CakePHP function isAuthorized - cakephp-2.0

I am following instructions directly from Cakebook to hide certain things from a common user on my administrative system. Thus it would be possible only the administrator to access all pages. However, I am unable to run any user who accesses can see all. The following code:
public function beforeFilter(){
$this->Auth->authenticate = array('Form' => array(
'userModel' => 'Usuario',
'fields' => array(
'username' => 'login',
'password' => 'senha')));
$this->Auth->loginAction = array(
'controller' => 'usuarios',
'action' => 'login');
public function isAuthorized($user) {
if (isset($user['role']) && $user['role'] === 'admin') {
return true;
return false;

I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but I'll give it a try.
I have cleaned your code, made some indents and more readable (for me at least). I also removed parent::beforeFilter();. AppController.php:
public function beforeFilter(){
// You don't need this line: parent::beforeFilter();
$this->Auth->authenticate = array('Form' => array(
'userModel' => 'Usuario',
'fields' => array(
'username' => 'login',
'password' => 'senha'
$this->Auth->loginAction = array(
'controller' => 'usuarios',
'action' => 'login'
public function isAuthorized($user) {
if (isset($user['role']) && $user['role'] === 'admin') {
return true;
return false;
Now only users with the admin role can access your pages. If you want any user to have access to post comments, this is an example of how to let him. CommentsController.php:
public function isAuthorized($user) {
// All registered users can add comment
if ($this->action === 'add') {
return true;
return parent::isAuthorized($user);
Now admins can view every single page, but a registered user can only see app/comments/add


Cakephp 2.6 : Role wise isAuthorized not working

I have several method in UsersController, I am trying to give role wise access.
user_types == 1 (user can access all methods)
user_types == 2 (user can't access admin_list method.
user_types == 3 (user can access only forget_password method)
In controller I have tried below code
public $components = array('Session','RequestHandler','Auth'=>array(
'loginRedirect' => array('controller' => 'users','action' => 'dashboard'),
'logoutRedirect' => array('controller' => 'users','action' => 'login'),
'authError'=>'You can not access this page!!',
'authenticate' => array(
'Form' => array(
'fields' => array(
'username' => 'email', //Default is 'username' in the userModel
'password' => 'password' //Default is 'password' in the userModel
'authorize' => array('Controller')
public function isAuthorized($user) {
return true;
In before filter I have allowed
Now in UserController I have tried below code
public function isAuthorized($user) {
// Admin can access every action
if (isset($user['usertype_id']) && $user['usertype_id'] == 1) {
return true;
else if(isset($user['usertype_id']) && $user['usertype_id'] == 2)
return parent::isAuthorized($user);
Problem is it's always returning true. If I login with user_type = 3 , I can access all methods.
Auth::allow() and Auth::deny() are meant to define which actions are allowed to be accessed by non logged-in users (authentication), and are not to be used for authorization.
For this purpose, you have to define isAuthorized() in your controller, as you have done. However, this method is expected to return true (logged in user/group is authorized to access action) or false (authorization is denied).
Your UsersController::isAuthorized() method should be rewritten as:
public function isAuthorized($user) {
if (!isset($user['usertype_id'])) {
return false;
if($user['usertype_id'] == 2 && $this->action=='admin_list') {
return false;
if($user['usertype_id'] == 3) && $this->action!='forget_password'){
return false;
return true;
See the Cookbook for more on ControllerAuthorize.

CakePHP 2.x: Why is my /admin/user/login stuck in a redirect loop?

I have created a little project with an admin section. I am using admin routes to redirect to admin actions in my controllers. The website has pages that are available to everyone with no login required. To access the /admin or /admin/users, etc... You must login.
I have spread my admin actions across my controllers like "admin_login", "admin_users", ...
So my question is, when someone goes to /admin/users or some other adminpage, I have to check in each controller action if the user is in the session and otherwise redirect to thelogin form.
Is there a way to do this in one place? I used a beforefilter in my AppController class.
When using something like this, I get an infinite loop:
class AppController extends Controller {
public $helpers = array('Paginator','Acl.AclHtml');
public $components = array('Acl', 'Session',
'Auth' => array(
'authError' => 'You are not authorized to access that location.',
'authorize' => array(
'Actions' => array(
'actionPath' => 'controllers')
'controllers' => array('users')
public function beforeFilter() {
if(isset($this->request->prefix) && ($this->request->prefix == 'admin')){
$username = $this->Session->read('Admin.username');
if (empty($username)) {
$this->redirect (array(
} else {
$this->redirect (array(
$server_ip = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
$ldapIp = ClassRegistry::init('LdapIp');
$ldapIpCount = $ldapIp->find('count', array('conditions' => array('ldap_ip' => $server_ip)));
if ($ldapIpCount >= 1) {
$this->Auth->authenticate = array('Ldap');
} else {
$this->Auth->authenticate = array('Form');
$this->Auth->authenticate = array('Form');
if (!$this->Auth->isAllow($this)) {
'message' => array(
'text' => __('un aunthaticated request'),
'type' => 'error',
'status' => "401"
'_serialize' => array('message')
throw new ForbiddenException();
The front login with LDAP (Active directory).
App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
App::uses('Sanitize', 'Utility');
class UsersController extends AppController {
public $components = array('Paginator', 'Session', 'RequestHandler', 'Auth', 'Acl');
public function admin_login() {
$this->layout = 'admin_login';
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$username = $this->request->data['User']['username'];
$password = $this->request->data['User']['password'];
$password = Security::hash($password, null, true);
$logged_in = $this->User->find('count', array('conditions' => array('User.username' => $username, 'User.password' => $password, 'User.role' => 'Admin', '' => 1)));
if ($logged_in >= 1) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Login successful!'), 'default', array('class' => 'alert alert-success'));
$users = $this->User->find('first', array('conditions' => array('User.username' => $username, 'User.password' => $password, 'User.role' => 'Admin', '' => 1)));
$this->Session->write('', $users['User']['id']);
$this->Session->write('Admin.username', $users['User']['username']);
$this->Session->write('Admin.group_id', $users['User']['group_id']);
$this->Session->write('Admin.full_name', $users['UserProfile']['fname'] . " " . $users['UserProfile']['lname']);
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'admin', 'action' => 'dashboard', 'admin' => true));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Username or password is incorrect!'), 'default', array('class' => 'alert alert-error'));
public function admin_logout() {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Logged out successful!'), 'default', array('class' => 'alert alert-success'));
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login', 'admin' => true));
Yoy are getting an infinite loop because beforeFilter() will be called when you attempt to access /admin/users/login.
The proper way of dealing with your needs is setting up the Auth Component.
Once you've set up component, in UsersController::beforeFilter() you have to allow access to those actions that don't require login by means of the allow() method. E.g.
public function beforeFilter() {
This is also applicable to any other controller with actions that need to be accessed by non logged in users.
The loginAction you define in the Auth component configuration will be automatically allowed access.
In the blog tutorial you will find a good example of the Auth component usage.
As mentioned, AppController::beforeFilter() is always called, even when you try to access /admin/users/login. To prevent this from happening, try adding the following condition:
if (empty($username) && $this->action!='login') {
$this->redirect (array(
You wouldn't need this if you allowed AuthComponent to take care of authentication for you.
Still, there's no guarantee that your code will work as expected. You are making your life difficult by not using AuthComponent to its fullest. I recommend that you research on the topic:
Creating Custom Authorize objects in the Cookbook 2.x
LdapAuth in cakephp 2.0 in Stack Overflow

Restricting and redirecting other user from admin in cakePHP

I'm getting issue after logging in the site. There are two kinds of users i.e. 'admin','employer'. When I've logged in by employer, I can access the restricted area of Admin. Below is the AppController of the site..
class AppController extends Controller {
public $helpers = array('Form', 'Html', 'Js', 'Time', 'Auth');
// Change template extension to .php instead of .ctp
var $ext = '.php';
public $components = array(
'Auth' => array(
'loginAction' => array(
'controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'login'
'loginRedirect' => array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'index'),
'logoutRedirect' => array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login'),
'authenticate' => array('Form' => array('fields' => array('username' => 'email'))),
'authorize' => array('Controller')
public function isAuthorized($user) {
// Admin can access every action
if (isset($user['type']) && $user['type'] === 'admin') {
return true;
// Default deny
return false;
public function beforeFilter() {
$this->Auth->allow(array('view', 'index','assessment','question'));
Now here is the controller which has methods for admin.
class TopicsController extends AppController {
public $scaffold = 'admin';
public function beforeFilter() {
$this->Auth->allow(array('view', 'index','moveup'));
} else {
$this->Auth->deny(array('view', 'index','moveup'));
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'employer' , 'action' => 'index'));
public function isAuthorized($user) {
return true;
public function index() {
$this->set('topics', $this->Topic->children());
If admin URL is , Employer is redirected to which is not right URL to be redirected.
Also want to know about public $scaffold = 'admin'; as It's little unclear to me.
Please help me..
Ok.. Found one way to redirect, which made my issue solved for a now.. Still looking for proper answer if anybody has..
I changed code from
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'employer' , 'action' => 'index'));
EDIT: Thanks Alex, I've used
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'employer' , 'action' => 'index', 'admin'=>false));
and it's working too..

Better approach to do this for security and code management purpose

I am working on a Cakephp 2.3 on a very big project and I'm about to launch my site worldwide.
I have a login system on my app. I am sharing my code because I want to make sure if I am coding right or not ... and also any check for any functions missing or if any advice of adding something or removing something in the code would be greatly appreciated. And also comment in security perspective too...
Do tell me some tips of making my website faster.. for example how to write faster queries or remove unwanted from this blabla
class UsersController extends AppController
public $components = array('Cookie');
public function beforeFilter()
App::uses('Utility', 'Utility');
$this->Security->requireSecure('login'); // for security
$this->Auth->authenticate = array(
'Authenticate.Cookie' => array(
'fields' => array(
'username' => 'email',
'password' => 'password'
'userModel' => 'User',
'scope' => array(
'' => 1
'Authenticate.MultiColumn' => array(
'fields' => array(
'username' => 'email',
'password' => 'password'
'columns' => array(
'userModel' => 'User'
public function index()
$this->layout = 'logindefault';
if (!$this->Auth->login() || !$this->Auth->loggedIn()) {
'controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'login'
} else {
'controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'dashboard'
public function login()
$this->layout = 'logindefault';
$this->set('title_for_layout', 'Account Login');
if ($this->Auth->login() || $this->Auth->loggedIn()) {
$lastLogin = $this->Auth->User('lastLogin');
if ($lastLogin != null) {
} else {
'controller' => 'Userinfo',
'action' => 'gettingstarted'
} else {
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$mobileNo = $this->request->data['User']['email'];
$mobileNo = Utility::addPlusToMobileNo($mobileNo);
$this->request->data['User']['email'] = $mobileNo;
if ($this->Auth->login() || $this->Auth->loggedIn()) {
if ($this->Session->check('Auth.User')) {
$lastLogin = $this->Auth->User('lastLogin');
if ($lastLogin != null) {
'controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'dashboard'
} else {
'controller' => 'Userinfo',
'action' => 'gettingstarted'
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash('Incorrect Email/Password Combination');
protected function _setCookie($id)
if (!$this->request->data('User.remember_me')) {
return false;
$data = array(
'username' => $this->request->data(''),
'password' => $this->request->data('User.password')
$this->Cookie->write('User', $data, true, '1 week');
return true;
public function logout()
Looks like you're already using the SecurityComponent if you want to secure your app use it everywhere. For AJAX forms white list only the fields you need, dont disable the component!
Put App::uses('Utility', 'Utility'); on top of the file
$mobileNo = Utility::addPlusToMobileNo($mobileNo); should happen in the model beforeSave()
If this is supposed to be used world wide I assume you want translations, this is missing the translation method call __() setFlash('Incorrect Email/Password Combination');
Most of the code CAN and should go into the model layer
Are there unit tests? If not add unit tests, specially test validation of data and false data input. You want ~85%+ Code Coverage for unit tests.
You're not following the CakePHP coding standards
There is no way to tell you more than this without being able to access the whole app code and doing a code review (I could do that). For queries, always just query the data you need, check the generated SQL queries, use DebugKit to check the query times to find slow querys and slowly rendering pages.

Checking user role on login using CakePHP?

I want to create an admin panel for my site, for this I've created admin.ctp. In DB table name user contain column role, where role=admin/regular(user).
There is only one login form, and the question is, Is it possible to place a 'check' that if user.role=admin then redirect to the admin/user/dashboard and if user.role=regular then layout=default? my AppController.php contains:
function beforeFilter(){
if ((isset($this->params['prefix']) && ($this->params['prefix'] == 'admin'))) {
$this->layout = 'admin';
And usersController.php
function beforeFilter(){
if($this->action=='add' || $this->action=='edit'){
function login(){
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
if ($this->Auth->login()) {
if($user['role'] === 'admin'){
$this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect('admin',array('controller' => 'user','action' => 'admin_dashboard')));
$this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect(array('controller' => 'posts','action' => 'index')));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash('Your username/password combination was incorrect.',
'plugin' => 'TwitterBootstrap',
'class' => 'alert-error'
$this->set('forget', 'Forgot Your Password');
$this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect(array('controller' => 'posts','action' => 'index')));
using cakephp 2.2.3.
thanks in advance!
This is how I would do it (remember to change field('name') accordingly with your group model).
if ($this->Auth->login())
this->User->Group->id = $this->Auth->user('group_id');
switch ($this->User->Group->field('name'))
case 'admin':
$this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect('admin',array('controller' => 'user','action' => 'admin_dashboard')));
case 'regular':
$this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect(array('controller' => 'posts','action' => 'index')));
In AppController set:
$this->Auth->authorize = array('Controller');
And then do the following
public function isAuthorized($user = null)
if (isset($this->request->params['admin']))
return false;
return true;
CakePHP actually already provides a useful Authentication and Authorization framework that's trivial to enable.
Here's how to authorize based on a role stored in the database, from the CakePHP manual. I also included an example beforeFilter() that changes the login redirect action if the user is an admin:
public $components = array(
'Auth' => array(
'authorize' => array('Controller'),
'loginRedirect' => array('/'),
public function beforeFilter() {
// This allows us to use $user in all controllers.
$this->set('user', $this->Auth->user());
// If the user is an admin, override the loginRedirect
if ('admin' === $this->Auth->user('role')) {
$this->Auth->loginRedirect = array(
'controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'admin_dashboard',
public function isAuthorized($user) {
// Ensure the user has a valid role. If not, deny access to all actions:
if ((!isset($user['role'])) || ('' === $user['role'])) return false;
// If we're trying to access the admin view, verify permission:
if ('admin_dashboard' === $this->action)
if ('admin' === $user['role']) return true; // User is admin, allow
return false; // User isn't admin, deny
return true;
There are many ways you can arrange the authorization, so adjust the if/else statements to best suit your needs. The isAuthorized() method is relatively simple, you just need to return true if you want to allow access, or false if you don't.
I actually want to post some code to perhaps shed light on this subject for myself as well.
I have achieved a simple dashboard for each user that extends the /Users/view - my next step is trying to get User-specific access to each set of data
class AppController extends Controller {
public $components = array(
'Auth' => array(
'authorize' => array(
'Actions' => array('actionPath' => 'controllers')
public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Session');
public function beforeFilter() {
//Configure AuthComponent
$this->Auth->loginAction = array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login');
$this->Auth->logoutRedirect = array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login');
$this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'dashboard');
public function dashboard() {
$id = $this->Auth->user('id');
$this->set('user', $this->User->read(null, $id));
$group_name = $this->User->Group->field('name', array('id' => $this->Auth->User('group_id')));
$this->redirect = array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'dashboard');
<?php public function dashboard() {
$id = $this->Auth->user('id');
$this->set('user', $this->User->read(null, $id));
$group_name = $this->User->Group->field(
'name', array('id' => $this->Auth->User('group_id'))
$this->redirect = array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'dashboard');
