wrapped in .success or .error, but you can also use the .then() callback like with every other promise
So if the problem is to wait for the success() callback to be finished you could do something this way, replacing it by several then() :
//function which will wait for the data to be downloaded
//here you can alter data, check some values etc...
//the script for what you want after
I made a little fiddle to explain :
It simulates a long response time with $timeout, so you have to wait 3 secondes to see your modified data, which remains in its initial state until you call the myScript() function
AFAIK, Angular does not provide a way to inform us when images have finished loading.
You will need to write your own directive for this. The directive would wrap the necessary JavaScript/jQuery code that would detect the finished loading condition for one or more images.
jQuery callback on image load (even when the image is cached) and might help.
