Producer, consumer POSIX - c

I am trying to write simple producer consumer app using C POSIX semaphores.
int memoryID;
struct wrapper *memory;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
key_t sharedMemoryKey = ftok(".",MEMORY_KEY);
memoryID=shmget(sharedMemoryKey,sizeof(struct wrapper),0);
perror("shmget(): ");
memory = shmat(memoryID,NULL,0);
if(memory== (void*)-1)
int r = rand();
int n;
printf("Removed item: %d",(memory->array)[n]);
int memoryID;
struct wrapper *memory;
int rc;
void atexit_function() {
rc = shmctl(memoryID, IPC_RMID, NULL);
rc = shmdt(memory);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
//creating key for shared memory
key_t sharedMemoryKey = ftok(".", MEMORY_KEY);
if (sharedMemoryKey == -1) {
memoryID = shmget(sharedMemoryKey, sizeof(struct wrapper), IPC_CREAT | 0600);
if (memoryID == -1) {
memory = shmat(memoryID, NULL, 0);
if (memory == (void *) -1) {
memset(&memory->array, 0, sizeof(memory->array));
sem_init(&memory->mutex, 1, 1);
sem_init(&memory->empty, 1, SIZE_OF_ARRAY);
sem_init(&memory->full, 1, 0);
if (memoryID == -1) {
perror("shmget(): ");
int r = rand();
int n;
printf("Adding task\t Value:%d\tNumber of tasks waiting:%d \n",r,n);
#define MEMORY_KEY 5
#define SIZE_OF_ARRAY 10
struct wrapper
int array[SIZE_OF_ARRAY];
sem_t empty;
sem_t mutex;
sem_t full;
What is happening:
Producer is starting successfully
Producer is successfully adding elements to table and printing them out Quickly after starting producer,
I am starting consumer Consumer does not take element from
array even once
Producer fills up the array and is waiting
I do not really see where is the problem. I suspect that the problem is the implementation not the algorithm cause the algorithm is taken from wikipedia Link

Your consumer works fine. It's just not flushing to stdout. Do as nos suggested by putting a \n at the end of your consumer printf call. You can also see it working by just waiting longer. Your producer will start producing again after the consumer has executed a few iterations.


Run mutex, but fails to create multiple threads

I am trying to simulate a server/client socket communication, and using threads for each client and then use mutex to lock and unlock those clients.
Mutex is working fine, even if I open another terminal and run the client script, it gets blocked till server unlocks it, but for some bad coding reason, this second client gets the same ID from the first client.
So, I want to create a new thread every time I run a new client. But I think that this "fork" is being the problem, for some reason...
int counter = 0;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
void* operacoes (void*);
pthread_mutex_t mutexA = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_t thread_id [10];
int var;
int jo = 0;
int t = 0;
int main()
int sock_fd, sock_len, sock_novo, sock_novo_len,num;
struct sockaddr_un sock_ser, sock_cli;
char msg[100];
sock_fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM,0);
bzero((char*)&sock_ser, sizeof(sock_ser));
sock_ser.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
sock_len = strlen(sock_ser.sun_path) +sizeof(sock_ser.sun_family);
if(bind(sock_fd,(struct sockaddr*)&sock_ser,sock_len)<0)
sock_novo_len = sizeof(sock_cli);
sock_novo = accept(sock_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&sock_cli,&sock_novo_len);
if(fork() == 0)
num = atoi(msg);
for (i = jo; i<counter; i++)
pthread_create (&thread_id[i], NULL, operacoes, (void *)num);
for (j = t; j<counter; j++)
pthread_join(thread_id[j], NULL);;
return 0;
void* operacoes (void *arg)
if(arg == 1)
int id = pthread_self();
printf("Thread nummber: %d \n", id);
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutexA);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutexA);
return 0;
On client side, I only send a single variable 'msg'.
How could I solve it? I tried to use those two variables 'jo' and 't', but every new client I create, it reads the whole code, and it gets back to 0 so I cant get next phthread_create's vector position.
Assuming I understand correctly what you want to achieve:
Create a unix domain socket and listen for incoming connections
Treat each connection in parallel
Have one global mutex being locked/unlocked during treatment of the connections
try this:
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
pthread_mutex_t mutexA = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
struct oarg_t {
int con_socket;
void* operacoes (void *arg)
struct oarg_t* oarg = arg;
int id = pthread_self();
printf("Thread number: %d \n", id);
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutexA);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutexA);
return 0;
int main()
const char* domain_name = "socket_unix.teste";
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int sock_fd;
sock_fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM,0);
if(sock_fd<0) goto error;
struct sockaddr_un sock_ser = {
.sun_family = AF_UNIX,
strncpy(sock_ser.sun_path, domain_name, sizeof(sock_ser.sun_path));
if(0 != bind(sock_fd, (struct sockaddr*) &sock_ser, sizeof(sock_ser)))
goto error;
size_t counter = 0;
while(1) {
struct sockaddr_un sock_cli = {0};
int sock_len = sizeof(sock_cli);
int sock_novo =
accept(sock_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&sock_cli, &sock_len);
if(0 > sock_novo) {
printf("Error accepting:% s\n", strerror(errno));
printf("Connection no %zu\n", counter++);
struct oarg_t* oarg = calloc(1, sizeof(struct oarg_t));
oarg->con_socket = sock_novo;
pthread_t id = 0;
pthread_create (&id, NULL, operacoes, oarg);
printf("ERROR: %s\n", strerror(errno));

putting an array of structs into shared memory in unix so that it can be accessed by a client program

So i'm currently trying to code in unix using shared memory and the fork() function, I have an array of 10 structs and I would like to put that array into shared memory so that it can be accessed by a client program. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction on how to do this.
the code I currently have is:
// Compiler Directives
// Standard Library Inclusions
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
//Other Inclusions
struct strProcess
int nPriority;
int nPid;
// Function Prototypes (if not included within a header file)
int frand (int nInput);
int finval (int nInput);
void fsortasc(struct strProcess pArray[],int nInput);
// Main
int main(void)
// Variable Declarations
int nShmid,i,arraySize,nRpriority,j, nInput;
key_t nKey;
char *ptrshm, *ptrs;
int nSize;
pid_t pid;
struct strProcess pArray[10];
struct strProcess *Array;
Array = pArray;
// Code start
nKey = 5678;
FILE *f = fopen("logfile.txt", "w");
if (f == NULL)
printf("Error opening file!\n");
printf("please enter the amount of processes to create for this cycle between 1 and 10 \n");
if (nInput <= 0 || nInput > 10)
nInput = finval(nInput);
printf("%d", nInput);
nSize = sizeof(pArray) * 10;
//create segment
if ((nShmid = shmget(nKey,nSize, IPC_CREAT | 0666)) <0)
printf("segment created \n\n");
fprintf(f, "shared memory segment created");
Array *pArray = shmat(shmid,NULL, 0);
if (Array* pArray (-1))
printf("segment attached \n\n");
fprintf(f, "shared memory segment attached");
for(i = 0 ; i < nInput; i++)
if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
if (pid == 0)
Array[i].nPid = getpid();
nRpriority = frand(nInput);
Array[i].nPriority = nRpriority;
printf("print job created with Pid %d and priority number %d",
getpid(), nRpriority);
fprintf(f, "print job created with Pid %d and priority number %d",
getpid(), nRpriority);
fprintf(f, " %d processes have been created", nInput);
fsortasc(pArray, nInput); /*sort array into ascending order by nRpriority values*/
// Function Definitions - in alphabetical order
int finval (int nInput)
while(nInput <= 0 || nInput > 10)
printf("please enter a number between 1 and 10 \n");
scanf("%d", &nInput);
return nInput;
int frand (int nInput)
int nRand;
nRand = (rand() % nInput)+1; /*set nRand == a random number
inbetween nInput and 1*/
return nRand; /*return the random number*/
void fsortasc(struct strProcess pArray[],int nInput)
struct strProcess temp; /*temporary storage for elements being swapped*/
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < nInput - 1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < (nInput - 1-i); j++)
if (pArray[j].nPriority > pArray[j + 1].nPriority) /*if the current element is greater than the next element*/
temp = pArray[j];
pArray[j] = pArray[j + 1];
pArray[j + 1] = temp;
I have an array of 10 structs and I would like to put that array into shared memory ? It's very simple, first create array 10 struct variable and then create the shared memory using shmget of required size and then attach that shared memory with pointer and finally copy array of 10 structs into pointer attached with shmat. I added below simple code to understand your requirement.
typedef struct company {
int emp_id;
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
cmp cmp_info[10];
int shm_id, sze = sizeof(cmp_info) ,i;
/* I have an array of 10 structs -- with some data like emp_id*/
for(i=0 ;i<10 ;i++) {
printf("\n enter emp % Id \n",i);
/* create the shared memory of 'sze' size. */
shm_id = shmget(10,sze, IPC_CREAT | 0664);
/* attach the shared memory with shm_id */
cmp *shm_ptr = shmat(shm_id, NULL, 0);
/* I have an array of 10 structs and I would like to put that array into shared memory */
shm_ptr = cmp_info;//now shared memory contains array of 10 struct data
/** print using shm_ptr to verify **/
for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
printf("Employee[%d] Id is : [%d]\n",i,shm_ptr[i].emp_id);
/* once above things are done clients program can read from shared memory */
/** finaly de-atach the shared memory */
Below snapshot is for your code, Explanation is in comments.
struct strProcess {
int nPriority;
int nPid;
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
// Variable Declarations
int nShmid,i,arraySize,nRpriority,j, nInput;
key_t nKey;
char *ptrshm, *ptrs;
int nSize;
struct strProcess pArray[10];//array of 10 structure
struct strProcess *Array;
//Array = pArray;
nKey = 5678;
FILE *f = fopen("logfile.txt", "w");
if(f == NULL) {
printf("Error opening file!\n");
nSize = sizeof(pArray);
//create segment
if((nShmid = shmget(nKey,nSize, IPC_CREAT | 0666)) < 0) {
else {
fprintf(f, "\n shared memory segment created\n");
Array = shmat(nShmid, NULL, 0);
/** loop to create exaCtly 10 process */
nInput = 10; /** call finval function **/
for(i = 0 ; i < nInput; i++) {
if(fork() == 0) {
Array[i].nPid = getpid();
nRpriority = rand()%10 + 1;//putting random no b/w 1 to 10..u can call your function also
Array[i].nPriority = nRpriority;
fprintf(f, "\nprint job created with Pid [%d] and priority number [%d]\n",
Array[i].nPid, Array[i].nPriority);
break;//must to avoid repeating
else {
;//parent does nothing
//fprintf(f,"\n total [%d] processes have been created\n",nInput);
/* call fsortasc(pArray, nInput); */
I hope it helps.

how to create undefined number of threads and use WaitForMultipleObjects() in c on windows

PS: I am very new to threads.
I have a problem where i need to wait for connection requests(completely arbitrary number of times) from clients, accept a connection on a socket, create a worker thread after connection. The created thread then creates a char array, works on it and needs to pass it to the parent process.
I have been able to create the threads in a while loop like
while ((new_socket = accept(srv_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&client, &c)) != INVALID_SOCKET)
puts("\nConnection accepted");
_beginthreadex(0, 0, handle_client, &new_socket, 0, 0);
I have seen that pthread_join() can be used to pass data from thread to parent process(in unix). My question is, how can I integrate it into a loop in the main process.
I expect the following approach will result in a situation where no more than one connection can be established between client and server at a time,which is not desired.
while ((new_socket = accept(srv_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&client, &c)) != INVALID_SOCKET)
puts("\nConnection accepted");
_beginthreadex(0, 0, handle_client, &new_socket, 0, 0);
EDIT: I would be happy to know if what I want is impossible or if there are alternatives to pthread_join(). or its windows equivalent.
EDIT: I know that pthread_join() is for Unix and have read that WaitForMultipleObjects() is its equivalent for windows. In any case I still haven't been able to figure out a solution.
I have seen that pthread_join() can be used to pass data from thread to parent process.
That is not entirely correct. You can pass a pointer when you exit a thread, and collect that pointer using pthread_join. You have to implement all the logic yourself. The API does not know (or care) what the pointer is. Threads don't have parents and children, they are siblings.
Example for a creator and a reaper:
struct VarLengthArray {
size_t count;
MyElem data[1];
exiting thread:
// allocate the result
size_t count = ...;
VarLengthArray *retval = malloc(
sizeof(VarLengthArray) +
sizeof(MyElem) * (count > 0 ? count - 1 : 0)
// fill the result
retval->count = count;
for (size_t i = 0; i < retval->count; ++i) {
retval->data[i] = ...;
collecting thread:
// collect the result
void *retval_;
if (pthread_join(thread_one_id, &retval_) != 0) {
// handle error
VarLengthArray *retval = retval_;
// use the result
for (size_t i = 0; i < retval->count; ++i) {
printf("retval->[%u] = %s\n", (unsigned) i, retval->data[i].string_value);
// deallocate the result
A full example using a condition variable and multiple creators:
#include <limits.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
typedef struct Datum {
struct Datum *next;
char some_data[32];
} Datum;
typedef struct SharedData {
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t cond_empty;
unsigned seed;
Datum *head, *tail;
unsigned children_alive;
} SharedData;
static void *thread_logic(void *argv_);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
unsigned thread_count = 2;
if (argc > 1) {
if (sscanf(argv[1], " %u ", &thread_count) != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [thread_count]\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
// initialize shared data
SharedData shared_data;
pthread_mutex_init(&shared_data.mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&shared_data.cond_empty, NULL);
shared_data.seed = time(NULL);
shared_data.head = NULL;
shared_data.tail = NULL;
shared_data.children_alive = 0;
// start threads detached, so you don't have to call pthread_join
pthread_t *child_ids = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * thread_count);
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
// start the threads
for (unsigned i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) {
if (pthread_create(&child_ids[i], &attr, thread_logic, &shared_data) != 0) {
} else {
// loop until all threads are dead
while (shared_data.children_alive > 0) {
// a condition variable: wait until there is data you can read
while (shared_data.head == NULL) {
pthread_cond_wait(&shared_data.cond_empty, &shared_data.mutex);
// collect a first datum
Datum *datum = shared_data.head;
if (datum->next != NULL) {
shared_data.head = datum->next;
} else {
shared_data.head = shared_data.tail = NULL;
// handle the data (outside of the mutex lock)
printf("Got data: %s\n", datum->some_data);
return 0;
static void *thread_logic(void *shared_data_) {
SharedData *shared_data = shared_data_;
while (1) {
// create some data
useconds_t timeout = (
(((float) (unsigned) rand_r(&shared_data->seed)) / UINT_MAX) *
Datum *datum = malloc(sizeof(Datum));
datum->next = NULL;
if (timeout < 1000000 / 25) {
snprintf(datum->some_data, sizeof(datum->some_data), "I'm done\n");
} else {
datum->some_data, sizeof(datum->some_data),
"Sleeping for %uus\n", timeout
// append the datum
if (shared_data->head) {
shared_data->tail->next = datum;
} else {
shared_data->head = datum;
shared_data->tail = datum;
// most likely it takes some time to create the data
// do lengthly tasks outside of the mutex lock
if (timeout < 1000000 / 25) {
return NULL;
} else {

Copying Data from Shared memory segment causes seg fault in the client ( semaphores & shared memory)

I am trying to write a simple producer and consumer program( two unrelated processes). , with shared memory & semaphores. I use the semaphores empty & full as conditional variables, and I memcpy the data into the shared memory segment from the producer. And, I try to memcpy the data into a local variable in the consumer, but thats resulting in a seg fault. It is very strange, and I couldnt figure out whats happening. Here is the code.
Common part for the Producer & consumer ( semaphore & shared memorycreation) :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
struct a
int a;
int b;
void wait(int semid)
int err,nsops=1;
struct sembuf *sops = (struct sembuf *) malloc(sizeof(struct sembuf));
sops[0].sem_num = 0;
sops[0].sem_op = -1;
sops[0].sem_flg = 0;
err=semop(semid, sops, nsops);
if(err < 0)
printf(" unable to do the sop \n");
void signal(int semid)
int err,nsops=1;
struct sembuf *sops = (struct sembuf *) malloc(sizeof(struct sembuf));
sops[0].sem_num = 0;
sops[0].sem_op = 1;
sops[0].sem_flg = 0;
err=semop(semid, sops, nsops);
if(err < 0)
printf(" unable to do the sop \n");
int main()
int i, err;
int full,empty;
key_t full_key = 1234, empty_key = 5678;
int sem_flg = IPC_CREAT | 0666;
int nsems = 1;
int nsops = 2;
int shmid;
void *string;
void *s;
int shm_key = 9999;
struct a *a_str;
empty = semget(empty_key, nsems, sem_flg);
if(empty < 0)
printf(" failed to initialize the semaphore \n");
semctl(empty, 0, SETVAL, 1) ;
full = semget(full_key, nsems, sem_flg);
if(full < 0)
printf(" failed to initialize the semaphore \n");
semctl(full, 0, SETVAL, 0) ;
shmid = shmget(shm_key, 30, IPC_CREAT|0666);
if(shmid < 0)
printf(" unable to create shmem \n");
printf(" created shm \n");
string = shmat( shmid, NULL, 0);
if( string == (void * ) (-1))
printf(" unable to attach the string \n");
printf(" success with shmat \n");
s = string;
Producer : inputting the data
memcpy( string, (void *) a_str, sizeof(struct a));
printf(" wrote the string \n");
Consumer : copying the data, and displaying
printf(" after full \n");
memcpy((void *)a_str, (void *)s, sizeof(struct a));
printf(" copied the memory from string \n");
printf(" a %d b %d \n",((struct a *)a_str)->a, ((struct a *)a_str)->b);
memcpy(s, string, 7);
return 0;
Could anybody please let me know why its seg faulting?? I am just copying from a memory segment, with the address. what could possibly go wrong?
Could anybody please let me know why its seg faulting??
You did not initialize a_str, this could be fixed by
a_str = malloc(sizeof(*a_str));
The typical using-uninitialized-pointer, a.k.a. wild pointer, problem.
By the way, POSIX IPC API is better than System V IPC API. See
mq_overview (7) - overview of POSIX message queues
sem_overview (7) - overview of POSIX semaphores
shm_overview (7) - overview of POSIX shared memory

POSIX sem_wait() SIGABRT

I am working on a school project where we have to make a multithreaded web server. I am having a problem where when I call sem_wait on my semaphore (which should be initialized to 0 but already seems to be sem_post()ed to 1). I get a SIGABRT.
I am attaching my code below, and I put a comment on the line that is causing my problem. I've spent a few hours with the debugger with little luck.
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <vector>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <strings.h>
#define PORTNUM 7000
#define NUM_OF_THREADS 5
#define oops(msg) { perror(msg); exit(1);}
#define FCFS 0
#define SJF 1;
void bindAndListen();
void acceptConnection(int socket_file_descriptor);
void* dispatchJobs(void*);
void* replyToClient(void* pos);
//holds ids of worker threads
pthread_t threads[NUM_OF_THREADS];
//mutex variable for sleep_signal_cond
pthread_mutex_t sleep_signal_mutex[NUM_OF_THREADS];
//holds the condition variables to signal when the thread should be unblocked
pthread_cond_t sleep_signal_cond[NUM_OF_THREADS];
//mutex for accessing sleeping_thread_list
pthread_mutex_t sleeping_threads_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
//list of which threads are sleeping so they can be signaled and given a job
std::vector<bool> *sleeping_threads_list = new std::vector<bool>();
//number of threads ready for jobs
sem_t available_threads;
sem_t waiting_jobs;
//holds requests waiting to be given to one of the threads for execution
//request implemented as int[3] with int[0]== socket_descriptor int[1]== file_size int[2]== file_descriptor of requested file
//if file_size == 0 then HEAD request
std::vector<std::vector<int> >* jobs = new std::vector<std::vector<int> >();
pthread_mutex_t jobs_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
//holds id for thread responsible for removing jobs from ready queue and assigning them to worker thread
pthread_t dispatcher_thread;
//initializes semaphores
if(sem_init(&available_threads, 0, NUM_OF_THREADS) != 0){
oops("Error Initializing Semaphore");
if(sem_init(&waiting_jobs, 0, 0) !=0){
oops("Error Initializing Semaphore");
//initializes condition variables and guarding mutexes
for(int i=0; i<NUM_OF_THREADS; i++){
pthread_cond_init(&sleep_signal_cond[i], NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&sleep_signal_mutex[i], NULL);
if(pthread_create(&dispatcher_thread, NULL, dispatchJobs, (void*)NULL) !=0){
oops("Error Creating Distributer Thread");
for (int i=0; i<NUM_OF_THREADS; i++) {
for (int i=0; i<NUM_OF_THREADS; i++) {
//creates threads and stores ID in threads
if(pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, replyToClient, (void*)i) !=0){
oops("Error Creating Thread");
if(sem_init(&available_threads, 0, NUM_OF_THREADS) !=0){
oops("Error Initializing Semaphore");
if(sem_init(&waiting_jobs, 0, 0) !=0){ //this is the semaphore thats used in the sem_wait
oops("Error Initializing Semaphore");
//binds to socket and listens for connections
//being done by main thead
void bindAndListen(){
struct sockaddr_in saddr;
struct hostent *hp;
char hostname[256];
int sock_id, sock_fd;
gethostname(hostname, 256);
hp = gethostbyname(hostname);
bzero(&saddr, sizeof(saddr));
//errno = 0;
bcopy(hp->h_addr, &saddr.sin_addr, hp->h_length);
saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
saddr.sin_port = htons(PORTNUM);
saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
sock_id = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if(sock_id == -1){
if(bind(sock_id, (const sockaddr*)&saddr, sizeof(saddr)) ==0){
if(listen(sock_id, 5) ==-1){
//each time a new connection is accepted, get file info and push to ready queue
int addrlen = sizeof(saddr);
sock_fd = accept(sock_id, (sockaddr*)&saddr, (socklen_t*)&addrlen);
if (sock_fd > 0) {
}else {
oops("Error Accepting Connection");
oops("there was an error binding to socket");
}// end of bindAndListen()
//accepts connection and gets file info of requested file
//being done by main thread
void acceptConnection(int sock_fd){
printf("**Server: A new client connected!");
//only using loop so on error we can break out on error
//used to hold input from client
char* inputBuff = new char[BUFSIZ];
int slen = read(sock_fd, inputBuff, BUFSIZ);
//will sit on space between HEAD/GET and path
int pos1 = 0;
//will sit on space between path and HTTP version
int pos2 = 0;
//need duplicate ptr so we can manipulate one in the loop
char* buffPtr = inputBuff;
//parses client input breaks up query by spaces
for(int i=0; i<slen; i++){
if(*buffPtr == ' '){
if (pos1 == 0) {
pos1 = i;
}else {
pos2 = i;
if((pos1 - pos2) >=0){
std::string str = "Invalid Query";
write(sock_fd, str.c_str(), strlen(str.c_str()));
printf("slen length %d\n", slen);
std::string* method = new std::string(inputBuff, pos1);
printf("method length %lu\n",method->length());
//increment the ptr for buff to the starting pos of the path
inputBuff += ++pos1;
printf("pos2 - pos1 %d\n", (pos2 - pos1));
printf("pos1 = %d pos2 = %d\n", pos1, pos2);
std::string* path = new std::string(inputBuff, (pos2 - pos1));
printf("path length %lu\n", path->length());
printf("part1 %s\n", method->c_str());
printf("part2 %s\n", path->c_str());
//opens file requested by client
int fd = open(path->c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if(fd < 0){
std::string* error = new std::string("Error Opening File");
*error += *path + std::string(strerror(errno), strlen(strerror(errno)));
write(sock_fd, error->c_str(), strlen(error->c_str()));
int file_size;
if(method->compare("GET") == 0){
//gets file info and puts the resulting struct in file_info
struct stat file_info;
if(fstat(fd, &file_info) !=0){
oops("Error getting file info");
file_size = file_info.st_size;
}else if(method->compare("HEAD")){
file_size = 0;
write(sock_fd, "Invalid Query", strlen("Invalid Query"));
//job to be pushed to ready queue
std::vector<int> job;
//check mutex guarding the ready queue
//push job to back of ready queue
//unlock mutex guarding the ready queue
//increment number of jobs in ready queue
} //end of while(true)
// we only end up here if there was an error
}// end of acceptConnection()
//routine run by dispather thread
void *dispatchJobs(void*){
//wait for a thread to be available to execute a job
//wait for a job to be waiting in the ready queue
sem_wait(&waiting_jobs); //this is the line thats crashing
//aquire lock to check which threads are waiting
//go through list of threads to see which is waiting
for(int i=0; i<sleeping_threads_list->size(); i++){
//unlocks lock for access to list of waiting threads
//allows us access to the list of condition variables to signal the thread to resume execution
}//end of while(true)
}//end of dispatchJobs()
//sends file or metadata to client
//run by worker thread
//pos is position of condition variable that it waits to be signaled in the sleep_signal_cond[] array
void* replyToClient(void* pos){
int position = (long)pos;
//waits for dispather thread to signal it
pthread_cond_wait(&sleep_signal_cond[position], &sleep_signal_mutex[position]);
//lock mutex to get job to be executed
std::vector<int> job = jobs->front();
//removes job from front of vector
//releases mutex
//socket file descriptor, used for writing to socket
int sock_fd =job[0];
int file_size = job[1];
//file descriptor for requested job
int fd = job[2];
//holds output to be written to socket
char* outputBuffer = new char[BUFSIZ];
//GET request, send file
if(file_size !=0){
int readResult = 0;
while ((readResult = read(fd, outputBuffer, BUFSIZ)) > 0) {
if(write(sock_fd, outputBuffer, readResult) != readResult){
printf("We may have a write error");
if(readResult < 0){
oops("Error Reading File");
if(readResult == 0){
printf("finished sending file");
}else{ // HEAD request
//increment number of available threads
}// end of replyToClient()
Check again the whole logic of the code - it is possible to reach here:
std::vector<int> job = jobs->front();
//removes job from front of vector
//releases mutex
with jobs->size () == 0, in which case front() and erase() invoke undefined behavior, which may well result in the effects you observe.
Check whether your program still crashes after the following change:
//lock mutex to get job to be executed
if (jobs->size () == 0)
pthread_mutex_unlock (&jobs_mutex);
std::vector<int> job = jobs->front();
//removes job from front of vector
//releases mutex
I haven't used POSIX semaphores, but I believe this is what is happening. I'm only familiar with Linux kernel semaphores, and you don't mention your system. The init function's 3rd parameter probably sets the count variable. You set it to 0 (= busy but no other processes waiting). The wait function probably invokes down(), which begins by decreasing the count variable by 1: to -1, which means the semaphore you mean to use is locked now. There is nothing in your program to ever unlock it I believe (from browsing your code - it's pretty long), so you are in trouble. Try setting it to 1 in init. This might be all that is needed.
